5/22/2017 4:08:54 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008

There weren't any.
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5/22/2017 4:17:01 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Castle Rock, CO
60, joined Jan. 2009
online now!
Try taking entitlements away from people especially the parasite class (ie:democrats) they then riot. (See Greece)
Canada has the U.S. to take most of their seriously ill and treat them in a timely manner.
Great Britain now sells private insurance, why the hell would anyone need that I wonder.
In France you can get medical consierge service and you can bypass the unwashed and go to the front of the line.
Are you prepared to pay 50% income tax for a single payer system like they do in France? Oh wait, you are a democrat, I forgot you let other people pay taxes you just use services, now I know why democrats want a single payer system, they know they don't have to pay for it, silly me.
5/22/2017 4:41:26 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Try taking entitlements away from people especially the parasite class (ie:democrats) they then riot. (See Greece)
Canada has the U.S. to take most of their seriously ill and treat them in a timely manner.
Great Britain now sells private insurance, why the hell would anyone need that I wonder.
In France you can get medical consierge service and you can bypass the unwashed and go to the front of the line.
Are you prepared to pay 50% income tax for a single payer system like they do in France? Oh wait, you are a democrat, I forgot you let other people pay taxes you just use services, now I know why democrats want a single payer system, they know they don't have to pay for it, silly me.
We right-wingers firmly believe that people should work hard for low wages and all the wealth they create should go to rich, capitalist parasites who don't do any work at all. We believe that any and all social spending should go to the needs of those capitalist parasites, including trillions for imperialist wars, trillions more to bail rich capitalists out of their bad investments, hundreds of billions for corporate subsidies, and hundreds of billions more for fancy stadiums that will make rich capitalist lots of money, and so forth. If we spend the wealth that workers create on the needs of those workers, why there won't be any money at all left for imperialist wars, capitalist bailouts, corporate subsidies, fancy stadiums, and to stuff into the pockets of a tiny gaggle of super-rich criminal elites who don't work and that would f**king be un-American!
"What we have in this country is socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the poor." -- Gore Vidal
[Edited 5/22/2017 4:42:47 PM ]
5/22/2017 5:12:09 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
Fox,Where do we rank in the world health rankings???Usually in the mid to upper 30's of the worlds countries.ALL OF THOSE with single payer rank ahead of us!!We have WORSE maternal maternity death rates than most third world countries and are dead last in industrialized countries.
5/22/2017 5:14:46 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
The ability or inability to buy health care from private health insurers DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A HEALTH CARE SYSTEM!!!
5/22/2017 5:34:16 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Reading, PA
64, joined May. 2013
Try taking entitlements away from people especially the parasite class (ie:democrats) they then riot. (See Greece)
Canada has the U.S. to take most of their seriously ill and treat them in a timely manner.
Great Britain now sells private insurance, why the hell would anyone need that I wonder.
In France you can get medical consierge service and you can bypass the unwashed and go to the front of the line.
Are you prepared to pay 50% income tax for a single payer system like they do in France? Oh wait, you are a democrat, I forgot you let other people pay taxes you just use services, now I know why democrats want a single payer system, they know they don't have to pay for it, silly me.
the lie about canadians has been debunked many times
Practically all the single payer systems sell extra insurance if they want private rooms with catering and other non-medical amenities as you've pointed out for France.
France spends 11.6% of their income for health care.
So your speculation is based on lies as usual.
5/22/2017 5:39:42 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
NO IT HASN'T!! CANADIANS ARE FLOODING TO THE US FOR HEALTHCARE!!! The interwebs says it, it HAS to be true. The can't put it on the interwebs if it isn't!
5/22/2017 5:42:00 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
If you think England doesn't take enough taxes. Why you think the Beatles lived here. To avoid the 50% take home pay the other half England garnishes for supporting the lazy azzes.
5/22/2017 5:42:04 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
It's not a lie, merely an alternative fact.
He's sure of it because Rush told him so.
5/22/2017 10:38:43 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016

