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4/17/2017 6:20:34 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
I can't understand why the church
and most people call the day Jesus
was crucified [Good Friday]
Why not call it Evil Friday
or Killin' Friday.
And what's up with Easter?
What happened to Resurrection Day? 
Seems as if [biblical religion] has gone off the tracts..
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4/17/2017 7:23:35 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
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I found this :
This Friday is Good Friday, the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The name may seem counterintuitive to many Christians and nonbelievers, since the day is typically viewed as a solemn one, often observed with fasting and somber processions. Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?
Probably because good used to mean holy. There are a few theories about why Good Friday is called Good Friday, but only one seems to be supported by linguists and by historical evidence.
The first of these theories is that Good Friday is called Good Friday because, Christians believe, there is something very good about it: It is the anniversary, they say, of Jesus suffering and dying for their sins. “That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin and the celebration of Easter, the very pinnacle of Christian celebrations,” the Huffington Post suggests. Perhaps this logic has helped the name stick—it is certainly how many Christians today understand the name—but it is not where the name originally comes from.
The second theory is that the Good in Good Friday derives from God or “God’s Friday.” Wikipedia, for example, puts this theory forward citing a 1909 entry in The Catholic Encyclopedia. In a separate article on the same subject, the Huffington Post does the same. However, there seems to be no basis for this etymology. “The origin from God is out of the question” according to Anatoly Liberman, a professor at the University of Minnesota who studies the origins of English words. (Liberman also told me that English speakers have a long history of speculating about a relationship between the word good and the word god where there is none.) The linguist and lexicographer Ben Zimmer agreed, noting that the German for Good Friday isn’t actually “Gottes Freitag” (“God’s Friday”), as the Catholic Encyclopedia suggests, but rather Karfreitag (“Sorrowful Friday”). “None of the early examples in the Oxford English Dictionary imply that it started off as God’s rather than Good, so I don’t really see this as more than speculative etymology,” Zimmer added.
The third and final theory, the one supported by both the Oxford English Dictionary and every language expert I contacted, is that the name comes from an antiquated meaning of good. “The answer seems pretty clearly to be that it’s from good ‘holy,’ ” responded Jesse Sheidlower, the president of the American Dialect Society, when I put this question to him. Liberman agreed, noting that if you consider the other names for Good Friday—“Sacred Friday” in the Romance languages (Viernes Santo, e.g.), “Passion Friday” in Russian—“the OED’s explanation makes excellent sense.” The OED also notes that there was once Good Wednesday, the Wednesday before Easter, which these days is more commonly known as Holy Wednesday.
Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? The etymology and origins of ...
They call it Easter from a pre-Christian goddess in England, called Eostre.
The reason for this variation is that Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. So, in 2018, Easter will be celebrated on April 1, and on April 21 in 2019.
Why Is Easter Called Easter? - The Daily Beast
I`m sure many will make something out of this. But to put it into perspective , the timing of Easter corresponds with the time of year most associated with renewal and resurrection. So the early Christians in England, would think of the symbolism and what their old Goddess Eostre would represent.
4/17/2017 7:28:12 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
It is "God's Friday". Mankind can f up anything.
4/18/2017 10:49:22 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
I can't understand why the church
and most people call the day Jesus
was crucified [Good Friday]
Why not call it Evil Friday
or Killin' Friday.
And what's up with Easter?
What happened to Resurrection Day?
Seems as if [biblical religion] has gone off the tracts.. 
He wasn't crucified on Friday. He was crucified on Weds. He said He would be 3 nights and 3 days in the grave just as Jonah was 3 nights and 3 days in the belly of the big fish.

P.S. Easter is pagan...
[Edited 4/18/2017 10:50:00 AM ]
4/18/2017 11:03:35 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
I can't understand why the church
and most people call the day Jesus
was crucified [Good Friday]
Why not call it Evil Friday
or Killin' Friday.
And what's up with Easter?
What happened to Resurrection Day?
Seems as if [biblical religion] has gone off the tracts.. 
It would appear that the Cathlicks chose to "celebrate" this "crucial" event within our walk in Yahweh. By creating a "weekend" event to "end" their paganistic suffering of no meat, paint yourself with ashes, have a day of gluttony first on "fat Tuesday," and then give something up that is signifying a sacrifice.
Look at all that "capital" the Roman "pagan" Cathlicks generate out of something "without" WE would be DAMNED forever!!
How can you turn the ONLY WAY TO Yahweh into a money pit?
You involve the pagan Cathlicks!!
4/20/2017 10:43:38 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
online now!
