3/16/2017 7:47:21 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
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Meals on wheels... LOL
Tell them to get off their fu@king a$$es and go to work!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/16/2017 7:58:47 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Meals on Wheels is not getting axed. And they are making a yearly profit, only 3 percent of their spending comes from federal funds. The program isn't getting axed, just less funding and rightly so, they make a profit but serve the sh*ttiest food imaginable, the Fed needs to get out of everything, with Fed funding comes outrageous fed rules, regulation and oversight.
Big Mikes school lunch program is getting the axe as it should be.
It's ok though. Melania is taking over the school lunch program.
We will continue to see these lies from the cultural marxists as they lose the influence they had during the (now wanted fugitive) 0bama Administration.
I wonder when CNN is going to figure out the spin they want for reporting 0bama and Big Mike and ValJar are now on the run from the law?

3/16/2017 7:59:42 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
I live rural, no factories or pollutors here. So cut out the EPA too. You city slickers and suburbanites can drink lead laced slime til the cows come home. Eliminate OSHA too, working scum don't deserve protection.
3/16/2017 8:01:45 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
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Meals on wheels is getting a huge reduction in federal funding because it's been proven to be a waste of money.
I am self employed... I'd have to be pretty flipping $tupid to call OSHA or any other government agency like it... If I want to eat, I have to work!
3/16/2017 8:03:03 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
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Fish, you say: “But instead of working on things where he has support on both sides of the aisle like infrastructure…”
Fish, stop playing dumb. President Trump is working on funding infrastructure. And where were you when President Obama allotted a trillion dollars to “shovel ready” infrastructure jobs most of which has disappeared into thin air over his 8 years rather than being spent on infrastructure? See the link:
Scandal: less that 7% of the trillion dollars of stimulus money that Obama promised would go to infrastructure projects that would put people back to work ever went into infrastructure. Where did the rest go?:
Here are a few herbal remedies and treatments that can cure bacterial diseases: blood oxygen therapy, MMS, grapefruit seed extract original formula, Oregano oil, nano-colloidal silver. After taking a course of herbal antibiotics to kill bacteria, you should always take probiotics to replace the friendly bacteria in the gut.
3/16/2017 8:04:18 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
I see it this way stellar!
Donald Trump still has a huge following and he still has time to turn this thing around in his favor.
But, in order to do that he is going to have to stop with the lies and deceptions first thing and quit having that be a new distraction every week.
Because America will never settle for a leader that does that, (Remember Nixon and the "I did not have sex with that woman" guy)and they will get rid of him at the earliest chance.
When Trump stops the lies, he will have the support he needs to carry on as a leader.
But, if he don't, he's got to go and get out of the way!
Either way is fine with me right now!
3/16/2017 8:04:51 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from stellar007:
Meals on wheels is getting a huge reduction in federal funding because it's been proven to be a waste of money.
I am self employed... I'd have to be pretty flipping $tupid to call OSHA or any other government agency like it... If I want to eat, I have to work!
I can see the Minister of Propaganda not wanting Meals on Wheels to lose any fed funding. Odds are he'll be getting fed that way pretty soon.
I think it's great he'll know firsthand how the kids on Big Mikes school lunch program felt about 0bama food. 
3/16/2017 8:17:41 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Fish, you say: “But instead of working on things where he has support on both sides of the aisle like infrastructure…”
Fish, stop playing dumb. President Trump is working on funding infrastructure. And where were you when President Obama allotted a trillion dollars to “shovel ready” infrastructure jobs most of which has disappeared into thin air over his 8 years rather than being spent on infrastructure? See the link:
Scandal: less that 7% of the trillion dollars of stimulus money that Obama promised would go to infrastructure projects that would put people back to work ever went into infrastructure. Where did the rest go?:
Here are a few herbal remedies and treatments that can cure bacterial diseases: blood oxygen therapy, MMS, grapefruit seed extract original formula, Oregano oil, nano-colloidal silver. After taking a course of herbal antibiotics to kill bacteria, you should always take probiotics to replace the friendly bacteria in the gut.