5/22/2017 10:43:09 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
It takes longer to walk in to my DMV then it does to get my business taken care of. Seems to me that the "DMV excuse" is more about people like to live in cities more then it's about not getting good service.
5/22/2017 10:54:42 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
Cost of living in Switzerland is 76% higher that the U.S.
Have fun paying ten bucks for a gallon of milk and using the metric system.
How would food stamps work?
[Edited 5/22/2017 10:56:56 PM ]
5/23/2017 6:37:52 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Cost of living in Switzerland is 76% higher that the U.S.
Have fun paying ten bucks for a gallon of milk and using the metric system.
How would food stamps work?
What's funny is that even with the cost of living what it is, there is still a smaller percentage of people living below the poverty line in Switzerland. They also have less unemployment than the U.S. They also have less debt and a higher GDP per capita than the U.S. And they also use a measurement system that makes sense. $10 for a gallon of milk all of the sudden doesn't sound so bad.
5/23/2017 6:52:21 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Don't forget about Switzerland & France & quite a few of these (horrible) countries have a minimum of 6 weeks paid vacation per year & they are not allowed to work more than 32 hours per week.
Could it be that their government isn't constantly trying to find new ways to screw their citizens?
Could the healthcare cover be that they're smart enough to know that PREVENTATIVE care saves much more money in the long run?
Could it be that a minority of Americans are just too dumb to ever look up the facts & instead this minority listens to the lies the millionaire politicians who want to dumb you down so they can take more & more of your money & profit heavily if THEY get lucky & YOU get sick?
Meanwhile chump just cut 800 billion from Medicare. Medicare takes care of our Veterans.
Looks like another broken promise you righties will give him a pass on.
5/23/2017 1:03:49 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Castle Rock, CO
60, joined Jan. 2009
online now!
Fox,Where do we rank in the world health rankings???Usually in the mid to upper 30's of the worlds countries.ALL OF THOSE with single payer rank ahead of us!!We have WORSE maternal maternity death rates than most third world countries and are dead last in industrialized countries.
In this country and perhaps ONLY in this country can we take a premature child born not much bigger than your hand and bring that baby to full term outside the womb. Many of those children don't make it, in almost every other country on earth, they let those kids die, and they DO NOT count them in the statistics, but we do.
Be honest, if your wife or daughter was going to give birth to a child prematurely, then which of these countries would you choose to be in:
Great Britain
United States
What is your answer?
If your answer is anyplace other than the US I will accept that, I have trouble believing it, but for me I would choose the life of my wife or daughter and baby be in the hands of a doctor and facility in this country.
5/23/2017 1:29:58 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
In this country and perhaps ONLY in this country can we take a premature child born not much bigger than your hand and bring that baby to full term outside the womb. Many of those children don't make it, in almost every other country on earth, they let those kids die, and they DO NOT count them in the statistics, but we do.
Be honest, if your wife or daughter was going to give birth to a child prematurely, then which of these countries would you choose to be in:
Great Britain
United States
What is your answer?
If your answer is anyplace other than the US I will accept that, I have trouble believing it, but for me I would choose the life of my wife or daughter and baby be in the hands of a doctor and facility in this country.
This carries the tone of a wild idea that ONLY the United States could decipher the probability of viability and take action to save a child, AND quite possibly a bit of tone that we are most humane.
I'll address the second part.
Other countries are MORE humane within a recognition that health care for all carries the connotation that ALL are important as it pertains to LIFE. It is not for those that can only afford it. Should VA, Medicaid, or medicare recipients receive substandard care based on their insurance type? But it happens and THAT my friend is what the United States has at this time as opposed to other countries. Medicaid patients run into difficulty finding doctors to accept their insurance, shame shame, it is because of money, you know it, I know it.
This idea that it is a slippery slope is ridiculous, extreme collectivism it is not...but an open market without regulation is extreme individualism, and we see the monopolies that spring from it. Either we are society of recipients of health care or we are not.
Argue all you'd like that health care is not a right, but do not tell me that good health care is never based on individual finances and circumstances.
You appear to be pretty reasonable poster as opposed to others but no sir, I do not believe we are smarter, healthier, wiser, or better off with our health care than other countries.
Exceptionalism is haughty when it pertains to the value of life.
5/23/2017 1:48:39 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013

