6/24/2017 8:29:46 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
You come to America with the opportunity to pay for affordable care, no more for free, buh bye
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/24/2017 8:54:00 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
In countries with single payer the income tax is around 40% oce you add on all the other taxes..
Try that with a population that 50% pay in 0%..
6/24/2017 9:21:59 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Warren, IN
57, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
In countries with single payer the income tax is around 40% oce you add on all the other taxes..
Try that with a population that 50% pay in 0%..
By your math, that will come out to 80% taxes on the 50% that work!
Whitey gonna be payin more reparations to the Dindu Nuffins!
6/24/2017 9:24:29 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Frankly, dear -- no one has to move anywhere they don't choose to move to.
This is America and the US Constitution protects your right to be ignorant, racist, an a**hole -- dammit it.
6/24/2017 9:24:36 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
By your math, that will come out to 80% taxes on the 50% that work!
Whitey gonna be payin more reparations to the Dindu Nuffins!

6/24/2017 9:25:02 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
6/24/2017 9:36:10 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
How many Democrats have talked about killing the president this week ?
How many post about violence from city lights this week? 0
6/24/2017 10:03:20 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Frankly, dear -- no one has to move anywhere they don't choose to move to.
This is America and the US Constitution protects your right to be ignorant, racist, an a**hole -- dammit it.
My rights supersedes your rights. So therefore my opinion outweighs your opinion.
So pack your bags granny.
6/24/2017 10:07:25 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
So... you guys are pretending that all the people in all the countries with single payer health care are WORSE off than any of the millions of Americans for whom the idea of "affordable health care" is a myth?
Is this why 99% of our illegal immigration problems are coming from those countries? Canada? France? British people invading in droves, to get to our medical paradise?
[Edited 6/24/2017 10:08:49 AM ]
6/24/2017 10:18:40 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
So... you guys are pretending that all the people in all the countries with single payer health care are WORSE off than any of the millions of Americans for whom the idea of "affordable health care" is a myth?
Is this why 99% of our illegal immigration problems are coming from those countries? Canada? France? British people invading in droves, to get to our medical paradise?
Rich people from those ares have been invading our hospitals for ever. Lol
Because we have all the advanced medical equipment, why? Because we are not single payer you moooorooon
6/24/2017 10:25:41 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
You come to America with the opportunity to pay for affordable care, no more for free, buh bye
Let me help you explain it to the freeloaders out there.
You see, here in capitalist America our only real focus is on how to get more money into the pockets of our beloved billionaire one-percenters. Everything we do is with that goal in mind. The 99% are to be virtual slaves (we capitalists like to call them "freeloaders" so that they can be raped more aggressively and so that nobody notices that we are the real freeloaders who do no wealth-producing labor, rather we live off the wealth produced by others) who are supposed to work hard cheap so most of the wealth they produce can become lucrative incomes for our beloved billionaire one-percenters.
Now, quite obviously, the best health-care system for getting more of the wealth produced by workers into the coffers of billionaire capitalists is . . . Yep! You guessed it. Capitalism. Instead of health-care prices being greatly reduced under a government-sponsored health-care system (since their are no capitalists feeding at the trough), a capitalist health-care system allows for our beloved capitalists to rape the f**king shit out of the 99% to whatever degree they desire. And that's just good for all of us.
In America, the only costs that are desired to be socialized are those which solely benefit the one-percenters. When the billionaire one-percenters crash the economy with one of their Ponzi schemes, why then the public should step forward with tens of trillions of dollars in bailout funds for our beloved billionaire capitalists. When the billionaire capitalist one-percenters begin to covet lucrative markets in far away countries, why then it is their multi-trillion dollar imperialist wars whose costs are socialized. We workers all love paying for their wars just as much as we love dying in them. When rich capitalist one-percenters begin to desire new stadiums that will allow them to make lucrative profits off of their pro sports teams, we once again turn to socialism. All socialism in America should only go towards our beloved billionaire one-percenters. That's what will makes America so great! I mean, after all, rich capitalists don't do any wealth-producing work. If we workers don't work hard and then give rich capitalists all of the wealth we've produced, how are they going to live such happy and privileged lives?
