1/22/2008 8:32:31 AM |
seasoned members |

Winnipeg, MB
age: 48
Ok now for the seasoned dh users. Please help me here. What up with all the profiles on the site that reply via email or wink etc. however they don't have pics posted with their profile??do not get me wrong here. Looks do not count for everything I am not that shallow. but i have made connections because their pics were attached to profile.normal progression of things would be to meet after some conversation lol then the elusive chemistry factor was not there when we did meet.What to do? the replys you get with no photo or a very short profile? i have been deleting them. Not sure if that is the best way to handle it. I feel horrible when i do that shit. want feedback from forum. 
by the way love this forum 40's rock
[Edited 1/22/2008 6:38:29 PM]
1/22/2008 6:54:00 PM |
seasoned members |

Irving, TX
age: 45
I agree.....
Looks are not an issue but its nice to see who your talking to. I would think you winked me because of my pic and profied. 
I dont delete them but I do ask what they are looking for on this site. 
and depending on the answer I do ask for a pic...I like to see who I am talking too
Dont fell bad, if they are looking to contact then they should find a pic and put it out there
Dont hide behind their words..
1/23/2008 7:49:44 AM |
seasoned members |

Winnipeg, MB
age: 48
tomorrow that is what I mean. I always say to myself if you have a profile on here post a picture it is just nice. unless of course you are working undercover ha ha
1/27/2008 7:16:53 PM |
seasoned members |

Pevely, MO
age: 49
pics r very important....i delete those kind i dont even look to c who they r.....shoot them off like flies...    
1/27/2008 7:25:15 PM |
seasoned members |

Calvert City, KY
age: 47
Yeap I ignore them too I like to see who I am talking to not that I base everything on looks but it is more couteous to let everyone see your beautiful face and smile
and whats with these guys going shirtless a complete turn off ! 
1/28/2008 3:03:50 AM |
seasoned members |

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 48
no picture first I ask where's your picture. I think sometimes they
are hiding something. Gives the creepy feelings I do eventually
delete them. Its sad but true.
1/28/2008 3:18:34 AM |
seasoned members |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
well, in my short time here, i have found out a couple of things i will share with u. winks, well, i don't receive winks, don't send winks. too many scammers use winks to entice u into their game(s), so be weary. but, some folks use a wink to say hi, in their shy way. so choose wisely my friend. grey pics. well, usually, it's a newbie who hasn't posted a pic, or, as we r seeing lately. a fake profile set up by someone to play their little games with u. there's alot of players, and knuckleheads here. so buckle up, adjust your chinstrap, and get ready to weave your way through this magical kingdom known as, virtual dating. me, just so u know, i'm a dumbass. someday, i hope to grow up someday and b a wiseass. i'm not poisoned by the site and the antics. just a realist! good luck! 

1/28/2008 5:11:17 AM |
seasoned members |

Omaha, NE
age: 49
I try to at least say hi and a brief note. When one doesnt have a picture I ask for that right away. Many times I receive that.I do give someone a chance first. One never knows the "whys" of no picture until one does ask.
1/28/2008 5:43:25 AM |
seasoned members |

Biloxi, MS
age: 46
I find most pictures do not fairly represent the person due to the age of the picture or the angle, and distance from where it was taken. Like myself some people have very good reasons for not posting pictures. Some are professionals who do not want to be embarassed by family or co-workers. Warning not every man is a Brad Pitt or a George Clooney. You should read their profile and their forum post and get to know the person.
1/28/2008 5:47:36 AM |
seasoned members |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
alot of ppl who don't post pics r because they're currently in a relationship, and don't want they're other half to catch them on the net, trolling for someone else. those who don't post thier pics tells alot about who they r. after all, this is a dating site. tell me, how long should 1 go before they reveal themselves to the person who might be interestd in them? or should they go through the forum, as the invisible person?

1/28/2008 6:51:37 AM |
seasoned members |

Great Falls, MT
age: 47
Some have valid reasons for not posting a pic. Read their profile, if it peaks your interest then respond and ask for a pic. If not respond not interested. Either way I believe you should respond. Ignoring is rude.
I had a twenty something wink at me, I just responded that he was too young for me. I don't want to raise a man Just me I guess
1/28/2008 11:20:22 AM |
seasoned members |

Windsor, ON
age: 48
Not a seasoned member but I think it is more important to get to know if someone is ugly on the inside first. I haven't had a problem with emailing I do have a problem with the I love you types before they get to know you though! It creeps me out to have my pic here and get a wink from someone in my city espescially when it says lives "O" miles away. Yikes now thats scarey when they have no picture. How do we even know the pictures they post are themselves and how do we know how many of us they are telling the same things too I just want to know is 3 weeks communicating with someone too long to wait for a pic? I have been reading these things for a couple weeks now and drummer boy no matter what forum your answers are in you crack me up

1/28/2008 11:37:03 AM |
seasoned members |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
dads. thank u for the compliment. honestly, i am a wiseass, but, sometimes, some of these knuckleheads, well....u just can't take them seriously. there's a thread that's going on now, actually, it's 3 or 4 now, about one person, and the way he treats women. it's insane. so, a little levity sometimes alleviates what could potentially could become a powderkeg. don't believe me, go check them out. it's not pretty. u have been warned. 
1/28/2008 12:01:48 PM |
seasoned members |

Windsor, ON
age: 48
oh thanks drummer where is the thread might be interesting to see if it is anyone who has contacted me
1/28/2008 12:22:49 PM |
seasoned members |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
the main ones were under: dating general. and a few of the other ones were in the chat room.