11/5/2007 9:33:12 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Upon the FIRST email that you receive thinking it may be Mr. All Right, and turns out to be Mr. All Wrong.
Directly to the Delete Bin-(with no review of HIS profile)
calling me honey, babe, dear, sweetheart, etc.
disclosing his phone number, telling me to call him
disclosing his regular email address
informing me he has nude photos to send
not my age preference
main photo is him sitting on a motorcycle
main photo of him sitting with his wife (LOL)
Probably I Won't Respond -(will read his profile, but probably a No Go)
no photo
bland, mundane profiles stating the usual cliches (that damn beach has to be so overcrowded by now)
young children still residing at home
telling me I am the only one for him
telling me I am NOT the one for him (LOL)
profile stating his past relationship(s) (BAGGAGE)
numerous typos and spelling errors
no personality description
no interests listed
he has longer hair than me
he has bigger moobs than me
he looks as though he would look better in my little black dress than me
She is female
disclosing what he wants to do to my left boob, a bag of Doritos, and and candlestick
Am I too particular? You bet I am....too old to play games, too wise to play with players!
HAPPY HUNTING.........................................
[Edited 11/6/2007 11:09:12 AM]
11/5/2007 9:50:06 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
I personally like all the IMs from guys that I didn't even know existed and they're shocked that I refuse them or they want to share their "webcam" with me--makes me feel sooo special! or the winks from profiles that have no picture and no profile to speak of---gets my attention-NOT! My personal favorite was the one that was going to save me from Hell and Damnation. Told him it didn't work because I was still talking to him!
11/6/2007 6:21:34 AM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Fordyce, NE
age: 34
totally agree with both of you. Hey guys, sneak over and read this would ya!!!!!!!
11/6/2007 7:37:01 AM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Saylorsburg, PA
age: 42
Those are the only two from you list that don't bother me at all lol - but then I love motorcycles and have young children..........
main photo is him sitting on a motorcycle
young children still residing at home
11/6/2007 8:30:31 AM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
I have another one for you!!!!
Got an email today that said "Hi Red" (notice my hair is blond) I'm very active and I like your hat (I don't wear a hat) and I like to lie around in my Cowboy hat" from someone that sent me a "wink" and I "winked" back
Suppose it was a chain letter that he sent to numerous women and just forgot to change who it went to?    
Needless to say I deleted it
11/6/2007 10:03:16 AM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Utica, NY
age: 60
It's like they put the fishing line in.... and fell asleep
11/6/2007 1:22:12 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Newlife, I don't have a problem with a man and his motorcycle, I just don't care for it as his MAIN photo. As for young children at home (on his part)...I am an empty nester and at my age I wish to travel, attend the theatre, play golf and tennis, and take off for trips to nowhere at spur of the moment notice. Difficult to do when he has young children to care for. Hence, my age requirements and restrictions...
Just as men state in their profile that they have a great sense of humor, yet nothing about their profile or pictures "shows" that (Delete bin here they come). Actions speak louder than words, but in this medium words are all we have, so show me!
I am so bored with reading such mundane and bland cliched filled profiles that state they are honest, caring, passionate, blah blah blah. They are only stating what you want to hear...plus how many profiles do you read profess that they the lie, cheat and steal?
Although my profile, photos, and active life style aren't for every man, it does enlighten those reading it, an insight as to who I am, what I want, and where I am headed. I am very descriptive of what I am all about.
I am very perceptive and can see right through the bores.........
[Edited 11/6/2007 2:09:38 PM]
11/6/2007 1:43:18 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Saylorsburg, PA
age: 42
Vixen believe me, I am with you on the want of that sort of lifestyle.......I just haven't gotten there yet......still raising my kids so it only makes sense for me to not mind a man who has his own........at least he will be more likely to understand WHY I can't just up and go at the drop of a hat.
Hopefully I am NOT still single by the time mine youngest is grown...........13 more years - YIKES!!!!
11/6/2007 1:59:40 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Actually newlife, being single when my child left for college a few years ago was very enjoyable. I missed my son dearly, but wasn't about to feel sorry for myself.
I booked three 3 single cruises within the year, joined a Senior's ping pong league, started volunteering more than I already had, ate what and when I wanted for dinner, and joined an online dating site.
I met a great guy from that site and moved to Arizona and in with him for almost a year. Things didn't work out because he did have a 12 year old daughter at home residing with us. She was very jealous, understandably, and didn't want to share her Daddy, but he and I remain good friends.
Now I am ready to settle down again, with a gentlemen with the same common interests and activities that I so much enjoy.
[Edited 11/6/2007 4:05:53 PM]
11/6/2007 4:03:27 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
I have gotten more in the last week wanting to send me hot pictures and wanting to know if I get horny than I have in the last 8 months.
11/6/2007 4:07:16 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Queen tells us more about your dates....oh, I mean emails.....
11/6/2007 4:09:35 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Yes I've had the same thing---just makes me laugh especially the 18-20 year olds     
11/6/2007 4:09:42 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
I shut them down, If that is the first thing they think about me, not interested is my answer.
11/6/2007 5:36:04 PM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Have you received the email of a muscle man posing from some young stud? He thinks he is the greatest since toilet paper. Then he asks if you want to see more, to which I replied "more little penis? Sure since I can't stop pointing and laughing at the first photo"!
11/7/2007 9:01:51 AM |
Pet Peeves Men Place in Their Email to You |

North Augusta, SC
age: 50
Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets the "wierdos"!!!!! 
Once when I responded to a first e-mail, (he did have a picture which looked older than his stated age) I politely told the guy he was too young & lived too far away.
His response?..... "But I rite & lik peple"!!!!! 
The correct button was pushed!