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5/28/2017 3:26:10 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of the conservative Capitol Hill think tank, Project 21; and a former member of its parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research.
It would serve race mongers well to consider that even a docile old dog will bite you if you mistreat it often enough and long enough. Tangential to same is the reality of the “laws of unintended consequences.”
I’m tired of seeing, reading, and hearing white people blamed for everything from black boys not being able to read to whites being privileged because of the color of their skin. If I am tired of these Americans being used as scapegoats to further the agenda of race mongers, then it is a sure bet that those being unjustly vilified are especially weary of same.
This isn’t 1860 and it certainly isn’t 1955. There are no slaves in America and there are no Jim Crow laws dictating access based on skin color. Specific to that point it is time to remind people like Obama, Al Sharpton, and the New Black Panther Party that the racial discord they are fomenting can become the harbinger of their own peril.
Massie has captured the feeling shared by many whites who not only read the hype or watch the violence aimed at them by BLM and The New Black Panthers and spurred on by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama.
Obama foments racial unrest and a racial divide to further his neo-Leninist agenda. Sharpton foments racial unrest for personal gain. The New Black Panther Party foments racial hostilities and the demonization of whites in the foolish belief they can bring about a Western version of apartheid where blacks rule.
Too many blacks have lost sight of the fact that it was Africans who were responsible for the enslavement of other Africans. It was war, invasion, conquest, and various caste systems that contributed to slavery. And although one would be hard-pressed to believe it from the invented myths that masquerade as fact, persons of color were not the only slaves.
From Genesis to the Sudan of today, slavery has been a staple around the world. And it should be noted that given the first opportunity in America, the former slaves of color became owners of those whose skin color matched theirs.
But unlike the rest of the world, America had the good sense and decency to end slavery. In America, there is no caste system, and yet at every turn we are bombarded with how bad blacks have it because of whites and how unfair the so-called “white system” is to blacks.
All people, including those who are here illegally, have it better in America than they would have it anywhere else on earth. And yet blacks are encouraged to blame their ills on whites.
Therein the “laws of unintended consequences” come into play. America has shed the blood of her people on her own soil to ensure the freedom of all Americans. Americans joined hands with blacks to end Jim Crow. And, to the detriment of all concerned, political correctness and guilt have contributed to discrimination against whites vis-a`-vis race-based affirmative action initiatives.
Still the bastardization of whites continues. White law enforcement personnel are labeled racist for defending themselves against black criminals, especially when bad things happen to the black criminals.
To put it succinctly, the single greatest non-biblical truth today is that many times the majority of blacks are their own worst enemies. Many blacks go through life with a chip on their shoulder and bad attitudes toward whites. Many blacks growing up in dysfunctional single parent or no parent homes are loathe to realize that their lives are the result of bad decisions made by their families that adversely affect their adulthood – its not the white man.
But as I said, there is a thing called “the laws of unintended consequences.” To that end, sooner or later a pendulum reaches its arc and starts to swing back in the other direction.
How long before white people, many of whom are growing increasingly resentful at being falsely maligned, decide to respond in kind? How much longer will whites stand by and allow the likes of Sharpton and Obama to continually cast them as racist villains?
If the 1915 silent movie, The Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith, which depicted blacks as unintelligent and sexual predators of white women, (which was a lie) gave rise to the resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan, what can we expect to be brought about by the heathen behavior of many blacks today?
Many blacks are quick to attack those of us who condemn the untoward, barbaric behavior of some blacks. They curse us for not glossing over their behavior and for not engaging in “blame whitey.” But if a phony movie was able to give rise to at least two generations of condemnation of blacks, what will the in-your-face belligerent hostilities so many of them exhibit today ultimately result in?
America has figuratively bent over backward to assuage its perceived guilt but for many blacks that is not good enough. They accuse and self-alienate but do nothing to incorporate the greatness of America into their lives.
How much longer will America allow blacks to vilify those who have done them no harm – even as blacks attack, terrorize, and condemn those who truly do just want to get along?