OK Louie. The money Texas got, we spent on improving our busiest and most out-of-date highways. And I'm sure most other states did the same thing.
Did it put a bunch of people to work, well, I suppose it did for those people involved in that kind of work.
Was it perfect, no probably not, but as a Texan I'll take what we got.
And it's good that you are into foods and know their food values and cures. That is what I call taking good care of yourself and staying out of those nasty doctors offices!
You're a good man Louie, and I don't care what these people say about you! 
3/16/2017 8:55:09 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
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Fish, you say: “Donald Trump still has a huge following and he still has time to turn this thing around in his favor. But, in order to do that he is going to have to stop with the lies and deceptions first thing and quit having that be a new distraction every week.”
Fish, President Trump does not lie. He is outspoken and says what he thinks. The lies and deception are coming from the CIA, the DNC, and the Major News Media, which has become the propaganda arm of the Federal Government. They are the fake news people, and are deliberately spreading slander about Trump. The other day one of the Major News Media chiefs admitted on camera to project Veritos that their “job is not to report the news, but to form public opinion”. And the Federal Government has an official policy of lying to the American people, only they don’t call it lies, they have an official name for it, they call it “disinformation”, it is part of a psy-op operation they have going against the American people.”: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” (Edgar Casey, director of CIA from 1981 to 1987, stated during an early meeting of the CIA). This disinformation program is part of the Federal Government’s phy-op operation against the American people. They are using "disinformation" to wage war against the American people and the Constitution.
President Trump is trying to change that, he is trying to drain the swamp and fix the mess that Present Obama left behind. When you come to realize that you cannot trust the DNC, which has been taken over by the Communist Party USA, and that you cannot trust the Major News Media you rely so heavily on, you will be on our side. If you had been paying attention to what the DNC were saying behind our backs to themselves when they thought we could not hear them, leaks published by Project Veritos and WickiLeaks and others, you would already be on our side.
Can President Donald Trump turn the Major News Media around in his favor who are waging continual war against him? No, but that will be their eventual downfall, not Trump’s downfall. Most of the American people are already wise to what the Major News Media are and what they are up to, and they do not trust them. They have lost the trust and good will of the American people. And when you have lost a man's good will, you have lost everything. They will eventually become irrelevant and go bankrupt. The swamp will eventually be drained, but it will take a little time to root the rebels out of Government. But we get out government back as long as we have Trump fighting for us.
Please pray for President Trump, asking God to guide and protect him. He needs God's protection, they are trying to assassinate him. The other day a man climbed the WH fence with a backpack with a knife in it and the mission to kill Trump and his Family. And he actually made it to the WH living quarters before he was stopped. Pray for Trump, he is on the front lines fighting for us, the majority of the American people, who elected him. And I, for one, am very pleased with his efforts. He's a brave man, and a capable man.
[Edited 3/16/2017 8:58:46 PM ]
3/16/2017 8:57:02 PM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
You and those that think it like you would immediately say it invade it and attack it those countries if we evict it "American" exploitation companies out of Africa, Asia and Latin America... that is to be a hipocrate
3/16/2017 9:02:25 PM |
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New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Meals on wheels only delivers meals to the extreme elderly who cannot drive or shop anymore and the bed ridden.I guess the good old make believe Christian right says let them starve??
3/16/2017 9:39:53 PM |
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Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
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Louie..dont know what your smokin when you posted that..but it dangerous stuff..
Would you prefer Mr. Anderson?
3/16/2017 9:52:56 PM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Check out the Labor participation rates since 2007
If we dont get some of these people back to work..and get tax revenues UP then you can kiss it all goodbye..
3/16/2017 9:55:16 PM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Yeah I hope this fat a** gets it somehow.
Shouldnt wish it on yourself.
Heres your daily f**k you..just in case no one else has told you yet...
But Im sure they have....
3/16/2017 9:56:03 PM |
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New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Tell that to all the 20,30,40 and 50 year old right wingers who post on DH day and night!!The LOAFER generation.
3/16/2017 9:59:56 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
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The real dangerous disease spreading throughout the Country is liberalism. 
for real
3/16/2017 10:12:31 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from the Minister of Propaganda:61foul Cohen_
Meals on wheels only delivers meals to the extreme elderly who cannot drive or shop anymore and the bed ridden.I guess the good old make believe Christian right says let them starve??