5/23/2017 1:53:00 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
NJ privatized out DMV in 1995. In 2003 control returned back to the government. Any guesses why?
5/23/2017 2:04:46 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Uhhhhhhhhhm, because it sucked?!
5/23/2017 2:06:06 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
We privatized a portion of Medicare through Medicare Advantage,you know who it advantaged the private health insurers who are selling it, and ripping off the taxpayers for BILLIONS.
5/23/2017 2:53:33 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Try taking entitlements away from people especially the parasite class (ie:democrats) they then riot. (See Greece)
Canada has the U.S. to take most of their seriously ill and treat them in a timely manner.
Great Britain now sells private insurance, why the hell would anyone need that I wonder.
In France you can get medical consierge service and you can bypass the unwashed and go to the front of the line.
Are you prepared to pay 50% income tax for a single payer system like they do in France? Oh wait, you are a democrat, I forgot you let other people pay taxes you just use services, now I know why democrats want a single payer system, they know they don't have to pay for it, silly me.
Poor deluded sheep.
If most Americans had a clue what healthcare actually costs them, they would be up in arms fighting to get rid of the abomination that is for-profit primary care. But they are kept fat and stupid by their wealthy elite handlers, who know that when healthcare is paid for by tax revenue it shifts the burden from people like you to people like them.
Here's the punchline though - Americans already pay more in taxes for healthcare than Canadians do, and for that most taxpayers get... Absolutely nothing! (This was pre-Obamacare.) So if you actually want health insurance for yourself, you then have to pay that much again for private insurance.
So single-payer healthcare (Medicare for everyone) would actually save the wealthy money too! Even the puppet-masters of the right wing are fighting against it mainly out of a combination of ignorance and stubbornness... Well, and of course there's the important fact that there is great profit in farming the sick, for the investor class. We certainly know what is in it for the Big Insurance lobbyists. It's the goose that lays their golden eggs!
Average cost of healthcare in Canada for an median-income family: $5,684/year
- https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=0ahUKEwjO9O6744bUAhVJ_IMKHcFVC7wQFghkMA0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fraserinstitute.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fprice-of-public-health-care-insurance-2015-rev.pdf&usg=AFQjCNH_Gde9SYlASilpjsKYb3Wei9ec3g&cad=rja
(See pg 7 - Source: The right-wing Frasier Institute)
Average cost of healthcare for a family in the US: $25,000/year!!
- http://www.cnbc.com/2016/05/24/health-care-costs-for-families-top-25000--triple-2001.html
Where are those big savings you are afraid you'll lose, again??? 
5/23/2017 2:56:15 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
NJ privatized out DMV in 1995. In 2003 control returned back to the government. Any guesses why?
Did the service get outsourced to India like my for-profit cable provider and 90% or whatever of all other corporate customer service divisions?
5/23/2017 2:58:57 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
In this country and perhaps ONLY in this country can we take a premature child born not much bigger than your hand and bring that baby to full term outside the womb. Many of those children don't make it, in almost every other country on earth, they let those kids die, and they DO NOT count them in the statistics, but we do.
Be honest, if your wife or daughter was going to give birth to a child prematurely, then which of these countries would you choose to be in:
Great Britain
United States
What is your answer?
If your answer is anyplace other than the US I will accept that, I have trouble believing it, but for me I would choose the life of my wife or daughter and baby be in the hands of a doctor and facility in this country.
Probably France. From what I know about the countries on that list, they have the best neo-natal and post-natal system available.
- http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92116914
5/24/2017 6:26:39 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
Only when we went to HMO and DRG did this health care and doctors suffer from proper care,because they lowered the payments What the hell did you expect. We have always had the best health care before the 1980's. most of you don't remember. Government doesn't pay sheet.
5/24/2017 7:27:05 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
This carries the tone of a wild idea that ONLY the United States could decipher the probability of viability and take action to save a child, AND quite possibly a bit of tone that we are most humane.
I'll address the second part.
Other countries are MORE humane within a recognition that health care for all carries the connotation that ALL are important as it pertains to LIFE. It is not for those that can only afford it. Should VA, Medicaid, or medicare recipients receive substandard care based on their insurance type? But it happens and THAT my friend is what the United States has at this time as opposed to other countries. Medicaid patients run into difficulty finding doctors to accept their insurance, shame shame, it is because of money, you know it, I know it.
