1/14/2011 8:45:46 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Hemet, CA
49, joined Nov. 2010
This was on the front cover of free inquiry magazine in the mid 1990's
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1/14/2011 8:54:19 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
This was on the front cover of free inquiry magazine in the mid 1990's
no, they don't need that crap.
[Edited 1/14/2011 8:57:08 PM ]
1/14/2011 10:25:52 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
Not unless you want to teach them every religion, as well as evolution, so that they will have a chance to decide for themselves what they want to believe.
1/14/2011 10:54:25 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Not unless you want to teach them every religion, as well as evolution, so that they will have a chance to decide for themselves what they want to believe.
The historical side of religion? OK, that's all good and dandy...but only as old tales and myths.
1/15/2011 8:45:12 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2010
we've been having a debate/argument/fight in alabama chat .
i made the remark that religion was hereditary, whatever "religion" your parents
believed you're going to believe the same thing.
a "CHRISTIAN' said i was wrong and attempted to prove it by saying she was raised
a christ of christ and now shes a baptist. LMAO
so there you have it folks! baptist is a different religion from church of christ. LOL
it always amazes me how little they know about their own religion.
((( before somebody corrects me (cause i know there are some intelligent people here)
i know religion isn't actually inherited because they wasn't BORN with it
they were indoctrinated soon after birth.))))
1/15/2011 10:07:13 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
No, religion doesn't get pass to the next generation genetically...but by far worse "tools" such as manipulation / guilt / fear.... I wouldn't worry it the hand me down was genetic since science, eventually, would find the way to remove such dangerous gene from the human body.
1/15/2011 3:15:08 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Hemet, CA
49, joined Nov. 2010
I know he's controversial Duchessa, but have you heard Sam Harris's comments on the origin of religion, after twenty years of studying and critiques on all religion he pursued a PhD. in nueroscience sorry for typos! He wanted to locate the region of the brain that makes some of us religious and others not. They have done tests, MRI's on relgious and non-religious people asking them to think about god. the brains react differently. Of course more studies must be made, but this is our first inkling that we become socialized to our beliefs and that those get more hardiwred with the passage of time and experience
1/15/2011 3:24:37 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Although every Atheist has heard of Sam Harris...i can say I read his comments of how believers / non believers react to the same stimuli...god, in this case.
1/15/2011 3:27:31 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Hemet, CA
49, joined Nov. 2010
I met Harris in person in nearby palm Springs in 2006 when he had just published the End of Faith, I would even recommend the book to religious people it is well thought out and superbly argued
1/15/2011 3:35:35 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I met Harris in person in nearby palm Springs in 2006 when he had just published the End of Faith, I would even recommend the book to religious people it is well thought out and superbly argued
Are you a member of any Atheist group in your area?
My group is in White Plains, NY.
1/15/2011 3:52:54 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Hemet, CA
49, joined Nov. 2010
I did meet the head of two of them one in Irvine California, the other in Victorville California. California is a very relgious state especially in the southern portion. They have religious retreats in the mountians and several seminaries, which remind me of country clubs, very exclusive and cliquish
2/6/2011 11:42:47 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Louisville, KY
49, joined Nov. 2008
My ex-wife raised my daughter in a Baptist church. In the last few years, she noticed the inconsistencies in the bible and her church. She started doing her own research and now proclaims her atheism. She is a brilliant child, she figured it out faster than I did!
2/12/2011 6:21:03 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Hemet, CA
49, joined Nov. 2010
This really amazed me but they had some openly gay and lesbian graduates of the southern baptist seminary called Golden Gate in mill valley near San Francisco, the seminary also has an adjunct in Southern California.
The super-church pastors have a familiar pattern, they propose outlays for some grandiose building project tell the costs then intimidate thier flock for "robbing from God" see Malachi, this rubbish is from chapter 3, starting at verse 6 you can't read much of this nonsense without getting ill . . . after the parson does this he predictably passes the plate, and some other foul wind. This goes on and on until notable church members complain and withdraw their membership. Then the building project never gets started . . hmm. . . talk of tithing, offerings oblations settles some. But where did the money go? this was a true story
2/18/2011 8:31:03 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
Gay people have money to donate too.