It would appear that the Cathlicks chose to "celebrate" this "crucial" event within our walk in Yahweh. By creating a "weekend" event to "end" their paganistic suffering of no meat, paint yourself with ashes, have a day of gluttony first on "fat Tuesday," and then give something up that is signifying a sacrifice.
Look at all that "capital" the Roman "pagan" Cathlicks generate out of something "without" WE would be DAMNED forever!!
How can you turn the ONLY WAY TO Yahweh into a money pit?
You involve the pagan Cathlicks!!
Really, all Catholics and people that practice Easter are "Gluttons"?
Strange, you would think the Catholic nations in Europe, or the Anglican UK, or the east Orthodox nations would top the list then.

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Looks like a few Evangelicals double size their McD` orders as well.
You want to judge? That drivel you spout, is inspired only by hatred and zealotry. No, my Catholic family members and neigbours are not gluttons. That is a lie.
Cannot have doctrinal issues eh? With out spouting hatred. You guys are just the different side of the same coin as lud.
4/20/2017 11:58:41 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
You turned my comment, "one day of gluttony," into a lifestyle.
That is quite the perception of assumption you have going on there 
4/20/2017 12:47:26 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
online now!
You turned my comment, "one day of gluttony," into a lifestyle.
That is quite the perception of assumption you have going on there 
And you do not, eh?
It would appear that the Cathlicks chose to "celebrate" this "crucial" event within our walk in Yahweh. By creating a "weekend" event to "end" their paganistic suffering of no meat, paint yourself with ashes, have a day of gluttony first on "fat Tuesday," and then give something up that is signifying a sacrifice.
Look at all that "capital" the Roman "pagan" Cathlicks generate out of something "without" WE would be DAMNED forever!!
How can you turn the ONLY WAY TO Yahweh into a money pit?
You involve the pagan Cathlicks!!

4/20/2017 3:16:28 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Winter Haven, FL
67, joined Feb. 2011
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Numbers 28:16: “On the 14th day of the 1st month the Lord’s Passover is to be held.” Exodus 12:6,7,12,13: “Take care of them {The Passover Lambs} until the 14th day of the month when all the people of Israel must slaughter them {See Lev 23:5} at Twilight {Just after sundown to nightfall}. Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the door frames of their houses. On that same night I will strike down the firstborn of the Egyptians… but when I see the blood I will PASS OVER you.” Deut 16:1: “Observe the month of ABIB and celebrate the PASS OVER of the Lord your God, because in the month of ABIB He brought you out of Egypt by night.” Lev 23:6: “On the 15th day of that month the Lord's 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread begins.”
Luke 22:7,8: Then came the day on which the Passover Lamb “Had” to be sacrificed. Jesus said, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.” Christ became our Passover Lamb on Passover Day! 1 Cor 5:7: “For Christ our PASSOVER LAMB has been sacrificed.” Whereas the Jews {who were following the evil Babylonian moon calendar} held their Passover on the 15th of Nisan {Which always occurs on the night of a full moon} and observed the Passover on the WRONG DAY as per John 18:28: “Then the Jews led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman Governor {Pilate}. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; for they wanted to be able to eat the PASSOVER!!” Which would have been the day “AFTER” Jesus correctly held the Passover on the 14th of ABIB which God had commanded.
So we can assume that the month of ABIB is different from the Babylonian moon month of Nisan and therefore has nothing to do with the moon. When does the first month of the Bible Year called ABIB begin?? Many Bible scholars believe that it may begin of the first day of SPRING or sundown March 20th to sundown March 21st. ABIB is the Hebrew word for SPRING. And so the 14th Day of ABIB can also be translated the 14th day of SPRING!!
If you go to the Internet under {timeanddate.com/calendar} you will be able to find the calendar for the month of April, AD 33 in Israel {Backspace and remove 2011 and type in 33 and Israel}. You will observe that April 2nd, AD 33 was on a Thursday and that April 5th, AD 33 was on a Sunday. So it is quite probable that Jesus held the Passover right after Sundown on Thursday, April 2nd, AD 33; was crucified on Friday, April 3rd, AD 33; and then was raised to life on Sunday, April 5th, AD 33. Then the 14th day of the first Bible month of ABIB or PASSOVER DAY would have begun on the 14th day after March 21st AD 33 {The first day of Spring}.
This is absolutely confirmed by the fact that there was a full moon {The 15th of Nisan} on April 3rd AD 33 {As per full moon footnote on calendar for April AD 33-Israel proven by the exact science of Astronomy} which would have been the day AFTER Jesus correctly held the PASSOVER on the 14th of ABIB or at twilight on Thursday, April 2nd, AD 33. If the first day of ABIB was from sundown, March 20th, AD 33 to sundown March 21st, AD 33 then the 14th day of ABIB or Passover Day would have been from sundown, April 2nd, AD 33 to sundown, April 3rd, AD 33. And so our Lord’s Resurrection Day is always on the 16th of Abib; which is always on April 5th each and every year!!
