1/25/2008 9:43:21 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Barryton, MI
age: 34
This guy and i was chatting for awhile..Then we met in person. Things were very cool between us..He's an emt/fire fighter...I know he's a very busy man. We talked all the time online and he would call me just to say hello. We seen each other 3 times and then everything slowed down. He stopped calling like he used to and the convo's on the computer has stopped..He just baught a house and working alot of hours..He said he loved me.. I know it's still kinda early..He said alot of things to me..I thought he was the one...i seen no red flags....I guess what i'm confused about is..he said so many things to me i thought was so true..We talked about anything and everything..anyways..Last Sat he said that he was going to come and see me..he never showed up and never called me...I left a message on his phone..and emailed him..just saying all i ask is for a phone call for i'm not worried..I still haven't heard from him..I don't understand why people has to say so many things to another person.and make you believe it's true.and he wouldn't hurt you...
I just need help understanding this
Sorry if some of this don't make sence. Sometimes it's hard to tell how you feel on the computer...
thank you all
1/25/2008 9:51:56 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Salem, OR
age: 38
I get you Tina. It is happening to me to. I am also kinda confused. I keep getting good starts and either they fizzle out or they wont commit to anything because they r getting too much attention on the internet. But it sounds like your guy is moving on or has found someone else on the side. thats just my take on it. I hope things work out for you. You are a beautiful woman and any guy would be lucky to have you.............
[Edited 1/25/2008 9:53:19 PM]
1/26/2008 12:17:02 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Barryton, MI
age: 34
I think also a man gets scared off in away cause i treat men like the way i want to be treated..I have a kind heart..Not a b*tch and i don't like to fight..
1/26/2008 3:30:07 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Halifax, NS
age: 39
Hi Tina.... I am so sorry that this has happened to you. You do not deserve that. I do understand very well.....that has happed to me twice, the last was just at Christmas. Like you, I treat a man like I want to be treated and I expect the same in return. That is called respect and it's hard to find. I am just a open person, real, no games and some men don't know how to handle that.
I don't know if this will help but it's what I tell myself and it helps me a bit.
In general most people do no think they are worthy of being treated well and with respect and when they are on the receiving end they panic. When what was just a fantasy, in the cyber world becomes real, what ever baggage that person( in this case the man) has that is not dealt with becomes a hurdle. Panic and feelings of poor self esteem come to the front. It's nothing that we have done, it's the other person. It becomes too real. Some men don't really want a strong woman, they think they do, some think they want a weak woman but they really don't and when faced with the reality they panic and run away.
I don't think it was something ever planned, it just happens and it hurts really bad and then we start to doubt ourselves and what we have to offer. Please I hope you won't do that. You seem like a very nice quality person, you know what you want and are stong and confident to pursue it.
1/26/2008 7:30:10 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Severn, MD
age: 37
There isn't anything confusing about this... We have to remember that this starts through a basic conversation, mere words become emotional connectivity between two individuals....
I say this because not only do I converse online, I do this on the chat line (telephone)...I've had many conversations with individuals....sometimes as soon as I meet them, the conversation becomes mute, and others it dies out slowly. We have to remember there are so many different people that hide behind the phone or the computer. They have a lot of heart, and when things don't work out it makes it a lot easier to ease there way out...I have been on both sides of the stick...
The easiest way to deal with this, is to not put your eggs in one basket...I usually don't let myself get caught up, I usually wait for a while before I let my feeling get involved. Some women question that because they make start catching feelings, and I stay neutral, which of course makes it seem like it's one sided, however, it hasn't failed me, because whenever I am about to let the flood gates open, something happens. We must always remember in this type of meeting arena...Our feelings comes first....We really don't know the person that we are talking too.
Just remember YOUR HEART FIRST, and then you consider letting someone in.
I hope this helped.
1/26/2008 1:50:16 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40 online now!
Did you send him a new pic of yourself not listed on your profile that might not be so flattering?
Hey, forget about that guy and just come see me instead, I'll show ya around Cleveland.
1/26/2008 2:20:49 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Barryton, MI
age: 34
Thanks everyone..yes it all helped. I have seen things in different views now...Hugs to all
1/27/2008 12:04:12 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Hermitage, AR
age: 34
Im sorry to hear that, I really dont know what to say either, except forgive and forget him, but pray and he will show in time try to be patient(hope I spelled it right)
1/27/2008 12:47:51 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Supply, NC
age: 35
tina forget him life goes on. men come a dime a dozen. Whats that saying "whos lose is someone elses gain . Honey brush those shoulders off. You'er younge and beautiful so start acting like it. 
1/27/2008 8:34:50 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Crawford, NE
age: 39
sounds like he got cold feet to me. if he's not interested in you he should have the courage
to tell you up front.
jodee6, what? women by birth are 52%, men are 48%, of the population. find a good man hangon
not as many men as there are woman
1/27/2008 12:28:19 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Abbeville, LA
age: 33
hi my names is anthony i have the most kinds heart i hate to her other people feeling i treat a woman like a priness hold door give my jacket to woman when its cold i would lay over a mud puddle for her kind, passioned caring greeneyes
[Edited 1/27/2008 12:29:24 PM]
1/27/2008 1:45:57 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Frederick, MD
age: 31 online now!
are it could be that he has a lot on his mind at the age of 30 we are starting to get life strate and you might not been the one! he was just afraide to tell you .
1/28/2008 12:29:57 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 33
At times men & women say strong words like LOVE to string you along. It is posible he felt that you would of lost interest in him if he didn't use such words.
1/28/2008 4:02:33 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Glen Burnie, MD
age: 36
We have all been where you are, girl. Whether online or face to face, people are people and unfortunately, your guy appears to have been a not so nice one.
But counting your blessings, Tina. You found out early rather than late. You found out about this guy, before you shut your life down and moved, before you got married or pregnant, before all kinds of things happened that would have made this treatment so much more devastating to the practical aspects of your life (and yes, I speak from sad experience on this point). And while you are hurt now, you still have the opportunity for true happiness and love with someone who is truly available and open to your love.
I feel your pain, Tina. Learn whatever you can from this experience, and when the you're ready, move on to better things and be happy.
You deserve it.
1/29/2008 1:35:43 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 30
he met you while his woman was on vacation or at her parents thats why she probably lives with him