5/25/2017 2:05:14 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
May 25, 2017 By Allen Clifton
Once upon a time the Republican Party was actually a great American political institution. Despite the pathetic joke it’s become, the GOP is the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It wasn’t until the 50’s and the 60’s, when Republicans embraced what’s known as the “southern strategy” that the party began to embrace bigotry, racism, and pander to the worst parts of our society, that the GOP began its path toward developing into the joke that it is today.
Today’s Republican Party resembles a cult more than it does a political entity based around ideological beliefs and facts. It’s driven by fear-mongering, paranoia, and pushing one ridiculous conspiracy after another — all while being some of the most blatant hypocrites you’ll ever find.
So in the nature of right-wing propaganda, lies, conspiracies, and “alternative facts,” I thought I’d run down 10 myths Republicans have conned their voters into believing are true.
1. They care about the poor and middle class: Their entire economic philosophy is based upon the preposterous idea that if we allow the rich to hoard more money, that’s going to make things better for the rest of us. As we all know, over the last nearly 40 years, that myth’s been soundly debunked. Tax cuts for the wealthy have managed to make the rich even wealthier; drastically added to our national debt; caused historic income inequality; factored into recessions (including the worst since the Great Depression); and brought about stagnant wages. There’s absolutely no credible evidence that suggests tax cuts lead to long-term economic success.
In fact, not only do Republicans base most of their economic beliefs on what’s best for the wealthy, but they usually push for massive cuts to programs that poor and middle class Americans depend on to survive. Two great examples of what I mean are Trumpcare and Trump’s budget. Both proposals offer massive benefits and tax cuts for the rich, while stripping health care away from millions and gutting programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.
I can guarantee you if Republicans are enthusiastically backing a piece of legislation, it’s almost always going to overwhelmingly benefit the rich — while also screwing over the poor and middle class.
Every. Single. Time.
2. They’re fiscally conservative/responsible: You don’t need to be a financial expert to know that you don’t lower your debt by taking a huge pay cut while increasing your spending. Well, that’s exactly what Republicans do whenever they have power. They often increase defense spending while passing massive cuts to our nation’s revenue via tax cuts for the rich. Despite frequently championing themselves as “fiscally responsible,” a Republican president hasn’t balanced the budget since Eisenhower in the 50’s.
It’s a testament to the Republican Party’s fraudulent principles that the man many consider to be the epitome of “conservative values,” Ronald Reagan, nearly tripled the national debt during his eight years in office.
3. They’re pro-life: Outside of the issue of abortion, which the GOP only uses to manipulate people by using religion, what other aspect of the party is “pro-life”? Republicans:
Want to strip health care away from millions.
Gut Medicaid and food stamps.
Reduce Social Security and Medicare benefits.
Oppose free access to birth control which actually reduces abortions.
Are pro-war.
Mostly support torture.
Oppose helping refugees fleeing for their lives.
Brag about the death penalty.
Are extremely pro-gun.
Oppose most legislation that helps the poor such as raising the minimum wage and free college education.
Mostly believe climate change is a hoax.
The list goes on and on. When it comes to being “pro-life,” that’s nothing more than a slogan Republicans use to prey on people’s emotions so that millions of Americans will be too distracted to realize they’re supporting a political party that constantly supports legislation that goes against their family’s best interests.
4. They believe in small government: What an absolute joke. Republicans love government. The only time they claim they support “small government” is when they’re either trying to pass some sort of deregulation to benefit big business or they were prevented from being allowed to unconstitutionally force their bigoted or religious views on others.
5. They’re pro-gun: Republicans aren’t pro-gun, they’re pro-fear. They use our Second Amendment and guns because, just like with religion, it’s a great way to get people paranoid, fearful, and acting irrational so they don’t realize they’re being manipulated by con artists. Their “pro-gun” propaganda isn’t about guns, our Second Amendment, or self-protection — it’s about keeping people afraid. Republicans know the more fearful people are, the easier it is to make them believe in talking points that don’t make any sense and absurd conspiracies not based on a shred of reality.
Real advocates for the Second Amendment believe in common sense gun laws that make it much more difficult for people who shouldn’t have guns to obtain them. Which the vast majority of the Republican Party does not.
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5/25/2017 2:05:25 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
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6. They’re not a party driven by racism: Not only did former Democrats and staunch segregationists such as Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms become Republicans once Democrats shed their racist roots and embraced equality during the 50’s and 60’s, but the election of Donald Trump undoubtedly cemented the GOP as the party of racism. Trump spent years pushing a blatantly racist birther conspiracy against Barack Obama, while the vile and bigoted nature of his presidential campaign drew overwhelming praise from the KKK, David Duke, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists all across the country.
When segregationists are leaving one party to join yours over 50 years ago during the 1960’s, while white nationalists and neo-Nazis are enthusiastic supporters of your party’s current “president,” you’re definitely a political entity built on, and fueled by, racism.
7. They believe in and support the Constitution: Except, of course, when they don’t — which is quite often. From the days of slavery, to segregation, to gay rights, southern and rural conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history when it comes to major Constitutional battles. Typically whenever you hear “states’ rights” being used by these folks, you can bet that they’re trying to evoke the 10th Amendment to deny a group of people their rights as Americans.
8. Our nation was founded on Christianity: Despite what many conservatives think, the United States was not founded on Christianity. The original Pledge of Allegiance didn’t contain the phrase “one nation Under God,” the motto “in God we trust” has nothing to do with the founding of this nation, and the Constitution doesn’t contain a single reference to Christianity or Jesus Christ — anywhere. In fact, the Treaty of Tripoli, signed by President John Adams in 1797 (who was one of our Founding Fathers, by the way), specifically says:
As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…
I rest my case.
9. They’re proud, patriotic Americans who love this country: Except for women, minorities, anyone who follows a religion that’s not Christianity, homosexuals, transgender Americans — or practically anyone who isn’t a straight, white Christian male.
10. They’re the party of the moral majority and Christian values: When you support an arrogant, vile, racist, bigoted self-admitted sexual predator who belittles those he perceives as weaker than he is, who’s cheated on at least one wife, has been divorced twice, is on his third marriage, and has five children with three different women — you lose any right to claim you care about real Christian values.
5/25/2017 2:23:14 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
liberals like to live in make believe land
5/25/2017 2:28:38 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
BUT, nobody's taking my guns. But then again I'm certain that that's just a difference in our rearing.
5/25/2017 2:34:57 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Myrtle Beach, SC
52, joined Dec. 2014
Tell a lie enough times....blah blah.
5/25/2017 2:58:46 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Benátky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic
66, joined Jun. 2014
What the f**k ever happened to" We the people for the people"
5/25/2017 3:53:17 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Tell a lie enough times....blah blah.
Is that why you guys believe everything?
5/25/2017 3:55:32 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