In May of AD 325 the Council of Nicea decided that starting in April, AD 326 the Resurrection Day of Jesus should be determined by the 1st month {Nisan} of the Babylonian Moon Calendar instead of April 5th, or the 16th day of first Bible month of Abib {See Ex 23:15 & Deut 16:1} The 1st Day of the 1st Bible month of Abib is always sundown Mar 20 to sundown Mar 21. The Nicean Council decided that our Lord's Resurrection Day should be called EASTER beginning in April, AD 326. DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF EASTER: Easter from the old English Eastre, the name of Babylonian Mother Nature goddess: ISHTAR!! The Phoenician name for ISHTAR or EASTER is Ashtoreth or Asherah who was worshiped as a goddess and the female counterpart of the sun god Baal. She was regarded both as the goddess of war and destruction as well as the deity of love and fertility. Her licentious worship was condemned by God {See Deut 7:5;16:21,22; Judges 2:12,13} The KJV wrongly translated the Greek word “pascha”; which always means “passover”; into the blasphemous word “EASTER” in Acts 12:4!
4/20/2017 3:18:53 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Winter Haven, FL
67, joined Feb. 2011
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The Apostle Peter wrote in I Peter 1:17-19: For you know it was not with perishable things such as silver and gold that you were **REDEEMED** from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the **PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST**, a Lamb without blemish or defect!!
Isaiah 53:5,6: But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and **BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED**. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all!!
I Peter 2:24,25: He Himself bore our sins in his body on a tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness, **BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED!. For you were like sheep going astray , but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls!
The apostle John wrote in I John 2:1,2: But if anybody does sin, we have One who speaks in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. **HE IS THE ATONING SACRIFICE FOR OUR SINS**. And not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world!
I John 4:10: This is love; not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son as **AN ATONING SACRIFICE FOR OUR SINS**!
Revelation 22:16,18,19: "I, Jesus. have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the Churches.... I warn everyone who hears the words of this prophecy of this Book: If anyone *ADDS* anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this Book {Including **ETERNAL HELL**} And if anyone **TAKES WORDS AWAY** from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the Tree of Life and in the Holy City {The New Jerusalem}, which are described in this book."
Revelation 1:5: From Jesus Christ, to Him who loves and has **FREED US FROM OUR SINS BY HIS BLOOD**!! Which TNT totally disagrees with and commits the unpardonable sin of **TAKING WORDS AWAY** from the book of Revelation!!
Revelation 5:9: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because You were slain and **WITH YOUR BLOOD** purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation!!"
Ephesians 1:3-8; 11; 19-23: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with **EVERY** spiritual blessing in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and **BLAMELESS** in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will--to the praise of His **GLORIOUS GRACE**, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have **REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD**, the forgiveness of sins. in accordance the riches of God's grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.....In Him we were also **CHOSEN** having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will!!.....That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the **PRESENT AGE** but also in the one to come. And God paced **ALL THINGS** under His feet and appointed Him {Not a pope}to be the ***HEAD*** over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way!!
Ephesians 2:4-10: Because of His great love for us, God,, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is **BY GRACE** you have been saved! And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparble riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is **BY GRACE** you have been saved, through faith-- and this **NOT FROM YOURSELVES, it is the **GIFT** of God--**NOT BY WORKS**, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do!
Ephesians 6:7,8: Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will **REWARD** everyone for whatever good he does! SALVATION IS 100 PERCENT FREE AND REWARDS ARE 100 PERCENT EARNED!!
4/20/2017 5:22:06 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
I see it as practicing false doctrine.
What is there to gain by doing something that is not Godly, by Yahweh's standards at all?
What are we to say?
Yay, good for you for following 2 to 4 weeks of mythology. That has absolutely nothing to do with the "facts" that took place on Calvary!!
I'd rather tell them the truth.
That is specifically what Yahshua did!!
4/20/2017 9:00:28 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
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I see it as practicing false doctrine.
What is there to gain by doing something that is not Godly, by Yahweh's standards at all?
What are we to say?
Yay, good for you for following 2 to 4 weeks of mythology. That has absolutely nothing to do with the "facts" that took place on Calvary!!
I'd rather tell them the truth.
That is specifically what Yahshua did!!
Jesus never spoke gibberish, not once.
4/21/2017 8:42:19 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
Jesus never spoke gibberish, not once.
So Peter was lying about being in ONE mind, language (unknown tongue to them), body, and spirit in the Book of Acts?
