3/17/2017 12:25:57 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
July 31st, 2013
Hawaii offers homeless one-way ticket to mainland
In a three-year program called “Return to Home,” Hawaii is offering one-way tickets to homeless people who are willing to head home to reunite with their families back in the continental U.S.
Such compassion there in Hawaii... If you're not American that is!
Don't be lazy...
you failed at deflection once again
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/17/2017 12:29:07 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Federal Judge Derrick Watson placed on the bench April 23, 2013.
Then, on July 31st, 2013, Hawaii offers homeless one-way ticket to mainland
In a three-year program called “Return to Home,” Hawaii is offering one-way tickets to homeless people who are willing to head home to reunite with their families back in the continental U.S.
Such compassion there in Hawaii... If you're not American that is!
Don't be lazy... Explain yourself fail guy...
3/17/2017 12:35:56 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
** crickets chirping **
3/17/2017 12:42:52 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
take a guess
use google, it will help you understand how that judge made his ruling
don't be lazy
lol @ cons
3/17/2017 12:44:18 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
In all fairness, this idea of flying the homeless out of your city isn't new... And Judge Derrick Watson's state isn't the first one to think it up...
It was first thought up and implemented by Michael Bloomberg (D) NY.
Such compassion them Democrats have.... Where was the meals on wheels back in 2013?
3/17/2017 12:46:29 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Chamonix Mont Blanc
58, joined Jan. 2017
I pity the poor kids you taught "logic", if you don't even know what an ad hominem fallacy is.
The more I listen to American social conservatives, the more I realize just how true it is that the US education system has been failing students for at least half a century.
Well by now it's clearly evident that you have some crazy compulsion to publicly embarrass yourself.
Firstly, the "poor kids" I taught all had Bachelor degrees.
Secondly, one of us knows what an ad hominem is and it ain't you.
Thirdly, your last sentence ASSumes that I am American. Wrong again. 
3/17/2017 12:46:50 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Then why have at least ten other states enjoined Hawaii's case???Trump and his team need to study the CONSTITUTION and U.S.LAW!!!
appears that they are making up their own laws and constitution!! trump is like spitting and laughing at the oval office but all his shortcomings will come back n bite him in the end!
3/17/2017 12:48:02 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
I agree! 
so do i
3/17/2017 12:48:31 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Hey, I got a GREAT IDEA!
We can send all the Muslim refugees to Hawaii! And then we can change the name Hawaii to "Christmas Island", just like Australia does with their Muslim refugees!

3/17/2017 12:51:26 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Trump says he is taking this one to the Supreme Court!
But, with all the negative things Trump has said about the Judicial Branch and their Appellate court judges over the last year, he won't find any friends on the Supreme Court.
Trump should have just kept his mouth shut about them.
And, guess what? They all know the Constitution and the law better than Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and Steven Miller!
C.E.O trump and prez bannon.. it sounds more like a bannon america.. no regulations, no laws, checks n balances of government and no accountability or consequences
[Edited 3/17/2017 12:52:34 AM ]
3/17/2017 1:09:09 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Sounds more like the past 8 years under Obama to me...
3/17/2017 1:34:47 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Looks to me like scoobs78 is a "projector". A projectionist.
Faceless, invisible profiles, tend to do a lot of that. 
[Edited 3/17/2017 1:35:59 AM ]
3/17/2017 6:09:28 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I would like to know what the economic impact of lessor travel from people in those 6 countries on list going through extra vetting procedures will have on Hawaii's economy. I don't think Hawaii can actually show harm which makes their case moot.
Well, someone had to make a thread about this 1000 lb jacka$$ in the room...
Judge Derrick Watson, an Obama appointee, has put the brakes on President Trumps immigration hold.
What say you?
Hawaii has a population of around 1.3 million with only 0.05% that affiliates with Islam. Not a very large Muslim population. In 2015 Hawaii only took in 7 refugees and in 2016 it was zero.
