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5/30/2017 8:24:32 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
It Begins! Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison!
Close Obama ally, Florida Democrat Corrine Brown, faces what could amount to life in prison after being convicted of 18 felonies!
As she was stealing scholarship money from school children, Corrine Brown flew with Obama, partied with Pelosi, and campaigned for Clinton, and she was a Superdelegate!
The FBI proved that Brown ‘exploited the needs of children and deceived her constituents to advance her own personal and political agendas’. The FBI said the Congresswoman raised over $800,000 in donations for a charity she was linked to while scholarships from that charity only amounted to $1,200.
The verdict came just three days after closing arguments. Brown was shown to have lived the high life on cash that aides secretly deposited in her bank account after passing it through other accounts.

She is expected to be sentenced within 120 days.
The trial brought explosive headlines when it was revealed that the disgraced Congresswoman used $750 from a bogus charity to buy her daughter a $10 birthday cake.
The FloridaTimesUnion reports:
The jury convicted Brown of 18 of the 22 separate criminal counts a grand jury indicted her for in July. The convictions involve conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, tax crimes and hiding income she should have publicly reported.
She was found not guilty of two counts of mail fraud and two counts of wire fraud.
Brown could in theory be sentenced to decades in prison, but that decision is likely more than three months away. No sentencing date was immediately set.
Each fraud or conspiracy conviction carries a potential 20-year sentence, and each tax conviction three years. Hiding income could lead to another five-year sentence.
The convictions affirm parts of a narrative prosecutors told of Brown breaking laws while she lived an unsustainable expensive lifestyle that left her desperate for cash.
Jurors were told the brash 70-year-old Democratic icon, who spent 24 years in Congress before losing reelection last year, received $141,000 in untraceable cash over several years through sources including the sham charity One Door for Education and her Friends of Corrine Brown campaign committee.
An FBI accountant testified Brown, who earned around $175,000 a year as a member of Congress with a pension from the Florida Legislature, spent an average of $1,438 per month more than her reported income.
“Former Congresswoman Brown took an oath year after year to serve others, but instead she exploited the needs of children and deceived her constituents to advance her own personal and political agendas,” said FBI Jacksonville Division Special Agent in Charge Charles Spencer in a prepared statement.
With her former chief of staff testifying against her, the question is begged! Why did the Democrats continually cozy up to a Congresswoman who was so clearly corrupt?
From the beginning, Corrine Brown has been shrouded in controversy. Shortly after she won election in 1992, the Federal Election Commission accused Brown of violating numerous campaign finance laws. The biggie was that she accepted donations from foreign citizens and failed to report the use of a corporate plane. And that’s just the tip of the ethical iceberg.
A convenient rap sheet, put together by the Florida Times-Union, documents every allegation of wrongdoing brought against Brown during her 27-year career.
It is the never-ending story!
In the midst of all this scandal, Corinne Brown not only fundraised with the Obama, but also enjoyed prominent perches on the Transportation and Veteran Affairs Committees.
The Democrats only care about corruption if it is on the other side of the aisle.
What did Hillary and Obama know about Corinne Brown and when did they know it?

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5/31/2017 11:00:17 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
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5/31/2017 11:09:26 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
Set an example of her to send a message to all the crooks.
5/31/2017 11:29:49 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Typical liberal behavior. What is yours is mine!
6/1/2017 12:34:29 AM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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I hate it when Dems behave like teabaggers. Hope she gets locked up.
6/1/2017 1:53:53 PM |
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Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from payback2018:
I hate it when Dems behave like teabaggers. Hope she gets locked up.
Congratulations on your 5th post at DH, SHARE BLUE!
Shareblue - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShareblueProxy Highlight
Shareblue, formerly known as Blue Nation Review, is an American left-wing news website owned by journalist and political activist David Brock and headed by ...
You've certainly hit the ground running, Share Blue. Posting nothing of substance anywhere, just using the marxist, 25 Rules of Disinformation. In this case, Rule #5.
5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
Lack of originality much?
Like we've NEVER seen shills like YOU here before who specialize in ad hominem, (attack the messenger", divide & conquer, posts.
I can't help but notice ... you started trolling at 12:26am (my time) last night and ceased trolling at 10:42 this morning (again, my time), isn't 12:26am in America 1:26pm in the State of Israel?