Gotta remember that according to you, one of Yahshua disciple's is bsing us 
4/21/2017 8:52:11 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
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So Peter was lying about being in ONE mind, language (unknown tongue to them), body, and spirit in the Book of Acts?
Gotta remember that according to you, one of Yahshua disciple's is bsing us 
And what has that got to do with the gibberish stuff?
And what a joke, you want to delete how many books in the Bible? All those witnesses that validate the virgin birth which you claim is a lie, in Isaiah?
4/21/2017 9:06:00 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
And what has that got to do with the gibberish stuff?
And what a joke, you want to delete how many books in the Bible? All those witnesses that validate the virgin birth which you claim is a lie, in Isaiah?
The "virgin" foretelling was an add in just like first two chapters in Books of Matthew and Luke!!
Not sure how not Mary being a virgin keeps Yahshua from being God but some lean that way 
4/21/2017 10:08:08 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
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The "virgin" foretelling was an add in just like first two chapters in Books of Matthew and Luke!!
Not sure how not Mary being a virgin keeps Yahshua from being God but some lean that way 
I repeat:
Read Isaiah 7:14 :
Isaiah 7:14 Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the [a]virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us)
To follow the argument given by I Am, not only would you have to prove the pagans`s not only might have heard the prophecies, which for sure they did. But that they taught this before the book of Isiah was written.
Historical context[edit]
While it is widely accepted that Isaiah the prophet did not write the entire book, there are good reasons to see parts of chapters 1–39 as stemming from the historic Isaiah ben Amoz, who lived in the Kingdom of Judah during the reigns of four kings from the mid to late 8th century BCE.[23][31] During this period, Assyria was expanding westward from its origins in modern-day northern Iraq towards the Mediterranean, destroying first Aram (modern Syria) in 734–732 BCE, then the Kingdom of Israel in 722–721, and finally subjugating Judah in 701.[32] Proto-Isaiah is divided between verse and prose passages, and a currently popular theory is that the verse passages represent the prophecies of the original 8th century Isaiah, while the prose sections are "sermons" on his texts composed at the court of Josiah a hundred years later, at the end of the 7th century.[33]
Book of Isaiah - Wikipedia
And even if you could prove that the Pagans did? You would still have to prove that the prophecy given in Isaiah, was stolen from the Pagans and inserted into scripture.
On top of that? Then you would be claiming that the book of Isaiah, was false and would have to delete it from Scripture.
But that is not all folks. Throw Isaiah out? Then you have to also to declare Mathew a false book, and toss that out. Since, if Isiah is a false prophet, then Mathew which declares the prophecies found in Isiah about the virgin birth are full filled, would also be false.
Matthew 1:22-23 Amplified Bible (AMP)
22 All this happened in order to fulfill what the Lord had spoken through the [a]prophet [Isaiah]: 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.”
But it does not stop there, sorry.
You have thrown Isaiah out and Matthew, but guess what other books quote Isaiah , and give it validity ?
- Mark, quotes Isaiah 6 times
-Luke quotes Isaiah, 6 times
-John quotes Isaiah,4 times
-Acts quotes Isaiah, 5 times
-Romans quotes Isaiah, 18 times
-Corinthians quotes Isaiah, 7 times
-Peter quotes Isaiah , 6 times.
-Galatians quotes Isiah,1 time
- Ephesians quotes Isaiah, 1 time.
- Hebrews , quotes Isaiah, 1 time.
-Revelations, quotes Isaiah, 1 time.
In order to claim that Isaiah was lying about a virgin birth? According to I Am`s claim? You have no New Testament left.
What is it you claim, Isiah stole it from another Religion? Then you are claiming he was a false prophet.

[Edited 4/21/2017 10:08:29 AM ]
4/21/2017 11:09:09 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Jesus was fully God---as well as being fully man---from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb. How could this be if Jesus had a human father?
4/21/2017 12:07:37 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
What is it you claim, Isiah stole it from another Religion? Then you are claiming he was a false prophet.
I am not claiming that at all.
I am claiming that Constantine (worshiper of Apollo (King Demon of Bottomless Pit)(Greek myth god who had a "virgin mother") ADDED 2 chapters to Matthew and Luke that were not original. And, they tampered with Isaiah so his prophecy included ("virgin" birth").
I firmly believe Isaiah "did in fact" prophesy of the coming "Messiah!!" I do not believe it was about a "birth" happening. Since the "Jews" are preparing for the "Messiah" to appear onto the scene as a grown man!! Even their scripture version "DOES NOT" mention "virgin" or "birth". ((SO clearly, Roman "pagan" Cathlicks at their finest))...