Tourism is Hawaii's main source of income next it's agriculture. I don't see Hawaii as being a Mecca for Muslims. America, Japan and Canada make up the largest percentages of tourists.
3/17/2017 6:22:59 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Quote from lobo_corazon:
I pity the poor kids you taught "logic", if you don't even know what an ad hominem fallacy is.
The more I listen to American social conservatives, the more I realize just how true it is that the US education system has been failing students for at least half a century.
At least you realize that the Federal Government has been in control of our education system the last 30 years thanks to Jimmy Carter and now, will be given back to the individual states to manage. Government proves once against that they would fk up a wet dream.
3/17/2017 7:02:02 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Fort Campbell, KY
37, joined Aug. 2013
Hey, I got a GREAT IDEA!
We can send all the Muslim refugees to Hawaii! And then we can change the name Hawaii to "Christmas Island", just like Australia does with their Muslim refugees!
3/17/2017 7:40:45 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Judge that blocked Trump's EO attended a grade school that only allows kids of Hawaiian descent.
3/17/2017 9:08:23 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
Well by now it's clearly evident that you have some crazy compulsion to publicly embarrass yourself.
Firstly, the "poor kids" I taught all had Bachelor degrees.
Secondly, one of us knows what an ad hominem is and it ain't you.
Thirdly, your last sentence ASSumes that I am American. Wrong again. 
You certainly sound like a social conservative American, and that's a bad thing. Your profile looks like one of countless fake duplicates certain kooky American soc.con. women around here jump between. But again, you fail at logic. I pointedly didn't say you were American.
Why don't you point out where you think I used an ad hominem fallacy towards you, and then I'll teach you why you're wrong?
I'll even help you out:
"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself."
The highlighting is a rather strong hint. 
3/17/2017 9:10:29 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
Guys, Lobo doesn't even know China is a part of Asia..
Go easy on him, he's Canadian and everything we have come to expect from socialism.
Please stop digging your hole deeper. I'm embarassed for you. 
3/17/2017 9:58:34 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Another chinese Judge, this one is named Chuang in Maryland is now doing the same thing.
Thinks he has the authority to order President Donald Trump to double the annual inflow of refugees up to 100,000 per year.
It's all co-ordinated to simply impede anything he does. Anything. Every Day. 24/7. This is the left's plan. For as long as they can.
3/17/2017 11:24:05 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Five 9th Circuit Judges Dish Out Ruthless Take Down to Anti-Trump Travel Ban Decision
by Robert Barnes | 8:56 am, March 16th, 2017
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In one of the most ruthless opinions issued of fellow panel judges, five judges from across the political spectrum in the Ninth Circuit went out of their way to issue an opinion about a dismissed appeal, to remind everybody just how embarrassingly bad the prior Ninth Circuit stay panel decision was on Trump’s travel ban. The five judges included the famed, and most respected intellectual amongst the Ninth Circuit, Alex Kozinski. The others included Jay Bybee, Consuelo Callahan, Carlos Bea and Sandra Ikuta. Nobody other than the original panel came to the defense of the original panel decision, a less than promising start for future approvals of district court interference in Presidential immigration policy.
The language of the opinion was almost Scalian: the five Ninth Circuit judges noted their “obligation to correct” the “manifest” errors so bad that the “fundamental” errors “confound Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit precedent.” The district court questioned any judge issuing a “nationwide TRO” “without making findings of fact or conclusions of law” on the merits of the matter and conducting published opinions on seminal matters of national security based on “oral argument by phone involving four time zones.”