Massie has unusual insight and understands that you can only push so far before someone pushes back and in a case like that no one wins, no matter who is able to walk away from the battle.
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5/28/2017 6:45:26 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
It is a good idea to have some shark repellent in deep water.
5/28/2017 7:11:20 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
There's nothing that racist whites love more than a self-hating black man. Hey, right-wingers! Remember when your hero was Bill Cosby?
The New Jim Crow
Michelle Alexander
Mar. 8, 2010
Most people don't like it when I say this. It makes them angry. In the "era of colorblindness" there's a nearly fanatical desire to cling to the myth that we as a nation have "moved beyond" race. Here are a few facts that run counter to that triumphant racial narrative:
*There are more African Americans under correctional control today—in prison or jail, on probation or parole—than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began.
*As of 2004, more African American men were disenfranchised (due to felon disenfranchisement laws) than in 1870, the year the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified, prohibiting laws that explicitly deny the right to vote on the basis of race.
* A black child born today is less likely to be raised by both parents than a black child born during slavery. The recent disintegration of the African American family is due in large part to the mass imprisonment of black fathers.
*If you take into account prisoners, a large majority of African American men in some urban areas have been labeled felons for life. (In the Chicago area, the figure is nearly 80%.) These men are part of a growing undercaste—not class, caste—permanently relegated, by law, to a second-class status. They can be denied the right to vote, automatically excluded from juries, and legally discriminated against in employment, housing, access to education, and public benefits, much as their grandparents and great-grandparents were during the Jim Crow era.
Excuses for the Lockdown
There is, of course, a colorblind explanation for all this: crime rates. Our prison population has exploded from about 300,000 to more than 2 million in a few short decades, it is said, because of rampant crime. We're told that the reason so many black and brown men find themselves behind bars and ushered into a permanent, second-class status is because they happen to be the bad guys.
The uncomfortable truth, however, is that crime rates do not explain the sudden and dramatic mass incarceration of African Americans during the past 30 years. Crime rates have fluctuated over the last few decades—they are currently are at historical lows—but imprisonment rates have consistently soared. Quintupled, in fact. And the vast majority of that increase is due to the War on Drugs. Drug offenses alone account for about two-thirds of the increase in the federal inmate population, and more than half of the increase in the state prison population.
The drug war has been brutal—complete with SWAT teams, tanks, bazookas, grenade launchers, and sweeps of entire neighborhoods—but those who live in white communities have little clue to the devastation wrought. This war has been waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color, even though studies consistently show that people of all colors use and sell illegal drugs at remarkably similar rates. In fact, some studies indicate that white youth are significantly more likely to engage in illegal drug dealing than black youth.Any notion that drug use among African Americans is more severe or dangerous is belied by the data. White youth, for example, have about three times the number of drug-related visits to the emergency room as their African American counterparts.
That is not what you would guess, though, when entering our nation's prisons and jails, overflowing as they are with black and brown drug offenders. In some states, African Americans comprise 80%-90% of all drug offenders sent to prison.
This is the point at which I am typically interrupted and reminded that black men have higher rates of violent crime. That's why the drug war is waged in poor communities of color and not middle-class suburbs. Drug warriors are trying to get rid of those drug kingpins and violent offenders who make ghetto communities a living hell. It has nothing to do with race; it's all about violent crime.
Again, not so. President Ronald Reagan officially declared the current drug war in 1982, when drug crime was declining, not rising. From the outset, the war had little to do with drug crime and nearly everything to do with racial politics. The drug war was part of a grand and highly successful Republican Party strategy of using racially coded political appeals on issues of crime and welfare to attract poor and working class white voters who were resentful of, and threatened by, desegregation, busing, and affirmative action. In the words of H.R. Haldeman, President Richard Nixon's White House Chief of Staff: "[T]he whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to."