***Did you know Jewish scholars have predicted we are "estimated" within less than 60 and possibly much closer (due to 168 years of Jewish history found and not calculated) "years" from the 6,000 year mark of Adam?***
***The Jewish prophecy includes the Messiah appearing around the 6,000 year mark from Adam...which is the antichrist for the Jews since we know Yahshua, is the real "Messiah!!"***
***This means that it is close to Yahshua's "Second Coming!!"***
***Since they are thinking in logical terms, that 6,000 years from Adam could in theory be TOMORROW!! This puts Daniel 70th week and Israel as a nation in 1948 back into play!!***
4/21/2017 1:01:05 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Where is your evidence that Constantine added anything to any book of the Bible?
"Well, I don't want to believe in the virgin birth, and a lot of people think Constantine was a bad guy, so I'll just say, with no evidence, that Constantine added the virgin birth narratives to the Bible."
0l' Constantine. Anything you don't like about Christianity, anything you don't like about the Catholic Church, anything you don't like about the Bible, anything you don't like about any historical fact, you can blame on Constantine.
4/21/2017 1:19:38 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
Because the first churches around 70 AD chronicled not using the "virgin birth" myth. This idea came around 4th Century. Why accept something 4th Century when you know it is not fact?
4/21/2017 2:22:35 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
No virgin birth until the fourth century? Let's see about that.
"For [Paul] writing tobtge Galatians says, 'God sent His own Son, made of a woman, who of course is admitted to have veen a virgin, although Hebion [a notorious heretic] resists. I recognize, too, the angel Gabriel as gaving been sent to a virgin."
--Tertullian (a.d. 160-220)
"In a virgin's soul...must be introduced that Word of Godwhich was to raise the fabric of life..."
"Therefore the Holy Spirit of God, descending from heaven, chose the holy Virgin, that He might enter her womb. But she, veing filled by possession of the Divine Spirit, conceived; and without any intercourse with a man, her virgin womb was suddenly impregnated."
--Lactantius (a.d. 250-325)
[Edited 4/21/2017 2:24:27 PM ]
4/21/2017 2:33:15 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Reno, NV
47, joined Jul. 2014
So 2nd and 3rd Century, not "original" as I thought!!
4/21/2017 2:50:19 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
According to Wikipedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia says that the following early Christian writers all affirmed that, not only was Mary a virgin when she bore Christ, but all through her life All of the following died in 339 or earlier): Ireanaeus, Origen, Justin Martyr, Eusebius, and Rufinus. Origen died in 253 a.d. and Justin Martyr was martyred in 165 a.d., both well before the fourth century began.
4/21/2017 2:55:26 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
7 B.C. - August 21, noon. Birth of Jesus. With the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary is delivered of a male child - (The Urantia Book,122:8.1)
3 B.C. - April 2. The birth of James, Joseph and Mary's second child - (The Urantia Book,123:1.5)
2 B.C. - July 11. The birth of Miriam, Joseph and Mary's third child - (The Urantia Book,123:2.3)
1 A.D. - March 16, Wednesday. The birth of Joseph, Joseph and Mary's fourth child - (The Urantia Book,123:4.9)
2 A.D. - April 14, Friday. The birth of Simon, Joseph and Mary's fifth child - (The Urantia Book,123:6.7)
3 A.D. - September 13, Thursday night. The birth of Martha, Joseph and Mary's sixth child and Jesus' second sister - (The Urantia Book,124:1.7)
5 A.D. - June 24, Wednesday. The birth of Jude, Joseph and Mary's seventh child. Complications attended the birth. (The Urantia Book,123:4.9)
7 A.D. - January 9, Sunday night. The birth of Amos, Joseph and Mary's eighth child - (The Urantia Book,124:5.2)
9 A.D. - April 17, Wednesday evening. The birth of Ruth, Joseph and Mary's ninth child. (The Urantia Book,126:3.2)
4/25/2017 10:44:54 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
According to Wikipedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia says that the following early Christian writers all affirmed that, not only was Mary a virgin when she bore Christ, but all through her life All of the following died in 339 or earlier): Ireanaeus, Origen, Justin Martyr, Eusebius, and Rufinus. Origen died in 253 a.d. and Justin Martyr was martyred in 165 a.d., both well before the fourth century began.
She must have been a "born again virgin"
After 9 kiddos...
4/25/2017 11:49:52 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Mary was born without stain of original sin (the immaculate conception). She had no need to be born again. However, Jesus is still her Savior. How could that be? Mary, conceived in the usual way by the sexual union of her parents Joachim and Anne, had the grace of being born without any stain of original sin due ONLY to the merits gained by the suffering and death of Christ, applied retroactively to Mary.