Aside from the procedural defects of the process, the five panel jurists then noted the deep legal problems with the panel’s order: its a-historicity, it’s abdication of precedent, and its usurpation of Constitutionally delegated Presidential rights. Mirroring much of the Boston judge’s decision, the five judges then detail and outline what other critics, skeptics and commentators have noted of the prior panel decision, including critical commentary from liberal law professors and scribes Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz, and Jeffrey Toobin. The original 3-judge panel “neglected or overlooked critical cases by the Supreme Court and by our making clear that when we are reviewing decisions about who may be admitted into the United States, we must defer to the judgment of the political branches.” Of particular note, the five panel judges note how the 3-judge panel decision in “compounding its omission” of Supreme Court decisions and relevant sister Circuit precedents, also “missed all of our own cases” on the subject. The 5 judges conclude the panel engaged in a “clear misstatement of law” so bad it compelled “vacating” an opinion usually mooted by a dismissed case.
The five judges note some of the absurdities in the original 3-judge panel decision: claiming a consular officer must be deferred to more than the President of the United States; claiming first amendment rights exist for foreigners when the Supreme Court twice ruled otherwise; the claim that people here could claim a constitutional right for someone else to travel here, a decision specifically rejected by the Supreme Court just a year ago; and analogous Trumpian kind of immigration exclusion was uniformly approved by Circuit courts across the country in decisions issued between 2003 and 2008. As the five panelists conclude, the overwhelming precedent and legal history reveals a court simply cannot “apply ordinary constitutional standards to immigration policy.”
The five judges don’t quit there, though. They go on to identify other “obvious” errors. As the 5 judges note, the 3-judge panel hid from the most important statute, noting the 3-judge panel “regrettably” “never once mentioned” the most important statutory authority: section 1182(f) of title 8. Additionally, the 3-judge panel failed to even note the important Presidential power over immigration that all courts, Congress, and the Constitution expressly and explicitly gave him in all of its prior precedents.
Unsatisfied with that harsh condemnation, the five judges go even further. The judges concur with the Boston judge’s understanding of “rational basis” review, and condemn the Seattle judge’s and the 3-judge panel’s misapplication and elemental misunderstanding of what “rational basis” is. As the 5 judges note, “so long as there is one facially legitimate and bona fide reason for the President’s actions, our inquiry is at an end.” The issue is whether a reason is given, not whether a judge likes or agree with that reason. That means the executive order sufficed, and no further consideration of the reasons for Trump’s order were allowed.
The five judges still weren’t finished. Next up, the ludicrous suggestion the President had to produce classified and national security information to explain and explicate publicly all the empirical reasons he felt the order needed for safety rationales. As the five judges panel note, judges are not New York Times editors here to substitute for the President at their unelected will. A gavel is not a gun; a judge is not the commander in chief. And, again the 5 panel judges noted the Supreme Court specifically condemned just this kind of demand from judges — demanding classified information to second guess executively privileged decisions. As the court concluded, “the President does not have to come forward with supporting documentation to explain the basis for the Executive Order.”
The panel wraps up its ruthless condemnation of its fellow 3-panel decision by noting their errors are “many and obvious,” including the failure to even “apply the proper standard” of review. As the five judges wisely note: “we are judges, not Platonic guardians,” and the great losers of the 3-panel decision are those that believe elections matter and the rule of law deserves respect, as both were sacrificed for results-oriented judges who ignored the law and evaded the historical precedent to try to reverse the policy outcome of the recent election.
Robert Barnes is a California-based trial attorney whose practice focuses on Constitutional, criminal and civil rights law. You can follow him at @Barnes_Law
3/17/2017 11:35:08 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014

stopping dumb people from making illegal laws! 

3/17/2017 11:49:35 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
online now!
When you have the two top liberal law professors saying the judge blatantly ignored all law and ruled on personal political agendas you know the judge is an Obama corrupt appointee.. There's calls for impeachment hearings for the judges for his intentional disreguard for the law.
3/17/2017 12:01:21 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
When you have the two top liberal law professors saying the judge blatantly ignored all law and ruled on personal political agendas you know the judge is an Obama corrupt appointee.. There's calls for impeachment hearings for the judges for his intentional disreguard for the law.
