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2/9/2008 3:31:38 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I was hoping to get a place for those of us who did not have a place to discuss new ideas and ask questions. It seems like all there is so far are those who want to push their ideas and get convertees.
Why do so many think they have all the answers? Why do so many think the spirit or god or whatever has told them everything and their mission is to tell it to everyone else?
If that is all this is gonna turn out to be then I guess I might as well stay on the religion forums and fight with the christians for a chance to ask a question or state an opinion without attack.
[Edited 2/9/2008 6:05:21 PM]
2/9/2008 8:05:51 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |
Boise, ID
age: 68
Well , Queen , I don't think I know all the answers in fact I don't even know many of the questions. My faith path is th orrect one ...for me.. and even for me it may change. Everyone else has a right o their own walk. Their's is right for them. I have no desire to convert anyone to my beliefs
I always use the analogy of children watching a baseball game through a fence through knot holes. One sees the pitcher , another a catcher, a third an outfielder, and so on. If they never switch around or consider watching through anothers knot hole they have alimited view. If they trade off they have a better idea of what th game is about. Religion even non-traditional ones are like the fence. People are like the children. If we are only willing to look through our own knot hole then our view ofthe Divine Spirit is limited. If e are willing to look at what others belive and understand what their belief is we get a better picture. We aren't required to give up our knot hole justonsider others view
[Edited 2/9/2008 8:06:50 AM]
2/9/2008 9:16:22 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
In my experience there are a lot of people who are afraid of new ideas or perspectives on the lives that they live. It seems we live in a society where people would rather not have to think for themselves (as that would only mean they have to be responsible for themselves). For me new ideas and the discussion of ideas is what drives the human race forward, but god allah buddha forbid that LOL
[Edited 2/9/2008 9:16:39 AM]
2/9/2008 5:08:35 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
I am very busy starting my own business, so unfortunately, I am not able to respond near as much as before... So I'll post from my blog. Enjoy!
Astral Travel, My Story....
by deathmetalman77 at 1/21/2008 11:15:40 AM
You see , I also had some experiences in my life, such as arstral disjunction from primortal. Or in laymen's terms, astral projection travel, which is extremeley difficult and completely counter~ intuitive to the mortal human psyche. Simply put, it is where your soul or spirit leaves your body on a somewhat conscious level. And I say somewhat, because some amount of memory and consciousness is retained in the physical body while the spirit roams. I know what people are thinking right now probably is that it was either a dream or tat2big1 really is crazy... I think not. (Well maybe just a little crazy, but then again so was Einstien.) Honestly, the first time that it happened, scared the living daylights out of me!! This happened when I was 14, on a Sunday morning about 4 A.M. I was just on the verge of waking up, I had just had a weird dream.
So there I was, in a half-awake and half-asleep type state. I suddenly felt this strange vibration fill my whole body, it felt like the hum and vibration of a motor and a bright white light radiating from the center outwards to fill my "eyes", which was impossible where I lived. Anyways I could feel that it was internally produced by my own body. At that same exact time I felt my spirit lift out of my body and I could "see" it yet my eyes were still closed. I thought that I was dying!!!!!!!!!But, it was the most beautiful violet-blue-indigo color ever, I had never seen such a bright and radiant color EVER!!! I could "see" that my spirit had seperated from my body. Like I said, I thought that I was dying at 14 years old with no apparent health problems!! I was
freaked out! So, then my spirit snapped back into my body with a jolt!!