A few years after the drug war was announced, crack cocaine hit the streets of inner-city communities. The Reagan administration seized on this development with glee, hiring staff who were to be responsible for publicizing inner-city crack babies, crack mothers, crack wh*res, and drug-related violence. The goal was to make inner-city crack abuse and violence a media sensation, bolstering public support for the drug war which, it was hoped, would lead Congress to devote millions of dollars in additional funding to it.
The plan worked like a charm. For more than a decade, black drug dealers and users would be regulars in newspaper stories and would saturate the evening TV news. Congress and state legislatures nationwide would devote billions of dollars to the drug war and pass harsh mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes—sentences longer than murderers receive in many countries.
Democrats began competing with Republicans to prove that they could be even tougher on the dark-skinned pariahs. In President Bill Clinton's boastful words, "I can be nicked a lot, but no one can say I'm soft on crime." The facts bear him out. Clinton's "tough on crime" policies resulted in the largest increase in federal and state prison inmates of any president in American history. But Clinton was not satisfied with exploding prison populations. He and the "New Democrats" championed legislation banning drug felons from public housing (no matter how minor the offense) and denying them basic public benefits, including food stamps, for life. Discrimination in virtually every aspect of political, economic, and social life is now perfectly legal, if you've been labeled a felon.
5/28/2017 7:13:03 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Condor -- it appears Bill Cosby was your hero, dear. You are the one who always brings him up.
5/28/2017 7:34:24 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Condor -- it appears Bill Cosby was your hero, dear. You are the one who always brings him up.
Is Bill Cosby still the darling of conservatives?
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
November 17, 2014
n May 2004 comedian, social critic, and philanthropist Bill Cosby took the stage at Independence Hall in his hometown of Philadelphia. It was a gala commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on school segregation. Cosby was being honored for his near legendary philanthropy to African-American colleges. The mostly black audience, chock-full of veterans of the civil rights and social justice movements, fully expected to hear Cosby reminisce about the gains and importance of the civil rights fight and reflect on the massive racial disparities, poverty and economic inequality that still ensnare millions of African-Americans.
They got a shock. Cosby did nothing of the kind. He instead launched into a long-winded, bitter rampage against alleged ignorant, gun-toting, babymaking and jail-deserving young blacks. Cosby then put the capper on it when he angrily shouted that even more blacks deserve to be dumped in the slammer and even evoked God to bolster his scream. "God is tired of you," he said, "and so am I." The stunned audience didn't know what to make of Cosby's tirade. But an endless parade of conservative columnists, right-wing talk show gabbers, bloggers and unreconstructed bigots did. They had found just the man to put the proper face on their long-standing manufactured growth industry in black, especially black male, blame-the-victim bashing. Cosby was perfect. He had none of the odor of black conservatives such as Clarence Thomas and Alan Keyes, who were routinely trotted out to rip and disparage blacks and who engendered near-universal ridicule and condemnation from African-Americans. Cosby, by contrast, was seen as a real civil rights man, a liberal universally admired by blacks.
In the days after that tirade, Cosby's stock soared to new heights among conservatives. He was a man who would air black America's dirty laundry and brave the wrath of civil rights leaders, black activists and black columnists. This all culminated in his getting an unprecedented one hour to tout his blacks-must-clean-up-their-own-ghettos spin on "Meet the Press." He topped that with a book, "Come on People," which quickly soared up the best-seller charts. In the book he harangued and lectured, cobbled together a mishmash of his trademark anecdotes, homilies and personal tales of woe and success. He juggled and massaged facts to bolster his self-designated black morals crusade. Stripped away, it was the same stock message that blacks can't read, write or speak coherent English, and are social and educational cripples and failures. To no surprise, the cheers for Cosby from the racism deniers were wilder and louder than ever.
The problem with all this was that even then the rumors and allegations of Cosby's unsavory personal hijinks and antics were swirling around the gossip mill. It was a near textbook case of picking the Cosby that people wanted to believe was the real Cosby. For Cosby's conservative cheerleaders, that Cosby was the one who was quick to harangue poor blacks for their alleged faults and utter not a peep about the institutional causes for their plight. There was not even a peep from him encouraging government officials and business leaders to provide greater resources and opportunities to aid those blacks whoneed help.
