4/26/2010 5:33:04 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

McHenry, IL
age: 39
I don't expect the man to pay for everything on a date however most of the time it ends up that way. I always make sure I have money and offer to pay. Do you think if he pays he is expecting something in return?
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4/26/2010 5:54:43 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Tempe, AZ
age: 36
On a first date...dutch or I'll try and pay.... but I like it when he "wants" to pay...it just says something about his character... afterwards if he asks me out yeah, I expect him to pay...and if I offer up date with him then I would expect to pay...
Frankly, they know up front not to "expect" anything...and I just wouldn't date a guy who I thought had that type of "persona".... 
4/26/2010 10:33:45 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Ogden, UT
age: 51
Everything's so expensive these days......so I have always offered to pay for tips, etc. I think they appreciate your effort. 
4/26/2010 3:46:44 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Lewiston, ID
age: 54
I agree whoever asks should pay, but it is nice of the other person to "chip-in". A lot of fun things don't take money, or very little..
A walk, meeting at the book store, the beach, fishing,just some bait, a nice drive.. Around our town there are always events going on car shows, bands in the park, the fair, dogwood festival, really one can spend as little or as much as one wants to "date"..
It shouldn't have to be a deal to either person..If it is I suspect there are more than money issues present..
4/26/2010 8:54:16 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Clarksville, AR
age: 69
Everything's so expensive these days......so I have always offered to pay for tips, etc. I think they appreciate your effort.  I also"" pick up tips but they pay for the meal.
4/27/2010 11:33:44 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Garner, NC
age: 42
The first few dates I've never paid because the men insist. I don't expect it and don't give off "airs" of expectation, it's the men insisting.
I do not think all men expect sex in exchange for dinner. Men that do come off as expecting something in return do not get a second date. I'm not for sale - yes I've had men expect sex because they bought me dinner - how dinner and sex are even close to the same thing in their minds is beyond me LOL
Anytime I've continued dating a man, things have a way of becoming equal eventually. Even if he never lets a woman pay for anything, there are other ways to give and let him know he's appreciated and that I'm not out to use him - not just in the bedroom either LOL. Occasionally it is possible to pay for a date even if it's special tickets to something or buy great foods to be cooked at home for him, etc.
4/27/2010 4:57:31 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Clarksville, AR
age: 69
Do not forget you are among the younger men...They have not been taught manners nor do they have steady jobs?
4/30/2010 11:02:49 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Schaumburg, IL
age: 45
I ask first if we are going Dutch, if they insist to pay, then I make sure I put the tip down!
5/1/2010 5:39:15 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Urbandale, IA
age: 44
It doesn't matter what they may "expect" if they pay. If we're having a first date, unless they are completely ignorant, they would already know that I'm not that kind of a gal. As far as paying goes, it depends, if it's going to be dutch it's usually stated beforehand. Most of the time though I'll admit that if they don't pay on the first date, there won't be a second. Not because of the money persay, but because it's just a tiny glimplse into whether they're a gentleman or a not. It doesn't take heroic efforts to pay for a date afterall, and it's not like I'm going to order something expensive because I'm not. But if they don't treat me like a lady on our first meet..when we're all supposed to be putting our best foot forward, and we all get to show off our home shooling, then it's very telling in my book. Not that it makes them a bad person, not at all!..they just wouldn't be a match for me is all.
5/3/2010 2:05:44 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Clendenin, WV
age: 37
I perfer to pay for myself and he pays for his self unless the realtionship becomes serious. Then it is cool for him to pay, but I don't mind paying when I am in a relationship with a person.
5/4/2010 10:39:45 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 41
On the first date, I believe a man should pay 100%. After that, who ever asks out pays. I have called male friends, asked them out and I paid. They have done the same. It's just the 1st "date" the man pays. I don't believe dating should be designed to break a guy's bank in the long run.
5/5/2010 9:03:35 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Valley Village, CA
age: 48
I never expect anything, that way I'm not let down...but no, I don't expect him to pay for everything on a date. If we've been daing awhile and he still doesn't let me pay when we go out, there are other ways to even it up (for lack of a better term)...I'll make a nice home cooked dinner. Sometimes I've been known to 'sneak off to the bathroom' and pay the bill while I'm gone.
