4/14/2017 11:48:59 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Do you believe in God & Jesus Christ?
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
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4/14/2017 1:07:47 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
I believe in God and in Jesus Christ. The Easter bunny? A nice way for children to have fun on Easter.
4/14/2017 11:44:12 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus is the reason for the season.
4/15/2017 9:13:59 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Oswego, IL
54, joined Jul. 2009
I believe what my grand father told me when I was a boy. He said son, you will find more honest people in a bar than you will ever find in a church.
Last night, I did indeed find those honest people.
4/15/2017 10:23:53 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Amen, Karr.
Jesus didn't come to save the pious -- he came to redeem the sinner.
He hung out with prostitutes, thieves, the sick & depraved, the dirtiest & filthiest of humanity, the poor, desolate & downtrodden.
Praise God that he lead to into the bosom of true humanity.
His miracles never cease to amaze.
4/15/2017 11:50:07 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Jesus came to save sinners from a life of sin. If we don't give up our sins when we start to follow Jesus, at least our mortal sins, we aren't really following Jesus.
We don't go to church to find honest people. We go there to assist---spiritually speaking---the priest as he offers Jesus' Body and Blood in sacrifice, and to eat that Body and drink that Blood.
Drinking in moderation is not opposed to God's law. Many of the major characters of both testaments, including Jesus Himself, drank wine. And actually good and honest people can be found in bars.
4/15/2017 12:30:46 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
LUD, if, for instance, you had a son and he was a drug abuser who committed suicide would he go to hell or go looking for Easter eggs?
4/15/2017 1:04:53 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
What if I lived in sixteenth century Ireland, and my good Catholic son was martyred by Protestant thugs?
4/15/2017 1:58:52 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Lud, If in the 21st century the Roman Catholic Church admitted openly that many of their beliefs are from the earliest centuries of paganism and were adopted by the Catholic Church as doctrine when the RCC absorbed the pagan religion and followers into their fold would your supposed drug user/abuser son who committed suicide go to hell to burn in torment for eternity?
4/15/2017 2:17:08 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
The Church did borrow certain symbols, practices, and holidays from the pagans. That's no secret. But the core pagan belief---tge belief that there is more than one God---has always been totally denounced by the Catholic Church.
4/15/2017 2:50:37 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The Church did borrow certain symbols, practices, and holidays from the pagans. That's no secret. But the core pagan belief---tge belief that there is more than one God---has always been totally denounced by the Catholic Church.
Okay, LUD. You admit the Ronan Catholic Church still practices pagan rituals. Thank you for your honesty.
You don't need to attempt to qualify which pagan rituals ate taught by what beliefs are not taught. It's enough that the RCC goes against the teachings of God and Jesus where paganism and it's practices are concerned. That's not a question, LYD, that's a statement. You need not try to justify the RCC or divert by asking useless questions.
The RCC teaches pagan ritualistic beliefs -- what does that say about you, LYD, and other Catholics that are worshipping pagan beliefs that God/Jesus abhored and distinctly taught and warned against? It makes all Catholics sinners, regardless of their church attendance, who will be judged by God in the final days and cast into that "first, burning pit called hell, doesn't it, Lud?
It doesn't matter if you say you have repented of your sins accepted Jesus Christ, or not, you (Catholics) are hypocrites and disobedient to God/Jesus, aren't you, Lud?
You praise a Catholic priest above God Almighty and claim to be forgiven by virtue of an earthly man instead of Jesus Christ.
I can only repeat the words of Jesus when he spoke of the Pharisees (Jewish Pagans, Lud) that murdered my Jesus --- Woe be unto you teachers of the law -- you hypocrites."
You have lost full credibility IN my eyes, LUD.
May God have mercy on your soul. God will not forsake you, Lud. You have time to redeem your soul from eternal destruction. Will you take that step today?
Shed your burden of the pagan Catholic Church and let your true Christian shine as a beacon for others to see Gods grace.
I shall not respond to your commentaries further, Lud. My eternal life has been guaranteed by God. I have been made purecand clean by the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ, and my eternal life in God's kingdom is achieved, I shall not take the chance of causing a blemish to stain God's temple but shall say:
God, oh God, I let go and leave it to you to do as you shall. Amen.
4/15/2017 3:11:33 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
Ludlow says:
"Jesus came to save sinners from a life of sin."
Actually, that's not true. It sounds true because it's so oft repeated, but it's not really true.
Jesus came to live a mortal life and to reveal the Father through that life.
Those are the two actual reasons Jesus came.
4/15/2017 3:20:26 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
JESUS, himself, says he came not to abrogate the law or the prophets but to fulfill prophesy.
He further states that he came to reveal the kingdom of God and how mankind can enter in a spiritual eternal life.
Jesus said, to his disciples, go teach to the disobedient Jews who disobeyed God and bring them back into God's grace -- then Jesus met the woman at the well and the good Samaritan and he included Gentiles in God's promise of salvation. Amen & Amen. Praise God.
4/15/2017 3:38:33 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
The Pharisees had liturgical worship, as do the Jews today, aa does the Catholic Church. Jewish rabbis and Catholic priests wear special clothes called vestnents while conducting services. Until a few years ago both held services in a foreign language.
So it is easy for Protestants to confuse the two.
But Judaism and Catholicism are actually very different.