Now that Cosby totters dangerously on the verge of disgrace for alleged sexual assaults, he's again important for two reasons. The first is obvious. You have not one, two, three or even five women but at last count 13 women, some of whom were underage at the time of the alleged offenses, claiming variously that he raped, drugged, assaulted, abused, and then discarded them like dirty dish rags. These allegations alone would almost certainly bring a loud clamor for the alleged offender who didn't have the name, money and icon status as Cosby to be shoved into a court docket and if convicted — a jail cell. The sickening take-away from this is that wealth and fame can trump public outrage over real and alleged bad behavior.
The other thing that makes this ugly saga important is it casts yet another glare on the colossal hypocrisy of conservatives who blithely turn a blind eye to some of the worst-behaving characters as long as they loudly pulverize blacks for their alleged bad behavior. Cosby is hardly the first or last to be cheered and lauded for his biting criticism — as long as the bite is on blacks. Now that the bite is again on him, the question: Is Cosby still the darling of the right?
5/28/2017 7:36:43 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Mechanicsburg, PA
39, joined Nov. 2013
People of decency, have already struck back. Those who're focused on their families, careers, friends and a good quality of life, don't have anything to do with these bs social issues. We're too busy working hard at home or work, with our kids activities and the few days we get a year to get friends together, vacations etc have no time for shit like this.
We've abandoned anywhere there's crime, where losers who feel disenfranchised and make excuses, destroy and shit on people and where they live. We aren't filling the stadium's, with our hard earned money or families. We no longer enable many things. Let those who have an issue, keep taking it out on each other. We're hoping you'll will thin the heard, to get rid of the dead weight holding the rest of us up.
5/28/2017 7:39:16 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
My whites always strike back.
Seems as if every time I put something white on dirt jumps right on it. 
5/28/2017 7:48:51 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014

5/28/2017 8:09:09 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
He is right. The pendulum will eventually start to swing back. Getting close now.
I figure groids will end up in FEMA camps! The ones that survive!
5/28/2017 8:10:43 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
5/28/2017 8:12:31 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
I see you still have your head in the sand while living in a all white neighborhood!
5/28/2017 8:27:00 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
I feel bad for anyone that messes with this giant mass of white Americans.
You gonna pay and it's gonna hurt go on home now boy
5/28/2017 8:28:59 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I see you still have your head in the sand while living in a all white neighborhood!
You don't know a damn thing about me or the neighborhood I live in.
Nice try, racist.
5/28/2017 8:35:31 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
5/28/2017 8:37:13 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
5/28/2017 8:38:41 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016

5/28/2017 9:02:49 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
You need a train ticket to a camp.
5/28/2017 9:19:42 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Reno, NV
46, joined Jul. 2014
in reality, the Hebrews skin did darken more than the Egyptians. It was the Hebrews in this painting that are depicted as the darker race. that is slavery. Probably why Rothschild chose to sell Africans as slaves to whites and make a mint off of them. Maybe in his mind, his hands still had Egyptian penis on them.
5/28/2017 7:49:08 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
You need a train ticket to a camp. 
5/28/2017 10:08:59 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Condor, need I point out to you that young Godless, Lawless, immoral black generations today have returned to the law of the jungle (the strong preying on the weak), roaming the streets robbing , raping, assaulting, murdering. That IS the young Black culture today, and it is reason their communities have become fallen-down, trashy slumps, it is shameful. Their criminal behavior is why so many of them have criminal records. They have criminal records because they ARE criminals. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that. They are uncivilized. Who in their right minds what to live next to uncivilized barbarians?
What’s wrong with you Condor? Are you a Black hoodlum? Why are you taking up for them? Black communities in our big cities today have literally become human cesspools. And that’s their culture today. They destroy everything they touch. And there is no excuse for it. Stop making excuses for them. The White man is not responsible for that, they are. Shame on you. When you defend such behavior, you make yourself a party to it.