New York, NY
67, joined Jan. 2010
A good list of their misgivings. Large and contemptuously met by all the democrats who stand witness to the Republican paarty's absence of knowledge about the Constitution.
5/25/2017 3:59:02 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
Another failed thread muldork. 
5/25/2017 4:13:20 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Mechanicsburg, PA
39, joined Nov. 2013
What the f**k ever happened to" We the people for the people"
People today only identify, with the subspecies/groups that they put down on their paperwork. Whether it be a race, gender, sexual identity, political affiliation, religious or non. They've done as their Masters wanted.
5/25/2017 5:07:28 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Greenwood, LA
96, joined Jul. 2014
May 25, 2017 By Allen Clifton
Once upon a time the Republican Party was actually a great American political institution. Despite the pathetic joke it’s become, the GOP is the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It wasn’t until the 50’s and the 60’s, when Republicans embraced what’s known as the “southern strategy” that the party began to embrace bigotry, racism, and pander to the worst parts of our society, that the GOP began its path toward developing into the joke that it is today.
Today’s Republican Party resembles a cult more than it does a political entity based around ideological beliefs and facts. It’s driven by fear-mongering, paranoia, and pushing one ridiculous conspiracy after another — all while being some of the most blatant hypocrites you’ll ever find.
So in the nature of right-wing propaganda, lies, conspiracies, and “alternative facts,” I thought I’d run down 10 myths Republicans have conned their voters into believing are true.
1. They care about the poor and middle class: Their entire economic philosophy is based upon the preposterous idea that if we allow the rich to hoard more money, that’s going to make things better for the rest of us. As we all know, over the last nearly 40 years, that myth’s been soundly debunked. Tax cuts for the wealthy have managed to make the rich even wealthier; drastically added to our national debt; caused historic income inequality; factored into recessions (including the worst since the Great Depression); and brought about stagnant wages. There’s absolutely no credible evidence that suggests tax cuts lead to long-term economic success.
In fact, not only do Republicans base most of their economic beliefs on what’s best for the wealthy, but they usually push for massive cuts to programs that poor and middle class Americans depend on to survive. Two great examples of what I mean are Trumpcare and Trump’s budget. Both proposals offer massive benefits and tax cuts for the rich, while stripping health care away from millions and gutting programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.
I can guarantee you if Republicans are enthusiastically backing a piece of legislation, it’s almost always going to overwhelmingly benefit the rich — while also screwing over the poor and middle class.
Every. Single. Time.
2. They’re fiscally conservative/responsible: You don’t need to be a financial expert to know that you don’t lower your debt by taking a huge pay cut while increasing your spending. Well, that’s exactly what Republicans do whenever they have power. They often increase defense spending while passing massive cuts to our nation’s revenue via tax cuts for the rich. Despite frequently championing themselves as “fiscally responsible,” a Republican president hasn’t balanced the budget since Eisenhower in the 50’s.
It’s a testament to the Republican Party’s fraudulent principles that the man many consider to be the epitome of “conservative values,” Ronald Reagan, nearly tripled the national debt during his eight years in office.
3. They’re pro-life: Outside of the issue of abortion, which the GOP only uses to manipulate people by using religion, what other aspect of the party is “pro-life”? Republicans:
Want to strip health care away from millions.
Gut Medicaid and food stamps.
Reduce Social Security and Medicare benefits.
Oppose free access to birth control which actually reduces abortions.
Are pro-war.
Mostly support torture.
Oppose helping refugees fleeing for their lives.
Brag about the death penalty.
Are extremely pro-gun.
Oppose most legislation that helps the poor such as raising the minimum wage and free college education.
Mostly believe climate change is a hoax.
The list goes on and on. When it comes to being “pro-life,” that’s nothing more than a slogan Republicans use to prey on people’s emotions so that millions of Americans will be too distracted to realize they’re supporting a political party that constantly supports legislation that goes against their family’s best interests.
4. They believe in small government: What an absolute joke. Republicans love government. The only time they claim they support “small government” is when they’re either trying to pass some sort of deregulation to benefit big business or they were prevented from being allowed to unconstitutionally force their bigoted or religious views on others.
5. They’re pro-gun: Republicans aren’t pro-gun, they’re pro-fear. They use our Second Amendment and guns because, just like with religion, it’s a great way to get people paranoid, fearful, and acting irrational so they don’t realize they’re being manipulated by con artists. Their “pro-gun” propaganda isn’t about guns, our Second Amendment, or self-protection — it’s about keeping people afraid. Republicans know the more fearful people are, the easier it is to make them believe in talking points that don’t make any sense and absurd conspiracies not based on a shred of reality.
Real advocates for the Second Amendment believe in common sense gun laws that make it much more difficult for people who shouldn’t have guns to obtain them. Which the vast majority of the Republican Party does not.
don't you know that the average republitard's head will explode if they try to take in that many facts at once??