5/5/2010 11:39:48 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Las Vegas, NV
age: 47
No. We take turns. But don't always pay for the expensive places. I mean, if he takes you to the burger joint, and you pay for the italian restaurant, next time, he pays for a great dinner, and you pay for the next fast food trek. If not, it'll get expensive really quick for one or the other, and sometimes, that'll build resentment.
It's just meeting everything halfway, and it shows the guy that you're not all about just receiving, but giving as well.
5/5/2010 4:28:26 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Clarksville, AR
age: 69
Protocol is a man pays""" until you become an item """then It is 50/50
5/5/2010 5:16:39 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Henderson, NV
age: 52
I don't expect it at all.
I like it, but I don't expect it. I will always offer to split or pay my own way or I will pay for the date, too. I will, if he refuses that offer, to at least pay the tip and/or pay for coffee and dessert.
If, say, we're doing dinner and a movie, and he pays for dinner, I'll pay for the movie and snacks.
It's expensive to date, and I know that.
I don't think of it as I need to make sure he doesn't 'expect' anything from me if he pays, but rather that we're two adults getting to know each other.
Sure, it's nice if he pays for everything and I won't insist and risk insulting him. However, if that was the case, then I'd make sure to reciprocate in some way, say treating him to some event, or making him dinner, or taking him on a picnic.
I really don't think most men expect to get something in return, if what you mean by that is that they want sex.
5/7/2010 7:03:48 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Havelock, NC
age: 44
He's expecting something in return even if he doesn't pay
5/8/2010 12:59:29 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Los Angeles, CA
age: 41
No. I wouldn't expect someone for pay me just because he asked or because of gender. IMO the first few dates should be dutch ( UNLESS 1 person insists on paying for the date ). Then we can take turns paying after that if things progress.
[Edited 5/8/2010 12:59:53 PM ]
5/9/2010 1:34:18 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Los Angeles, CA
age: 41
No. If he insists on paying I would let him. But I will always offer to may pay share.
5/15/2010 5:39:45 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Grove City, PA
age: 39
A couple of weeks ago I went on a day outing with a friend ~ & yes, we are just FRIENDS 
We went to a really cool family oriented place that had attractions as well as a restaraunt. I'd never even heard of the place, but he's been there numerous times & wanted to show it to me, so I could take my lil 1 to it in the future ~~ VERY sweet idea 
I've always been known for my independence & carrying my own for things.
We had discussed & agreed the day would be "dutch" before we went.
As it turned out, he slipped in front of me for the attraction we went to & paid my way before I realized it 
Later on, we went to dinner. He got up to go to the restroom, so while he was gone, I grabbed the bill & paid it before he got back 
He seemed a lil uncomfortable with it at first, but when I reminded him we agreed on a DUTCH day & how he paid for the attraction, he reluctantly agreed 
I thought it was great that's how he looked at it, but in retrospect, an agreement IS an agreement 
5/16/2010 9:39:20 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Schofield, WI
age: 45
I would never expect a man to pay for everything on a date. I think I might like it once in awhile if it ever happened, but I can't be sure, as I've never had that experience yet.
5/17/2010 12:00:18 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Holyoke, MA
age: 48
I think its okey, but the man its polite hi did, why not? but he its good man, and i like and have a second date i pay or pay 1/2 ticket.   
5/18/2010 2:49:04 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Ridley Park, PA
age: 55
I guess I am old fashioned. I do expect the guy to pay if he asks me on a date. And, if he expects "something" in return, he is histoire!!
5/18/2010 6:48:06 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Fairborn, OH
age: 25
Hi Ladies Im 24yrs old lady & growing up in small town men where backbone of women so know that Im going up doing things on my own not expecting man or rely on man for much. When going on date with man would be nice for 50/50 Women pay for movie Men pay for dinner. Men may get the inpresssion we are going after there money so I tend to put effort to paying some part of the night but wont make agreement if he just wants to pay.. Hope my advise helps, Have good evening!  
5/18/2010 8:36:34 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Lobelville, TN
age: 52
I believe in dutch until the time feels comfortable.
5/22/2010 8:19:14 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
San Francisco, CA
age: 41
No. If he insists on paying I would let him. But I will always offer to may pay share.