This idea that it is a slippery slope is ridiculous, extreme collectivism it is not...but an open market without regulation is extreme individualism, and we see the monopolies that spring from it. Either we are society of recipients of health care or we are not.
Argue all you'd like that health care is not a right, but do not tell me that good health care is never based on individual finances and circumstances.
You appear to be pretty reasonable poster as opposed to others but no sir, I do not believe we are smarter, healthier, wiser, or better off with our health care than other countries.
Exceptionalism is haughty when it pertains to the value of life.
You said it, girlfriend!!!
People with Medicaid & Medical Assistance sometimes have to travel 100's of miles & still find themselves getting substandard care.
Doctors are not going to spend millions on a pre-mature baby born to parents on public assistance. It just doesn't happen.
I'm still paying medical bills from when Dub-ya was in office & I had zero health care because we couldn't afford it when we lost our good paying jobs with healthcare benefits.
I was having a miscarriage & the ER that I went to stuck my husband & I in a public bathroom. After I miscarried they handed my husband a bucket & a mop & told him to clean up OUR mess. But there was no problem sending us a ridiculously inflated bill for that lack of care.
That's what the great Liar in Chief is pushing for - again. Maybe chump will just put up tents outside for the uninsured - like in 3rd world countries. That's the direction we're headed.
5/24/2017 7:30:41 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
Only when we went to HMO and DRG did this health care and doctors suffer from proper care,because they lowered the payments What the hell did you expect. We have always had the best health care before the 1980's. most of you don't remember. Government doesn't pay sheet.
the government isn't going to pay for wasteful administrative costs and to line the pockets of a CEO. nor is it going to pay for chandeliers and travertine tile flooring in the waiting areas. Not all that glitters is gold, a lot of it is greed, and this is not in reference to Doctors. The cost of Physician education is absurd, they may be the least responsible for this mess for the most part, their debt upon graduation is astounding.
The big difference in the U.S. and other countries is their realization health care is a right. In the U.S. our health care system remains profit driven. Unfortunate really because health care from the beginning of time was never built on profit driven maniacs (businessmen and politicians)
5/24/2017 7:34:53 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
People with Medicaid & Medical Assistance sometimes have to travel 100's of miles & still find themselves getting substandard care.
A shame isn't it? Standard fees would help. Our hospitals are elaborate, it's unnecessary. our health care system resembles the kid in ragged clothing looking into the bakery window while his mouth waters. Shame.
5/24/2017 8:38:04 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Cost of living in Switzerland is 76% higher that the U.S.
Have fun paying ten bucks for a gallon of milk and using the metric system.
How would food stamps work?
Of course the metric system is much better than the silly British Imperial units you use. That's why American scientists all use metric.
And the middle-class standard of living in Switzerland is far higher than the US, so what was your point exactly?
5/24/2017 8:43:03 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Yes it is a shame.
The richest country in the world (held by the top 2%) & we don't have proper healthcare. Not to mention we have the highest number of children living in poverty, we have no respect for our Veterans or the elderly, who are often homeless & sick.
I do remember back in the 1980's. I had great healthcare through my job. I also made just slightly over minimum wage (because I was young & just starting out). Yet I never ever struggled to pay my bills, do a little shopping, had a little to go out with friends & I actually had a savings account back then.
All of my savings & retirement accounts were used up to keep afloat during Dub-ya's Great Recession.
I'm worried about my future. The cost of living goes up much more than my pay does.
I'll tell you this, I work in the housing industry. I'm seeing the beginning of another (Great) recession coming our way. The housing industry is always one of the first industries to slow. We're very slow this year in comparison to last year. I'm paid a salary & commission (for completing projects on time & staying under budget & a few other factors). We don't have enough houses started to keep us busy. We've dropped several sub-contractors already & this should be their busy season. They've went from new home construction to remodeling jobs.
The future is not looking good & the constant scandals of this administration are not helping consumer confidence.
5/24/2017 9:08:11 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Greenwood, LA
96, joined Jul. 2014