So, you're a leftwinger who apparently doesn't like black people?
Hmmm ... isn't that characteristic also indicative of you being an Israeli?
Why Do So Many J()()s Hate Black People? « Aletho News
https://alethonews.wordpress.com/2013/12/26/why-do-so...Proxy Highlight
Dec 26, 2013 ... Most Americans are completely unaware of the general contempt that many J()()ish people have towards blacks, as Max Blumenthal found out ...
Thief robs place where everyone was armed
The bandit assaulted a place where everyone had guns, Everyone reacted, and the only target was him.
It does beg the question, why do the lefties want to disarm the law-abiding folk? Do they want only the scumbags to have guns and not be harmed?
[Edited 6/1/2017 1:55:08 PM ]
6/1/2017 2:03:21 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Castle Rock, CO
60, joined Jan. 2009
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Lets start with Nancy Pelosi, it would be nice to know how she became a multi, multi millionaire while slaving away at $150,000 grand a year.
We can go after Republicans as well, but it would be more satisfying to go after the ones that pretend to care about the poor while enriching themselves on the very backs of those they fleece.
Maybe the prosecutors can offer Brown a deal, tell us what you know about....no wait....she is so stupid she doesn't know shit about anything, so no point in a deal.
6/1/2017 5:09:15 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Lets start with Nancy Pelosi, it would be nice to know how she became a multi, multi millionaire while slaving away at $150,000 grand a year.
We can go after Republicans as well, but it would be more satisfying to go after the ones that pretend to care about the poor while enriching themselves on the very backs of those they fleece.
Maybe the prosecutors can offer Brown a deal, tell us what you know about....no wait....she is so stupid she doesn't know shit about anything, so no point in a deal.
The rats are jumping the sinking ship and are turning on each other. 
The very people who rigged the primary for her and murdered Seth Rich for her, WOW!!!!!! Anyone get a license plate of that bus?!?
HILLARY CLINTON: I inherited nothing from the DNC
Ya, ok there Hillary. We get it... You are perfect and everyone else is just a sh*t heel loser. 
So you blew $6 billion from the state department on the DNC for your failed bid?
DNC's Andrew Therriault Throws Killary Under Bus for Campaign Finance Money Laundering
She could have quietly sailed into a non-extradition sunset, but she decided to stay corrupt here, grasping for remnant power straws, even as the Kuru disease eats away at her body and mind, piece by piece.
All of her accusations for everything she did are coming right back at her, and this time from her own. The cracks are beginning to show, and Andrew Therriault is, I am almost certain, only the first of many to come. Not one of those back-stabbing libs are going to do time for anyone else in their camp. Just wait until the criminal investigations start.

6/1/2017 7:01:19 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
What a surprise, a crooked democrat.
6/1/2017 7:10:55 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
What a surprise, a crooked democrat.
DNC officials are furious at Crooked Hillary. Now she's blaming THEM for her epic loss.
“F*cking Bullsh*t!” DNC Data Director Goes Off After Hillary Blames Party for Her Loss
On Wednesday Hillary Clinton blamed the DNC and others for her shocking loss in November.
“It was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, non-existent, wrong. I had to inject money into it — the DNC — to keep it going.”
Hillary Clinton complains about DNC
This did not go over well at the DNC.
The former Director of Data Science at the DNC, Andrew Therriault, did not appreciate Hillary blaming the party for her loss.
Andrew Therriault posted a series of tweets after Hillary’s speech — “F*cking Bullsh*t!”


6/1/2017 7:22:51 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
They're eating each other.
6/1/2017 7:27:52 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
They're eating each other.

Not soon enough though.

