4/21/2017 10:14:30 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
Who would be a better Commander in Chief?
And why.
What would you do differently?
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4/21/2017 10:19:37 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Joe Shit the rag man would be a better CinC than Dirty Donald, who's only concern is fattening his and his families wallets.
4/21/2017 10:33:19 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
When do you think Crooked Hillary and Bill are going to declare that 145 million (they got for selling Russia 20% of Americas uranium) on their income taxes, Minister?
4/21/2017 10:56:34 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
just about ANYBODY!!!!!
[except for the nutjobs that post in this forum,that is!!]
BUSH[either one of them] was a better president than he is!
I wouldn't even mind if mike pence took over,but donald trump is a mental case who is not even remotely qualified to hold the office of any sort of public servant,because he is not interested in serving the public..only himself!
mike pence is going to wind up running things,anyway,cuz trump isn't going to make it 4 years without getting impeached!!
4/21/2017 11:00:38 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
just about ANYBODY!!!!!
[except for the nutjobs that post in this forum,that is!!]
BUSH[either one of them] was a better president than he is!
I wouldn't even mind if mike pence took over,but donald trump is a mental case who is not even remotely qualified to hold the office of any sort of public servant,because he is not interested in serving the public..only himself!
mike pence is going to wind up running things,anyway,cuz trump isn't going to make it 4 years without getting impeached!!
Why ? What has Trump done that is SO wrong ?
4/21/2017 11:13:07 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
It is easy to sit back and criticize.
Everyone is a critic and a arm chair quarterback.
Doing better than anyone else is an accomplishment.
4/21/2017 11:16:59 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
BUSH[either one of them] was a better president than he is!
What exactly did you like about either of the Bush's policies?
4/22/2017 8:00:43 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
What exactly did you like about either of the Bush's policies?
Nothing. But they weren't total world wide embarrassments (until Baby B's 2nd term), but even that wasn't anywhere near the current Idiot in Chief.
If I remember correctly even Dub-ya could use a pen without assistance.
4/22/2017 8:18:26 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
I don't hate Trump, to begin with.
The same things that have made him such a bad businessman, have been impeding his conduct of the office of President. He obviously to this day (as many always-rich people do) has no understanding at all, of the fact that the only reason that a lot of people put up with his crude behavior and constant lying, is because he is rich, and they want his money. Now, international leaders are putting up with his horrible disorganized behavior, because he is the leader of the richest and most powerful nation on the planet, not because he is brilliantly charming, as he seems to imagine he is.
Who would be better? That's easy on one level, but very difficult on another. Almost anyone who has been at least a Senator or the Governor of a large state, would know a LOT more about how to be a political leader. But especially in the times we live in, with all that has gone before, whoever is President can't JUST be a basic good politician.
I frankly don't know of anyone in particular I would put in his place if I had that power, because everyone who I could choose has big flaws. Most are not AS flawed as Trump, so it would be a matter of going from near disaster to a slightly less frightening horror story. No Democrat could function, because the rest of the government is in the hands of people who have made it clear that they would rather drive the country off a cliff (again) than do anything at all to to allow even a HINT of support for anything that has Democratic support. Amongst the available Republicans, too many have proven that they are so narrowly focused that they would distort the country in a different, but not a better way were they in charge.
Someone LIKE Ryan, but not as close-minded about political ideas would be good, but there's no one who fits the bill.
4/22/2017 8:43:25 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Who would be a better Commander in Chief?
Any true leftist (Democrats need not apply).
The left is the working class (i.e, the productive members of society, the majority of society). Donald Trump represents the raping, looting, greedy, parasitic, gangster-capitalist one-percenters in their relentless attack upon the working class as they pursue more riches for themselves.
Trump and his criminal cabal desire imperialist wars for their own benefit, the worsening of Obamacare for their own benefit, the privatization of the public school system for their own benefit, the repression of worker wages for their own benefit, the destruction of Social Security and Medicare for their own benefit, ever-rising rents for their own benefit, etc. They want only to rape the f**king shit out of all of us, wage lots of imperialist wars, and loot the crap out of the public till. They are why America is the Evil Empire.
[Edited 4/22/2017 8:44:36 AM ]
4/22/2017 8:59:53 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
First off a democrat could never answer this question because all of there candidates are embarrassing really awful
Like if they said liz Warren a crowd would laugh hysterically.
Bernie sanders joke, they have no one!
There is no success in the democrat party, they are hoping a movie star will run, but a rich guy like Tom hanks would be so exposed by prostitutes STDs drinking alcohol drug problems that it would become a joke.
4/22/2017 9:09:47 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Bush was gung ho and went and invaded Afghanistan after 9/11. We knew the history of Afghanistan.