There weren't any. 
ladies and gentlemen....
I believe we have a winner!!!!! 

5/24/2017 9:18:40 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
ladies and gentlemen....
I believe we have a winner!!!!!

Drop the Mic because there is no evidence.
Unless there is something of value to add,
OH nothing, that is what I thought.
5/24/2017 9:23:52 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Drop the Mic because there is no evidence.
Unless there is something of value to add,
OH nothing, that is what I thought.
That was his point. Zero evidence for the right-wing fear message that adapting the sort of universal healthcare that works far better than your system all over the world would somehow be a disaster in the US.
American middle-class and working class folks need to start demanding better treatment. Stop being content to be kept as second-class citizens!
5/24/2017 9:29:25 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Greenwood, LA
96, joined Jul. 2014
Drop the Mic because there is no evidence.
Unless there is something of value to add,
OH nothing, that is what I thought.
typical right wing delusion!!!
when faced with facts that prove you wrong,,just claim that you won,and hope that if you repeat it often enogh,people will believe you.
that only works on stupid people,though!!!
that is why so many people voted for trump,and now he is shitting all over the people that elected him in to office!

5/24/2017 9:33:22 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
We voted and Trump won.
5/24/2017 9:43:41 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Bryan, TX
34, joined Apr. 2013
We voted and Trump won.
Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts.
5/24/2017 9:43:57 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Yep. That's exactly how cult leaders brainwash their cult - repeat, repeat, repeat until you're brainwashed into believing the message that keeps being repeated must be true.
Only non-thinking individuals fall for this tactic. These are the same people who would get angry with Obama because he was too articulate for them.
They need to be spoken to like children & who better than a childish man who claims any piece of news he doesn't like or agree with is "fake news".
Now fake news has been repeated so many times by this administration it's no surprise that fools (who were so easily fooled) have no problem in continuing to believe something only because it's repeatedly repeated. (Plus the orange dude only has about 10 words in his vocabulary - he just adds "ly" after most of them in an attempt to sound intelligent.)
Lobo is correct. Americans continue to be fine with being treated like second class citizens. How do you fix that with nearly 50% of Americans being uneducated (sheep)?
5/24/2017 9:44:27 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts.

5/24/2017 10:04:15 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Greenwood, LA
96, joined Jul. 2014
We voted and Trump won.
and the PEOPLE/COUNTRY lost!!!

5/24/2017 10:29:15 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
We voted and Trump won.
Wouldn't it be great if the vote resulted in the American people winning? Wouldn't it be great if Trump won because he was the most qualified and not just because people hate Hillary?
Luckily, when voting for the lesser piece of shit, it's pretty obvious that we are still voting for shit.
5/24/2017 10:48:08 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

New York, NY
68, joined Jan. 2010
Wonder why? There must be something about it that encourages countries to use it.