The best part is that she's actually still trying to become president. Either she thinks we'll somehow have a do-over election or she'll defeat him in 2020. The Dems will be bogged down with "will she or won't she run?"
She's sucking all the oxygen out of the room, leaving Dims incapable of finding a plausible candidate. Anyone thinking of running against her will literally fear for their life, given the lengths the Clintons will go to.
Even Chelsea is hurting the Dims every time she opens her mouth.
Hillary 2020! Hillaryous. 
6/1/2017 8:36:25 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Podesta Laundering Clinton Foundation Assets Before RICO Steps In Under Civilian Asset Forfeiture
John Podesta is buying up gold, art and other valuables as he converts Clinton Foundation laundered money to hard assets and is hiding these assets around the world. Clearly, they think RICO is going to be seizing Clinton Foundation assets.
More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she's already under fire for 'buying' fake Facebook fans
Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary's 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform.
6/2/2017 9:19:43 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |
Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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They're fake just because the don't tweet?
maybe they signed up to receive tweets not send them.
Did they do the same audit on Trump?
6/2/2017 9:30:19 PM |
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Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
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Living large off of "charity" money and under the table kickbacks....I wonder where she got the idea?
6/2/2017 9:36:43 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Living large off of "charity" money and under the table kickbacks....I wonder where she got the idea? 
Nixon was NOT impeached. Nixon resigned.
Bill Clinton WAS impeached. VP Al Gore cast the vote that cleared Bill.
Hillary is an incompetent campaigner. Remember HRC getting in touch with the folks by riding around in a black dress, chauffered by a black-suited agent, riding from scripted news-stop to scripted news-stop in a black, bullet-proof SUV call "Scooby Do". Pure nuts!
Hillary's health is not good. Hillary's judgment is not good.
Hillary's well-documented, illegal use of a home-based, non-SCIF, private email server to conduct ALL US government business for 4 years, and then keep at home for 1.5 yrs more, is a violation of 18 USC Section 793 Espionage, subsection on "gross negligence", a felony punishable by 10 years in a US Federal penitentiary.
Hillary's goal is the enrichment of Hillary, et al.
Trump's goal is to help the folks.
[Edited 6/2/2017 9:37:08 PM ]
6/2/2017 9:42:02 PM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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Crimes right wingers think Hillary has committed - total 246
Crimes Hillary has been convicted of - total 0
piss poor record I would say.
6/2/2017 9:42:50 PM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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Trump's goal is to help the folks.
We have a winner for dumbest post of the day
6/2/2017 9:49:25 PM |
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Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from brokeback2018_
We have a winner for dumbest post of the day
That's your opinion, is it brokeback?

Opinions are like *ssholes, everyone has one unless they belong to this particular ethnic group...then they have a million of them. All of them wrong. 

Is that why you don't post a photo? Because you look like that ugly boy?
Making America Poorer Again.
A Heritage Foundation study found that the Paris agreement would have increased the electricity costs of an American family of four by between 13 percent and 20 percent annually. It forecast a loss of income of $20,000 by 2035.
In other words, American families would be paying more while making less. Much Poorer. The overall effect of the agreement would have been to reduce U.S. GDP by over $2.5 trillion and eliminate 400,000 jobs by 2035, according to Heritage’s study.
This would exacerbate problems with government funding and deficits, make Social Security solvency more challenging, and increase reliance on government’s spending to support households.
Hollowing Out Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The industrial carnage would have been concentrated on four states, according to the Chamber of Commerce study. Michigan’s GDP would shrink by 0.8 percent and employment would contract by 74,000 jobs.
Missouri’s GDP would shrink by 1 percent. Ohio’s GDP would contract 1.2 percent. Pennsylvania’s GDP would decline by 1.8 percent and the state would lose 140,000 jobs.
Maybe you're the dumb one, eh brokeback? 
[Edited 6/2/2017 9:50:36 PM ]
6/2/2017 10:01:09 PM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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Heritage Foundation? right wing hacks.
The Paris Accord is non binding. The US doesn't HAVE to do anything.
Pulling out is meaningless. Most of what is done to promote clean energy is done at state level and by private companies. The little that Trumps childish stunt will effect will be reversed in 3.5 years when he is gone and he's replaced by an adult.
6/2/2017 10:11:01 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from brokeback2018_
Heritage Foundation? right wing hacks.
The Paris Accord is non binding. The US doesn't HAVE to do anything.
Pulling out is meaningless. Most of what is done to promote clean energy is done at state level and by private companies. The little that Trumps childish stunt will effect will be reversed in 3.5 years when he is gone and he's replaced by an adult.
More opinions? Like you know more than the Heritage Foundation?
Um, I don't think so. I get it. You're brainwashed by the TalmudVision. 

