I am sure there are a few that need classes.
7/23/2009 5:40:03 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
What are some of the things you learned in Charm School to be brought forward into society as a lady or a gentleman. Recall as many of the do's and do not's that were covered in the classes. In some cases this came through the teachings of parents, teachers or churches....
Come share with us.......   
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

7/23/2009 6:16:15 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Kernersville, NC
75, joined Jun. 2008
Not to chew gum in public (or tobacco)!
7/23/2009 6:21:41 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Havasu City, AZ
71, joined Nov. 2008
# Etiquette
# Self-Respect
# Manners
# Discipline
# self-Esteem
# Style

But some never get there.
[Edited 7/23/2009 6:24:02 PM ]
7/23/2009 6:22:40 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
to make sure and keep your legs together when sitting.
7/23/2009 6:23:54 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
I learned always spend a day or two around ones home wearing any ensemble of a formal nature before attempting to do so in public .
Always be as polite to ones elders as possible but do not humor anyone of any age who is clearly lacking in the knowledge of appropriate behavior .They can always be corrected nicely if one wishes to spend the time doing so ,if not get as far from them as quickly as possible .
It is impolite and vulgar to use the "royal we" unless one is in fact of Royal Blood .
Any public mishap or gauche misstep can be gotten through as long as one can maintain a decent sense of humor and is accepting of the fact we are all imperfect human beings .
7/23/2009 6:25:48 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Evansville, WI
76, joined Jan. 2009
I flunked, need to go back again.
7/23/2009 6:28:17 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Nicely said all...
Can recall we were preached to always say a polite thank you for a person opening a door for you. I continue to do so regardless of who does it ALWAYS.
The big Do NOT was to call down anyone in a public place. To handle it without embarrassing another person.
7/23/2009 6:30:57 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Havasu City, AZ
71, joined Nov. 2008
Remember to always act like the lady you are.
# Character
# Grace
# social skills
Not everyone can measure up.
[Edited 7/23/2009 6:33:40 PM ]
7/23/2009 6:35:41 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
7/23/2009 6:41:55 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
"If you cannot say something nice, then say nothing at all"
7/23/2009 6:43:53 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Beaverton, OR
70, joined Jul. 2008
Only "loose women" smoked cigarets.