"What we have in America is socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the poor." -- Gore Vidal
6/24/2017 10:28:19 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Rich people from those ares have been invading our hospitals for ever. Lol
Because we have all the advanced medical equipment, why? Because we are not single payer you moooorooon
I can't tell you how happy it makes me knowing that rich people will have the finest care here in capitalist America. I say it's totally worth it to f**k the royal shit out of the American people so that rich one-percenters can get the finest care.
6/24/2017 10:29:26 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I can't tell you how happy it makes me knowing that rich people will have the finest care here in capitalist America. I say it's totally worth it to f**k the royal shit out of the American people so that rich one-percenters can get the finest care.
How much do you pay in taxes?
6/24/2017 10:38:33 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Rich people from those ares have been invading our hospitals for ever. Lol
Because we have all the advanced medical equipment, why? Because we are not single payer you moooorooon
So... you are admitting that our health care system is designed to cater exclusively to the rich? Oh, I'm sorry, you obviously think that it's a form of polite discourse to add a childish insult name at the end of your posts. So I need to call you something like "dipshiiiiiit," or maybe "buffooooooon." Right?
6/24/2017 10:40:10 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
How much do you pay in taxes?
non sequitur
noun non se·qui·tur \?nän-'se-kw?-t?r
A statement (such as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said
6/24/2017 10:42:01 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
So... you are admitting that our health care system is designed to cater exclusively to the rich? Oh, I'm sorry, you obviously think that it's a form of polite discourse to add a childish insult name at the end of your posts. So I need to call you something like "dipshiiiiiit," or maybe "buffooooooon." Right?
No when I was making 300 a week I had better health care then my father lol
Your just not smart
6/24/2017 12:03:31 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
If anyone goes without health care then it's their own fault.
There have been safety nets in place for years. There are free clinics all across America as well as hospitals that never turn down someone in need. Not to mention planned parenthood.
Another thing is if the last administration had put more effort into creating good paying jobs instead of all of those low wage job's the need for government help would had been a lot less.
6/24/2017 12:09:34 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
So... you guys are pretending that all the people in all the countries with single payer health care are WORSE off than any of the millions of Americans for whom the idea of "affordable health care" is a myth?
Is this why 99% of our illegal immigration problems are coming from those countries? Canada? France? British people invading in droves, to get to our medical paradise?
According to the quality of care and wait times for a procedure, it has certainly been worse.
6/24/2017 1:24:06 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
So... you are admitting that our health care system is designed to cater exclusively to the rich? Oh, I'm sorry, you obviously think that it's a form of polite discourse to add a childish insult name at the end of your posts. So I need to call you something like "dipshiiiiiit," or maybe "buffooooooon." Right?
How does our current health insurance cater to the rich when medicaid has zero premiums, zero co pays, and zero deductibles..
6/24/2017 2:07:05 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
In countries with single payer the income tax is around 40% oce you add on all the other taxes..
Try that with a population that 50% pay in 0%..
Noooooooooooooooooooo nononono!! You're waaay to stupid to understand economics PLEASE don't try to teach it!
Let's add this f**kin goy in the "do not teach" pool as well.
By your math, that will come out to 80% taxes on the 50% that work!
Whitey gonna be payin more reparations to the Dindu Nuffins!
[Edited 6/24/2017 2:08:42 PM ]
6/24/2017 2:16:08 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
I can't tell you how happy it makes me knowing that rich people will have the finest care here in capitalist America. I say it's totally worth it to f**k the royal shit out of the American people so that rich one-percenters can get the finest care.
Insurance is no different for rich or poor. The rich pay can afford to pay high deductibles without moaning and groaning and for procedures and other things that aren't covered.
Cigarette smokers may take it up the a** a little harder though.
[Edited 6/24/2017 2:19:05 PM ]
6/24/2017 2:18:10 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
So... you guys are pretending that all the people in all the countries with single payer health care are WORSE off than any of the millions of Americans for whom the idea of "affordable health care" is a myth?
Is this why 99% of our illegal immigration problems are coming from those countries? Canada? France? British people invading in droves, to get to our medical paradise?
I was thinking this very thing just this morning!
I FLOORS me how these ignorant f**kknobs don't understand that single payer wouldn't be an experiment here! It's been tested once or twice!
This is another PERFECT example of "stay in your f**king lane" so pay attention Donnys!!! You belong to a party of the top 2%. What that means is you belong to the party of the rich. The rich would be taxed and that's why they oppose it. You are NOT rich therefore you look stupid when you spout off about how this will never work.
