5/29/2017 9:57:02 AM |
That is not my |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Feb. 2016
Who has ever went to another car like yours?
Coming out of the grocery store I spotted a car just exactly like mine 
And as I was walking toward it I kept saying to myself, i din't park here, silly me kept walking to it.
As I go around the car to put groceries in the back seat, (normally I put in the truck)
I kept saying, why does my car look dirty on outside (I just washed it) but I keep putting groceries in the car, then I see cat or dog hair...
Still did not dawn on me it was not my car until I sat down in it an said....oh he'll no...this car stinks...cat hair all over the seat and dashboard!!!!!! Get the hell out....
Then I checked to make sure i didn't unlock the same car(they left the car unlock)
I don't leave my car unlocked
Man...I was like let me hurry up and get these groceries out before they wonder why this black lady is at their car.
Ughhhh I felt so dumb yesterday
[Edited 5/29/2017 9:58:03 AM ]
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5/29/2017 9:59:33 AM |
That is not my |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
shit happens
5/29/2017 10:01:03 AM |
That is not my |


Danielsville, GA
51, joined May. 2016

I've known that to happen to a few friends of mine. Most of my personal vehicles have been odd looking beat up buckets. Small chance that I would mistake someone else's truck, van or car for my own. LOL
5/29/2017 10:37:18 AM |
That is not my |

Norman, OK
48, joined Mar. 2017
Me and Emily were at Walmart yesterday, Now as a single man i do the single man thing when i go into the store,,park whatever distance is just outside the area of the pack of cars (so i can jump in and leave without dealing with the other people when i am done). go in get what i need, hit self checkout and then get the f**k out. no muss, no fuss,,,done it 1000 times over the last couple years. Me and Emily got done and walked out. I walked all the way out past the cars, the entire time looking for my truck and thinking "wtf i dont see my truck" but keeping it to myself, looking and looking just going "WTF" and a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. We get all the way out to where i usually park and no truck and reality hits me hard,,"OOOHH Emily the truck isnt here, someone has stolen it, oh shit this just f**ked up, we have no truck" She looked at me and said "Daddy, you had prescriptions to fill, You parked on the other side next to the pharmacy entrance, I was wondering why we walked all the way out here on this side" I looked across the parking lot and there sat my truck,,,,ooops
5/29/2017 10:41:31 AM |
That is not my |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
Well either the OP is on drugs, or he drives a mundane POS!
5/29/2017 10:42:46 AM |
That is not my |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
I've done it more than once and usually there has been someone sitting in the drivers seat...luckily they just had a chuckle instead of thinking I was trying to car jack them.....
5/29/2017 10:47:00 AM |
That is not my |


Knoxville, TN
54, joined Aug. 2016
That happened to me and my mom, when I was a kid.. We were just sitting there waiting on dad to come out of the store.. I was glad he came out before the owners of the car did..

5/29/2017 10:51:17 AM |
That is not my |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
I need to start taking down license place numbers of the vehicles im riding in and checking before getting in.....
5/29/2017 10:56:16 AM |
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Lake City, AR
54, joined Mar. 2014
Happened to me once. The key opened the door and when I tried to get in, for second there, I couldn't figure out how the seat got scooted up so far. I couldn't even get my legs in.
5/29/2017 10:57:37 AM |
That is not my |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
No one can mistake my ride for their's:

5/29/2017 10:59:06 AM |
That is not my |


Bremen, GA
45, joined Sep. 2014
My car is sliver like most other cars in the lot 
5/29/2017 11:01:35 AM |
That is not my |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
My car is sliver like most other cars in the lot  where's Waldo
5/29/2017 11:08:42 AM |
That is not my |

Norcross, GA
41, joined Feb. 2016
How about fiddling with a one cup coffee maker for five minutes thinking it doesn't work
Forgot to put water in it
5/29/2017 11:10:04 AM |
That is not my |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
I've poured cold water into my coffee thinking I turned on the kettle...and I didn't....
5/29/2017 11:21:02 AM |
That is not my |


Saint Louis, MO
63, joined Jun. 2007
 I've done it more than once and usually there has been someone sitting in the drivers seat...luckily they just had a chuckle instead of thinking I was trying to car jack them..... 
Flirty, they probably would have felt more threatened if you had your bow and arrows with you.

5/29/2017 11:22:07 AM |
That is not my |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
Probably...but I forgot them at home..... 
5/29/2017 11:25:05 AM |
That is not my |


Saint Louis, MO
63, joined Jun. 2007
Flirty, do you celebrate Custer's last stand today?
5/29/2017 11:26:09 AM |
That is not my |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
You betcha....I got my drinks all ready to go.....
5/29/2017 12:10:55 PM |
That is not my |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Feb. 2016
Well either the OP is on drugs, or he drives a mundane POS!
My car is common as well as the color.
Bought it brand new 2 years ago still under warranty and bought it from a Ford dealership.
As far as drugs...lol nope just was very tired from travel and driving the day before.
5/29/2017 12:18:49 PM |
That is not my |

Los Angeles, CA
63, joined Nov. 2012
5/29/2017 12:35:34 PM |
That is not my |

97, joined Dec. 2013
I did that once....came in a Yugo and left in a Jaguar. Those were both red.
5/29/2017 12:38:07 PM |
That is not my |


Danielsville, GA
51, joined May. 2016

"... And you may find yourself
Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house
With a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?"
5/29/2017 12:40:17 PM |
That is not my |

97, joined Dec. 2013
Flirty, do you celebrate Custer's last stand today?
I celebrated Bill Custer's last stand five years ago....after that he needed Viagra.