7/23/2009 6:53:21 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
LMBO!!!  Is that why you dropped out of charm school.
Back then it was a very in thing to smoke and let the gentleman light your smoke and say a nice, "thank you" and never blow smoke in someone's face.  
7/23/2009 6:59:40 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
I guess I never went to charm school - but I am charming..... or so i've been told 
7/23/2009 6:59:59 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
Dad always said if someone lies about you and spreads false rumors it is usually because that is what happened in thier own lives and they need to believe things like that happen to everyone to help them hurt less .
One of his most used examples was that a man or woman who never had fidelity in thier own marriage desperately needs to believe it is impossible for any person to be faithful.They need to believe those who can be faithful are are liars even when there has never been a hint of any impropriaty or thier fantasies will no longer protect them from the truth about what transpired in thier own lives .
His advice was stay away from those poor angry , bitter people as only God can help them get over thier wounded ego's & self inflicted delusions . He also believed we must always pray for God to open thier eye's to the repeated sins they are committing by breaking His Commandment as in regards to the bearing of false witness & coveting .
10snut I think you are most charming as are all the lovely folks I see here !
[Edited 7/23/2009 7:00:45 PM ]
7/23/2009 7:00:24 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
never belch or poot out loud in mixed company.........hold it in til you explode.
7/23/2009 7:13:18 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Ladies never used the word sweat...a lady would prespire.
Here is the way a good friend put it to me:
Horses sweat
Men perspire
Ladies glow 
7/23/2009 7:14:31 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
well if you would have seen me after teaching tennis for 12 hours in 102 temps or playing a singles match when the court temp was 116 you would have known i'm not a lady - cause "I SWEAT" 
7/23/2009 7:16:28 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
On a lighter note Mom taught us a Lady never spits Ever !! She was adament & somewhat fanatical about it and swift to disipline as well . I won't go into the ways that has been a positive in my life 
7/23/2009 7:20:31 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gilford, NH
68, joined Nov. 2008
Excellent advice, betterjv1 
[Edited 7/23/2009 7:21:42 PM ]
7/23/2009 7:22:30 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
well if you would have seen me after teaching tennis for 12 hours in 102 temps or playing a singles match when the court temp was 116 you would have known i'm not a lady - cause "I SWEAT"  
Guess that is allowed if you are working like a horse in the desert at round up time.
Tennis is enough to cause sweating like a horse...
Drink plenty of sweet iced tea in the shade with you fan and cool back down.
Do hope a gentleman was available to offer you his clean white hankerchief to dab your brows. 
7/23/2009 7:25:01 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
Usually they were bent over double trying to recover from the overhead they received on the end of my racket.... I was not a lady on the court.
7/23/2009 7:44:29 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Do not be a sore loser and congratulate the winner. Be a good sport.
Now Vicki, I do hope you told them you were sorry when you hit them with your rack.  
Do not brag on your self to the extremes in any situation. Portray being gracious and humble. (then beat them again)   How could they save face by refusing another game since you are so nice to them.   
7/23/2009 8:01:22 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Athens, TN
74, joined Mar. 2007
to be reverend of the ill and those that has passed on.. DO NOT SPEAK ILL OF THE DEPARTED
Always maintain a ladylike composure.. cross your legs at the ankles and sit up straight.
Jealousy is so unbecoming
smile in the face of your adversary and say BLESS THIER HEARTS
even the well educated can look ignorant by bad mouthing someone
you can only impress some one that has less than you, so be yourself always
is there a DH charm school here for those that need a refresher course?????
7/23/2009 8:09:55 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Goldsboro, NC
77, joined Apr. 2008
Always be polite to your elders, so they can respect you( even if they don't show it..
Always be polite to the younger generation so they can learn from your ways!!
Never tell another their mistakes --unless you tell them in private..
7/23/2009 8:11:35 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
The things we all learn can be forgotten if not used often and nasty habits formed. By sharing what we learned to become charming and to continue to be charming consider this a refresher course....Sassy. That was some very good ones you shared with us.   
Feel free to come back and share some more with us. 
7/23/2009 8:13:11 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Havasu City, AZ
71, joined Nov. 2008
is there a DH charm school here for those that need a refresher course????? |
7/23/2009 8:17:39 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Always be polite to your elders, so they can respect you( even if they don't show it..
Always be polite to the younger generation so they can learn from your ways!!
Never tell another their mistakes --unless you tell them in private..
Showing respect for your elders was a very big big thing with my family. We always used Mr. or Mrs. or Miss to our elders. yes Sir and No sir, yes Mam and No Mam...Other wise we could go to the switch tree.
One huge thing that Mother stressed and many of the teachers...Never whisper behind your hand to someone. That was a serious mistake I made just once in school and had a trip to the office...  
7/23/2009 8:18:46 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Athens, TN
74, joined Mar. 2007
this is the refresher course.. so some need to take heed, Bless their hearts....
7/23/2009 8:21:33 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Athens, TN
74, joined Mar. 2007
Yes,Shar, whispering behind ones hand was considered very impolite and not done in polite society.
"The true measure of a lady, or a gentleman, is not based on what they have, but rather on who they are..."
It is about evaluating the situation they are faced with and knowing what is appropriate for them to say
[Edited 7/23/2009 8:26:42 PM ]
7/23/2009 8:36:26 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
Yes,Shar, whispering behind ones hand was considered very impolite and not done in polite society.
"The true measure of a lady, or a gentleman, is not based on what they have, but rather on who they are..."
It is about evaluating the situation they are faced with and knowing what is appropriate for them to say
My kind of True Lady   
7/23/2009 8:41:21 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Greeley, CO
68, joined Jun. 2007
To not let a man touch me above the knees unless he really loved me. 
7/23/2009 8:46:12 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |
Bedford, IN
73, joined May. 2009

7/23/2009 9:08:35 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
Well I'll have a long wait if i'm at the back of the line to sign up for DH charm school - but I was taught never to cut in line - it is not polite
7/23/2009 9:18:38 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Springfield, OR
74, joined Mar. 2008
To keep my legs crossed & knees in when around girls  
7/23/2009 9:18:43 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Clarksville, AR
74, joined Apr. 2009
stance """"how to sit""" carriage"""" pivot and 45 degree angles """"make you Look thinner,""""" how to put on make up""""" and to look like you are moving when you stand still"""""" Not to cross your legs """""social graces.""""", How to present yourself and to never turn your back on Queen of Thailand """", How to talk::::what books are a must:::::: and most of all how to be a lady to a great man. Many more but later,""""" LOL
7/23/2009 9:33:09 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
My Emily Post has always been a source of wonderful information . Particularly when having to attend functions where Dignataries of several nations are also guests as knowing the proper order in which one should greet each of them can be vital .
Thank You Notes seem to be out of fashion these days but not in my book !
Gliding as opposed to Striding across a room . A soft gentle well modulated conversational tone also important .
How to stand on ones own merits & accomplishments and how to politely but firmly stand for ones values were considered extremely important by my widowed grandmother who lived a very happy full interesting sucessful life on her own for 20 years after my grandfather passed away suddenly .
[Edited 7/23/2009 9:38:08 PM ]
7/23/2009 9:45:33 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Athens, TN
74, joined Mar. 2007
how to be a snot in 3 easy lessons jkg....
sorry, my dear sweet Grand would turn over in her grave with me making light of social graces..
never think too highly of oneself because it is a long fall down .. I think she meant to learn Humility..
to be gracious to someone one particularly did not like.."Bless their black hearts"
7/23/2009 11:20:38 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Greeley, CO
68, joined Jun. 2007