Sounds like you. 
3/16/2017 10:36:08 PM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
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Tell us Mr. Trakker is this liberal or conservative estatement? :
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy"
Simple one word anser... Liberal or Conservative ?
3/16/2017 10:39:18 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

'Beware of J()()'s' sign appears in Stamford Hill
The road sign in north London has been reported to police by a J()()ish neighbourhood watch group.
Cause, you know ... you can get a disease from them.

3/16/2017 10:47:21 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
online now!
Tell us Mr. Trakker is this liberal or conservative estatement? :
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy"
Simple one word anser... Liberal or Conservative ?
Shut up X men
3/16/2017 10:53:20 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

3/16/2017 10:54:49 PM |
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New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Not there yet longboogers, but if we live long enough we all get there.
3/16/2017 10:56:48 PM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
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That is right hipocrate.. you cannot anser simple question
3/16/2017 11:38:50 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
online now!
That is right hipocrate.. you cannot anser simple question
What's it to ya? I'd normally settle for a blow job, but that thing on your neck is scary, something someone with a fake profile would post. By the way, why don't you debate instead with ppl of your language of origin, which is obviously not English?
3/16/2017 11:42:32 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Eyes (trakker) why do you use some many fake profiles?
What are you afraid of?
3/16/2017 11:42:52 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
3/16/2017 11:43:58 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from trackker:
What's it to ya? I'd normally settle for a blow job, but that thing on your neck is scary, something someone with a fake profile would post. By the way, why don't you debate instead with ppl of your language of origin, which is obviously not English?
She's using broken english on purpose. When she uses her "stars beth1" profile, she tries to effect an Eastern European tone.
When she uses her black profiles, she speaks in ebonics. She's playing you.
3/16/2017 11:49:12 PM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
That is right, you cannot anser!!!
Not conservative!!! The Sandrehins and the Romans masters of the Sandrehins were Conservatives and they HATED and they TORTURE and they MURDER Jesus Christ
3/16/2017 11:50:42 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
online now!
Yes Bobby I know, I thought it was X Men but who knows, unless you have the IP address, and match them.
Cuposhit I have many profiles because the way I act on here, you get banned quick
3/16/2017 11:55:10 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
online now!
That is right, you cannot anser!!!
Not conservative!!! The Sandrehins and the Romans masters of the Sandrehins were Conservatives and they HATED and they TORTURE and they MURDER Jesus Christ
Jesus wasn't liberal or conservative, he's at a level of thoughts we can't understand, do sheep know what the shepherd thinks? You have a scrambled view of religious doctrine, Jesus was murdered by jews, as Jesus was a Jew.
3/17/2017 12:03:08 AM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
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Jesus was murder by the Sandrehins which happen to be Jewish cowards and traitors who obey the masters Romans which was WORLD SUPERPOWER of Jesus time... World Superpower that wanted to play police with world in that time... the powers of the world are oposite of the powers of heaven = devils against God
3/17/2017 12:16:38 AM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
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Most Jewish people in time of Jesus were poor farmers and artisans just like Jesus... but Sandrehins wanted to have it favor and share it in the power of the master Romans
3/17/2017 12:18:23 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from trackker:
Yes Bobby I know, I thought it was X Men but who knows, unless you have the IP address, and match them.
Cuposhit I have many profiles because the way I act on here, you get banned quick
Xman379 is one of her "black" profiles. DH has deleted a lot of her other "black" profiles, but with the xman profile, she tends to act less wacko and racist. Tad more afrocentric though from time to time.
I put her xman profile on block. I put all of her socks on block because she flags heavily with all of them.
3/17/2017 3:41:58 AM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Tell us Mr. Trakker is this liberal or conservative estatement? :
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy"
Simple one word anser... Liberal or Conservative ?
Remember seperation of church and state...We're talking politics...
However If you want to speak religion with a born again Baptist I'll be more than happy to oblige...
3/17/2017 3:44:08 AM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Remember seperation of church and state...We're talking politics...