2/19/2011 5:21:40 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2010
My ex-wife raised my daughter in a Baptist church. In the last few years, she noticed the inconsistencies in the bible and her church. She started doing her own research and now proclaims her atheism. She is a brilliant child, she figured it out faster than I did!
it sounds as if you really do have a very intelligent daughter.
you should be very proud of her.
2/20/2011 7:04:12 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Milton, FL
43, joined Feb. 2011
In my oppion, no they don't. I'm non-religious and believe darwin's theory but I would never shove my beliefs down my children's throats. Being goth doesn't help much.
2/21/2011 10:49:57 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2010
the first thing that comes to my mind is CHILD ABUSE. just sayin.
2/23/2011 12:37:24 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Robert M. Pirsig
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.
Love this one.
2/23/2011 5:04:04 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Stephens, AR
39, joined Feb. 2011
Morals is doing what is right no matter what you are told.
Religion is doing what you are told no matter what is right.
To expose children to any religion gives them a preconceived notion to judge others based on their belief structures. It creates a false sense of security and framework for negative perception.
Simply put. No matter how intelligent children (and most adults) are, they can't begin to wrap their minds around the concept of god(s). It's best left alone until they can analytically grasp exactly what it is they are being introduced to.
After all, do you think most people would believe that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh, drink his blood and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a woman made from a bone was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree if they really thought about it?
...and Christians call Scientologists and Muslims crazy because of their beliefs.
A child can be MORE efficient when raised without religion. Think of all the good that could come of a child that spent those hours in church and Sunday school actually learning or providing a helpful public service or expanding their creativity. Religion only stifles or attaches conditions to that.
2/23/2011 5:29:25 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Monsieur, your devilish looks will not scare Christians as much as your post will.
Great post.
2/23/2011 7:08:21 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Stephens, AR
39, joined Feb. 2011
Thank you. I do what I can 
2/24/2011 1:17:15 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
I second that Duchessa.
3/1/2011 3:28:09 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Tucson, AZ
26, joined Nov. 2010
I personally don't believe children should be exposed to practice religion. One reason, they might develop thanatophobie (a fear of death). It isn't one of those sudden realizations that you're eventually going to die (it is, just a lot more psycho-pathological). It is constantly in the front of your thoughts, or more subtly always in the back of your mind. My fear of death is as irrational as the belief of conscious afterlife. Meaning, I should think it no different before I was biologically conceived, or even existed, but I believe that, when I die, I will feel myself not breathing, because I won't exist anymore. I understand that I won't feel anything, nor will I suffer, but I won't know that either, and that's the ubiquitous ambiguity that makes me fear, and is what possibly started religion. If religion can be created, and believed in, then it can just as well be questioned, destroyed, and considered a delusion of hope; a primitive tool of human unity of civilizations. Children are bound to question it as I did when I was five yrs old. The danger of them questioning it, is the fact that they may develop this irrational phobia as I did. I understand that every case is not the same, but with a population of 300 million +/-in this country, there is bound to be many cases of thanatophobia. I may not understand fully why I'm afraid of death so intensely, but I do attribute it to religion; when you're so young, you want to believe in something so benevolent, so comforting, so powerful, but since it's merely a belief, it's inevitable that you question it. Once the child loses that base of comfort, and starts questioning life after death, "If there is no god, then there is no afterlife, thus there is no comfort." If a child begins to fear something inevitable at an early age, he/she will carry that fear for life until death with no comfort, because death is inevitable. I mean, religion is dangerous when people believe in it, because even in afterlife there is a hell, and if no religion is there, nobody wins, and that's a plague of mindset that dooms our mentality as a species to insanity. Religion is good for history, and morals, but not for comfort. Children are easily manipulated, and they're independent thinkers, and with the right mind, they'll be scared by the opaque ambiguity of questioning death, because they were in a delusion, and did not have the chance to develop their own non-religious rationalization of death without fear. I apologize for my redundancy, and run on sentences, but when this topic comes to mind, I loose 60 percent of organized thought. I could go on, but I think I said enough... But, I must say this, in the end people shouldn't be looked down upon, or grotesquely of. I know there is manic overzealous people out there, along with the ludicrous fanatics, but they shouldn't be deemed evil, nor unintelligent, nor unequal. The exceptions I speak about are people that don't push religion down other's throats, or kill in the name of whoever, or molest children, or naively oppose evolution, etc. As long as they don't make vital decisions for our civilization based on religion, then they're generally fine. I mean, Albert Einstein was a great physicist, and he believed in a version of god. Stephen Hawking isn't the most religious, but he appoints math to be his god. I'm not sure how relevant the last example was, or the whole tangent is, but I hope you see my point. Hostility and ignorance does not make reason with hostility and ignorance. Just ignore what you don't like (religion/religious people and "spiritual stoner types) and keep on with your reality. But, I can't blame ya if some guy actually comes up to you, and tells you to burn in hell while calling you a f*g for no reason at all.