There weren't any. 
5/24/2017 3:18:03 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Castle Rock, CO
60, joined Jan. 2009
online now!
Probably France. From what I know about the countries on that list, they have the best neo-natal and post-natal system available.
- http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92116914
Maybe, funny thing about France, I have never met a single medical practitioner especially EMT's that are not all in agreement that had Princess Diana had the exact same accident with the exact same injuries anywhere in the US she would be alive today.
But... who cares, health care is supposedly "free" in France.
5/24/2017 3:20:19 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Scraping the bottom of the barrel on that one don't you think?
I mean really?
Talk about a delusional attempt at deflecting.
Maybe, funny thing about France, I have never met a single medical practitioner especially EMT's that are not all in agreement that had Princess Diana had the exact same accident with the exact same injuries anywhere in the US she would be alive today.
But... who cares, health care is supposedly "free" in France.
5/24/2017 3:27:11 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
HOLY F**K!!! I'd say that was out of left field!!!!
Princes Diana would have survived according to EMTs and medical engineers had she been in the US?!
Wouldn't it be great if the vote resulted in the American people winning? Wouldn't it be great if Trump won because he was the most qualified and not just because people hate Hillary?
Luckily, when voting for the lesser piece of shit, it's pretty obvious that we are still voting for shit.
5/24/2017 10:39:55 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
The crazies do manage to one-up the last kooky claim!
5/24/2017 10:56:19 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Norman, OK
48, joined Mar. 2017
All one has to do is look at the V.A. to understand what happens when the government controls health care 
5/24/2017 11:00:40 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
The veterans in this area are very happy with the VA. I'd suggest moving to a less populated area for better VA services.
5/25/2017 1:20:43 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016
All one has to do is look at the V.A. to understand what happens when the government controls health care 
You have a point. Alot has to do with free market, profit incentives and competition. With those dynamics involved there is high levels of innovation, invention and the best of goods and services.
Take that out and whatever it may be will end up as a horrible, life draining, extra heap of dung..
Americans will now get to look forward to it...gone it is..get use to decades of suckage with more mysery, suffering and deathes caused from it than anything youve ever seen..
5/25/2017 6:09:31 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
You have a point. Alot has to do with free market, profit incentives and competition. With those dynamics involved there is high levels of innovation, invention and the best of goods and services.
Free market, profit driven and competition has never been an indicator of the best of goods and services. Solely profit driven goods made cheap by cheap labor has resulted in contrary to 'good' products, goods, and services as well as the loss of jobs within the U.S.
Corporations that operate on the premise of profit alone without any thought of distribution and purpose towards the common good (jobs as an example) can't be praised as good for us.
With all of the nay-sayers of 'single' payer there a propensity towards the same happening with insurers. One or two will spring up as the 'cheapest' and cornering the market will be the name of the game. Here we will see a monopoly and one with little to no regulation at that.
The elderly pay more, those most in need in sick pools, tell me something...Does a veteran in need of physical therapy due to an amputation deserve more care than the veteran with PTSD?
No need to answer. A bean counter will decide for you, will set the rate (keep in mind he/she is profit driven) determine your length of TX and when 'time is up', and determine which tests your doctor can perform.
It is amazing so many people are so willing to put their health care in the hands of a profit driven entity and believe they will come out ahead.
5/25/2017 2:35:44 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016
Free market, profit driven and competition has never been an indicator of the best of goods and services. Solely profit driven goods made cheap by cheap labor has resulted in contrary to 'good' products, goods, and services as well as the loss of jobs within the U.S.
Corporations that operate on the premise of profit alone without any thought of distribution and purpose towards the common good (jobs as an example) can't be praised as good for us.
With all of the nay-sayers of 'single' payer there a propensity towards the same happening with insurers. One or two will spring up as the 'cheapest' and cornering the market will be the name of the game. Here we will see a monopoly and one with little to no regulation at that.
The elderly pay more, those most in need in sick pools, tell me something...Does a veteran in need of physical therapy due to an amputation deserve more care than the veteran with PTSD?
No need to answer. A bean counter will decide for you, will set the rate (keep in mind he/she is profit driven) determine your length of TX and when 'time is up', and determine which tests your doctor can perform.
It is amazing so many people are so willing to put their health care in the hands of a profit driven entity and believe they will come out ahead.
So, let me get this straight. Aside from various luxuries in modern life. You cannot find any great products or services in present or past that was brought about by profit incentive, free market and competition?
5/25/2017 3:46:27 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
You have a point. Alot has to do with free market, profit incentives and competition. With those dynamics involved there is high levels of innovation, invention and the best of goods and services.