5/28/2017 11:44:11 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
There is no need for a strike back ,
If there is never a strike forward.
5/28/2017 11:53:37 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
Condor, need I point out to you that young Godless, Lawless, immoral black generations today have returned to the law of the jungle (the strong preying on the weak), roaming the streets robbing , raping, assaulting, murdering. That IS the young Black culture today, and it is reason their communities have become fallen-down, trashy slumps, it is shameful. Their criminal behavior is why so many of them have criminal records. They have criminal records because they ARE criminals. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that. They are uncivilized. Who in their right minds what to live next to uncivilized barbarians?
What’s wrong with you Condor? Are you a Black hoodlum? Why are you taking up for them? Black communities in our big cities today have literally become human cesspools. And that’s their culture today. They destroy everything they touch. And there is no excuse for it. Stop making excuses for them. The White man is not responsible for that, they are. Shame on you. When you defend such behavior, you make yourself a party to it.
condor is mad because he is a slave.
5/29/2017 6:51:07 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016

5/29/2017 6:52:46 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
I feel bad for anyone that messes with this giant mass of white Americans.
You gonna pay and it's gonna hurt go on home now boy
Like the white guy who killed those people in Portland?
5/29/2017 6:56:51 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
Like the white guy who killed those people in Portland?
The Left will stop at nothing to try and take down TRADITIONAL American values. Every day, they make a new attempt. Luckily, they ALWAYS seem to fail miserably.
Recently, we heard about Jeremy Christian, also known as the “Train Stabber.” He managed to kill two people under the guise of an Antifa member, per a tweet from Mike Cernovich. It’s clear as day that these Antifa guys are hired thugs, or brainwashed punks, being controlled by the hands of Soros and his “shadow government.”
View image on Twitter

[Edited 5/29/2017 6:57:31 AM ]
5/29/2017 7:02:16 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Condor, need I point out to you that young Godless, Lawless, immoral black generations today have returned to the law of the jungle (the strong preying on the weak), roaming the streets robbing , raping, assaulting, murdering. That IS the young Black culture today, and it is reason their communities have become fallen-down, trashy slumps, it is shameful. Their criminal behavior is why so many of them have criminal records. They have criminal records because they ARE criminals. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that. They are uncivilized. Who in their right minds what to live next to uncivilized barbarians?
What’s wrong with you Condor? Are you a Black hoodlum? Why are you taking up for them? Black communities in our big cities today have literally become human cesspools. And that’s their culture today. They destroy everything they touch. And there is no excuse for it. Stop making excuses for them. The White man is not responsible for that, they are. Shame on you. When you defend such behavior, you make yourself a party to it.
At the very same moment that your BFF, Jits, is trying to tell people that right-wingers are not the least bit racist, you and Herc are busy proving him wrong.
[Edited 5/29/2017 7:02:48 AM ]
5/29/2017 7:04:35 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
At the very same moment that your BFF, Jits, is trying to tell people that right-wingers are not the least bit racist, you and Herc are busy proving him wrong.
Truth is not racist!
5/29/2017 7:14:28 AM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Truth is not racist!
Indeed, reality is not the least bit racist. Right-wing blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims are no more criminal and deranged than warmongering, torture-loving, sniper-loving, nuke-loving, worker-raping, gangster-capitalist-loving, killer-cop-loving right-wing whites. It is the right-wing perception of reality that is racist.
5/29/2017 6:54:42 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Well lets see, exactly how many did the white American terrorist Timothy McVeigh kill???
5/29/2017 7:28:10 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Well lets see, exactly how many did the white American terrorist Timothy McVeigh kill???
You sure had to go back a long time to find a white American terrorist! How long has that been, 20 some years?