However If you want to speak religion with a born again Baptist I'll be more than happy to oblige...
"Leave those things that are of Ceasar unto Ceasar"..
Jesus Christ
[Edited 3/17/2017 3:44:36 AM ]
3/17/2017 4:09:58 AM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
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Ok... Simple question for you then..
One word anser...
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy"...
Question : Do you agree or disagree with statement?
One word anser please. AGREE or DISAGREE ??
3/17/2017 6:29:33 AM |
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Fort Campbell, KY
37, joined Aug. 2013
Remember seperation of church and state...We're talking politics...
However If you want to speak religion with a born again Baptist I'll be more than happy to oblige...
3/17/2017 9:13:07 AM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
I just tell it like is little boi....
Mommys basement comfy for you today..?
3/17/2017 9:18:51 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Strongly agree.
Who was he saved by? Satan?
Maybe he thinks the KKK is a religion.
3/17/2017 9:31:51 AM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Ok... Simple question for you then..
One word anser...
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy"...
Question : Do you agree or disagree with statement?
One word anser please. AGREE or DISAGREE ??
Even DEATH can be merciful.
Think about it..
And play your mind games with someone else..
Your almost as petulant as v1300..
3/17/2017 11:57:44 AM |
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Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
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Jesus wasn't liberal or conservative, he's at a level of thoughts we can't understand, do sheep know what the shepherd thinks? You have a scrambled view of religious doctrine, Jesus was murdered by jews, as Jesus was a Jew.
Jesus was most definitely liberal. A pot smoking carpenter with long hair and wore sandals who hung around with prostitutes and preached love and peace for his fellow man. Not just a liberal, but a hippie too. No wonder people killed him.
[Edited 3/17/2017 11:58:27 AM ]
3/17/2017 12:08:09 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Prog -
Stongly agree!

3/17/2017 12:19:49 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
A lot of my heroes may or may not have even existed.
Take King Arthur for instance, even though I know he didn't exist, him and his knights will always be among some of my greatest heroes. Robin hood- the same thing.
Now, King Richard- not so much.
But Jesus, I am not sure he existed or not, but, he is still one of my greatest heroes of all time.
I measure men by whether, had Jesus walked the earth, would they walk with Jesus?
Some of you guys are a sad disappointment for me! 
3/17/2017 7:36:56 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
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Was Jesus a Liberal or Conservative? Actually, I don’t know what this question has to do with bacterial disease in Texas, but I will answer. Jesus was a Conservative, Liberalism is a sin. And for those of you who doubt that, I define “Liberalism”a below for those of you who have no clue what it means. And if you think Liberals are merciful, think again, they favor and allow the brutal and bloody murder of innocent infants, ripping their limbs off one by one as they silently scream in horror and writhe in unbearable pain as they bleed out in the warmth and “safety” of their Mother’s womb. That is extremely “merciful” and loving don’t you think? You sick, sorry, disgusting, Liberal excuses for human beings. And if you think Christ was have allowed that, you are committing blasphemy.
Liberalism, fundamentally and by definition, seeks to liberate itself from anything that binds, from right reason, from law, any law that does not somehow stem from oneself, from truth, any truth that must be sought outside oneself to be found. The Liberal makes up his own “truth” in his own mind, he is the master of truth rather than the other way around, he believes what he wants to believe because he wants to believe it and for no other reason (hence he does not seek to test his beliefs and bring his beliefs into compliance with objective truth, which must be sought outside himself to be found, he loves his beliefs more than he loves Truth, and will sometimes even deny that objective Truth even exists). The Liberal is especially adverse to God’s law and to God’s revelation (divine revelation), the Liberal is his own God, and he will have no other gods before himself. Liberals are useful idiots to the Marxists and Illuminati, the way to victory for them, for Liberals are presumptuous and tend to buy into all the lies and propaganda of the Illuminati and Marxists without investigating.
3/17/2017 9:44:42 PM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
Was Jesus a Liberal or Conservative? Actually, I don’t know what this question has to do with bacterial disease in Texas, but I will answer. Jesus was a Conservative, Liberalism is a sin.