I agree.  
5/31/2010 8:05:44 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Dallas, TX
age: 36
IMO the first few dates should be dutch ( UNLESS 1 person insists on paying for the date ). Then we can take turns paying after that if things progress.
6/1/2010 3:41:11 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Emporia, KS
age: 47
i grew up in different culture, and in old fashion way , that men supposed to pay for everything on a date,, and if we become an item then we can share the expenses i like to pay the lesser one lol if i dont have budget on it ,, but if he offered to go somewhere then he will for pay that,, and if i offered to go somewhere and he dont have enough money to cover it then we shared,, i can pay for the expenses if i have money as long as he will just let me know that he dont have enough money,, rather than hesitate to pay .. i hate that kind of men it turn me off..and love will be gone.. 
6/2/2010 9:16:01 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


San Antonio, TX
age: 43 online now!
no i like to return the gesture
6/8/2010 2:31:43 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Greenwood, IN
age: 57
IF I ever make it to a meeting for the first time, I won't call it a date and I will pay my own way. I worked to long and hard to give up my independence at this point. The mood I am in right now, I won't be meeting any one soon. 
6/8/2010 8:16:08 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Poland, NY
age: 25
Damn I must of missed something..I always ended up paying for everything. lol
6/9/2010 5:57:53 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Detroit, MI
age: 48
6/12/2010 10:46:31 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Philadelphia, PA
age: 23
Well, I have expensive taste, and I felt bad when my ex insisted on paying. So to help out I'd clip out coupons or if I had the extra change, I'd use it. And on Valentine's Day he brought champange, but I didn't have any glasses suitable for such a fancy drink, lol. So we went the store to get some and when he took out his money, I told him to put it back in his pocket. When he asked why I told him he bought the champange, so the least I could do was buy the glasses.
6/12/2010 10:32:11 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

O Fallon, MO
age: 43
The way I see it is if a man wants to take me out for the evening or during the day, it is his responsibility to pay for it ALL. A bona fide gentleman knows that since I am spending TIME with him, he should man up and cover the cost of dinner, movie, theater, concert, or where ever else we may go. ~does NOT touch wallet~
6/13/2010 8:25:29 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Lobelville, TN
age: 52
I think it depends on the length of the relationship
and the financial means of each person. If you are
a high maintenance women maybe you should pick a
man who can financially meet your needs.
6/13/2010 11:23:29 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Milwaukee, WI
age: 23
when going on a date i always make sure i have cash with me.. the man shouldnt always have to pay.. we could take turns.. one date i can pay and then the next one he can if he wants to..  
6/16/2010 6:30:51 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Arvada, CO
age: 47
No. If he insists on paying I would let him. But I will always offer to may pay share.
I agree.
[Edited 6/16/2010 6:32:42 AM ]
6/16/2010 9:04:31 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Montello, WI
age: 56
I don't expect a man to pay for everything...Especially in todays economy..However: that said...If he insists, fine...I go prepared to pay my own. The first meeting, I always pay my own..It relieves a lot of pressure off both people. So far, the ones I've met off here (2), I end up paying for the meal and doing all the driving to meet them. I refused a recent meeting for that reason. Both should be able to at least meet each other half way...JMO...
6/17/2010 8:00:21 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Selma, CA
age: 38
I do not expect a guy to pay so I always carry money with me. In all the first dates I had gone he has always paid. Being sincere and a little old fashioned i would think less of him if he did not and would not go out with him again.
On any dates after that I think it is fair for both of you to pay a part of the cost.
6/25/2010 10:15:41 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Lobelville, TN
age: 52
Men should treat you with respect and pay for the evening
when the relationship has developed then you can maybe share
as you would in a committed relationship. nothing should be
one sided. take him on a date and pay.
6/25/2010 4:03:46 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 38
No. I am always willing to pay at least my share In fact there was some first dates when I paid the enitre bill. One example. He agreed to meet me at a place that was more convenient for me.
7/2/2010 4:17:24 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Chicago, IL
age: 50
I agree with summer.