7/24/2009 7:22:57 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Well Good Morning my friends. Good to see some good news flowing on the thread of Charm.
Rule one in the first grade was do not be a Tattle Tale!!! The teacher had a donkey's tail that she would pin on you to wear for the day if you were a tattle tale. I saw it done several times and I certainly did not want to be dragging that tail behind me so I kept my mouth shut.
In the 6th grade I had a wonderful teacher that would ask if you made a remark against someone IF that was your business if you made an impolite remark about someone. If your answer was NO...then she would tell you to avoid trying to make it your business.
"It is NOT what you do or say as much as what you do NOT say or do if it does NOT concern you." Thus the NOT, NOT, NOT   became words we heard often in the 6th grade without further discussion. What a wonderful peaceful pleasant year. 
7/24/2009 7:29:50 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |
Bedford, IN
73, joined May. 2009
how to be a snot in 3 easy lessons  jkg....
sorry, my dear sweet Grand would turn over in her grave with me making light of social graces..
never think too highly of oneself because it is a long fall down .. I think she meant to learn Humility..
to be gracious to someone one particularly did not like.."Bless their black hearts"

7/24/2009 8:23:55 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
How to say NO and not mean it..............
7/24/2009 8:47:14 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
how to be a snot in 3 easy lessons  jkg....
sorry, my dear sweet Grand would turn over in her grave with me making light of social graces..
never think too highly of oneself because it is a long fall down .. I think she meant to learn Humility..
to be gracious to someone one particularly did not like.."Bless their black hearts"
Bless thier Black Hearts is such a nice way to express ones sentiments on not so nice folks TY mind if I use it ???
7/24/2009 9:02:32 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
A gentleman should say, "May I have this dance."
The lady, "yes, thank you."
The man, "thank you for this dance. May I have the pleasure of asking you again."
The lady, " It was my pleasure and thank you."
In the days gone by it was noted that you dance with different partners and not just one person. Now days it does not appear to be that way....line dances, rap dances, dancing alone, and even girls out dancing together on the fast ones...
Have the rules changed??? Is Emily Post really being up dated????
7/24/2009 9:09:14 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lancaster, PA
76, joined Nov. 2008
didnt go to "charm school", per se- but - the lessons I learned coming up in my MoM & DaDs house were valuable ones --like-- always be kind & courteous to those less advantaged than myself.....always wear clean underwear....never leave home looking like I had just gotten out of bed.....always be respectful to my elders & address them as Mr, Mrs or Miss....always say "thank you" & "please"...most importantly, I was taught that I was somebody & could achieve whatever...We were poor but you would never know it by observation...I had great parents & I guess you could say that my home training was my charm school..
7/24/2009 9:17:07 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
Emily Post is constantly updated as it does take the changing mores & morality of the times into account when advising one on the proper conduct in any situation .There is even a section on Casual & Everyday Living which handles some of the more delicate topics such as how does one introduce a parents or childs Live in Companion at family functions of a nonformal nature . Or what types of gifts are appropriate for a Bris when a christian friend of the family has been invited to attend as well as the definition of what a Bris is in case one is clueless .
Please , Thank You & Your Welcome are words which are never out of fashion in my world . Good Manners are the grease which prevents friction between diverse groups of human beings as are kindness , thoughtfulness and forgiveness !
spinningtop it sounds like your parents were very much like mine and knew the value of good manners . I believe we both were lucky to have been raised by such good folks .
It was unheard of for a child to address an adult without the use of Mr. ,Mrs. or Miss when I was growing up .I don't even want to think about what the reaction would have been had we been so bold as to address an adult by thier first name in front of my parents .We were also taught to address adults whose name we did not know as Sir or Maam when speaking with them .
[Edited 7/24/2009 9:24:53 AM ]
7/24/2009 9:31:27 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Yes, most all started in the home, extended family, church, school, etc. Times seems to bring changes and in the rush of schemes today....so much charm has been lost.
For example..I taught my grandson how to dance slow dances. He had his first school dance in the 7th grade in the school gym. I had taught him how to ask for a dance, what to say and to always walk the young lady back to her seat. I picked him up after the dance and we drove the short distance home. Couldn't wait to get him into the house so we could talk and see how things went. I said well did you have many dances. He said yes, just about all of them. I said well, did you remember to do as I told you. He looked at me and laughed and said..."Mama Sharon, things are just not like that any longer. When the music starts a girl just grabs you and you start dancing and sometimes you have two or three girls dancing with you at one time." Disbelief!!!   I said, "well, son, what about the slow songs"...His come back was, "Oh, I asked the teachers and they danced with me." Time to just shut your mouth Grandmaw is what I said to me!!!!  
7/24/2009 9:38:25 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Huntington, IN
85, joined Feb. 2009
I was taught not to judge others until you have walked in their shoes.
7/24/2009 9:47:35 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |
Bedford, IN
73, joined May. 2009
I was taught never to take candy from a strange adult....unless she's a knockout with big hooters. Than just munch away......that was from my Dad....
7/24/2009 9:57:33 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Huntington, IN
85, joined Feb. 2009
Blackdutch,like your humor,it makes up for alot of mistakes we seem to make. 
7/24/2009 10:32:58 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Havasu City, AZ
71, joined Nov. 2008
I still say yes mam and no mam,and find it hard to use a older persons first name its always MR or Mrs.
women never call the men, its not lady like I was always taught these old habits taught are hard to forget , Lady's don't gossip or talk behind someone's back its not lady like.
7/24/2009 11:14:43 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
I agree havasusweety gossip is a very bad thing and I never say anything about someone I would not or have not said to them face to face .
As for the talking behind someone's back I do believe many here who air thier dirty laundry concerning thier previous mates are doing just that.Since the other person is obviously not here to say if that is fact or fiction its just plain wrong !
To do so on a public site where another person may recognize the picture of someone's former spouse and put 2 and 2 together is also totally wrong ! 
I do understand a need to vent when you have been deeply hurt by another but I was raised to do so privately and to use discrection when doing so .
7/24/2009 11:17:40 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Coolidge, AZ
86, joined May. 2009
I still say yes mam and no mam,and find it hard to use a older persons first name its always MR or Mrs.
women never call the men, its not lady like I was always taught these old habits taught are hard to forget , Lady's don't gossip or talk behind someone's back its not lady like. 
I agree with you to a point. Shouldn't a lady return a call to a gentleman if she misses his call??
7/24/2009 11:22:35 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Need to work more on my Magic Touch...  
7/24/2009 11:42:37 AM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Havasu City, AZ
71, joined Nov. 2008
waltaz, I think it is only good manners to return a missed call.
7/24/2009 12:02:17 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
I was taught everything I know and live by from my Mama - and she was a Fine Yankee Lady (converted to a Southern Bell after moving South). The best of both worlds.
7/24/2009 12:07:53 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |
Bedford, IN
73, joined May. 2009