Nonsense, Louie. Liberalism is not a sin, and no conservative ever said anything like this:
Mat 5:38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
Mat 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Mat 5:40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
Mat 5:41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
Mat 5:42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
Mat 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Mat 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Mat 5:46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
Mat 5:47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
Mat 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
I know you Catholics don't put much stock into what Jesus said, Louie, like "call no man "Father" (Matthew 23:9) and "But thou, when thou prayest, ...pray to thy Father." Mat 6:6, not to Mary and other dead people, but that's what Jesus says. What happened, you haven't been on the Religion Forum for some time? Did you take too bad of a beating there? All you have to do is obey Jesus. Why is that so hard?
3/17/2017 10:22:08 PM |
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San Francisco, CA
26, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
That is right, you could not answer a verry verry simple question... you can talk all you want and can hide it your racist heart behind image of cultured sofisticated words... but whatever you and those who think like you will not overcome people of color of the earth... your numbers are become smaller and smaller every year.. your genes recesive genes of people of color dominant... you are minority of world and in less than 50 years minority of USA and you cannot stop that... better solution for you... go back to Europe.
Maje ignorante culero
3/18/2017 3:50:06 AM |
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Fort Campbell, KY
37, joined Aug. 2013
I just tell it like is little boi....
Mommys basement comfy for you today..?
3/18/2017 3:52:16 AM |
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Fort Campbell, KY
37, joined Aug. 2013
That is right, you could not answer a verry verry simple question... you can talk all you want and can hide it your racist heart behind image of cultured sofisticated words... but whatever you and those who think like you will not overcome people of color of the earth... your numbers are become smaller and smaller every year.. your genes recesive genes of people of color dominant... you are minority of world and in less than 50 years minority of USA and you cannot stop that... better solution for you... go back to Europe.
Maje ignorante culero
Sweetheart try using spell check or let it go..
3/18/2017 5:56:11 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
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Again, I don’t know what any of this has to do with bacterial disease spreading in Texas, but Just so everybody will know, Furch (aka fellowjesusonly) is an apostate ex-Catholic who lost the faith and fell into the New Age Movement and spends his time haunting the Christian forum promoting the Urantia Book, an Occult Book dictated by demons in an attempt to deceive even the elect if that were possible by telling us who Christ really was and what he really taught. He and the Urantia Book and it’s adherents have no use for the Bible, they think that what Christ taught in it has been totally corrupted and use it only to try to deceive Christians on what Christ really taught. He and his cohorts are not having much luck converting Christians to the New Age, and he is not going to have much luck here either. People are just not as stupid as he thinks they are.
And Marchas-de-passion, you are right in that it was the Jews who demanded that Jesus be crucified, not Pilate. Pontius Pilate found no fault in Jesus and said so, but the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified and threatened to riot if he was not. Pilate submitted to the Jews but washed his hands of the Crucifixion saying, “let his blood be on upon our hands”. And so it was.
Concerning the mercy thing. God is a God of love, mercy, AND justice. He has stated that love and justice are two sides of the same coin, that you cannot have one without the other. Punishing criminals, including the death penalty for murder, is not murder, but justice, and letting criminals out of jail to prey on their victims again is not justice, it is mercy towards the criminals, but not mercy towards their victims. Marchas, listen and listen carefully, God has never condemned what he calls “man’s justice”. He is a God of Justice, and he does not condemn justice. And if you think man’s justice is harsh, just wait and see what God does to unrepentant mortal sinners when death seals their fate forever, what happens to them in Hell is worse than death.
Marchas, since you hate White Americans so much and also America’s European culture, you are in the wrong country. You need to return to the crime infested, gang infested, Latin American country from whence you came before the wall is built, and take your "not sure" religion and "not sure" politics with you.
[Edited 3/18/2017 5:57:55 PM ]
3/18/2017 6:27:24 PM |
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Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
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3/18/2017 6:29:20 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
I like gals with accents!
3/18/2017 7:43:31 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Quote from v1300:

You got that right!
He's supposedly a "newlywed".
He must not be "gettin any" since he's posting 24/7.