3/14/2011 2:59:02 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Grand Junction, CO
54, joined Aug. 2010
My parents never forced religon on me. My mom is an Atheist and my dad is semi-religous. However my parents made sure that I did go to different churches and learned about the different religons and then asked me what I thought. I can't remember exactly how old I was, but it was about 3rd or 4th grade where I decided that religon was not for me. However, I made this decision after knowing most of the viewpoints. I had been attending various churches for years before I came to this decision.
Children need to learn all they can about the world, and that includes religon as it is such a big part of the world. However I don't think they need to be indoctrinated in a specific religon without alternative views provided.
What we learn when we are young sticks with us well into adulthood. For better or worse.
3/16/2011 3:51:05 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Eagle Lake, MN
38, joined Mar. 2011
scientist found the part of the brain associated with morality. interestingly enough it doesn't develop until age 5 to 7(I'm not exactly sure what age they said it develops but it was about then). so while i would never endorse superstitious nonsense to anyone something like religion may be necessary for the young ones to help them navigate through early childhood.
3/16/2011 5:41:20 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
scientist found the part of the brain associated with morality. interestingly enough it doesn't develop until age 5 to 7(I'm not exactly sure what age they said it develops but it was about then). so while i would never endorse superstitious nonsense to anyone something like religion may be necessary for the young ones to help them navigate through early childhood.
But...isn't religion superstitious nonsense?
3/17/2011 9:09:23 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Grand Junction, CO
54, joined Aug. 2010
But...isn't religion superstitious nonsense?
Religon grew out of the stories and myths told by village elders in order to teach the people about morals and how to behave. Since of course you can't explain Biology, Reproduction cycles, and physiology to illiterate ignorant people, you just have to approach this a different way. So, you say, No sex before marraige or the boogy man (god) will strike you down.
So, stories about morals, without the boogy man, could be used to convey societal norms to children otherwise unable to process all the information needed for understanding.
3/17/2011 8:20:44 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
religion is bullshit...and to expose kids...of any age...to BS is pathetic.
How can we teach morals to a kid by using lies? Ridiculous.
3/18/2011 11:53:18 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Eagle Lake, MN
38, joined Mar. 2011
Yes of course your right religion is superstitious non sense and it is bull shit. My point is only that something like religion my be necessary to help children in early childhood. Santa claws is superstitious non sense also and I have no problem letting my kids believe in that one but at some point we anticipate them realizing the truth
3/23/2011 6:17:28 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Children should be taught GOD is LOVE. That way they wont end up divorced looking for sex and relationships on DH. 
I checked your profile and it says you are an Atheist....obviously -because your post- what you are is a liar...one who wishes to perpetuate an even bigger lie; the one known as "The imaginary friend in the sky."
3/23/2011 6:19:18 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Yes of course your right religion is superstitious non sense and it is bull shit. My point is only that something like religion my be necessary to help children in early childhood. Santa claws is superstitious non sense also and I have no problem letting my kids believe in that one but at some point we anticipate them realizing the truth
But why to start with a false premise?