So now you agree with liberals? At least your transparent enough for people to know not to trust a word you say.
3/17/2017 5:35:26 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Liberals are incapable of being bi-partisan regardless the situation.
And what is the difference between a Pacific Islander and an Asian, outside of their location? They both look the same!
No wonder we have an Asian getting in on the action.
Prog, you still on that dope?
3/17/2017 6:06:35 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Liberals are incapable of being bi-partisan regardless the situation.
Same applies to republicans. That's why we the people always lose.
Prog, you still on that dope?
Dope is heroin. Anyone who calls pot dope is a moron or a cop. And I could smoke heroin all day long and still not be stupid enough to buy a C4 vette or apple products.
3/17/2017 6:14:50 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Ha-ha... motherfu@ker..
3/17/2017 6:17:35 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
What is your beef with the C4 anyway Prog?
3/17/2017 7:02:27 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
What is your beef with the C4 anyway Prog?
Lol. They're just awful. They don't look right, they aren't very fast, they came with those terrible hot wheels looking rims. It's the worst of all vets. The only cool thing was the digital dash, but the coolness fades once it stops working.
3/17/2017 7:40:02 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
That would be a 1st generation C4... I have the 2nd generation with 300+ HP and the revised dash that is much less problematic. I happen to like the buzz-saw rims and the C4 is more or less my generation of Corvette... Always loved the look, in fact I think it looks the best out of all the Corvettes. Wouldn't trade it for an older or a newer one.
Drove mine all the way to Miami and back! Not a single problem!
3/17/2017 7:54:16 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
That would be a 1st generation C4... I have the 2nd generation with 300+ HP and the revised dash that is much less problematic. I happen to like the buzz-saw rims and the C4 is more or less my generation of Corvette... Always loved the look, in fact I think it looks the best out of all the Corvettes. Wouldn't trade it for an older or a newer one.
Drove mine all the way to Miami and back! Not a single problem!
I'll keep my 2003 C5 Z06 Anniversary but wouldn't mind one in every generation And yes, C4 would be the next one I'd get. Been watching a red one.
3/17/2017 8:59:56 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
That would be a 1st generation C4... I have the 2nd generation with 300+ HP and the revised dash that is much less problematic. I happen to like the buzz-saw rims and the C4 is more or less my generation of Corvette... Always loved the look, in fact I think it looks the best out of all the Corvettes. Wouldn't trade it for an older or a newer one.
Drove mine all the way to Miami and back! Not a single problem!
There is no second generation C4, but I assume you mean you have a late model c4 with the LT1. In that case, I guess I can't bust your balls as much as I had hoped, but I do think you need glasses. The newest gen vettes are the best looking. They finally got rid of those awful round tail lights.
3/17/2017 9:01:27 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
The newer Corvette have much more HP than the C4's, unless you're talking about a ZR1... But who wants an American muscle car with a Lotus engine? ok..ok... I'd take one for the right price! LOL
Still, the C4 is the hardest of all Corvettes to get in and out of and probably the harshest ride too but I love that feeling. I paid quite a pretty penny for mine because it has very low milage and was in super condition. I could have purchased a C5 for what I paid for my C4 and I almost did but as fate had it, I got approved for financing on the C4. I have since paid it off.
My only concern is that even though it's garaged kept, my garage is not climate controlled. I try and open up the door on days the temps shift from very cold to warm to keep the condensation down, along with driving it if possible. If there has been salt on the roads I'll just crack the door and let it idle for a little bit. I also keep a tight fitting car cover on it to absorb any condensation along with a thick coat of wax. I lay down big sheets of cardboard under the car to act as a barrier too, and I change it out every few months but I still feel like I need to find a way to store it inside the house next year because it bothers me. I don't know why because I plan on enjoying the car and even put 6,000 miles on the darn thing already in less than a year! Not to mention I did drive it all the way to Miami and back in January... I hit snow and salt in Ohio on thru Michigan on my way back and I spent days getting that all off there, along with several coats of wax and silicone spray.