Think about it---if Mary had any stain of original sin, Jesus would have had to live in the midst of sin for the first nine months of His life on earth, during the time He was gestating. So God, in a miracle, preserved her from all the effects of original sin.
4/25/2017 12:44:33 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
Mary was born without stain of original sin (the immaculate conception). She had no need to be born again. However, Jesus is still her Savior. How could that be? Mary, conceived in the usual way by the sexual union of her parents Joachim and Anne, had the grace of being born without any stain of original sin due ONLY to the merits gained by the suffering and death of Christ, applied retroactively to Mary.
Think about it---if Mary had any stain of original sin, Jesus would have had to live in the midst of sin for the first nine months of His life on earth, during the time He was gestating. So God, in a miracle, preserved her from all the effects of original sin.
Do you believe that out of your great intellect....
Or your unquenchable Faith??

Do you know the difference between
Evil and Sin?
[Edited 4/25/2017 12:46:19 PM ]
4/25/2017 1:54:47 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Catholic faith is as solid as a rock. Ludlow's intellect,not worth two cents.
Enlighten us---what is the difference between sin and evil?
4/25/2017 4:02:52 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
Catholic faith is as solid as a rock. Ludlow's intellect,not worth two cents.
Enlighten us---what is the difference between sin and evil?
Dont belittle your self Lud...
sheep are herded by the doctrines/dogmas of traditional religious faith.
Your intellect is given by God.
Best go with God!
4/25/2017 4:20:29 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
What many do not understand is that the Catholic faith is a set of teachings that came to the human race when Jesus Christ, the God-man, the Incarnate Son of God, came down from Heaven, became one of us, and taught these teachings. This is in contrast to the other faiths, which are, in whole or in part, the made-up teachings (opinions) of some mere human being. All who are sincerely seeking truth will discover the Catholic faith.
4/25/2017 6:16:17 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
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Lud says:
"Enlighten us---what is the difference between sin and evil?"
67:1.4 Evil is a partial realization of, or maladjustment to, universe realities. But sin is a purposeful resistance to divine reality—a conscious choosing to oppose spiritual progress— -The Urantia Book
75:4.3 ...sin is a deliberate transgression of the divine will; evil is the misadaptation of plans and the maladjustment of techniques resulting in universe disharmony and planetary confusion. -The Urantia Book
148:4.3 “Evil is the unconscious or unintended transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Evil is likewise the measure of the imperfectness of obedience to the Father’s will.
148:4.4 “Sin is the conscious, knowing, and deliberate transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Sin is the measure of unwillingness to be divinely led and spiritually directed. -The Urantia Book
170:2.19 Jesus taught that sin is not the child of a defective nature but rather the offspring of a knowing mind dominated by an unsubmissive will. -The Urantia Book
188:4.5 Sin is the act of conscious and deliberate rebellion against the Father’s will and the Sons’ laws by an individual will creature. -The Urantia Book
2:3.2 The final result of wholehearted sin is annihilation. -The Urantia Book
4/27/2017 4:03:45 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
What many do not understand is that the Catholic faith is a set of teachings that came to the human race when Jesus Christ, the God-man, the Incarnate Son of God, came down from Heaven, became one of us, and taught these teachings. This is in contrast to the other faiths, which are, in whole or in part, the made-up teachings (opinions) of some mere human being. All who are sincerely seeking truth will discover the Catholic faith.
Your church teaches Yahshua died on Friday, and He didn't, He died on Weds.
Your church has done nothing but twist God's word.

4/27/2017 11:37:03 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
The Bible says Jesus arose three days after He died. The way the Jews counted time, that included Friday, Saturday, and Subday.
Catholicism, founded by Jesus Christ. Protestantism, founded by Martin Luther.
4/29/2017 11:30:38 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
The Bible says Jesus arose three days after He died. The way the Jews counted time, that included Friday, Saturday, and Subday.
Catholicism, founded by Jesus Christ. Protestantism, founded by Martin Luther.
Not hardly, especially since the day starts in the evening. You really should learn to count.

4/30/2017 3:48:16 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
The ancient Jews counted differently than we do. We would say that it is two days from Friday to Sunday but the ancient Jews would count Friday and say it was three days.
How many years was it from 1960 to 2000? We would say 40 but the ancient Jews would say 41.
5/2/2017 2:41:20 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
The ancient Jews counted differently than we do. We would say that it is two days from Friday to Sunday but the ancient Jews would count Friday and say it was three days.
How many years was it from 1960 to 2000? We would say 40 but the ancient Jews would say 41.
You are hilarious...
5/3/2017 6:41:06 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
Your church teaches Yahshua died on Friday, and He didn't, He died on Weds.
Your church has done nothing but twist God's word.

