6/14/2017 2:01:05 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Here’s What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was President
By Sheila Norton
Today, Senator Rand Paul (R-TX) was a fortunate bystander at the scene of a shooting, in the batting cage when a deranged gunman fired more than 50 rounds and wounded five people. Senator Paul released a statement praising the “bravery of the Capitol Police,” who heroically shot the assailant despite being wounded themselves.
During the administration of President Barack Obama, however, Paul sang a very different tune, trumpeting one of the right’s favorite pieces of bogus Constitutional propaganda: that the Second Amendment was put in place so that citizens could overthrow the government.
.@Judgenap: Why do we have a Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 23, 2016
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has also echoed the sentiment, calling the Second Amendment
“the ultimate check against governmental tyranny”
in a 2013 email to supporters. That perspective would have made Cruz the odd man out at the Constitutional Convention — and not just because he is Canadian.
It’s true that the Second Amendment guaranteed the right to “keep and bear Arms,” namely for the purpose of maintaining a “well regulated Militia.” The word “militia,” however, held very different meaning in the 18th Century than today. Due to financial constraints and experiences with European soldiers oppressing citizenry, George Washington and his fellow Founders believed that the military should be disbanded in times of peace, and the citizens’ militias would remain intact for purposes of defense — not to overthrow the government.
The Declaration of Independence does assert that right, saying:
“…it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish [the government], and to institute new Government” and “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
They believed so strongly in this right that they fought a war 240 years ago so that they could create a government where their fellow countrymen and women would have it guaranteed and would never again be forced to resort to violence to cast off the yoke of oppression. They instituted a system of peaceful overthrow, which they called elections.
It is the misguided conflation of these two rights that has conservatives defending the Second Amendment with logic that both fails to line up with our Founders intent and can be used to justify acts of violence against public officials.
Repeating that line of thinking is not just wrong, it’s dangerous.
There is no indication that the would-be assassin was directly influenced by the Constitutional misinterpretation, but it is irresponsible and delusional to think that words condoning gun violence do not contribute to a culture that is plagued by it.
In this incident, Senator Paul provided a Constitutional defense for a madman who seemed bent on killing him and his colleagues. He would be wise to change his tune before there is another — as would all who actively oppose common sense protections against gun violence.
If this near death experience did not convince him, perhaps a closer read of the Constitution would help.
In 2016, Rand Paul received $29,547 from the NRA and pro-gun groups, second in the Senate to only Cruz’s haul of $36,229.
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6/14/2017 2:06:51 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
This was a completely fabricated story with actors.
The shooting in VA did NOT happen! It's all a story to whip the right up because they're f**kin stupid enough to be manipulated like this.
6/14/2017 3:13:01 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Warren, IN
57, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
This was a completely fabricated story with actors.
The shooting in VA did NOT happen! It's all a story to whip the right up because they're f**kin stupid enough to be manipulated like this.
Just reported on CNN. The shooter was a white nationalist KKK member and a card carrying NRA member that was pissed off about his daughter marrying a black muslim from Africa!
Oy Vey!
6/14/2017 3:18:14 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
That's some shit that asshats like Rush or whatever dillhole you paranoid f**ks are listening too now...Beck? JONES? IDK, I'm smarter then having to listen to them for my truth.
6/14/2017 3:20:19 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Name the politician in America who, if shot dead, you would shed a tear. I can't think of even one.
6/14/2017 6:06:20 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Castle Rock, CO
60, joined Jan. 2009
Name the politician in America who, if shot dead, you would shed a tear. I can't think of even one.
Nancy Pelosi, her comedy act is priceless we would all miss that.
6/14/2017 7:07:47 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