The J()()'s are going nuts over Trump pulling out because they and their banks will lose trillions on one of the biggest scams since the Holohoax.
From what I can tell it all traces to the (((Crown))) in the City of London. Where even the Queen must get permission to enter. Thus the reason Libor rates dictate nearly all loan rates worldwide.
Worldwide J()()ry Headquarters

Anyone who seriously believes that if humans stop emitting CO2 then the Earth's climate will stop changing is brain-dead-level stupid & ignorant.
The current 200-year low in Sunspot numbers is very hard evidence that we're in for at least a few decades of cooler weather - which could well reduce food production significantly - especially in all the countries run by dupes or traitors who are trying to reduce CO2.
And many other HONEST & SCIENTIFIC sites are must-reads for anyone confused by the fact that most of the world's governments and media continue to spout lies about "AGW".
(The fact that "business successes" such as Musk and Bezos support these lies is evidence of where their (((loyalties))) lie.)
The banking system centered on the privately owned "Fed" IS the heart of all our problems.
[Edited 6/2/2017 10:12:28 PM ]
6/2/2017 10:29:23 PM |
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San Benito, TX
45, joined Jul. 2014
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How the hell does someone commit 18 felonies?? 
6/2/2017 10:36:18 PM |
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Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
How the hell does someone commit 18 felonies?? 
When they're a career criminal? Easy.
For example ... I already posted above:
Hillary's well-documented, illegal use of a home-based, non-SCIF, private email server to conduct ALL US government business for 4 years, and then keep at home for 1.5 yrs more, is a violation of 18 USC Section 793 Espionage, subsection on "gross negligence", a felony punishable by 10 years in a US Federal penitentiary.
Now then, did she break the law ONE time? Or, did she break the law NUMEROUS times?
I personally believe that EACH infraction is a separate violation of additional laws. The cumulative infractions over 4 years makes it 793.
Don't forget that a Federal judge required that Hillary testify under oath that the gov't was in possession of all emails. Hillary so testified and another email server was discovered, making Hillary guilty of perjury, another felony. I have a 90 page, single-spaced document wherein I have kept track, for over 1.5 years, of Hillary's email infractions.
PS: There were 30,000 emails and there could be multiple infractions PER EACH EMAIL. The DoJ is going to have to use a spreadsheet to track all of HRC's infractions.
It will take the better part of a week just to read the indictment. 
6/2/2017 11:02:07 PM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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When they're a career criminal? Easy.
For example ... I already posted above:
Hillary's well-documented, illegal use of a home-based, non-SCIF, private email server to conduct ALL US government business for 4 years, and then keep at home for 1.5 yrs more, is a violation of 18 USC Section 793 Espionage, subsection on "gross negligence", a felony punishable by 10 years in a US Federal penitentiary.
Now then, did she break the law ONE time? Or, did she break the law NUMEROUS times?
I personally believe that EACH infraction is a separate violation of additional laws. The cumulative infractions over 4 years makes it 793.
Don't forget that a Federal judge required that Hillary testify under oath that the gov't was in possession of all emails. Hillary so testified and another email server was discovered, making Hillary guilty of perjury, another felony. I have a 90 page, single-spaced document wherein I have kept track, for over 1.5 years, of Hillary's email infractions.
PS: There were 30,000 emails and there could be multiple infractions PER EACH EMAIL. The DoJ is going to have to use a spreadsheet to track all of HRC's infractions.
It will take the better part of a week just to read the indictment. 
What law school did you go to shitforbrains?
from 18 USC Section 793 Espionage
"with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States"
how you going to prove she had intent to harm the US?
[Edited 6/2/2017 11:04:39 PM ]
6/2/2017 11:15:49 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from brokeback2018_
What law school did you go to shitforbrains?
from 18 USC Section 793 Espionage
"with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States"
how you going to prove she had intent to harm the US?
Strawman argument much? 
Who says "espionage" will be the charge[s]?
Who says "intent" is needed for the laws she broke?
She committed perjury, don't forget. Numerous times. All a matter of record.
Is "intent" required for Perjury? 
Short Answer: No.
World-Wide News?@kencampbell66 5h5 hours ago
James Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device The Whole Time http://bigleaguepolitics.com/james-comey-hillarys-backup-email-device-whole-time/ … via @BigLeaguePol
Bet ya didn't know THAT, huh brokeback?