Written by those who were there that day ...."At about half past nine o’clock this Friday morning, Jesus was hung upon the cross. Before eleven o’clock, upward of one thousand persons had assembled to witness this spectacle of the crucifixion of the Son of Man. Throughout these dreadful hours the unseen hosts of a universe stood in silence while they gazed upon this extraordinary phenomenon of the Creator as he was dying the death of the creature, even the most ignoble death of a condemned criminal."
5/3/2017 2:39:57 PM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
Quote from share_n_love:
Your church teaches Yahshua died on Friday, and He didn't, He died on Weds.
Your church has done nothing but twist God's word.
Written by those who were there that day  ...."At about half past nine o’clock this Friday morning, Jesus was hung upon the cross. Before eleven o’clock, upward of one thousand persons had assembled to witness this spectacle of the crucifixion of the Son of Man. Throughout these dreadful hours the unseen hosts of a universe stood in silence while they gazed upon this extraordinary phenomenon of the Creator as he was dying the death of the creature, even the most ignoble death of a condemned criminal."
Sharen is right about the C. church twisting God's word, but wrong about the day Jesus died.
5/4/2017 4:20:52 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
Written by those who were there that day  ...."At about half past nine o’clock this Friday morning, Jesus was hung upon the cross. Before eleven o’clock, upward of one thousand persons had assembled to witness this spectacle of the crucifixion of the Son of Man. Throughout these dreadful hours the unseen hosts of a universe stood in silence while they gazed upon this extraordinary phenomenon of the Creator as he was dying the death of the creature, even the most ignoble death of a condemned criminal."
Not hardly.
He died at the 9th hour [3pm] on Weds Afternoon. He was taken down and put in the tomb at sundown [approx 6pm]. He was in the grave from Weds evening to Thurs evening = 1 night & 1 day, Thurs evening to Friday evening = 2 night & 2 days, Fri evening to Sat evening = 3 nights & 3 days. He rose on the 3rd day [after sundown on Sat]. Mary went to the tomb very early [after sunrise] on Sunday [the first day of the week].
He said He would be 3 nights and 3 days in the grave!

[Edited 5/4/2017 4:21:26 AM ]
5/4/2017 7:35:33 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
That's not the way Jews counted time. But even if Jesus died on Wednesday and not Friday, He still died for our sins, and that's the important thing.
5/4/2017 9:34:54 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
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Ludlow says:
" But even if Jesus died on Wednesday and not Friday, He still died for our sins, and that's the important thing."
But Jesus gives a different reason for why he came here and died:
“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.”
You contradict Jesus all the time with your doctrines of men.
Jesus says: "But thou, when thou prayest, ...pray to thy Father." Mat 6:6
But Ludlow/Satan says: I would recommend that people pray sometimes to Mary or one of the saints... Let the prayer life have some variety.
You're a very sick Catholic man, Lud, recently even in denial about your Scrupulosity obsessive compulsive mental illness by blaming the devil for it.
Ludlow says:
"The devil's usual attack on humans is to influence humans to make their consciences lax. If that doesn't work he seeks to make our consciences too strict, and one form this takes is scrupulousity.
Translated: "The devil made me do it."
Tell us more about "the devil's usual attack." How does he do it? Do you hear his voice in your head?
5/6/2017 3:02:00 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
That's not the way Jews counted time. But even if Jesus died on Wednesday and not Friday, He still died for our sins, and that's the important thing.
God's word is true.
Yahshua being God's power in the flesh would have counted it as God does:
Evening & Day = 1 day!
Try actually reading your Bible. 
5/6/2017 6:29:12 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Read the Bible...read the Bible...oh yeah, that compilation of books the Catholic Church put together in 393 a.d.
5/8/2017 3:26:31 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
Read the Bible...read the Bible...oh yeah, that compilation of books the Catholic Church put together in 393 a.d.
Why don't YOU try reading God's word, YOU are the one changing what His word says!
Gen 1:4-5, CJB
4. God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. 5. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So there was evening, and there was morning, one day.
Gen 1:4-5, NKJV
4. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:4-5, NIV
4. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning — the first day.
Evening first...Day second = 1 Day.
Weds evening [after sundown] He went into the tomb.
Sat evening [after sundown, and it is Sunday] He rose.
He met Mary EARLY [Sunrise] the FIRST day [Sunday].
YOU are the one who needs to actually READ God's word!

5/9/2017 9:44:05 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
What good does it do to read God's word, if we don't believe in the Catholic Church, the entity that put God's word together in the first place?
5/11/2017 1:06:59 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
What good does it do to read God's word, if we don't believe in the Catholic Church, the entity that put God's word together in the first place?