The newer C7 Corvettes are growing on me, especially the ones with 600+ horsepower but I'll have to wait until they come down a bit in price before I could afford one. I too would like one in every model, but I simply don't have the space to store them the way they should be.
Shawnee, right now is the time to buy a C4 because the prices are a little pudgy due to the year, but I have noticed they are creeping up in value, probably because the new ones almost cost $100k, so naturally a rising tide lifts all boats. I have seriously considered buying another C4 but not a convertible... One with a lot of miles that I could tinker with and let people borrow without any worry... If anything something to keep the miles off my convertible because I can't help but want to drive it whenever the weather is nice. I have had MANY different performance cars and I have to say my Corvette is hands down the most favorite car I have ever owned... While I tell others it was a compulsive buy, deep down I know I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat!
3/17/2017 9:10:06 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
There is no second generation C4, but I assume you mean you have a late model c4 with the LT1. In that case, I guess I can't bust your balls as much as I had hoped, but I do think you need glasses. The newest gen vettes are the best looking. They finally got rid of those awful round tail lights.
G1 C4 is an early model. G2 C4 is a later model... Some people will refer to them as early and late and that is fine too but they are both the same way of saying the same thing. The G2, or "late model" did away with the round tail lights.
Personally I like the round tail lights and the digital dash of the G1 C4 or early model. The only thing I don't like about the early model C4 is the lack of traction control. When I first got my G2 C4 or "late model", I let the woman take the kid for a ride and sure as $hit she backed out of the driveway and flat pedaled it... Lucky for her the late models have traction control so it just shat and got on down the road without any issues. She later commented on how she was surprised it didn't "do a burn out". I have tried to keep the traction control button a secret but the damn kid had to open his trap, so one day when she was watching me back it out of the driveway I took the traction control off and flat pedaled it, smoked up the entire 5 lane road and left posi marks all the way down the street, also swung the car sideways and I almost took out the mailbox as she stood there with her jaw on the ground. When I got back I told her, you're lucky to have traction control on that day or you would have taken out the mail box and probably went into oncoming traffic. Since then she hasn't been so lippy and has a little more respect for the car when driving it.
Early G1 C4's are known to buff out at highway speeds and just normal driving going around a corner if the street is wet, even though they only have about 220-250 HP stock. If you floor a early C4 around the corner it is going to be pointing in the opposite direction every single time. I even got mine sideways on the way home from Miami at 65 MPH mashing the gas overtaking a semi. I was thankful for traction control that night I tell you!
3/17/2017 9:44:10 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Well, at least you're having fun with the thing. I bought a new mustang in 2005. Don't have it anymore because it did typical ford things and fell apart. But I did put some money into performance parts, like nitrous. Luckily I found a deal on wide rims so even with the 125 shot of nitrous, it didn't lose traction as long as it was dry and warm. If you gunned it around the corner it would break free, but that car was one of the most controllable cars I've dealt with. One day I'll get something cool again. I've been keeping my eye on the new gt350 with the 5.2 flat plane crank. 8500 rpm's in a v8? Yes please.
3/17/2017 9:47:50 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
What no more threats of cancer?
Guess you got tired of me letting your little "aids" secret out of the bag...
I guess we're making progress! You see!
It was never a threat, you are going to get cancer.
3/17/2017 9:51:42 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
I got my money on either a car or a woman taking me out before cancer. Maybe both.
3/17/2017 9:58:59 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Well, at least you're having fun with the thing. I bought a new mustang in 2005. Don't have it anymore because it did typical ford things and fell apart. But I did put some money into performance parts, like nitrous. Luckily I found a deal on wide rims so even with the 125 shot of nitrous, it didn't lose traction as long as it was dry and warm. If you gunned it around the corner it would break free, but that car was one of the most controllable cars I've dealt with. One day I'll get something cool again. I've been keeping my eye on the new gt350 with the 5.2 flat plane crank. 8500 rpm's in a v8? Yes please.