3/23/2011 3:53:11 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Hell NO! I want all those kids not to believe in GOD! 
Then, reword your post...and don't use the WTF sign when addressing me. Thanks.
3/23/2011 5:13:03 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I thaught the  sign stands for Why The Frown? 
Why don't you ask your mother for its meaning? I am sure she knows.
3/23/2011 6:32:08 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
You kiddn, She would wash my mouth out with soap! 
And I am sure the mouth she will wash will be her own.
3/24/2011 4:35:28 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Gainesville, FL
30, joined Jun. 2010
Not only do children not need religion, but they need to be protected against it with education. At one year old my daughter already faces a lot of pressure from family, my friends, and even my coworkers to convert! Some people have even expressed how wrong it was of me not to have her baptized, just in case. They need role models, they need opportunities to learn, religion would be a hindrance to both of those things!
3/24/2011 4:40:52 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Gainesville, FL
30, joined Jun. 2010
Santa maybe, but god? I don't know about that one. They'll figure santa out on their own, but jesus can last a life time.
[Edited 3/24/2011 4:42:17 AM ]
3/27/2011 6:14:23 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Bath, NY
40, joined Mar. 2011
No one needs religion.
3/29/2011 6:16:58 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
No one needs religion.
You are wrong...the government does...it's their best tool to manipulate people.
4/9/2011 9:23:03 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Monroe, WA
54, joined Apr. 2011
Children need to learn respect. But until they're old enough to really study something as important (or misleading and dangerous) as religion, I think it's important to sheild them from it as much as possible.
I grew up Mormon, and I'm still untangling the web of crap I was fed from the time I could listen. That's not true, I'm detangled. But I know first hand the power parents have on what their children *believe*.
I teach my kids tolerance, because we have many family members and friends who are very religious. I also have to teach my extended family what it means to be tolerant of me and my children.
4/27/2011 10:26:38 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Australian Capital
39, joined Apr. 2011
4/27/2011 1:16:29 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Saint Louis, MO
30, joined Apr. 2011
synaptic8, use paragraphs!
But you make good points. I think these discussions should have more focus, like on what affect religion has on children. If the question is whether or not they need it, then one need only show an example of a child raised without religion that isn't any more sociopathic than other members of that child's generation.
Synaptic8 highlights children's needs that are neglected on behalf of religion, like being taught a healthy perspective on the afterlife (a return to stardust). A desire of self-preservation is healthy, and a desire to prolong and enrich the lives of one's friends and family's should be taught to all children, and this is something children need, these ideas.
The most deleterious effect of religion is that it removes a large amount of motive for elongating one's life and bettering one's peers and replaces it with a motive to live a religious life, often forgoing medical treatment and making silly risks because of one's God(s) having one's back, and look forward to the death of one's peers and self.

Why would this be encouraged? I don't think there exists a benefit great enough to be worth that drawback and encourage anyone to believe in any of the major religions that preach this nonsense.
But what do children need to foster a human identity and bind them to their societies and discourage them from sociopathic behaviors? I think this is where most people would say religion because they know of no alternative, and if we honestly desire to remove the harmful effects of religion from our children, then we need to support and popularize a viable method of child rearing and give it a name.
Authoritative parenting with the golden rule would suffice. Or just raising children as secular humanists. Modernarteest is entirely correct in saying that getting an adult's mind wrapped around all of the contradictions and demands offered in most religions is difficult enough. And I don't really want to attack religion itself despite how terrible I feel it is for us. So instead we should easily illustrate this simple point to the religious, and tell them that they should reserve their recruiting efforts for adults who can understand their nonsense.
Though this would destroy almost all religions because how the public feels about Westboro Baptists and Scientologists would extend to all the crazies, as well it should. 
4/27/2011 9:28:27 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
I think the most damaging thing about religion is teaching a child that they are BAD automatically even before they know what bad means. 
5/5/2011 1:58:35 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Big Beaver, SK
56, joined Apr. 2011
No they do not and should avoid it.
Religion is such bullshit, kids don't need to be brainwashed by parents and the ones that do are pathetic, let a child make his own decisions when he is a young teen without outside pressure.