They ONLY bound it and NOTHING more. 
5/11/2017 8:48:54 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
The only way we know the Bible is the inspired word of God is that the Catholic Church says so. To believe in the Bible without believing in the Catholic Church would be like believing in the Boy Scout Handbook without believing in the Boy Scouts.
5/11/2017 9:16:19 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Jacksonville, FL
77, joined Apr. 2011
The only way we know the Bible is the inspired word of God is that the Catholic Church says so. To believe in the Bible without believing in the Catholic Church would be like believing in the Boy Scout Handbook without believing in the Boy Scouts.
Quote from ludlowlowell:
Without the interpretations of the Catholic Church, the entity that put the Bible together in the first place, the Bible is a hodgepodge of real and apparent contradictions that can be made to say anything anybody wants it to say, and can be made to support any ism under the sun.
5/11/2017 5:25:26 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
The only way we know the Bible is the inspired word of God is that the Catholic Church says so. To believe in the Bible without believing in the Catholic Church would be like believing in the Boy Scout Handbook without believing in the Boy Scouts.
NO, YHVH God said His word is truth. NOT your RCC. 
5/11/2017 9:54:58 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Of course God's word is truth. But how do we know what God's word is? Why is Hebrews Hod's word and not Didache? Why is Revelation God's word and not Shepherd of Hermas? Are I, II, III, and IV Maccabees part of God's word?
The only way we know which books are inspired of God and which ones not is by what our Holy Mother the Church says.
5/12/2017 3:55:10 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
Of course God's word is truth. But how do we know what God's word is? Why is Hebrews Hod's word and not Didache? Why is Revelation God's word and not Shepherd of Hermas? Are I, II, III, and IV Maccabees part of God's word?
The only way we know which books are inspired of God and which ones not is by what our Holy Mother the Church says.
God determined what He wanted in HIS writings...NOT your church! 
5/12/2017 10:01:42 AM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
How do you know the Bible IS the Bible? Who says so? Who guarantees it?
5/12/2017 1:01:55 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Jacksonville, FL
77, joined Apr. 2011
Of course God's word is truth. But how do we know what God's word is? Why is Hebrews Hod's word and not Didache? Why is Revelation God's word and not Shepherd of Hermas? Are I, II, III, and IV Maccabees part of God's word?
The only way we know which books are inspired of God and which ones not is by what our Holy Mother the Church says.
You spew out Lies, Ludlow. Jesus sent into the world at Pentecost the Holy Spirit of Truth as His replacement teacher for all mankind and He didn't instruct His followers to subsequently unquestionably believe and accept the dictates and teachings of any book or what the church claims about the book.
Why does a "good" Catholic (in your mind) like you call Pope Francis a "utter idiot" Ludlow?
5/12/2017 1:19:49 PM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
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Ludlow says:
"The only way we know which books are inspired of God and which ones not is by what our Holy Mother the Church says."
Your murderous, homosexual, pedophile infested gold mongering abomination of a sect is not "our Holy Mother the Church."
5/12/2017 6:30:10 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
How do you know the Bible IS the Bible? Who says so? Who guarantees it?
God...through HIs Holy Spirit. 
5/12/2017 6:55:01 PM |
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Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
Then why does the Holy Spirit tell Protestants the Bible contains 66 books, Catholics that it contains 73 books, and Greek Orthodox that there are 76 books?
5/12/2017 8:16:15 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Jacksonville, FL
77, joined Apr. 2011
Your question is not an answer to my question. Why don't you answer my question, Ludlow?
5/12/2017 8:32:51 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Panama City, FL
65, joined Feb. 2008
I was responding to Share's comnent.
5/12/2017 8:40:43 PM |
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Jacksonville, FL
77, joined Apr. 2011
Well, go ahead and answer my question. Why does a "good" Catholic (in your mind) like you call Pope Francis a "utter idiot" Ludlow?
5/12/2017 9:01:49 PM |
Why call it Good Friday? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
Ludlow says:
"Then why does the Holy Spirit tell Protestants the Bible contains 66 books, Catholics that it contains 73 books, and Greek Orthodox that there are 76 books?"
That's God's problem, if there is one, not your problem. You don't go to the "Holy Spirit" for your answers anyway. If you did you would not be a Cathlick and pray to Mary and other dead people and call priests, "Father" and deny that God forgives those who forgive others.
"We Catholics have some — and not some, many — who believe they possess the absolute truth and go ahead dirtying the other with calumny, with disinformation, and doing evil. They do evil. I say this because it is my Church." [The pope] further added that "fundamentalism is more idolatry than actual religion, warning that 'ideas and false certainties' can take the place of faith, love, and God." -Pope Francis