5/29/2017 7:35:05 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016

5/29/2017 8:19:52 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
What a great showing of humanity when those White men gave their lives to protect two muslim black girls. These are the types of behavior that make me proud to be White
5/29/2017 8:35:41 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
What a great showing of humanity when those White men gave their lives to protect two muslim black girls. These are the types of behavior that make me proud to be White
And the two girls didn't even stick around to talk to the police? Just took off?
If that's true then they weren't worth defending.
5/29/2017 8:44:04 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Well, let’s see. Blacks today say Blacks cannot be racist, that only Whites are racist, and that all Whites ARE racist, that quota systems for Blacks in employment and university admissions is not racist, but the same thing for Whites is racist, that discrimination is racist but reverse discrimination is not racist, that Affirmative Action that favors Blacks is not racist but affirmative Action for Whites would be racist, that a Black Caucus in Congress is not racist, but a similar caucus for Whites would be racist, that Blacks today cannot compete on a level playing field, that everything has to be skewed in their favor and given to them on a silver platter as if they were a favored race. This sounds like Black Liberation Theology to me. Does it to you?
The Marxists today, inflaming irrational Black hatred for Whites (note the word “irrational”), are engaging in a divide and conquer strategy here in America. And Blacks have such a low average IQ and such low esteem for themselves, that they are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Don’t you low average IQ Blacks that roam the streets of our decaying large cities today like wild animals know that the Marxists view you as useful idiots, and that when they are through using you, you will be the first to go? They are trying to start a Communist Revolution in this once great nation of ours, and you are the pawns on the front lines.
Blacks today cannot and will not improve their lives by waging war on Whites. Blacks today have a serious problem in their own house, and until they deal with these problems and get their own house in order, they have no hope of ever rising from the Godless, lawless, gang infested, human sewer they live in now.
5/29/2017 9:28:28 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |


Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
You sure had to go back a long time to find a white American terrorist! How long has that been, 20 some years?
It was also white conservatives that put the needle in his arm.
5/29/2017 9:41:43 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Well, let’s see. Blacks today say Blacks cannot be racist, that only Whites are racist, and that all Whites ARE racist, that quota systems for Blacks in employment and university admissions is not racist, but the same thing for Whites is racist, that discrimination is racist but reverse discrimination is not racist, that Affirmative Action that favors Blacks is not racist but affirmative Action for Whites would be racist, that a Black Caucus in Congress is not racist, but a similar caucus for Whites would be racist, that Blacks today cannot compete on a level playing field, that everything has to be skewed in their favor and given to them on a silver platter as if they were a favored race. This sounds like Black Liberation Theology to me. Does it to you?
The Marxists today, inflaming irrational Black hatred for Whites (note the word “irrational”), are engaging in a divide and conquer strategy here in America. And Blacks have such a low average IQ and such low esteem for themselves, that they are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Don’t you low average IQ Blacks that roam the streets of our decaying large cities today like wild animals know that the Marxists view you as useful idiots, and that when they are through using you, you will be the first to go? They are trying to start a Communist Revolution in this once great nation of ours, and you are the pawns on the front lines.
Blacks today cannot and will not improve their lives by waging war on Whites. Blacks today have a serious problem in their own house, and until they deal with these problems and get their own house in order, they have no hope of ever rising from the Godless, lawless, gang infested, human sewer they live in now.
5/29/2017 10:15:04 PM |
“What if Whites Strike Back?” |
Crescent City, CA
41, joined Dec. 2016

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of the conservative Capitol Hill think tank, Project 21; and a former member of its parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research.
It would serve race mongers well to consider that even a docile old dog will bite you if you mistreat it often enough and long enough. Tangential to same is the reality of the “laws of unintended consequences.”
I’m tired of seeing, reading, and hearing white people blamed for everything from black boys not being able to read to whites being privileged because of the color of their skin. If I am tired of these Americans being used as scapegoats to further the agenda of race mongers, then it is a sure bet that those being unjustly vilified are especially weary of same.