6/2/2017 11:18:58 PM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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Well if she's guilty of perjury what is Trump waiting for? lock her up.
Let me know when that happens     
6/2/2017 11:27:54 PM |
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Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from brokeback2018_
Well if she's guilty of perjury what is Trump waiting for? lock her up.
Let me know when that happens
Trump/Russia/Collusion conspiracy theory has just about run it's course.
Comey has been discredited.
Clinton indictment will be next on the agenda.
Oh and btw, brokeback?

It drags down America. That’s why the left loves it.
China. More than 2x the Co2 emissions of the US, and 29.5% of all Co2 emissions. Zero dollars pledged to the fund. Yeah, that’s a good deal.
Newt Gingrich@newtgingrich
Every foreign leader attacking Pres Trump over leaving Paris Accord -further proof the deal was one sided and better for foreigners than US
4:31 PM - 1 Jun 2017
10,418 10,418 Retweets 24,278 24,278 likes
Bill Mitchell@mitchellvii
If the Paris Accord was about actually saving Earth, wouldn't they be willing to renegotiate? They aren't and it never was.
8:15 PM - 1 Jun 2017
5,026 5,026 Retweets 10,664 10,664 likes
How come NY Slimes, Washington Compost, and Clinton News Network are SILENT about this?
6/3/2017 12:16:59 AM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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Clinton indictment will be next on the agenda.
Cool. Let me know when it happens. 
6/3/2017 12:37:36 AM |
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Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from brokeback2018_
Cool. Let me know when it happens.
You won't need me to tell you. You'll know. This board will light up with all the threads.