I had a 1991 notchback when I was 19 and put dual stage nitrous kit on it, back then they didn't even have dual stage nitrous kits but I made my own. Had 150hp on the dry kit @ the TB and a 300hp plate kit between the plenum. I was calling cars off trailers and whooping their a$$'es regularly because outside of an exhaust and a gear people thought it was stock. Had 10.5 inch slicks @ 10lbs of pressure and would come out of the hole sometimes with both kits on.
Two years of that and it ripped the torque boxes clean off the body where they attach to the trailing arms. So yeah, they don't hold up well LOL!
1991 was the last year 5.0 liter Mustang engines came with TRW forged pistons from the factory. Engine never blew or lost a head gasket but I melted about 6 sets of plugs in that two years!
Your 2005 had independent suspension which is probably why it handled so well and had good traction.
The new Coyote motor is nice, especially the flat plane.
3/17/2017 10:13:25 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
2005 still had a solid rear. But the suspension set up was engineered very well. The FRC500 race car even has a solid rear. I preferred it because of the ease of changing the gears, and also it was still a true muscle car. Even if it did have DOHC and it was only a 4.6. I never actually took it to the track but I should have been able to hit 11's pretty easily with my setup. The car was nasty off the line and the nice thing about mustangs are the cheap parts. Sometimes I actually miss that car.
3/17/2017 10:34:44 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Ah, you must have had a GT with the terminator engine. The Cobras had IRS.
[Edited 3/17/2017 10:35:10 PM ]
3/17/2017 10:56:16 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/18/2017 2:59:35 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Fort Campbell, KY
37, joined Aug. 2013
Yeah, like there is any expectation of an intelligent debate with a guy that sports a handle of "Kraven Morehead"
Get a grip guy... I don't have any brothers, unless you count Smith - Wesson as my big brother... In that case, yeah... He would splatter a cherry pie on whatever wall was behind you.. Make no mistake.
3/18/2017 7:28:04 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
at least it is 'truth in advertising',not like stellar,who is a closet f*g who cant stop thinking about my sex life!
just come out of the closet!!!
you will be A LOT happier!!!!
[P.S. it was my old lady who gave me MY nickname!!!
where did you get YOURS???
did you pull it out of your ass,like you do your big black dildo? ]
3/18/2017 11:03:00 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
stellar adj
relating to a star.

I guess we all know how you REALLY got your name,now!!
3/18/2017 11:07:02 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Shawnee, right now is the time to buy a C4 because the prices are a little pudgy due to the year, but I have noticed they are creeping up in value, probably because the new ones almost cost $100k, so naturally a rising tide lifts all boats. I have seriously considered buying another C4 but not a convertible... One with a lot of miles that I could tinker with and let people borrow without any worry... If anything something to keep the miles off my convertible because I can't help but want to drive it whenever the weather is nice. I have had MANY different performance cars and I have to say my Corvette is hands down the most favorite car I have ever owned... While I tell others it was a compulsive buy, deep down I know I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat!
Yes the new ones with the HP are enticing. There is always lingenfelter, Calloway
This particular C4 has been on the lot over a year. They sold a C6 fast, C4 not so fast. Bet I could make a deal.
Corvette musuem has raffles all the time. $10-250 a ticket depending on car and how many will be sold. There are 1000 ticket cars.
3/18/2017 11:07:58 AM |
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Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
Yeah, like there is any expectation of an intelligent debate with a guy that sports a handle of "Kraven Morehead"
Get a grip guy... I don't have any brothers, unless you count Smith - Wesson as my big brother... In that case, yeah... He would splatter a cherry pie on whatever wall was behind you.. Make no mistake.
you have to resort to pseudo threats of shooting somebody just because they said something that you don't like in an internet forum....