5/25/2017 5:36:21 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
9. They’re proud, patriotic Americans who love this country: Except for women, minorities, anyone who follows a religion that’s not Christianity, homosexuals, transgender Americans — or practically anyone who isn’t a straight, white Christian male.
You left out that they show their support for "our people in uniform" by cutting their benefits, and by promoting candidates into the Presidency who used money to avoid real service themselves, and then directly publicly insult those who actually did serve.
5/25/2017 5:44:06 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
don't you know that the average republitard's head will explode if they try to take in that many facts at once??

"Facts" liberals don't use facts, they use lies. Liberals failed policies for the past 8 years have concretized your inability to do anything right. Why isn't Pelosi begging we pass Trumps healthcare bill before we know what's in it?
5/25/2017 6:29:44 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
"Facts" liberals don't use facts, they use lies. Liberals failed policies for the past 8 years have concretized your inability to do anything right. Why isn't Pelosi begging we pass Trumps healthcare bill before we know what's in it?
I absolutely love the amount of irony on this site sometimes.
5/25/2017 6:33:28 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
That's pretty rich!
5/25/2017 6:38:13 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Wouldn't it have been kinda fun watching Mitt sweating through the Great Recession?
Most of the RED state welfare cases would have been dead by 2010....

5/25/2017 6:43:22 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
tracker is a bonehead . almost as smart as that catlady
5/26/2017 1:13:05 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Muledork says
Once upon a time the Republican Party was actually a great American political institution. Despite the pathetic joke it’s become, the GOP is the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It wasn’t until the 50’s and the 60’s, when Republicans embraced what’s known as the “southern strategy” that the party began to embrace bigotry, racism, and pander to the worst parts of our society, that the GOP began its path toward developing into the joke that it is today.....
Evidently people must think Democrats are worse...........
They just keep losing elections...
Look at Gianforte in Montana..
5/26/2017 5:25:23 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Did anyone mention:
"The party of Lincoln"? 

5/26/2017 5:36:03 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Fort Worth, TX
71, joined Feb. 2009
You left out that they show their support for "our people in uniform" by cutting their benefits, and by promoting candidates into the Presidency who used money to avoid real service themselves, and then directly publicly insult those who actually did serve.
Obama cut military pay, not Trump.
5/26/2017 6:55:14 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Obama cut military pay, not Trump.
Republicans controlled the House and Senate last year, in case you didn't notice. Obama couldn't cut anyone's pay without Republicans voting it into the budget directly.
That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying in any way that the Democrats have been better either: just that it's a flat out lie, to claim that the GOP pays more than lip service to honoring the military. The REPUBLICANS want to "fix" military medical concerns, not by funding the military hospitals properly, but by axing them altogether (ignoring the special expertise required to care for military), even as they ALSO want to eliminate funding for care for the civilians. And they have specifically included retired military and long term care veterans in that civilian group who they demand to have pay their own way.
5/26/2017 7:25:25 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
The only ones who are seeing no cuts are the politicians with their Cadillac healthcare plans - FOR LIFE. Don't forget those 6 figure pensions they're going to get.
Then of course we cover the millionaires & billionaires who could simply pay cash for any treatment they need.
Now when these over paid politicians kill off the 98% of the rest of us, who do they plan on hiring to do the labor for them?
5/26/2017 7:57:26 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
People are no longer driven by ideology, they are driven by hate!
Why? Because we settled for hatred instead of fairness and civility! Hate is acceptable today. We allow hate to win! In fact, we actually vote for Hate! Hate defines us!
You are nobody, until you hate somebody today!
You are nobody until somebody hates you today! Hate begets hate! Keep hating others and they will soon hate you.
Politics is a sport today! Quickly becoming a Blood Sport. No different than in football, such as, where people "Hate" the Dallas Cowboys for example! The more "Hatred" expressed about the Dallas Cowboys, the more popular you become among your peers, and the more hated you become to your adversaries.
The battle lines were drawn long ago. Today, you fight for your side no matter what- for right- and for wrong!
You can forget all about moral and fairness. Because today, it is more about doing whatever it takes to win, including cheating, lying, and throwing as much money as you can into the mix to take your advantage.
And if a referee, tries to come in to sort it all out, such as the media, you body slam them and assault them, discredit them, and scream unfairness because they do not agree with you.
I am ashamed of my fellow citizens to have accepted this as a way of life in America.
I do not see any difference in the hatred between Democrats and Republicans, than I do between the Jews and the Palestinians, or between Sharia law or Sunni law, or North Vs. South Korea.
The only difference as we haven't fired the shot that is going to be heard around the world exactly yet!
But just as factions of extremists have taken over in all those conflicts and those extremists use terrorist activities to be heard and to cause harm to their archenemy, I believe that is what lies ahead in our own conflicts between Democrats and Republicans.
It's coming! Just as sure as the last Civil War here in America!
And for some, it can't get here soon enough! 

[Edited 5/26/2017 7:58:21 AM ]
5/26/2017 8:24:50 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Bad behavior is totally accepted today!
Some are very proud of bad behavior!