This isn’t 1860 and it certainly isn’t 1955. There are no slaves in America and there are no Jim Crow laws dictating access based on skin color. Specific to that point it is time to remind people like Obama, Al Sharpton, and the New Black Panther Party that the racial discord they are fomenting can become the harbinger of their own peril.
Massie has captured the feeling shared by many whites who not only read the hype or watch the violence aimed at them by BLM and The New Black Panthers and spurred on by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama.
Obama foments racial unrest and a racial divide to further his neo-Leninist agenda. Sharpton foments racial unrest for personal gain. The New Black Panther Party foments racial hostilities and the demonization of whites in the foolish belief they can bring about a Western version of apartheid where blacks rule.
Too many blacks have lost sight of the fact that it was Africans who were responsible for the enslavement of other Africans. It was war, invasion, conquest, and various caste systems that contributed to slavery. And although one would be hard-pressed to believe it from the invented myths that masquerade as fact, persons of color were not the only slaves.
From Genesis to the Sudan of today, slavery has been a staple around the world. And it should be noted that given the first opportunity in America, the former slaves of color became owners of those whose skin color matched theirs.
But unlike the rest of the world, America had the good sense and decency to end slavery. In America, there is no caste system, and yet at every turn we are bombarded with how bad blacks have it because of whites and how unfair the so-called “white system” is to blacks.
All people, including those who are here illegally, have it better in America than they would have it anywhere else on earth. And yet blacks are encouraged to blame their ills on whites.
Therein the “laws of unintended consequences” come into play. America has shed the blood of her people on her own soil to ensure the freedom of all Americans. Americans joined hands with blacks to end Jim Crow. And, to the detriment of all concerned, political correctness and guilt have contributed to discrimination against whites vis-a`-vis race-based affirmative action initiatives.
Still the bastardization of whites continues. White law enforcement personnel are labeled racist for defending themselves against black criminals, especially when bad things happen to the black criminals.
To put it succinctly, the single greatest non-biblical truth today is that many times the majority of blacks are their own worst enemies. Many blacks go through life with a chip on their shoulder and bad attitudes toward whites. Many blacks growing up in dysfunctional single parent or no parent homes are loathe to realize that their lives are the result of bad decisions made by their families that adversely affect their adulthood – its not the white man.
But as I said, there is a thing called “the laws of unintended consequences.” To that end, sooner or later a pendulum reaches its arc and starts to swing back in the other direction.
How long before white people, many of whom are growing increasingly resentful at being falsely maligned, decide to respond in kind? How much longer will whites stand by and allow the likes of Sharpton and Obama to continually cast them as racist villains?
If the 1915 silent movie, The Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith, which depicted blacks as unintelligent and sexual predators of white women, (which was a lie) gave rise to the resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan, what can we expect to be brought about by the heathen behavior of many blacks today?
Many blacks are quick to attack those of us who condemn the untoward, barbaric behavior of some blacks. They curse us for not glossing over their behavior and for not engaging in “blame whitey.” But if a phony movie was able to give rise to at least two generations of condemnation of blacks, what will the in-your-face belligerent hostilities so many of them exhibit today ultimately result in?
America has figuratively bent over backward to assuage its perceived guilt but for many blacks that is not good enough. They accuse and self-alienate but do nothing to incorporate the greatness of America into their lives.
How much longer will America allow blacks to vilify those who have done them no harm – even as blacks attack, terrorize, and condemn those who truly do just want to get along?
Massie has unusual insight and understands that you can only push so far before someone pushes back and in a case like that no one wins, no matter who is able to walk away from the battle.
He is correct that the pendulum will always be swinging back and forth in this fiery conflict of stupidity...
The caucasian variety, in particular, is confronting three types of racism.
1.Blatent racism..that even a five yr old child could identify.
2.An inverted form of racism..where someone is being blamed as racist when they didnt even do anything. On this scene, its the accusers that are involved in their own racially obsessed confusions and self projections..
3. A play of favoritism or special privelages towards someone over others becouse their racial identity is a minority..
Its all racist. However, I would assume all varieties of people have had their fair share of morons..