6/24/2017 4:40:45 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
How does our current health insurance cater to the rich when medicaid has zero premiums, zero co pays, and zero deductibles..
Are you aware that Medicaid is not available to everyone? To MOST people?
6/24/2017 6:35:03 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
The rich pay can afford to pay high deductibles without moaning and groaning.
What the rich can't do without moaning and groaning is anything the least bit beneficial for the 99%.
6/24/2017 7:42:08 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
What the rich can't do without moaning and groaning is anything the least bit beneficial for the 99%.
When I was i was 20 I was making 300 a week they took out 30$ a week I had better health care then most
6/24/2017 7:47:27 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
Don't feed us the BS that England's and Canada have better care because they do not! WHY doctors wanted to work here, because we had the best health care in the world before you liberal politicians got your mitts on a better way to get more money out of poor people.
Doctors make a pittance and have to do what the government tells them to do. Every go to England and try to get help for an asthma attack? The waiting rooms are full and the wait is horrendous and the doctors hands are tied as to what they can do to treat you. Told my sister she had to wait 3 hours.
Socialized medicine are your death camps. Hillary on a tirade about Republican health care what she is spewing is just the opposite.
Canadians come here for the for surgery because there is a limit as to how many they do and if you smoke or are in any way a high risk, you are bumped of the list.
Just like my friend was here that was on a kidney transplant list until your "AHC" from O'bummer kicked in they dropped her off because she was too old. Over 65. Told her to just get lost and die.
6/24/2017 8:14:03 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
As a waiter I work with many that were here from Europe for health care, one guy had a bad back, and couldn't be seen because his pain was a 7 lol
So he came to America just to be seen lol
6/24/2017 8:18:28 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
I recieved the best health care all my life until the last 8 years, now it is not worth shit. You took my health care that I worked all my life for and gave it to the illegals and lazy azzes.
6/24/2017 8:50:20 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
I recieved the best health care all my life until the last 8 years, now it is not worth shit. You took my health care that I worked all my life for and gave it to the illegals and lazy azzes.
Why aren't you on Medicare?
6/24/2017 9:04:21 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
What the rich can't do without moaning and groaning is anything the least bit beneficial for the 99%.
Hey buddy, if you'd like to quote me, don't twist my words. 
6/24/2017 9:56:40 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
Insurance is no different for rich or poor. The rich pay can afford to pay high deductibles without moaning and groaning and for procedures and other things that aren't covered.
Cigarette smokers may take it up the a** a little harder though.
Hassel, you are loaded with attitude tonight! 
6/24/2017 10:14:18 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Hassel, you are loaded with attitude tonight! 
NIce to se a friendly face, you're refreshing. Some of your posts make me grin from ear to ear. 
6/24/2017 11:17:40 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
As a waiter
Waiter, business owner. Close enough.
6/24/2017 11:36:22 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
I had the same thought but didn't want to be a d*ck.
6/25/2017 5:44:57 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Fort Worth, TX
71, joined Feb. 2009
 I had the same thought but didn't want to be a d*ck.
Why not? That's what you are 100% of the time on here. 
6/25/2017 7:13:00 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Waiter, business owner. Close enough.
I make more money then you 
6/25/2017 7:15:11 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
Why aren't you on Medicare?
Have you seen the cuts under O'bummer to Medicare? ]b]Oxygen payments cut 45% for starters, My veteran friend has to struggle to go get oxygen they will only deliver once every 90 days. Unless you receive this crap, you have no idea how many times you are told no.
6/25/2017 7:49:02 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Have you seen the cuts under O'bummer to Medicare? ]b]Oxygen payments cut 45% for starters, My veteran friend has to struggle to go get oxygen they will only deliver once every 90 days. Unless you receive this crap, you have no idea how many times you are told no.
Oh WoW..that sucks & I'm so sorry to hear that your friend or anyone who needs oxygen is getting that kind of shitty service.
The only part of Medicare I'm familiar with is people who finally reach age 65 seem to breath a sigh of relief & are proud to say "I'm on medicare". People 65 years of age and older should be treated like Queens and Kings.
6/25/2017 8:27:45 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Why not? That's what you are 100% of the time on here. 
Hey Cat! Speaking of d*cks...I've noticed Lenny John is gone.
The thread you started about him must have shamed him right on outta here.

6/25/2017 9:40:18 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
How many millions of people in the U.S.?