Now all my years of being a christian as a child NEVER prepared me for such a life altering event. "What the hell happened, am I sick and dying?", I thought. I had to find out. So I went to my school library and checked out books on near death experiences or N.D.E.'s and it led me to my discovery of astral travel. WOW! I figured it out all on my own by reading some books. They described in a scientific and spritual way EXACTLY what I had experienced. Exactly! How could this be? Why didn't my church or bible at least warn me?!!?? How come they never once even mentioned it? I was taught that when we die then our bodies are dead until we were resurrected by Jesus when he came to set up his kingdom. I vigirously studied everything that I could get my hands on about metaphysics, the paranormal, parapsychology, ghosts, UFO's etc.(Use common sense to filter out the hogwash.) This was seemingly forbidden knowledge for bible believers. Then I discovered why. I found a few friends considerably older to mentor from. Remember that I was 14, some of my mentor friends were in their 20's and 30's. With their help and guidence, I began practicing this astral projection. I discovred what is on the other side, but this is my belief, so I don't go around stating that it is absolute truth. I certainly can't prove it, but I know what I know. I certainly learned that other cultures have differnt beliefs about life after death, then what I was always taught. Still with me, right? Ok, here is what I discovered and had reconfirmed by my mentors. There is a universal cosmic energy that connects us all. This energy is NOT, I repeat, NOT a living being as we traditionally think of god, but that is what most people call it. Instead, we are all living beings that contain this energy. We all feel this energy, it is universal, especially to living creatures and plants. All matter contains some of this energy including rocks and crystals. People have felt this energy and personfied it into a human like being. It was only natural to want to have a big daddy in the sky when you die, I know that I would. Unfortunetely that is not what I found out. I believe that when we die our spirit simply leaves this body and tranists into a sririt. The spirit realm is much like this physical realm in which are in a mortal body. Here are the main differences that I could discern: 1) We are not bound by phsical limitations. 2) Time is virtually irrelevant, it is seemingly infinite. 3) Some aspects of conciousness are directly connected to the human brain, mainly physical attributes such as physical desires like hunger, thirst, sex, etc. 4) You are a pure energy form thus capable of reaching traveling speeds near or at the speed of light. 5) The spirit world is like a parrell of our physical manifestation. There, energy can be used in a similar way as matter, and manipulated to create an enviroment in the vast universe. Thus, powerful beings, not gods can create a kind of heaven or hell type enviroment. Much like we can on earth. THIS IS THE ABSOLUTELY MOST CRITICAL PART, DO NOT ALLOW BEINGS TO TRICK YOU INTO THEIR ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CREATE YOUR OWN HEAVEN ENVIRONMENT, JUST LIKE HERE ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!So if you go there just expecting heaven and god, I think that you will find some demon's hell instead. Be preprared, it is just the next step in life. There is no reason to fear death except for our reasons for living in this mortal shell.
I tried going back to church off and on through out the years. I always felt like there was something missing. The last church that I attended was ridiculously horrible. I feel like they mede a BIG fool out of me and my family.(I have the story posted, I will repost below.) And since we live in a small town, we would see church members around town. They would be extremeley pushy to get us to go back to their church. One member of the congregation even called me and argued with me for about half an hour over it. Another of the church ladies works at my daughter's school. She would then put guilt trips on my daughter telling her how much they missed us and that she should have us come back. This went on for over a week or two. I finally had to go to the school and tell that lady not to bother my daughter anymore. Harassment I tell you!
2/9/2008 7:25:45 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 58
For me, my search has been to figure out myself, learn to love myself, and get rid of my hangups. What were the root causes of my fears. How could I learn to know the real me. What was my purpose, destiny to be here. In many ways, we all walk alone, wanting to know more as individuals, but we also walk side by side and learn from each other. It has been a long journey, sometimes being sidetracked, going down the wrong road, one step forwards, two steps back. Now, I can look back and see it all has made sense, but it is also a never ending story of questing, and I enjoy that very much too.
2/10/2008 5:42:51 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Pasadena, MD
age: 54
The interesting thing about my faith is that I truly found a connection with my higher power, my creator, when I became a member of Alanon. Coming to Alanon was part of my personal journey which involved the pain of loving a few alcoholics in my life, beginning in childhood.
Formal religion really never gave me the connection I now feel. I came to understand that I am not in charge and the world doesn't spin the way I want or need it to spin.
Letting go and letting God is a way of life for me most days. Quieting myself long enough to hear (and see) what He wants me to hear (and see) is my daily task. I'm not always successful - as I run from task to task, meeting to meeting through my work days. And at home, slowing down long enough to listen while I complete household chores is a challenge. But I know I need to be open to the messages the universe has for me. And I need to be available to really hear those messages.