5/26/2017 8:27:43 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016

5/26/2017 8:38:33 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
The optics! Oh! The optics!
Ya think being a TV celebrity helps? Lights! Camera! Action!
Is it really a surprise to see this man worship a wall? 
Give us a break Donald Trump!
5/26/2017 10:18:36 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I'm watching the movie Logan!!
Omg the stars are white, the trash are white trash, the hero is a Mexican lady and her daughter but in real life is a Jew. The producers are a jooow and left wing nut looking feminist who was married to a joow. Lol
So now I'm watch the hero of the movie a 4ft tall Mexican little girl throw grown men around, and the trash are white people that say USA USA LOL
I'm done cant find a good movie, jooows have killed the movies.
[Edited 5/26/2017 10:19:51 AM ]
5/26/2017 10:19:52 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I'm watching the movie Logan!!
Omg the stars are white, the trash are white trash, the hero is a Mexican lady and her daughter how in real life is a Jew. The producers are a new, and left wing nut looking feminist who was married to a joow. Lol
So now I'm watch the hero of the movie a 4ft tall Mexican little girl throw grown men around, and the trash are white people taht say USA USA LOL
I'm done cant find a good movie, jooows have killed the movies.
See if you can find "Pinky".
5/26/2017 10:24:35 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
Muldoon thinks "Forward Progressives" is an impartial news source!                             
5/26/2017 10:41:40 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

New York, NY
67, joined Jan. 2010
Why do I think such a subject might fly over the heads of our conservative friends. They don't quite understand the gravity of Trump's ignorance. They seem distracted by the truth.
5/26/2017 11:52:59 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
And the shit you post is so impartial right?
5/26/2017 12:06:52 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
tracker is a bonehead . almost as smart as that catlady
I absolutely love the amount of irony on this site sometimes.
Yet you didn't answer my question, why isn't Pelosi begging we pass Trumpcare no matter what it is, like she asked of Obamacare? Obamacare is failing, insurance can't stay in business, rates going up,which is precisely what i was saying 8 years ago, and I'm the "bonehead"? I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence.
5/26/2017 5:51:29 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
And the shit you post is so impartial right?
It's plagiarism on your part when you won't display the source.
5/26/2017 5:59:41 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
It's plagiarism if I claim to be the author.
I didn't.
Maybe you shouldn't use words you don't understand.
Makes you look like an idiot.

[Edited 5/26/2017 6:01:48 PM ]
5/26/2017 6:06:24 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Is it really a surprise to see this man worship a wall?
He wasn't worshipping! He was getting ideas for HIS wall. The note that he put inside..."Great work, big fan! If I still have a job when you read this, get a hold of me, I have some work for you. Bigly.".
[Edited 5/26/2017 6:09:10 PM ]
5/26/2017 6:23:44 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
It's plagiarism if I claim to be the author.
I didn't.
Maybe you shouldn't use words you don't understand.
Makes you look like an idiot.

You don't have to claim you wrote it. When you post something without a link, you want people to think you are the author.
5/26/2017 6:27:06 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
You don't have to claim you wrote it. When you post something without a link, you want people to think you are the author.
To be fair he wrote May 25, 2017 By Allen Clifton at the top, which leads you to the source
Who, like Muldoon, spreads bullshit theories and idiot thoughts all day long
[Edited 5/26/2017 6:27:29 PM ]
5/26/2017 6:28:14 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Reno, NV
46, joined Jul. 2014
on both sides there are some trying to make a real difference. but for the majority, equally they are wealthy for the most part to begin with, they typically got wealthy by any means necessary, and they are lining their pockets with deals they make to make someone else [smile] because they got wealthier.
5/26/2017 6:28:20 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
dah f**k?! Who died and made you interwebs rule Nazi?
5/26/2017 6:28:42 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Yet you didn't answer my question, why isn't Pelosi begging we pass Trumpcare no matter what it is, like she asked of Obamacare? Obamacare is failing, insurance can't stay in business, rates going up,which is precisely what i was saying 8 years ago, and I'm the "bonehead"? I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence.
pelosi is an idiot
and you are still a bonehead
5/26/2017 6:33:46 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
It's plagiarism if I claim to be the author.
I didn't.
Maybe you shouldn't use words you don't understand.
Makes you look like an idiot.