your penis must be REALLY TINY to be THAT insecure!!!!!!!!!
3/18/2017 6:59:04 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Plaintiff behind Trump executive order ban runs Muslim Brotherhood Mosque: Imam born and raised in Egypt, migrated to US:
Judge considers ordering President Trump to double 50.000 refugee inflow to the US; If implemented, it would be very expensive for the US:
Authors warn judges making up law out of thin air (they are granting constitutional rights to foreigners to migrate, and making law from the bench, but it is the president right to control immigration, not the courts):
3/18/2017 7:11:45 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Geesh Louie, what is happening here. The world has gone nuts. Judges can't make laws like that. "Ordering" the President? Since WHEN???? OMG, I don't know whether to laugh or cuss.
3/18/2017 7:50:10 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Ah, you must have had a GT with the terminator engine. The Cobras had IRS.
That's the previous generation. My generation was the modular V8, and the cobras of that year used the 5.4 supercharger motor that the lightning and Ford GT used. No IRS suspension for my year, GT or cobra. The didn't bring back the IRS until this latest generation.
3/18/2017 7:54:47 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
My money goes with the Jag F-TYPE with the 5.0 Supercharged 575 HP power plant. 0-60mph in 3.5 seconds top speed 200 MPH. Can't help it I'm a fanatic for over Jags.
3/18/2017 8:04:15 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
My money goes with the Jag F-TYPE with the 5.0 Supercharged 575 HP power plant. 0-60mph in 3.5 seconds top speed 200 MPH. Can't help it I'm a fanatic for over Jags.
Jags are awesome. Cuz got a 68 XKE for HS grad. (me, I bought a 67VW bug and ins )
Love the new Jags, alot.
However my 2003 Z06 Corvette Anniversary does 0-60 in 3.8, works for me.
3/18/2017 8:18:33 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I have always been in love with Jags. A close friend restores older Jags and has several connections for parts. It's a love hate affair with us Jag owners. Some of the dumbest things will go wrong with a Jag and they are not cheap to work on. But I love them.
In the summer with the top down with the roar of engine as your shifting through the gears is awesome.
3/18/2017 8:27:44 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
I have always been in love with Jags. A close friend restores older Jags and has several connections for parts. It's a love hate affair with us Jag owners. Some of the dumbest things will go wrong with a Jag and they are not cheap to work on. But I love them.
In the summer with the top down with the roar of engine as your shifting through the gears is awesome.
I cant argue with you about the german engineering!!!
they are the ones who invented the automobile,and they are STILL miles ahead of us when it comes down to it.
back when I used to be a mechanic,every time I had to work on anything german,i was impressed all over again!!

3/18/2017 8:31:17 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I cant argue with you about the german engineering!!!
they are the ones who invented the automobile,and they are STILL miles ahead of us when it comes down to it.
back when I used to be a mechanic,every time I had to work on anything german,i was impressed all over again!!

The Jag is made in England. 
3/18/2017 9:42:41 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
The Jag is made in England. 

you are right!!
I was thinking about BMW.
I stand corrected!
3/18/2017 10:21:52 PM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
online now!
The Jag is made in England. 
Unless its an s series, its made by Lincoln/ ford.
3/19/2017 2:34:45 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
at least it is 'truth in advertising',not like stellar,who is a closet f*g who cant stop thinking about my sex life!
just come out of the closet!!!
you will be A LOT happier!!!!
[P.S. it was my old lady who gave me MY nickname!!!
where did you get YOURS???
did you pull it out of your ass,like you do your big black dildo? ]
B1tch please… The last time you had any pu$$y was on the way out of your mommas stink hole!
I get more pu$$y than your momma’s got.
stellar adj
relating to a star.
I guess we all know how you REALLY got your name,now!!