The 12 Steps taught me this. And the relationship I now enjoy with a power greater than myself is more personal, comforting and powerful than anything ever presented to me in church.
JMO and just my personal experience.
Peace, Pam
2/11/2008 12:17:24 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I understand that difficulty to be silent enough to 'hear' the secrets of the inner whispers. There is so much in our world that is acceptable noise.
2/11/2008 5:50:18 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |
Boise, ID
age: 68
Queen, You certainly got that right. We had a guest presenter at church yesterday , a female gay state Representative she spent three years as afire look out in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. Three months of total isolation from civilization and other human contact. Just critters and wilderness. She spoke of the silence and opportunity to get in touch with self. It seems so hard to imagine.
2/11/2008 5:16:44 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

age: 63
She spoke of the silence and opportunity to get in touch with self. It seems so hard to imagine
Getting in touch with yourself, is only a matte of dropping you indoctrinations, fears and delusional restraints, which is what religion is all about no matter whether it monotheistic or deistic. Without an ideology to lean on you are free to see what you are and can be, from there it's a matter of change. Evolution of our minds bodies and souls is the only idea's worth contemplating and investigating, is what's in front of us that counts, not what has past. The past is only there to remind us of the mistakes we made, not to cling to or worship as most people tend to do.
Develop ideas which will take you forward, make your mind think ahead and not backwards, create your own door into the future by investigating what you actually are and how you operate, then find those of like mind to create the key to open that door and step into the creative future. Very simple once you can break free of your programmed ideological outlook and remove your emperors new clothes.
2/11/2008 8:51:50 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
They are saying we need to get together, guess you will have to sail on over here and pick me up Storm. Thanks for coming over here and visiting with use. Hopefully this will be a place where we can speak without having to defend all the time.
[Edited 2/11/2008 8:58:02 PM]
2/15/2008 4:06:43 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Lillington, NC
age: 52
Hello all remember me?
Not here to bash judge or throw stones.
Tat read your story man, I have to tell ya I too had the experience you described. I’m not going to get into the depth you did, but to tell ya it scared the crap out of me too. I had only been able to do it twice, and the second time I saw a different plane than you.
I have not been able to do it from that time on. That was well over 30 years ago.
Now that I had come into what I believe, it all makes sense.
Ps good luck with your new vencher.
6/17/2008 8:29:42 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Libby, MT
age: 61
There is little to discuss unless your cup is empty. In the end, you and you alone must understand yourself and all the mysteries of the universe, because you must live and die with your choices. If you follow someone else, your salvation is theirs, not yours, and has no value. As a very unhappy child, I began my study of philosophy but at first it was only western philosophy. Of some little help, but not until I found Taoism and many of its applications did I find a way to think. It has been a joyous trip and I now know how to do and be whatever I want. I am thankful for everything now, the good and the not-so-good, life and not-so-life. Nothing in the universe is ever lost, so there is no more fear. I love learning more everyday and will remain a student for all eternity. Cool huh? I have been witness to real magic and maybe a thread about those stories would be fun. What do you think?
6/18/2008 7:12:23 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Since I left christian I have not persued any other theories of religion. I have, however, come to the same place of being accepting of good and bad as necessary. Don't always know what for at the time, but usually figure it out later. I have come to see life as an adventure and that has helped me to learn to love living.
6/18/2008 11:49:32 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Brattleboro, VT
age: 58
I am a strong believer that faith, or belief is a personal choice, and one should never be forced or guilted into something they feel is against their logic. I try to respect what other people choose, and I expect the same in return. To me it is a waste of time to bicker about, whether or not there is a holy ghost, or if Jesus literally came back to life, does heaven and hell exist....etc. What really matters is how you live your life and what kind of person you are. Some believe you can't be good without being Christian, and I beg to differ. I am not into bashing Christians, but I won't let them bash me. 
6/19/2008 6:25:44 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Human nature! Takes a great effort to listen with open heart and mind! But we must try. Lead on!