If you don't provide the source or the sorrow and you don't say you didn't write it, it does seem like you're posting something you're saying you wrote. Robot used to do this all the time, then get mad when called on it. Jeanem used to as well.
However, I'm not sure where you did this. You did cite your source in the OP.
[Edited 5/26/2017 6:35:43 PM ]
5/26/2017 6:34:03 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
It's plagiarism on your part when you won't display the source.
As tracker said, May 25, 2017 By Allen Clifton
There's your source. Usually people who plagiarize don't give credit to someone else.
5/26/2017 7:08:26 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
You don't have to claim you wrote it. When you post something without a link, you want people to think you are the author.
Like I said you f**king idiot.
Don't use words you don't understand.
A link is irrelevant.
noun: plagiarism; plural noun: plagiarisms
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
[Edited 5/26/2017 7:09:50 PM ]
5/26/2017 7:15:20 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
I hate to be a d*ck, but did you plagiarize that definition? I don't see a link.
5/26/2017 7:17:19 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
I hate to be a d*ck, but did you plagiarize that definition? I don't see a link.
Shouldn't have read that while drinking this coffee.
5/26/2017 7:33:27 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!

5/26/2017 7:36:44 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013

But you shouldn't be drinking coffee this late at night! It'll make your c*ck YUGE and a sexual dynamo. Trust me...I speak from experience.
I almost called it a "sexual domino".
5/26/2017 10:50:50 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