7/5/2010 9:38:15 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
New York, NY
age: 29
No. If he insists on paying, then I would let him. But I don't expect a man ( especially a virtual stranger on a first date ) to pay for me. Personally I think the first couple of dates or so should be Dutch. If a relationship gradually starts to develop, then we can take turns paying for the bill
[Edited 7/5/2010 9:43:00 AM ]
7/10/2010 6:11:18 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Los Angeles, CA
age: 48
No. If a man wants to pay, I would appreciate it. But I wouldn't expect him to pay for me.
7/21/2010 9:49:21 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Los Angeles, CA
age: 39
No. If he insists on paying, then I would let him. But I don't expect a man ( especially a virtual stranger on a first date ) to pay for me.
I agree. If he wants to pay, then I would appreciate it. But I don't expect it.
7/22/2010 5:11:15 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Clarksville, AR
age: 69
Why not? They want us to """""Pay for everything.""""If you move in it is usually our house and we pay the taxes, buy the groceries, and become their lover and Mamma all at once Not bad if they can get away with it I think Men are smarter than woman now a days.     
7/22/2010 2:58:42 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Erie, PA
age: 43
nope, i will pay for myself.
7/23/2010 4:33:38 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Goldsboro, NC
age: 39
i will buy dinner he can buy drinks   
7/23/2010 4:42:40 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Easton, PA
age: 45
I feel if they asked you out, then, it is the man's job to pay. If you made dutch plans than that is a different story. There are many men out there that do pay for the whole date and I think that is wrong especially if they are the one's that asked you out to begin with. Just my opinion.
9/1/2010 7:31:25 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Winchester, IN
age: 47
Not only should he pay. He better insist on paying. If he asks to go dutch, when it comes to sex, I'll say no thanks, I'm going dutch!!
9/3/2010 10:08:09 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Federal Way, WA
age: 23
Always go dutch until a relationship is made no matter who does the asking. Then it's ok to take turns. Although I wouldn't be a freak about it, only had one guy argue and end up paying. We became a couple eventually and he let me start paying sometimes/not 50/50.
9/4/2010 5:35:12 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Grovespring, MO
age: 42
9/14/2010 8:25:07 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Lansing, IA
age: 59
What I do not like is if I say that it's my turn to buy lunch or whatever then they insist on paying. It makes me feel insignificant somehow. I am not certain why I feel this way.
[Edited 9/14/2010 8:26:23 AM ]
9/14/2010 9:05:43 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Clarksville, AR
age: 69
Why not I am worth it just to be there with him. 
9/14/2010 1:53:39 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Lansing, IA
age: 59
Why not I am worth it just to be there with him.  
You are so funny, Jenny! But, then again, perhaps you are correct.
9/14/2010 8:04:03 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 29
I'd rather go 50/50 in the beginning...as things progress we can take turns paying. Expecting him to pay for everything or vice versa would be unfair IMO.
[Edited 9/14/2010 8:06:21 PM ]
9/19/2010 1:05:38 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Charlotte, NC
age: 43
The way I see it is if a man wants to take me out for the evening or during the day, it is his responsibility to pay for it ALL. A bona fide gentleman knows that since I am spending TIME with him, he should man up and cover the cost of dinner, movie, theater, concert, or where ever else we may go. ~does NOT touch wallet~
and, if he doesn't, there will be no second date. If I asked him out, it's different. However, he would have to be one hell of man for me to ask him out first. I would not waste a dime on most of these DH pricks. 
Edited to say: Not all are pricks but, a lot that I have ran into.
[Edited 9/19/2010 1:10:16 PM ]
9/20/2010 2:50:25 PM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Frankfort, KY
age: 57 online now!
I don't expect it. I prefer to pay for my own at the first meet-n-greet. I don't want to feel like I owe him something. If he ask me out after the first meeting then yes I would expect him to pay.
9/21/2010 4:55:11 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Newtown, PA
age: 36
If he asks me then yes. If I ask him I will pay.
9/22/2010 1:28:29 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |


Latrobe, PA
age: 54
First few dates, no, I think it should be dutch. I don't want him to think I owe him something. After that, if he wants to treat, who am I to argue?
9/22/2010 8:22:21 AM |
Do you expect the man to pay for everything on a date? |

Moreno Valley, CA
age: 30
I usually offer to pay half, or at least pick up the tip if needed.