New York, NY
68, joined Jan. 2010
Quiet a contrast.
On another note --
News just breaking Trump is under criminal investigation.
Mueller has widened the investigation.
Please check latest news reports.
Post another thread.
6/14/2017 7:44:03 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Nancy Pelosi, her comedy act is priceless we would all miss that.
Ha! That old broad doesn't even know who the president is anymore. The aides have to pass her notes to tell her The Pres is Trump ...not Bush. She's tired, very tired and senile.
6/14/2017 7:48:01 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Denton, TX
53, joined Jun. 2014
Name the politician in America who, if shot dead, you would shed a tear. I can't think of even one.
I am for peace
6/14/2017 7:56:51 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Denver City, TX
49, joined Dec. 2014
Hola brother bean!!
6/14/2017 8:00:56 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Denton, TX
53, joined Jun. 2014
Hola brother bean!! 
Where ya been sister
6/14/2017 8:04:23 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Denver City, TX
49, joined Dec. 2014
Been living life brother!!
6/14/2017 8:09:52 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Denton, TX
53, joined Jun. 2014
Been living life brother!!
Could not be better going to
The dirt track races this weekend going to watch the besr of the best 12o miles an hour and turn left
6/15/2017 12:08:43 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Let's ask Giffords what is on her mind...
6/15/2017 12:13:03 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Eh, prolly about as much as chrump. At least she's got an excuse.
6/15/2017 12:14:11 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Eh, prolly about as much as chrump. At least she's got an excuse.
An excuse for what? Being a liberal?
Yep... If it's one thing liberals have a lot of, it's excuses...
[Edited 6/15/2017 12:14:42 AM ]
6/15/2017 12:15:30 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
you're the morons that got duped, shit for brains?
[Edited 6/15/2017 12:16:02 AM ]
6/15/2017 12:17:36 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Where is your boy Obama?
6/15/2017 12:25:37 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Minneapolis, MN
73, joined Apr. 2014
But Scarred -
The cons are "the party of peace"!
(Did you see that from little Miss Winky Wink today?)
She claimed its the Dems who are full of hate & fear mongering.

I'd like to get ahold of whatever she's smokin.
These idiots don't even know why flies out of their mouth.
Denial just isn't a descriptive enough word for the delusional world they live in.
6/15/2017 12:35:19 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Obama's retired, b*tch. Donny's going to the clink!
No cinn, I have that chunky monkey blocked. Just throw her a box of Twinkies and a diet Coke, she gets hangry.
6/15/2017 12:37:04 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Obama is retired from what, Scar? Collecting government money?
No, he is still doing what he does best... leaching off the tax payers for half a$$ed affirmative action work...
6/15/2017 12:41:34 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Get paid for doing what he wants! That's retired in my book.
6/15/2017 12:49:07 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
So you admit he want's to be a lazy sap sucking pauper then?
I can get behind that!
6/15/2017 12:52:43 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
How in the F**K am I going to admit something that I has nothing to do with me, f**kbag? The man is a retired president. He does as he wishes.
Chrump won't though no presidential retirement for a convinced felon
6/15/2017 12:54:21 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Dear boy... They could not so much as give President Trump a parking ticket...
But keep them hopes sky high! Pack another bowl and keep on dreaming buddy!
[Edited 6/15/2017 12:54:42 AM ]
6/15/2017 12:58:59 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
THAT'S TRUE! As president he is forbidden from driving!
Obstructing justice, colluding with Russians, treason...ehhhhh, it must suuuuuuuuuck betting on a dead horse!
6/15/2017 1:07:59 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
you ain't got $hit... and you know it..
6/15/2017 1:15:07 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
CORRECT, B*TCH! I don't have shit, I'm not doing the investigation either
Fuuuuuuuuuck it's gotta suck being a Donny now days! FINALLY we're getting somewhere!
6/15/2017 2:14:27 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
We have gone to Russian collusion, to obstruction... Never mind the fact that the FBI isn't the one who made this statement, rather the "Washington Post" LOL!
Sooooo... It's just more BS to get you gullible Democrats frothing at the mouth and it will go nowhere. Funny how this story broke right after an unhinged Democrat (who can't shoot by the way) opened fire on a Republican baseball game.
Face it... You aren't doing the investigation and you're just parroting BS from a BS source. You looney liberals have nothing on teflon Trump, and you'll get nothing.
6/15/2017 3:13:13 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
It was a false flag with crisis actors.
6/15/2017 3:14:03 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
Trump is being investigated 2 times now.
6/15/2017 12:46:40 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008

6/15/2017 1:14:38 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Minneapolis, MN
73, joined Apr. 2014
Trump is being investigated 2 times now.
If nothing else, I hope these attorneys drag this out & bleed him dry for billions.
Attorneys typically like their payment upfront - to avoid getting stiffed by a losing liar in the end.

6/15/2017 1:18:27 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
That's part of the reason that he had trouble finding a lawyer. He has a reputation of not paying his bills THAT'S YOUR BOY, DONNYS! He can't even hire a lawyer because he doesn't pay his bills!
6/15/2017 1:25:38 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Pretty much screws over everyone he's ever had any dealings with,
but he's going to "look after and take care of" the
average American working class......."Trust me".
6/15/2017 1:30:55 PM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
6/22/2017 5:57:11 AM |
What Republicans Said About Shooting Politicians When Obama Was Presid? |

New York, NY
68, joined Jan. 2010
Odd how Republicans twist things around to their advantage.
It's their inability to speak the truth that causes problems.