5/27/2017 3:58:23 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
You don't have to claim you wrote it. When you post something without a link, you want people to think you are the author.
Here's the link:
Now let's get to the issue of you Republicans trying to make some kind of counter-argument, because I don't see any of you Republicans doing so. How exactly is Allen Clifton wrong?
5/27/2017 11:20:46 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
1) False. Republicans have helped the poor and middle than any Democrats since President Kennedy.
2) True of Republicans but twice as much for Democrats. The last balanced budget was passed by a Republican Congress headed by Newt Gingrich and signed by Bill Clinton. Since then Democrats have held the purse strings and spending has soared to unprecedented heights. They are currently fighting every dollar and every penny of spending reductions...going so far as to call Republicans murderers.
3. One at a time please.
Pro life...half true. They side with life morally but have taken a position of not stopping abortions for those who choose to terminate what would be a beautiful baby.
Pro-war. You mean like Bosnia? You mean like Obama's drone strikes? Both sides are pro-war. Republicans just have a better track record when it comes to winning. Truman was of a Republican mindset. He did drop the bomb.
Support torture. True. If you're raping and torturing women and children and beheading their men then we quite honestly don't care what happens to you.
Oppose refugees? Well, Germany didn't oppose refugees and look what happened on NYE. It's safe to say we are rightly worried that those same refugees will do the same here. Democrats are foolish enough to think they won't, or worse yet, tolerate rape and terror attacks in the name of "tolerance."
Death penalty has it's place. When some white guys in Texas dragged a black guy to his death Bush pulled the trigger. Maybe the OP would prefer Bush treated them like a sweedish refugee and found them good paying jobs.
Not EXTREMELY pro gun. We're for trigger locks, gun safes, and safety.
Republicans don't oppose raising the minimum wage. Because the cost of living varies so much between places like New York and Evansville, we believe the states should increase the minimum wage to provide a livable income for ALL workers.
There is no such thing as "free" college education. If you find this college where professors work for free please let me know. I would like to sign up.
If by climate change hoax you mean we don't believe Al Gore's prophecy that our planet would reach a point of no return by 2016 then yeah...we're not buying that crap. If by climate change hoax you believe that humans are the single greatest source of carbon emissions...yeah, we're not buying that either. If by climate change hoax you mean the Earth is warmer than it's ever been...also false. If by climate change hoax you think a solution to environmental responsibility is to defer energy production to China...that might be dumber than Al Gore's scissor lift. I could go on.
4. One at a time please.
True, but more so for Democrats. Republicans regretfully have not been strong advocates for small government since the 90s.
True and proud of it. You are correct that Republicans still oppose draconian job killing regulations. If you hate outsourcing then you love Republicans.
Completely FALSE, but True for Democrats! Obama tried to force private citizens to violate their deeply held religious beliefs or face the wrath of unelected bureaucrats. That's not only bigotry, that's fascism!
5) You said in #3 that Republicans are EXTREMELY pro-gun but here you say they're not pro gun at all. I could argue that you're wrong here but why would I bother when you can just argue with yourself?
You say you want to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. Stop and frisk was a good way to accomplish this. It saved lives, mostly poor and minority lives. The Trump administration is getting rid of MS-13.
Obviously you believe that it's okay for criminals and gang members ti carry weapons illegally but God forbid they fall into the hands of law abiding Republicans. It appears you are so blinded by your hatred of the Republican party that you are incapable of recognizing your own bigotry.
6-10 coming soon. Stay tuned.
5/27/2017 11:26:23 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
1. It's a total lie, never happened, fake news.
2. It happened, but it's not a big deal.
3. Ok, it might be a big deal, but it isn't illegal.
4. Okay, it's illegal, but Hillary and Obama something-something, so it's ok.
5. Get over it Libtard, you're just a sore loser!
5/27/2017 11:29:58 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
1. It's a total lie, never happened, fake news.
2. It happened, but it's not a big deal.
3. Ok, it might be a big deal, but it isn't illegal.
