9/27/2010 2:52:06 PM |
Tea Party Activists |

Machias, ME
61, joined Sep. 2010
Are there any Tea Partyists here on DH in the downeast area???  
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/28/2010 5:52:52 AM |
Tea Party Activists |

Machias, ME
61, joined Sep. 2010
Just as I thought.... I haven't been on Maine chat for a while and when I posted this subject I said to myself..."what a dead lot they are...." Dumb postings....
9/28/2010 9:34:10 PM |
Tea Party Activists |
Bangor, ME
54, joined Apr. 2009
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brown eyes smiling
by amipoet at 5/23/2010 4:13:45 PM
as i sit here and decide what i wanna do today i'm looking at this picture of you it is so beautiful it stirs my soul through and through it almost seems like those pretty brown eyes are smiling just for my eyes alone welcoming me home
10/2/2010 12:12:54 AM |
Tea Party Activists |
Standish, ME
57, joined Jun. 2010
I am a Tea Party Activist, but I am not from the Down East Area.
10/12/2010 5:24:16 PM |
Tea Party Activists |

Machias, ME
61, joined Sep. 2010
Nice to meet you Conservative.... Sorry i took me so long to reply.... Maine chat is so boring..... I only check it out once in a while, and it never changes...... Yawn.....
10/12/2010 5:25:55 PM |
Tea Party Activists |


Richmond, KY
37, joined Aug. 2009
Me and Rev used to try and bring some action to this place but we gave up because nobody ever replied or had anything worth a crap to say. Then again, most Mainers are completely stupid.
10/14/2010 6:54:35 AM |
Tea Party Activists |

Machias, ME
61, joined Sep. 2010
Yeah I hear you Doug... Where I live, in Washington County, it is FULL of drug addicts--(I'm not an I like my weed...) who either are nodding from over-use of prescription drugs which are freely passed around/traded, or they've just came back from th methadone clinic... I've come to realize that they are just a part of the "dumming down" conspiracy of the Government--no, I'm not crazy Doug...
Washington County is full of HIV---NOT ME thankyou!!!
AND I believe most people in W.C. are related to each other! Yeah, inbred.
HELP!!!! GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!! Charlene
10/14/2010 7:38:06 PM |
Tea Party Activists |
Beverly Hills, CA
37, joined Jun. 2010
This is where Doug would normally reply but he got banned for calling people desperate retards. Ha.
11/14/2010 9:40:09 AM |
Tea Party Activists |
Gouldsboro, MEDurham
United Kingdom
66, joined Sep. 2010
I am in Hanc*ck Count, but have been to some Tea Party events in Surry and Ellsworth.
I also lived in WC for 28 yrs, raised four children there, taught school there. It has a lot going for it, but sad to say, the second generation welfare families have become insidious in its growth.
1/1/2011 3:49:57 PM |
Tea Party Activists |
Orland, ME
47, joined Dec. 2010
I have been at meetings with Carter Jones and Bill Barker down in Ellsworth and on the 5th (january), I am headed to the inauguration and the reception. We might actually be making some difference.
To all concerned just restrict spending , and follow the constitution....how can ANYONE oppose that?