4/16/2017 5:54:40 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
4/16/2017 10:54:23 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Thank you, God, for my salvation.
4/19/2017 3:19:54 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Irving, TX
50, joined Dec. 2011
Do you believe in God & Jesus Christ?
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One God.
I also believe in chocolate, tasty, inanimate Easter bunnies. But not "the Easter Bunny". Unless someone asks, "Did you eat the Easter Bunny"? If I knew they meant their piece of chocolate, I would not avoid the answer.
I believe Easter is Pagan. I prefer using the term "Resurrection Day" for what I celebrate as a Christian.
4/19/2017 5:07:44 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
Freegratis said:
"I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One God."
Me too, free. Me too.
4/20/2017 8:17:22 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
He is Risen
He lives
4/20/2017 3:14:45 PM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Winter Haven, FL
67, joined Feb. 2011
online now!
Numbers 28:16: “On the 14th day of the 1st month the Lord’s Passover is to be held.” Exodus 12:6,7,12,13: “Take care of them {The Passover Lambs} until the 14th day of the month when all the people of Israel must slaughter them {See Lev 23:5} at Twilight {Just after sundown to nightfall}. Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the door frames of their houses. On that same night I will strike down the firstborn of the Egyptians… but when I see the blood I will PASS OVER you.” Deut 16:1: “Observe the month of ABIB and celebrate the PASS OVER of the Lord your God, because in the month of ABIB He brought you out of Egypt by night.” Lev 23:6: “On the 15th day of that month the Lord's 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread begins.”
Luke 22:7,8: Then came the day on which the Passover Lamb “Had” to be sacrificed. Jesus said, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.” Christ became our Passover Lamb on Passover Day! 1 Cor 5:7: “For Christ our PASSOVER LAMB has been sacrificed.” Whereas the Jews {who were following the evil Babylonian moon calendar} held their Passover on the 15th of Nisan {Which always occurs on the night of a full moon} and observed the Passover on the WRONG DAY as per John 18:28: “Then the Jews led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman Governor {Pilate}. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; for they wanted to be able to eat the PASSOVER!!” Which would have been the day “AFTER” Jesus correctly held the Passover on the 14th of ABIB which God had commanded.
So we can assume that the month of ABIB is different from the Babylonian moon month of Nisan and therefore has nothing to do with the moon. When does the first month of the Bible Year called ABIB begin?? Many Bible scholars believe that it may begin of the first day of SPRING or sundown March 20th to sundown March 21st. ABIB is the Hebrew word for SPRING. And so the 14th Day of ABIB can also be translated the 14th day of SPRING!!
If you go to the Internet under {timeanddate.com/calendar} you will be able to find the calendar for the month of April, AD 33 in Israel {Backspace and remove 2011 and type in 33 and Israel}. You will observe that April 2nd, AD 33 was on a Thursday and that April 5th, AD 33 was on a Sunday. So it is quite probable that Jesus held the Passover right after Sundown on Thursday, April 2nd, AD 33; was crucified on Friday, April 3rd, AD 33; and then was raised to life on Sunday, April 5th, AD 33. Then the 14th day of the first Bible month of ABIB or PASSOVER DAY would have begun on the 14th day after March 21st AD 33 {The first day of Spring}.
This is absolutely confirmed by the fact that there was a full moon {The 15th of Nisan} on April 3rd AD 33 {As per full moon footnote on calendar for April AD 33-Israel proven by the exact science of Astronomy} which would have been the day AFTER Jesus correctly held the PASSOVER on the 14th of ABIB or at twilight on Thursday, April 2nd, AD 33. If the first day of ABIB was from sundown, March 20th, AD 33 to sundown March 21st, AD 33 then the 14th day of ABIB or Passover Day would have been from sundown, April 2nd, AD 33 to sundown, April 3rd, AD 33. And so our Lord’s Resurrection Day is always on the 16th of Abib; which is always on April 5th each and every year!!
In May of AD 325 the Council of Nicea decided that starting in April, AD 326 the Resurrection Day of Jesus should be determined by the 1st month {Nisan} of the Babylonian Moon Calendar instead of April 5th, or the 16th day of first Bible month of Abib {See Ex 23:15 & Deut 16:1} The 1st Day of the 1st Bible month of Abib is always sundown Mar 20 to sundown Mar 21. The Nicean Council decided that our Lord's Resurrection Day should be called EASTER beginning in April, AD 326. DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF EASTER: Easter from the old English Eastre, the name of Babylonian Mother Nature goddess: ISHTAR!! The Phoenician name for ISHTAR or EASTER is Ashtoreth or Asherah who was worshiped as a goddess and the female counterpart of the sun god Baal. She was regarded both as the goddess of war and destruction as well as the deity of love and fertility. Her licentious worship was condemned by God {See Deut 7:5;16:21,22; Judges 2:12,13} The KJV wrongly translated the Greek word “pascha”; which always means “passover”; into the blasphemous word “EASTER” in Acts 12:4!
4/21/2017 8:00:00 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Since the churches host an Easter egg hunt for the children, do you suppose that they have made good use of the pagan ritual in order to bring more children and young families into the church?
As a young girl we were taught that Easter was in rememberance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ; not the Easter bunny.
We all went to church on Easter Sunday. I have never been on an Easter egg hunt.
4/24/2017 10:11:46 AM |
Easter ~~ Christian or Pagan? |
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010