3/25/2017 10:31:51 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Folks... I can't even begin to express my displeasure with Nancy Pelosi both today and as far back as I can remember.
But after having the displeasure of watching this interview where she is boasting about Obamacare while apparently having some form of a sinus infection, I can't help but to wonder if she has a cocaine problem, or if she is just in bad health due to Obamacare!?
As hard as it may be to watch this video, with all the fumbling of words... The snorting and sniffling - all the while trying to boast about how healthy the American people are under Obamacare... The fact that her collar is turned up to either appear as the female version of "The Fonz", or that ridiculous neon green under her collar.. Is this really the best Democrats have to offer!?
From watching this woman, you would seriously wonder if she has any healthcare at all! You might even wonder, after she bumbles and misspeaks if perhaps she did a few lines of coke before doing the interview... The insults she lobs at Republicans are outright lies, the praise she gives Obamacare are all lies... It's honestly hard to even watch! Almost borderline incoherent at times!
Folks, this woman Nancy Pelosi is the person who brought us Obamacare... She is the same person that made the claim that somehow congress should "pass a bill to see what's inside the bill". The countless trillions that will have been wasted on Obamacare only to give people $10,000 deductibles and over-inflated health insurance premiums is probably why she has fallen ill, or taken to drug use.
Just unbelievable. I can't be the only one to see this!?
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3/25/2017 10:47:35 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Roseville, CA
51, joined Jul. 2009
Do you really think that some people are so naive and lame to actually think that our politicians have ACA????
I'm sure they have the best benefit package that exist in the US...
3/25/2017 10:48:41 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
So you're suggesting she has a Cocaine problem?
I can agree with you on that...
3/25/2017 11:12:14 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Roseville, CA
51, joined Jul. 2009
So you're suggesting she has a Cocaine problem?
I can agree with you on that...
Are you becoming a little delusional like Trump????
Nowhere in my previous post makes any type of suggestions...
3/25/2017 11:17:47 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
You suggested that Pelosi has the platinum "government" insurance policy, so naturally that only left one option as to why she is snorting like a hog on the podium. Guess she needed a few drains to keep her from falling asleep.
Also if you notice at the end she uses a tissue but does not blow her nose... Don't want to lose any of that blow, especially since their massive supply was recently seized aboard the Lady Michelle...
[Edited 3/25/2017 11:19:54 PM ]
3/25/2017 11:27:30 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
She drinks a lot too, I've noticed. 
3/25/2017 11:53:35 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Geez... A drinker too? Well, usually the drugs and drinking goes hand in hand... I haven't had a drink since Christmas and I keep telling myself that unless someone springs for a bottle of Blue Label Johnny Walker I am not even going to waste my time drinking alcohol.
What I find incredibly wrong about that video of Pelosi, is the fact she is there to talk up Obamacare and talk down on Trumps healthcare plan, but she is doing this while visibly sick!? It got me to thinking that anyone with any reasonable amount of intelligence would have someone else give the speech and be at home getting better rather than spreading the virus... Thus my conclusion that perhaps she was on coke.
3/26/2017 12:10:20 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
z still trying to blame the dems because the GOP couldn't produce a better system?
dude put down the straw and focus on who's party holds the power in the government now
damn you are one sorry a** these days
3/26/2017 12:53:32 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Yeah I am blaming Democrats!
I WANT TO BUY BETTER INSURANCE! I want to have Blue Cross and some fancy life insurance policy!
But the way Democrats have it all set up, I can't! I am FORCED to accept crummy insurance or be fined if I don't!
Democrats want to keep people down! They don't give a $hit about lower or middle income people! It's all a big fat lie!
Obama screwed EVERYTHING up and it's the Democrats who put him there!
3/26/2017 12:57:32 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Mesquite, TX
66, joined Oct. 2010
who's party holds the power in the government now
If yesterday was any indication as to who is in power, it looks like Obama must still be in power. 