Take that out and whatever it may be will end up as a horrible, life draining, extra heap of dung..
Americans will now get to look forward to it...gone it is..get use to decades of suckage with more mysery, suffering and deathes caused from it than anything youve ever seen..
It sounds like you are claiming that Capitalism (capitalist elites controlling your employment opportunities and the reward you get from working) is far better for main street folks than Socialism (the productive workers being in control of their own work.)
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but if that is your opinion, how do you explain the countries with the most worker empowerment/rights having the best standard of living for workers? There's an obvious explanation for that, but it's the opposite of the proposed claim.
5/25/2017 3:50:22 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
It's because a large portion of Americans are lazy & not willing to stand up & fight & protest for what we've EARNED.
5/25/2017 5:12:19 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016
It sounds like you are claiming that Capitalism (capitalist elites controlling your employment opportunities and the reward you get from working) is far better for main street folks than Socialism (the productive workers being in control of their own work.)
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but if that is your opinion, how do you explain the countries with the most worker empowerment/rights having the best standard of living for workers? There's an obvious explanation for that, but it's the opposite of the proposed claim.
Lobo,I want to see the guys response at any rate.
Im not reffering to worker empowerment rights. Im not talking about the supposed greedy elites and crownies. I only refferr to capitalistic principals..
How do you create a social atmosphere that produces lowering costs, inventions, innovations and products or services offered at toppest quality without the elements I previously mentioned? How?
Ill repeat for those with selective memory loss..
1. Free Market
2. Fair Competition
3. Profit Rewards
Those aspects of cause and effect (ie reality)do not suddenly dissappear just becouse health care is mentioned. It still applies. Yes or no?
5/25/2017 5:22:52 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Reading, PA
64, joined May. 2013
Lobo,I want to see the guys response at any rate.
Im not reffering to worker empowerment rights. Im not talking about the supposed greedy elites and crownies. I only refferr to capitalistic principals..
How do you create a social atmosphere that produces lowering costs, inventions, innovations and products or services offered at toppest quality without the elements I previously mentioned? How?
Ill repeat for those with selective memory loss..
1. Free Market
2. Fair Competition
3. Profit Rewards
Those aspects of cause and effect (ie reality)do not suddenly dissappear just becouse health care is mentioned. It still applies. Yes or no?
Believing that a social environment can't be inventive, lower costs. The anti social behavior of the wealthy towards the poor is why you didn't get the education to use proper english and form cohesive critical thinking. Fair compensation is a myth perpetuated by the wealthy to make sure you are a lifelong loser.
Profit rewards the wealthy so they can convince you to remain a loser.
Have fun with that!
5/25/2017 6:26:30 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016
Believing that a social environment can't be inventive, lower costs.
Does your ideal social envirement offer the 3 elements previously mentioned? Please explain..
The anti social behavior of the wealthy towards the poor is why you didn't get the education to use proper english and form cohesive critical thinking.
Thats quite the long con there honcho!LOL
Fair compensation is a myth perpetuated by the wealthy to make sure you are a lifelong loser.
Nevertheless, one must earn their living honestly and competitively..unless they just want to remain a crybaby, flamer blamer or criminal.Without 3 elements previously mentioned you have no hope to change such a pathetic condition.
Profit rewards the wealthy so they can convince you to remain a loser.
Have fun with that!
Excuse me...your hatred towards self earned success and green faced envy is sufficating...
5/25/2017 6:41:03 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Lobo,I want to see the guys response at any rate.
Im not reffering to worker empowerment rights. Im not talking about the supposed greedy elites and crownies. I only refferr to capitalistic principals..
How do you create a social atmosphere that produces lowering costs, inventions, innovations and products or services offered at toppest quality without the elements I previously mentioned? How?
Ill repeat for those with selective memory loss..
1. Free Market
2. Fair Competition
3. Profit Rewards
Those aspects of cause and effect (ie reality)do not suddenly dissappear just becouse health care is mentioned. It still applies. Yes or no?
Healthcare really is different. It isn't a frill - It's a universal human rights.
Would you say the right to vote should be governed by capitalist principles, for sale to the highest bidder?
Some people choose to reject or cherry-pick the list of human rights and claim that healthcare shouldn't be considered a right. Even so, it still can't properly be subject to free market principles because you can't set a fair market price on your own life, or that of your child. Privately-funded healthcare also encourages people to avoid paying for preventative care/checkups/tests, waiting for the stabbing chest pain to call an ambulance for the most costly type of care.
Specifically about the US system, the reliance on employer health insurance to pay for care clearly doesn't work right, and could never be expected to.
- It's a payroll tax on employers, which is the most destructive type of tax there is
- It creates a natural incentive to screw over the sick instead of getting care to them, because the sick are unprofitable for insurers.
None of these problems exist in the market for TVs afik - That's why free market notions work much better with TVs than with healthcare.
5/25/2017 8:15:57 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013