THAT is why the left is so frustrated. PRESIDENT TRUMP is a MAN they cannot "BUY" or "bribe" to do "their bidding". Hence all the FALSE "rumors", fake scandals, and of course the "fake news".
When there is no way to stop this man, the "left" will go as LOW as they can in hopes there will be SOMEONE out there that will actually believe their LIES.
I for one, am LOVING this. It is about TIME we had a President in charge that is a true PATRIOT and puts AMERICA and "We the People" FIRST!
Top 10 reasons Hillary lost:
1. Right massive cankle.
2. Left massive cankle.
3. Red Mao suit.
4. Beige Mao suit.
5. Gray Mao suit.
6. Anthony's weener.
7. Hacked up furr balls.
8. Bill's bimbos.
9. Playing hide ....but no seek.
10. Basket of deplorables.
Things many individuals trust more than Hillary Clinton
--Mexican tap water.
--A rattlesnake with a "pet me" sign.
--OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection.
--Farting when I have diarrhea.
--An elevator ride with Ray Rice.
--Having a drink offered by Bill Cosby.
--Michael Jackson's Doctor.
--An Obama Nuclear deal with Iran.
--Gas station Sushi.
--A Jimmy Carter economic plan.
--A government worker telling me that he wants to help me.
--Brian Williams news reports.
--Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton.
--Playing Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.
--An email from a Nigerian prince.
--A condom made in China.
--A prostate exam done by Captain Hook.
And finally - Bill Clinton at a Girl Scout convention.
Lock Her Up: Hillary Clinton Caught Sharing More Classified Information
Watchdog group Judicial Watch have claimed they obtain evidence that Hillary Clinton used her position of secretary of state to send classified information to Clinton Foundation employees.
In total, 115 new email exchanged have been uncovered through a Freedom of Information Act request, made by the group.
This is another example of how Clinton abused her position and influence.
Freebeacon reports:
The 115 new email exchanges obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request were not part of the thousands of work-related emails Clinton turned over to the State Department. One newly released email from Dec. 6, 2010, shows Clinton sending foundation director Doug Band and Justin Cooper, a former aide to Bill Clinton who managed her private server, information on suspected criminal activity by a major foundation donor, Muhammad Yunus.
Bu--bu--bu--bu--bu--bu--but she didn't MEAN to! Really! Promise! Cross-her-heart! Right brokeback? 
But shouid justice prevail, and she DOES get locked up, they need to lock her up in a MEN's facility. No sense rewarding her by putting her in a ladies' prison. 
6/3/2017 1:26:22 AM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Funny I never blocked brokeback but "it's blocked" Someone else I guess.Not many blocked but block one many disappear. Like "youreally suck" also blocks Jester.
6/3/2017 1:59:20 AM |
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Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
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Cliven Bundy cohort sentenced to 7 years in federal prison
A New Hampshire Tea Party alumnus who assisted Cliven Bundy in his 2014 armed standoff against the Bureau of Land Management will spend seven years in prison for his crime.
Jerry DeLemus joined Cliven Bundy to oppose the federal government’s attempt to remove Bundy’s cattle from grazing on federally owned land in 2014, according to a report by the Boston Globe. He is the first person to be sentenced in this case, with the others either awaiting sentencing or having received mistrials.
The Bundy grazing case can be traced all the way back to 1993, when the family decided that it wouldn’t pay grazing fees to the government when sending its cattle to feed off of federally owned land. The Bundys eventually owed $1 million and were denied grazing rights on federally owned land, prompting an armed standoff that soon became a cause celebre for right-wingers who opposed the concept of federal ownership of Western land as a matter of principle.
One notable detail of DeLemus’ case is that his sentence was one year longer than the duration suggested by prosecutors. Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro cited DeLemus’ attempt to withdraw his guilty plea after seven other people were acquitted of similar charges in Oregon as the reason for the lengthier sentence.
In addition to his past work with the Tea Party, DeLemus was also a delegate for Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Because he was detained at a federal prison in Nevada at the time, however, he was unable to attend the convention.
Good start. We need to lock up more right wing nutjobs.
6/3/2017 2:09:01 AM |
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Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Funny I never blocked brokeback but "it's blocked" Someone else I guess.Not many blocked but block one many disappear. Like "youreally suck" also blocks Jester.
PM me and tell me who else he is, would you? Sillylaughter thinks it's v1300.
The frenzy to remove Trump from power has many sources. The criminal Clinton cabal has been double dealing the public for years, and money buys a lot of allegiances. If the public had been privy to the secret trials conducted by Dunford last year, they would have been horrified.
General Dunford btw, is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. Some folks think General Dunford might be the real shot caller in the U.S.A. and they may be right.
Selling 20% of the US uranium rights for $145 million while Secretary of State was just the tip of the iceberg.
The Clinton Foundation, wherein only 5% went to actual charities, was a massive money laundering machine. Hillary is under house arrest now, and except for rare and well controlled public appearances is out of the running, permanently. Meanwhile, Hillary cronies spread unfounded rumors about Trump.
As of December 10, 2016 the Clinton and Bush crime families were in the process of being taken down, and investigations into the Clinton Foundation are still in process. On December 12, 2016 and again on December 19, 2016 Ben Fulford described the Bush/Clinton crime families being under house arrest. On December 28, 2016 Hillary was caught eating alone at a restaurant.
This is the real Hillary, not the double, as the finger lengths show. Hillary’s appearance on January 10, 2017 to commemorate the new State Department Museum was the real Hill also. Though when Bill and “Hillary” appeared on January 7, 2017 on Broadway for the last show of The Color Purple, the hooked nose and lack of Hillary’s weak lower jaw show this to be the Hillary double attending with Bill.

The immense impact the US Military has around the world has been used in the past to push corporate agendas, and to grant power to the Bush/Clinton criminal network. The agendas of this cabal have ruled, for decades, but is in the process of being taken down, one loss after another. The attacks on the cabal have included the coming investigations into the Clinton Foundation.