7/24/2009 3:46:20 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Lake Charles, LA
68, joined May. 2008
The most important thing I learned from my Daddy was about respect.....He was a high up in the insurance business and had the respect of all his employees and partners. He taught me about RESPECT. He told me that you can not demand respect - you have to earn it. And that includes respect from your mother and father and children and husband and friends and co workers.
I was always very respectful to the people I worked under and showed the same respect to the people that worked under me or the ones that I was doing an inspection on their stores. They did not always like the results of their inspections but they respected me and knew that I was always fair and honest so took their scores and learned from them. That was the highest form of respect they could give back to me - listening to what I had to offer and using it to benefit themself. 
7/24/2009 3:53:05 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |

Pittsburgh, PA
70, joined Jul. 2009
The most important thing I learned from my Daddy was about respect.....He was a high up in the insurance business and had the respect of all his employees and partners. He taught me about RESPECT. He told me that you can not demand respect - you have to earn it. And that includes respect from your mother and father and children and husband and friends and co workers.
I was always very respectful to the people I worked under and showed the same respect to the people that worked under me or the ones that I was doing an inspection on their stores. They did not always like the results of their inspections but they respected me and knew that I was always fair and honest so took their scores and learned from them. That was the highest form of respect they could give back to me - listening to what I had to offer and using it to benefit themself. 
7/24/2009 4:15:26 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |


Goldsboro, NC
77, joined Apr. 2008
Its been a long day for me...... but friends I hope you shall understand ..
I was NOT taught to say Ma'am or Sir to everyone older than myself,, but rather to speak politley to everyone ..THats the difference in the worlds..but I have taught myself to use Ma'am or Sir simply because of my locale the last 30 plus years...
7/24/2009 4:18:17 PM |
Things you learned in Charm School... |
Fredonia, TX
80, joined Jul. 2009
Ah, New. Bet you are vry tired, girl.
Charm school, (mine turned out to be the school of hard knocks).
Don't point a finger at anyone. There will always be three pointing back at you.
Don't make too much of yourself. You don't need to brag. If you are worth, people will notice without your help.
Your attitude defines your character more than anything else.