3/26/2017 1:02:30 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
I'd agree... Obama's holdovers are the problem with this nation today!
Going forward we need to get them out of there so this country can start to thrive once again!
3/26/2017 1:15:09 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Mesquite, TX
66, joined Oct. 2010
Stellar, we Democrats and Republicans need to quit fighting each other over the Healthcare debate.
That's what the Insurance Industry wants us to do.
If the Democrats and the Republicans really want to fix our problems, we need to join forces and go after the real bad guys- the Healthcare Insurance Industry and it's lobby.
Rand Paul is kind of a maverick out there, but, he is a doctor, and he is a Senator.
But, I think he can clearly define the problem right down to the Root Cause- and that is the runaway out-of-control over-the-top Health Insurance Industry and it's lobby.
They need to be brought back down to earth.
As a consumer and a working man, I am on your side, and I want you to know that!
[Edited 3/26/2017 1:17:05 AM ]
3/26/2017 1:49:06 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
That's nice of you to say Fish...
But it's been my experience that Democrats will say a lot of things..
I'm sorry.
3/26/2017 2:11:01 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Mesquite, TX
66, joined Oct. 2010
The real problems for most working class American Families today is just being able to afford Healthcare Insurance and meet their deductibles for them and their families.
I say today, but it's been that way for a couple of decades now. Yes, even before Obamacare.
Some families are paying more for their Health Insurance than they are for their Rent or House Payments. If you aren't there yet, consider yourself lucky.
We've all been there, but when you have a toothache, you gotta get relief. Accidents happen, people end up in hospitals, and a new flu always seems to be just over the horizon. So Healthcare Insurance is essential for everyone to be able to afford it.
But, as I said, over a period of the last 20 years, Healthcare Insurance has quadrupled and has priced many Americans out of the market.
Meanwhile Wall Street is running away with profits, and it is the major stock holders of these Insurance Monopolies themselves demanding price increases at every stock holders meeting. And every year, policies go up as a result.
I don't think we can legislate around this particular problem with the Stock Market demands, so we need to work in areas where we can actually do some good.
The Healthcare Insurance Lobby has been buying our Senators and Congressmen with campaign donations for the last 20 years.
Now that is something that we should all be upset about, as Republicans and Democrats!
And that is an area where we should come together and resolve that first before we will ever resolve the National Healthcare Crisis in America!
Stick with me, I have many other ideas on how to resolve problems in the Healthcare Industry. But, I don't like to argue about politics. Because arguing about politics will never solve any of our problems!
For it is the politics that are causing confusion and covering up the real problems.
[Edited 3/26/2017 2:12:11 AM ]
3/26/2017 2:36:37 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
Cocain is a hell of a drug.
3/26/2017 5:30:51 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
The way her voice trembles and her head and limbs shake, I suspect maybe essential tremors. An abnormal electrical brain activity that causes tremor is processed through the thalamus. The thalamus is a structure deep in the brain that coordinates and controls muscle activity.
Genetics is responsible for causing ET in half of all people with the condition. A child born to a parent with ET will have up to a 50% chance of inheriting the responsible gene, but may never actually experience symptoms. Although ET is more common in the elderly -- and symptoms become more pronounced with age -- it is not a part of the natural aging process.
Probably has problems wiping her azz right. Poops!!!
3/26/2017 7:47:14 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Why do Republicans hate the Democrats who keep them out of prison and work diligently to provide the illusion of legitimacy to their criminal Republican Party? Without lots of help from the Democrats, the criminal Republican Party would have been crushed into the gutter by the American people decades ago.
"Impeachment is off the table." -- Nancy Pelosi's first words on becoming Speaker of the House, thereby f**king the shit out of the liberal base who were expecting Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the gang to be impeached for their vast crimes against the American people.
[Edited 3/26/2017 7:48:23 AM ]
3/26/2017 7:48:47 AM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |

North Myrtle Beach, SC
65, joined Jun. 2013

3/26/2017 1:12:37 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013

3/26/2017 2:50:13 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |
Aurora, CO
39, joined Feb. 2017
3/26/2017 3:25:23 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Nancy Pelosi Must Step Down Now
Nancy Pelosi had a major meltdown on national TV that proves she needs to step down for the good of the country immediately.
Speaking at a Families USA event, Nancy Pelosi was rambling, incoherent, and sounded drunk or sick.
She called John Kasich the Governor of Illinois. He is the Governor of Ohio. She also quoted Martin Luther King but slurred it into Martin Luther Sing.
Lowlights from the bizarre speech:
“By the way, do you know who the poorest people in America are? Infants and children. Infants and children.”
I don’t know what the hell this means, but ok Nancy.
“ObamaCare is a major achievement and will stand there with Social Security and Medicare and Medicare.”
Ummm… Nancy are you ok? You are aware Obamacare will be repealed in a few months and there is nothing democrats can do about it. Because they have zero power in the nation’s capital and even less (if that’s possible) in state governments across the nation.
Nancy Pelosi is pushing 80 years of age and while age is just a number she is showing signs of early dementia.
Nancy Pelosi repeats words, tells audience to clap, Kasich 'gov of Illinois'
According to established medical science, early symptoms include impairments in: language, communication, focus, reasoning.
I could make a joke about how it seems every liberal suffers from these maladies but this is serious stuff. Nancy Pelosi is in a key position in our government. If she is unable to perform her duties she must step down now.
3/26/2017 3:31:52 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |


Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
both Piglosi and Hillary must use the same medical treatment.
When it wears off, it really shows.
3/26/2017 7:58:04 PM |
Nancy Pelosi - Cocaine problem? Or just sick from Obamacare? |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
Silly, that life style is hob nobbing, parties, drinking and drugs. After awhile it shows up and takes a toll on your old body.