Ben Fulford talks about the Bush/Clinton/Netanyahu crime families, referring to this group as a Mafia. Herbert Bush got wealthy having the CIA bring cocaine in from Colombia. The Clinton’s cooperated with these drug flights while in Arkansas, and when Hillary was Secretary of State, she raked in the cash via pay for play arrangement.
The second impetus to Trump’s removal from power comes from the Deep State - entrenched bureaucrats who fear losing their jobs. Trump has made no secret of his intentions to reduce the size of the federal government, and panic is palpable in some of the targeted agencies. The reduction in the highly politicized State Department, which had been packed with Hillary cronies over the years, stands as an example.
Eliminating civil servant jobs is difficult as they are protected by law, but one sure way is a budget cut wherein only those with seniority remain. Eliminating a group, or department, is another means. Meanwhile, the desperate leak info to the press.
Since impeachment requires that a law has been broken, by the President himself, this is all so much noise. Problems with the Flynn appointment were quickly resolved by Trump’s termination of Flynn for lying to VP Pence. If one sheds an errant appointee promptly, this is no crime, as demonstrated by the Spiro Agnew incident in 1973.
Nor has any crime been uncovered in the frantic claims that Trump colluded with the Russians to get elected in 2016. Somehow, so the story went, the Russians were behind the DNC and Podesta email hacks. None of these accusations have born fruit, but they refuse to die.
Despite what might be considered blunders by a politically inexperienced Trump, he will not be impeached. Despite the frenzy among those in the Hillary crowd to somehow remove Trump, it will not reach that level, as Trump has committed no crime. Bill Clinton lied under oath, which is a crime, but evaded being removed from office.
Nixon had committed crimes during the Watergate affair, as the tapes he himself made proved, but he resigned before being impeached. The impeachment of unpopular President Andrew Johnson was also unsuccessful in 1868, though the law was on the side of impeachment here too. Meanwhile, Trump haters mutter the impeachment word as often as possible.
Then there are foreign entities who do not see Trump firmly in hand. NATO members fear Trump’s agenda. They are in shock at his insistence that NATO members pay their fair share and are in shock at Trump’s alliance with Russia in Syria while fighting ISIS.
Turkey is apoplectic about this, as despite his corruption in brokering oil for ISIS, Erdogan assumed as a NATO member he could demand cooperation. Erdogan fears the Kurds will gain independence and take land from Turkey, a process which is frankly inevitable under Trump. Meanwhile, they attempt to smear Trump in false treason charges.
Meanwhile, like the Soros agenda, they fund and back any anti-Trump endeavor that has legs.
6/3/2017 12:23:22 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Funny I never blocked brokeback but "it's blocked" Someone else I guess.Not many blocked but block one many disappear. Like "youreally suck" also blocks Jester.
I have not seen jester for months he must have blocked me
6/3/2017 12:24:52 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
5,500 Non-Citizens Discovered on Voter Rolls in Virginia
Around the time of the 2016 election, President Donald Trump sparked controversy by suggesting that millions of illegal immigrants and non-citizens were illegally casting ballots, undoubtedly swaying elections in the close “swing states” where elections can be decided by rather slim margins.
Predictably, Democrats and the liberal media were incensed at the suggestion and vociferously labeled it as a blatant lie — fake news, if you will — that had no basis in reality as the integrity of our elections was above reproach. (This was prior to the whole “Russians hacked the election!” narrative.)
But now, Trump’s claim may be at least partially vindicated due to a lengthy and in-depth investigative report from the Public Interest Legal Foundation that focused on the felony crime of non-citizen voting in the state of Virginia.
The report is titled “Alien Invasion II,” and is a “sequel” to the foundation’s initial report that was published in 2016. It revealed at least 5,500 non-citizens who had been registered to vote in Virginia but removed from the voter rolls between 2011 and 2017, typically due to the individuals “self-reporting” that they were voting illegally by making contradictory statements to government officials in other matters.
Of those 5,500 registered non-citizens, at least 1,852 of them were known to have illegally cast ballots in past elections. In fact, an estimated 7,474 illegal ballots were cast by individuals in that group dating back to elections in the 1980s.
Unfortunately, obtaining these figures was akin to pulling teeth for the foundation, as the predominantly liberal government of Virginia under Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe resisted its efforts at virtually every turn, refusing to cooperate with investigators until several lawsuits filed in federal court compelled their reluctant cooperation.
“At the instruction of Governor McAuliffe’s political appointees, local election officials spent countless resources to prevent this information from spilling into the open,” stated J. Christian Adams, president and general counsel of the Public Interest Legal Foundation. “Virginia hid critical information that would have improved election integrity while a political operative-turned-governor vetoed numerous proposals that would’ve prevented alien registration and voting.”
“From NoVa to Norfolk and all urban and rural points in between, alien voters are casting ballots with practically no legal consequences in response,” Adams continued. “In this election year, aliens must not cast illegal ballots, and if they do they must be prosecuted. Let’s pray that Gov. McAuliffe’s veto pen did not invite a close election tainted by fraud.”
The report proceeded to list a number of actions taken by McAuliffe and his minions to prevent shoring up the integrity of the state’s voter rolls, including the governor’s vetoing no less than four separate bills out of the legislature over the past couple of years that would have improved the situation in the Old Dominion.
Keep in mind that these numbers of non-citizen registered voters are most likely far lower than they are in reality, and that Virginia is but one of 50 states, a majority of which likely have similar issues with non-citizen voters and liberal bureaucrats resistant to changes that would clean up the messy voter rolls.
You can read the full report right here...https://publicinterestlegal.org/files/Alien-Invasion-II-FINAL.pdf
Everybody with common sense knows that some illegal immigrants and non-citizens are registered to vote and illegally participate in elections, and their participation can most certainly have an effect on local elections and even national elections that come down to the wire.
Once again, a seemingly shocking statement from Trump that was widely dismissed as unreal and impossible has been proven true to an extent, certainly leaving open the probability that he was more right than wrong.
Hopefully, further investigation and efforts by Republicans to push through voter integrity laws will help clear all of this up in the near future.
6/3/2017 1:22:08 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
PM me and tell me who else he is, would you? Sillylaughter thinks it's v1300.
Not sure, never saw a single post from brokeback. Could be v1300, I do have that one blocked.
6/3/2017 1:23:41 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
I have not seen jester for months he must have blocked me
Not missing anything are we Block ureallysuk and jester dissappears too.
6/3/2017 1:32:55 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Not sure, never saw a single post from brokeback. Could be v1300, I do have that one blocked.
I haven't seen one single post from brokeback either
6/3/2017 1:33:25 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Not sure, never saw a single post from brokeback. Could be v1300, I do have that one blocked.
I'm considering blocking it; it posts like scarredandtattooed ... nothing of any consequence. Just a troll and a poor one at that. I think half the board has it blocked already. It's only been posting for 3 days and has already alienated all but the dregs of DH society.