I'd be hard pressed to see where everyone having health care would erode my rights.
We're simply the last post-industrialized nation in the world to realize it.
6/25/2017 11:23:43 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
How many millions of people in the U.S.?
I'd be hard pressed to see where everyone having health care would erode my rights.
We're simply the last post-industrialized nation in the world to realize it.
Everyone already had health care.
6/25/2017 5:28:53 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
You have probably read how Republicans and Democrats can never get along, and that it has caused a stalemate in Washington. While that is a good media narrative, that is not the actual truth. In fact, just this past week there were multiple bipartisan victories on behalf of the American people.
Congress Provides Relief for Veterans
Taking care of our nation's veterans should always be a top priority. On Friday, President Trump signed landmark legislation to bring more accountability to the VA. The bill, the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, reforms the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by allowing the Secretary to dismiss poorly-performing employees and those who engage in misconduct while ensuring appropriate protections for whistleblowers.
This was yet another bipartisan bill that earned support from both Republicans and Democrats. I have been a strong proponent of major reforms at the VA to better care for our veterans. This bill alone won't solve all the problems at the VA, but this action is a step in the right direction toward prioritizing our veterans and ensuring that they get the care they deserve.
Congressman Bradley Byrne
6/25/2017 8:15:56 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
What I don't understand is why don't democrats pay for single payer health care? It's democrats that use 80% of it,,
6/25/2017 9:50:46 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Douglasville, GA
55, joined Jun. 2010
Insurance is no different for rich or poor. The rich pay can afford to pay high deductibles without moaning and groaning and for procedures and other things that aren't covered.
Cigarette smokers may take it up the a** a little harder though.
No I quit smoking a good while ago and my a** still hurts 
6/25/2017 10:02:49 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
Hey Cat! Speaking of d*cks...I've noticed Lenny John is gone. 
The thread you started about him must have shamed him right on outta here.

I also have not heard from Higgy as well.
6/25/2017 10:54:59 PM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Step 1 in reducing skyrocketing health care cost:
Round up and deport Mexicans.
6/26/2017 4:23:11 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
No I quit smoking a good while ago and my a** still hurts  
Haha, you silly goose. Some insurance companies charge $600 more per year if you smoke tobacco.
However, they encourage and offer cessation programs.
6/26/2017 7:49:15 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
Don't feed us the BS that England's and Canada have better care because they do not! WHY doctors wanted to work here, because we had the best health care in the world before you liberal politicians got your mitts on a better way to get more money out of poor people.
on a better way to get more money out of poor people???
The overall access to this 'best in the world' healthcare has been on decline well before any liberal policies, the insurance companies have been calling the shots. haha, calling the shots...get it?
When you don't know who's running the health care system (it's not the Docs) you're certain to be somewhat confused. Who's gouging the medicare system for profit? the average person certainly isn't.
6/26/2017 8:03:24 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
Are you aware that Medicaid is not available to everyone? To MOST people?
All households around the poverty level covers all 19yr or under children. Thats a lot of free healthcare, then the states that have Medicaid expansion covers adults also.
6/26/2017 8:13:56 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
70-80% of all health care cost comes preventable things, smoke, drink, fight, live reckless lives, eat to obesity, all preventable, if there is a group that wants to pay for this (democraps) you pay for it, show us how great you war, maybe we will follow.
6/26/2017 9:23:50 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |


Orange, TX
45, joined Jun. 2010
Under the obama administration through obamacare, Medicaid enrollment has exploded to 70 million people.. This is unsustainable and headed towards an Illinois type 100% of revenue draw. The dems head up a** method of do knowing and watch math happen is going to bankrupt America.
6/26/2017 11:37:35 AM |
If you want single payer health care, u can move to a country that has |

Mobile, AL
85, joined Mar. 2013
70-80% of all health care cost comes preventable things, smoke, drink, fight, live reckless lives, eat to obesity, all preventable, if there is a group that wants to pay for this (democraps) you pay for it, show us how great you war, maybe we will follow.
Maybe we should go government controlled health care just long enough to kill off all the smokers, diabetics, obese, drug and alcoholics. Then when the really sick people are gone the healthy folks can enjoy low prices at a competitive rate.
These sick people that can't afford health insurance, do not understand, there "health care" will be limited and cut short. Still going to die.
[Edited 6/26/2017 11:38:25 AM ]