5/25/2017 8:41:30 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016

What a joke.
America is going to have 50 years of a total mess.. Youll have smartphones and toilets monitoring your diet and behavior for the common good by the time its all over..
People will be sneaking their evil smokes and twinkies to avoid healthcare punishments..
Your future is going to be a world of hurt along with croaking over in the emergency hospitals waiting room chair..
5/25/2017 8:43:19 PM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Crescent City, CA
42, joined Dec. 2016
Healthcare really is different. It isn't a frill - It's a universal human rights.
Would you say the right to vote should be governed by capitalist principles, for sale to the highest bidder?
Some people choose to reject or cherry-pick the list of human rights and claim that healthcare shouldn't be considered a right. Even so, it still can't properly be subject to free market principles because you can't set a fair market price on your own life, or that of your child. Privately-funded healthcare also encourages people to avoid paying for preventative care/checkups/tests, waiting for the stabbing chest pain to call an ambulance for the most costly type of care.
Specifically about the US system, the reliance on employer health insurance to pay for care clearly doesn't work right, and could never be expected to.
- It's a payroll tax on employers, which is the most destructive type of tax there is
- It creates a natural incentive to screw over the sick instead of getting care to them, because the sick are unprofitable for insurers.
None of these problems exist in the market for TVs afik - That's why free market notions work much better with TVs than with healthcare.
Thanks for the response. Ill have to think about it. Can only hear so much about people being pissed off at those who have made more money than them..
5/26/2017 1:03:33 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |

Ravenswood, WV
59, joined Mar. 2013
Now thats funny.....
I dont care who you are...
5/26/2017 9:21:57 AM |
Countries that quit univeral healthcare after it proved disasterous |


Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
So, let me get this straight. Aside from various luxuries in modern life. You cannot find any great products or services in present or past that was brought about by profit incentive, free market and competition?
Sure. I did not say 'capitalism' is not a good way to distribute goods and services. My bone of contention is with those who view profit as the marker as to whether it is good.
Housing and shelter is needed by us, but a slum lord could abuse. Just an example.
Harvesting produce for us to eat is good, paying slave wages to do so is not. Just an example.
“How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion.”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium....ah, a great example!~
I don't view health care in the same way as the purchase of books, jewelry or non-essential luxuries. It's a basic, primary, essential part of life. Why subjugate it to profiteers?