Did you spend all night looking for that photo? If you’re trying to imply I’m the cats a$$, you’d be correct… You’re more like the stuff that comes out of a cats a$$… In fact, that’s going to be your new nick-name… Litter box!
you have to resort to pseudo threats of shooting somebody just because they said something that you don't like in an internet forum....
your penis must be REALLY TINY to be THAT insecure!!!!!!!!!
Hey Litter Box, I’m told my girthy 8 1/2 inches is too much by the ladies… I’d say your old lady would agree but then everyone would know I’m lying… Because you ain’t got no old lady! No woman worth her salts would ever give her man the nickname of “Kraven Morehead” as it only speaks to her inadequacies.. But in this case, it speaks to yours because she would have to be one stupid woman to date you. You seem offended when it comes to people owning weapons.. I guess if you weren't a felon we could have a conversation about firearms… As it stands you like to talk a good game, but come up short… That’s not my problem, but it could be yours.
I cant argue with you about the german engineering!!!
they are the ones who invented the automobile,and they are STILL miles ahead of us when it comes down to it.
back when I used to be a mechanic, every time I had to work on anything german,i was impressed all over again!!

Hey litter box, what do you mean “back when I used to be a mechanic”? What happened, couldn’t hack it? What are you now, a fluffer? One of them jack of all trades, master of none? Naw… We can tell from your arm that you’re a “Master-Bater”, so keep your head up!
[Edited 3/19/2017 2:36:28 AM ]
3/19/2017 3:20:30 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Yes the new ones with the HP are enticing. There is always lingenfelter, Calloway
This particular C4 has been on the lot over a year. They sold a C6 fast, C4 not so fast. Bet I could make a deal.
Corvette musuem has raffles all the time. $10-250 a ticket depending on car and how many will be sold. There are 1000 ticket cars.
Yes, lots of horsepower is great when you're all balls on the expressway at speeds over 120 MPH, but the truth is, all of these new cars boasting over 200 HP are only able to do so because of advancements like traction control...
Any car you drive that is over 200 HP will require traction control or risk buffing out. You see these 600-700 HP cars now days and they all rely on traction control to keep them from kicking sideways... So basically if you have a 600 HP Corvette, about 400 HP of that car is being trimmed back by the computer when launching, otherwise it's just wheel spin anyway!
Often times people don't understand this, and thus are really confused when they have an older car like mine hang with them stoplight to stoplight... But on the highway, well... That's a different story and I pick my battles wisely! LOL
[Edited 3/19/2017 3:21:10 AM ]
3/19/2017 8:50:39 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Robot, Even though Jags were engineered by the Brits, didn't an Indian company buy them out called TATA??? Still produced in England though.
Sorry Stellar, didn't mean to join the high jacked the thread, but I knew you know about cars too.
[Edited 3/19/2017 8:51:23 AM ]
3/19/2017 10:03:58 AM |
Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson overreaching? | Page 3 |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
Hey litter box, what do you mean “back when I used to be a mechanic”? What happened, couldn’t hack it? What are you now, a fluffer? One of them jack of all trades, master of none? Naw… We can tell from your arm that you’re a “Master-Bater”, so keep your head up!
you are WAY too insecure about it for anybody to believe a line of shit like THAT!!!!!
the only 'girthy 8 1/2 inches' you have EVER had was either stuck up your ass,or down your throat!!!!
and,once again,you are thinking about other men's sex life WAY TOO MUCH!!!!! 
just go ahead and come out of the closet,and you will be a lot happier!!

3/19/2017 10:18:12 AM |
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Boerne, TX
56, joined Nov. 2009
Trump should say... "Ok, you're right. We're gonna send ALL refugees to Hawaii."
Send those military aged men (who won't fight) and hoodlums to them!
Native Hawaiians loathe mainlanders and they will REALLY enjoy these guys raping their daughters and children.

I gotta feeling they'd HANG that judge.
[Edited 3/19/2017 10:19:36 AM ]