12/4/2008 3:31:50 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |

Youngstown, OH
age: 25
I been feeling like maybe there is something wrong with me, that's why I haven't had to good of experience with guys lately in my life. See where I grew up originally in OC, CA guys were superficial wouldn't give me the time of their life unless I was a fake like plastic, big boobs, the whole package. Well I moved out here to Ohio to get away from the crazyness, to start new chapter in my life last year.
It from meeting a guy out here last year a bf, and matters worst he broke up with me in a text message. I was in the hospital day before.Then some how I was able to move past him maybe bc another guy was interested in me.Jimmie was interested in me, was younger, and he is the one I am still not over.
He was one of those guys I always dreamed of being with he had body like heaven, looked like he came out of abercrombie and fitch store,he was superficial at times,I should have sensed he was not good. When he would hide things like not wanting people to know about us, he would get mad over little things, get jealous.
It even got so bad, I started to fall for him I didn't stuck up for myself, I let him walk all over me.The hardest was when we had a falling out, he scared me like he had a restraining order against me which he didn't. He didn't have the balls to say what you said in the text message hurt me.
I put up with him harassing me all summer, then finally in September I went to the cops, and filed a report,now when he see's me on campus he gives me the nastyies look like I am so evil when I was the victim. The hard part is I don't know why I still want the idiot and why I keep blaming myself. I just wish he would feel bad of what he did you know.
I also feel like being out here, I haven't been able to find a decent guy, whats wrong, with me. I just want to find a decent guy is it that hard to ask? Sorry for this long story thanks for letting me vent.
12/5/2008 4:53:56 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |
Ogden, UT
age: 49
First, hon, stop hopping around from one guy to the next as if they are your life preserver. Focus on you only for at least few months to a year and if you need support therapy to understand your needs/wants go for it. It will really, really help you to stay off unstable roller coaster rides whether it's your fault or not. You need to recognize what it's making you feel the way you do. Good luck.
12/5/2008 5:37:48 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Nothing is wrong with you. You do not say in the post, but do you have passions, dreams, goals, hobbies of your own?
I am going to give you the old "love yourself" lecture! First of all, forget the men. Do you like to move to music?
Take a jazz dance class! Enjoy decorating and working with color? Go to art supply store and buy a canvas
and some paints and paint your own masterpiece! Love animals? Adopt a cat or dog this week from a shelter
and have fun with your pet. In other words, focus on yourself for a time and forget the guys. Get centered.
Make new friends. Explore your passions! It is not easy being alone, and it is a great sorrow at times. HOWEVER,
life has taught me the truth that you must have something to give, some strengths, talents, dreams of your very
own before you get something back in return. During those times when we are not in a relationship it is especially
important to take advantage of the time alone to discover who we are and what we value in life. A healthy, well-rounded, happy, creative, stable person of good values will attract the same.
12/19/2008 5:48:51 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |
Hinsdale, IL
age: 75
Take the advice of alicekathleen -- It is very wise advice. Men are nice to have around, but you are still young... Learn to love yourself, appreciate your talents and above all concentrate on having a wonderful time, making friends and enjoying life... You just might meet Mr. Right along the way.
Know your worth and never let a man take advantage of you. There are many wonderful men, don't settle for a creep.
12/20/2008 7:31:45 AM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |

Boise, ID
age: 54
Take the advice of alicekathleen -- It is very wise advice. Men are nice to have around, but you are still young... Learn to love yourself, appreciate your talents and above all concentrate on having a wonderful time, making friends and enjoying life... You just might meet Mr. Right along the way.
Know your worth and never let a man take advantage of you. There are many wonderful men, don't settle for a creep.

very good advice

12/21/2008 7:36:19 AM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |


Tomball, TX
age: 52
I couldn't have said it better... concentrate on yourself first.
12/21/2008 1:08:49 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |


Evansville, IN
age: 40
Alicekathleen makes a lot of sense. The happier and more confident you are about yourself and your values and beliefs, the less likely you are to settle for a creep, even a very attractive creep.
12/22/2008 2:30:05 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |


Beverly Hills, CA
age: 49
Nothing is wrong with you. You do not say in the post, but do you have passions, dreams, goals, hobbies of your own?
I am going to give you the old "love yourself" lecture! First of all, forget the men. Do you like to move to music?
Take a jazz dance class! Enjoy decorating and working with color? Go to art supply store and buy a canvas
and some paints and paint your own masterpiece! Love animals? Adopt a cat or dog this week from a shelter
and have fun with your pet. In other words, focus on yourself for a time and forget the guys. Get centered.
Make new friends. Explore your passions! It is not easy being alone, and it is a great sorrow at times. HOWEVER,
life has taught me the truth that you must have something to give, some strengths, talents, dreams of your very
own before you get something back in return. During those times when we are not in a relationship it is especially
important to take advantage of the time alone to discover who we are and what we value in life. A healthy, well-rounded, happy, creative, stable person of good values will attract the same.
Excellent Point. Well said thumbsup::
12/23/2008 6:08:26 AM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |

Leesburg, OH
age: 29
Alicekathleen is a very wise woman!! I would listen to her. You do need to find yourself first. Find out who YOU are, truly. Don't go looking for love and maybe it will find you. Always when you least expect it. Good luck! Oh yeah!! Don't expect to find him today or even tomorrow, just concentrate on you and you only. Hang out with friends... whatever makes you happy honey!
12/31/2008 11:06:14 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |
Fair Lawn, NJ
age: 24
I understand fully where u are coming from becuz i go throught that alot with guys!!! but i have to agree with every1 else get to know u and love u for who u are!! Then that special person will come....When u not looking or paying anything any mind someone will come when u least exspect it!!! Good luck!! and may God bless u!
1/8/2009 8:49:15 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |
Montevideo, MN
age: 37
You are beaitiful, you just have to know it...
1/11/2009 2:23:40 PM |
I don't know what to do anymore :( |


Mena, AR
age: 40
For me, I would prefer an average, real guy that treats me well to a hottie any day, especially one that is embarassed to be seen with me. 