4. Okay, it's illegal, but Hillary and Obama something-something, so it's ok.
5. Get over it Libtard, you're just a sore loser!
Still no evidence so sad 
5/27/2017 12:11:47 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
6. They’re not a party driven by racism: Not only did former Democrats and staunch segregationists such as Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms become Republicans once Democrats shed their racist roots and embraced equality during the 50’s and 60’s, but the election of Donald Trump undoubtedly cemented the GOP as the party of racism. Trump spent years pushing a blatantly racist birther conspiracy against Barack Obama, while the vile and bigoted nature of his presidential campaign drew overwhelming praise from the KKK, David Duke, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists all across the country.
When segregationists are leaving one party to join yours over 50 years ago during the 1960’s, while white nationalists and neo-Nazis are enthusiastic supporters of your party’s current “president,” you’re definitely a political entity built on, and fueled by, racism.
7. They believe in and support the Constitution: Except, of course, when they don’t — which is quite often. From the days of slavery, to segregation, to gay rights, southern and rural conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history when it comes to major Constitutional battles. Typically whenever you hear “states’ rights” being used by these folks, you can bet that they’re trying to evoke the 10th Amendment to deny a group of people their rights as Americans.
8. Our nation was founded on Christianity: Despite what many conservatives think, the United States was not founded on Christianity. The original Pledge of Allegiance didn’t contain the phrase “one nation Under God,” the motto “in God we trust” has nothing to do with the founding of this nation, and the Constitution doesn’t contain a single reference to Christianity or Jesus Christ — anywhere. In fact, the Treaty of Tripoli, signed by President John Adams in 1797 (who was one of our Founding Fathers, by the way), specifically says:
As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…
I rest my case.
9. They’re proud, patriotic Americans who love this country: Except for women, minorities, anyone who follows a religion that’s not Christianity, homosexuals, transgender Americans — or practically anyone who isn’t a straight, white Christian male.
10. They’re the party of the moral majority and Christian values: When you support an arrogant, vile, racist, bigoted self-admitted sexual predator who belittles those he perceives as weaker than he is, who’s cheated on at least one wife, has been divorced twice, is on his third marriage, and has five children with three different women — you lose any right to claim you care about real Christian values.
6. False, but half true of Democrats. While Republicans denounce any form of racism Democrats are either supportive or neutral regarding hate groups like Black Lives Matter, the Black Panthers, the even more racist New Black Panthers, the racist Al Sharpton, and others.
Are there hate groups on both sides? Of course! The difference is that Republicans denounce them and Democrats do not.
7. False. You mean Republicans like Lincoln were for slavery? You mean Democrats like Jackson were against oppression? Republicans fought for centuries to try and stop Democrats from violating the constitution. Muldoon failed to list one example to support his BS. I listed two and I have more.
8. Partly false. This is a straw man argument. The nation was not founded on Christianity, it was founded on Christian principals. Muldoon tried to get cute here and substitute the truth with a half truth.
9. FALSE! Republicans are a big tent party. What happens when Democrats are confronted by a gay Republican? The Dems are downright hostile! Republicans are welcoming. Don't believe me? Go to a rally and don't be a d*ck. They won't hurt you, I PROMISE!
10. The insults are false, but typical of the left. It is true that many conservatives would prefer that Trump had a spotless past with only one wife. It is true that the majority of Republicans believe in traditional values.
The left portrays conservatives as intolerant but when we show tolerance for people who are less perfect than Jesus the Democrats excoriate us for it. This is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the Republicans are the party of tolerance and Democrats are the party of bigotry.
5/27/2017 1:33:00 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
6. They’re not a party driven by racism: Not only did former Democrats and staunch segregationists such as Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms become Republicans once Democrats shed their racist roots and embraced equality during the 50’s and 60’s, but the election of Donald Trump undoubtedly cemented the GOP as the party of racism. Trump spent years pushing a blatantly racist birther conspiracy against Barack Obama, while the vile and bigoted nature of his presidential campaign drew overwhelming praise from the KKK, David Duke, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists all across the country.