Former ACORN officials running new $80M anti-Trump network
Members of the infamous community organizing outfit ACORN are behind an ambitious, well-funded $80 million anti-Trump network funded by radical currency speculator George Soros.
As Joe Schoffstall reports at the Washington Free Beacon:
The Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund, the 501(c)(4) sister organization of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), a New York-based nonprofit that receives the bulk of its funding from George Soros, announced at their spring gala Tuesday that they will be heading up the new $80 million anti-Trump network that will span 32 states and have 48 local partners, CNN reported.
The network will seek to mobilize new voters and fight voter identification laws. It will also focus on gerrymandering and automatic voter registration programs with an eye on the 2018 and 2020 election cycles.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now went bankrupt in 2010 after 40 years of systematic voter fraud, corruption, and theft. ACORN was convicted of a species of electoral fraud in Nevada and laid the foundation for the Left’s vote-manufacturing complex. Barack Obama trained ACORN organizers and represented it in court as its lawyer. (I wrote the definitive book on ACORN in 2011. It is called Subversion Inc.:
6/3/2017 1:34:59 PM |
Close Obama Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Faces Life In Prison! |


Ottawa, ON
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from herc117:
I haven't seen one single post from brokeback either.
Quote from shawnee_b:
Not sure, never saw a single post from brokeback. Could be v1300, I do have that one blocked.
Blocked both you guys from the get go?
Nothing suspicious at all about that, huh?