The Brits went there in 1839 and fought three wars before leaving for good in 1919. The best they could get was a few worthless treaties.
The Soviets spent 10 years there and ended in a stalemate.
The US entered Afghanistan in 2001 and we are still there. We bomb them they scatter like roaches and in a few weeks they are back. Three different presidents and still no resolve. So all three presidents have blood on their hands. At the rate we are going in another eight years we will still be there.
My thoughts day one and I still hold to them was we are not going to win any of the wars on terror until we cut their funding. We have known for a long time that Iran is one of the largests supporters of terrorists, we know that the Saudis have funded terrorists. Some think funding is coming from Qatar. Therein lies the problem. No one in their right mind is going to go after the Saudis or Qatar. Oil, Oil, Oil.....
4/22/2017 9:19:22 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
First off a democrat could never answer this question because all of there candidates are embarrassing really awful
Like if they said liz Warren a crowd would laugh hysterically.
Bernie sanders joke, they have no one!
There is no success in the democrat party, they are hoping a movie star will run, but a rich guy like Tom hanks would be so exposed by prostitutes STDs drinking alcohol drug problems that it would become a joke.
The problem with the Democratic Party is that, in the final analysis, they are themselves all right-wing gangster-capitalists. In fact, their major role in past decades has been to carry on the right-wing thrust of the Republicans when the Democrats themselves hold political power and to rehabilitate the Republicans after every one of the Republicans' massive crime sprees against the American people.
4/22/2017 11:22:17 AM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
First off a democrat could never answer this question because all of there candidates are embarrassing really awful
Like if they said liz Warren a crowd would laugh hysterically.
Bernie sanders joke, they have no one!
There is no success in the democrat party, they are hoping a movie star will run, but a rich guy like Tom hanks would be so exposed by prostitutes STDs drinking alcohol drug problems that it would become a joke.
You meant to say "their candidates."
The American public made it clear to the Republicans in the last electoral cycle, that THEIR candidates are every bit as bad or worse than the Democrats. That's why we ended up with a non-Democrat that the Republicans don't like either, in the White House.
[Edited 4/22/2017 11:23:07 AM ]
4/22/2017 12:00:48 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

4/22/2017 12:02:19 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Campaign promises:
The DailyWire did a report on how many of Trump's campaign promises were delivered in the first 100 days. Surprisingly, Trump delivered, to varying degrees, on about 70 percent of them.
However, No one expected him to attack Syria, having Kushner be the real President, and calling for Assange to be arrested is so bad It really throws water on Gorsuch making the Supreme court and a token de-funding of Planned Parenthood.
Yes, de-funding sanctuary cities was a good move, but everyone is moving ahead with forcing vaccines into even adults now - bottom line - the huge apparatus Americans hated is progressing full steam ahead with not a single arrest while comparative window dressing issues are the only things getting done.
4/22/2017 12:43:34 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
OP, you ask: “Who would make a better Commander in Chief [than Trump]?”
Why, of course, the Democrat’s choice Hillary Clinton would. She wears adult dippers. So she is prepared for anything that comes (pun intended).
4/22/2017 1:55:28 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Who would be a better Commander in Chief?
And why.
What would you do differently?
Why do you need to be led in the first place?
4/22/2017 2:25:40 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
I'm trying to think of who would be worse!
Couldn't think of anyone worse!
4/22/2017 2:27:12 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
OP, you ask: “Who would make a better Commander in Chief [than Trump]?”
Why, of course, the Democrat’s choice Hillary Clinton would. She wears adult dippers. So she is prepared for anything that comes (pun intended).
Louie, you'd tap that and you know it! 
4/22/2017 3:55:43 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
I'm trying to think of who would be worse!
Couldn't think of anyone worse!
4/22/2017 4:00:07 PM |
Since you hate Trump so much. |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Another win
Has China pulled the plug on Pyongyang? Drivers scramble as petrol stations run out of gas amid claims Beijing's sanctions have hit North Korea
Drivers in Pyongyang were scrambling to fill up their vehicles today as petrol stations began limiting services or even closing amid concerns of a spreading shortage.
A sign outside one station in the North Korean capital said sales were being restricted to diplomats or vehicles used by international organizations, while others were closed or turning away local residents.
Lines at other stations were much longer than usual and prices appeared to be rising significantly. The cause of the restrictions or how long they might last were not immediately known.
North Korea relies heavily on China for its fuel supply and Beijing has reportedly been tightening its enforcement of international sanctions aimed at getting Pyongyang to abandon its development of nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4432936/Pyongyang-drivers-scramble-gas-stations-limit-services.html#ixzz4f0xG2R9M
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