When segregationists are leaving one party to join yours over 50 years ago during the 1960’s, while white nationalists and neo-Nazis are enthusiastic supporters of your party’s current “president,” you’re definitely a political entity built on, and fueled by, racism.
What's racist is telling two white girls they can't make and sell burritos, but whatever, you're a dumb f**k.
[Edited 5/27/2017 1:33:15 PM ]
5/27/2017 4:52:07 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
It may not be as racist as it is stupid.
But why are you people arguing about the stupid things people say?
That's even most stupid!
And even more stupid than that is to try and insult Democrats or Republicans about their political beliefs.
The battle lines were drawn many years ago, and no one here is going to say anything here to change anyone's minds about it. 
5/27/2017 5:00:27 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
In retrospect, perhaps the last presidential race should have been turned over to the women and let Carly and Hillary duke it out.
Just sayin'. Give the ladies a chance at the president.
What the hell are you men scared of? Women or something? 
Bunch of pussies! 
[Edited 5/27/2017 5:01:36 PM ]
5/31/2017 11:16:54 PM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
10. They’re the party of the moral majority and Christian values: When you support an arrogant, vile, racist, bigoted self-admitted sexual predator who belittles those he perceives as weaker than he is, who’s cheated on at least one wife, has been divorced twice, is on his third marriage, and has five children with three different women — you lose any right to claim you care about real Christian values.
Obama created ISIS Obama funded ISIS, and let them sell oil to Saudis and Turkey, Obama armed freedom fighters (mercenaries) to overthrow Assad, who later joined ISIS. Obama didn't throw sanctions on ISIS oil buying countries, instead sanctioning Russia. Russia helped the US in world wars, but according to Obama is biggest threat. Obama overthrew Libyan leader, and created chaos in the country.
WikiLeaks leaked documents supporting the facts stated in this report that Obama was supporting al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI); and al-Qaeda simply changed its name to ISIS. The report also accurately predicted that ISIS would take over Mosul, Raqqa, and Ramadan.
If wanting to put a stop to ISIS is "racist","vile" and "bigoted" then what does that make you?
6/1/2017 1:05:13 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
I think you need to cut back on the supermarket tabloids.
Obama created ISIS Obama funded ISIS, and let them sell oil to Saudis and Turkey, Obama armed freedom fighters (mercenaries) to overthrow Assad, who later joined ISIS. Obama didn't throw sanctions on ISIS oil buying countries, instead sanctioning Russia. Russia helped the US in world wars, but according to Obama is biggest threat. Obama overthrew Libyan leader, and created chaos in the country.
WikiLeaks leaked documents supporting the facts stated in this report that Obama was supporting al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI); and al-Qaeda simply changed its name to ISIS. The report also accurately predicted that ISIS would take over Mosul, Raqqa, and Ramadan.
If wanting to put a stop to ISIS is "racist","vile" and "bigoted" then what does that make you?
6/1/2017 1:14:25 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
I think you need to cut back on the supermarket tabloids.
Obama created ISIS Obama funded ISIS, and let them sell oil to Saudis and Turkey, Obama armed freedom fighters (mercenaries) to overthrow Assad, who later joined ISIS. Obama didn't throw sanctions on ISIS oil buying countries, instead sanctioning Russia. Russia helped the US in world wars, but according to Obama is biggest threat. Obama overthrew Libyan leader, and created chaos in the country.
WikiLeaks leaked documents supporting the facts stated in this report that Obama was supporting al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI); and al-Qaeda simply changed its name to ISIS. The report also accurately predicted that ISIS would take over Mosul, Raqqa, and Ramadan.
If wanting to put a stop to ISIS is "racist","vile" and "bigoted" then what does that make you?
What? No meme for your rebuttal? Looks like you're at a loss for words. I'll answer my question for you, it makes you a LOSER.
[Edited 6/1/2017 1:14:42 AM ]
6/1/2017 1:15:07 AM |
10 Ridiculous Myths Republicans Have Conned Their Voters Into Believin |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
You didn't laugh that much ya fukin liar.