5/9/2011 12:08:20 AM |
Do children need religion? |
Owings Mills, MD
36, joined Sep. 2009
No. Kids have imagination enough to spare, no need to explain the world with myth. Instead show them how amazing the world and universe really is. When my son was seven, he asked me were rain came from. So I broke the rain cycle down to him. He asks me what a new moon was, I broke that down to him too. Children are sponges for knowledge and want to know how everything works.
5/9/2011 8:07:07 PM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
No. Kids have imagination enough to spare, no need to explain the world with myth. Instead show them how amazing the world and universe really is. When my son was seven, he asked me were rain came from. So I broke the rain cycle down to him. He asks me what a new moon was, I broke that down to him too. Children are sponges for knowledge and want to know how everything works.
I tip my chapeau to you and to the way you protect your child from the BS
5/10/2011 1:03:27 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Aliso Viejo, CA
43, joined Apr. 2010
I was on a date once and the woman asked me what religion I was "raised with."
When I replied "none," she asked "what was it like growing up with no morals?"
Yes, organized religion has the exclusive on morality 
Gee, my parents never taught me that it wasn't okay to kill people.
Date: over.
5/10/2011 6:35:12 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I was on a date once and the woman asked me what religion I was "raised with."
When I replied "none," she asked "what was it like growing up with no morals?"
Yes, organized religion has the exclusive on morality 
Gee, my parents never taught me that it wasn't okay to kill people.
Date: over.
I would have asked her "What was it like to grow up stupid and ignorant?"
5/15/2011 11:35:55 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Coalinga, CA
28, joined Mar. 2011
Morals, values, teaching right vs. wrong, compassion and respect for others, ect... those are what are needed.
5/20/2011 6:06:43 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Morals, values, teaching right vs. wrong, compassion and respect for others, ect... those are what are needed.
But in the mind of some idiots the above ONLY can be taught by religion.
5/20/2011 8:57:00 AM |
Do children need religion? |

Cincinnati, OH
39, joined Jan. 2010
Religion is a scare tactic. "You're gonna burn in Hell if you.." type of bullshit. My kids are always complimented for being smart, respectful, and caring... and I've never had to threaten them with falsehoods to get results. I lead by example... and with an iron fist. Do what's right, or answer to me! That's how ya make shit happen. 
5/23/2011 1:13:47 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Coalinga, CA
28, joined Mar. 2011
But in the mind of some idiots the above ONLY can be taught by religion.
Those are the mindless followers who will do anything they are told... I'm glad they have their religion; instead of being a follower of far worse possible paths.
5/23/2011 1:15:19 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Coalinga, CA
28, joined Mar. 2011
Religion is a scare tactic. "You're gonna burn in Hell if you.." type of bullshit. My kids are always complimented for being smart, respectful, and caring... and I've never had to threaten them with falsehoods to get results. I lead by example... and with an iron fist. Do what's right, or answer to me! That's how ya make shit happen. 
Just the other day I was told (by my dad) that I am going to hell for not believing Jesus. 
Maybe he thought he could scare me "straight"? 
5/23/2011 1:34:40 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Cincinnati, OH
39, joined Jan. 2010
Sounds like it. Why the hell would we believe in a dude who has been dead for 2000 years anyway? What did he have that we don't other than corny sandals and a huge following (more commonly known as a cult)? 
5/23/2011 3:17:23 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Coalinga, CA
28, joined Mar. 2011
I find religion, and Jesus most of all, quite laughable. 
5/23/2011 4:32:10 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Arlington, TX
78, joined May. 2011
No, we don't need religion.
To me, religion and the belief in a supernatural, omipotent being, is just the unthinking, mindless perpetuation of tradition. Pretty much that simple. I don't understand why people have no trouble, once their children get to be 4, 5, or whatever, copping out that Santa is really just pretend, but, when it comes to God and religion, not budging in the face of what we've learned about the universe in the past 2000 years.
5/25/2011 2:54:34 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Canton, NY
33, joined Apr. 2011
I was 6 years old when I realized I don't believe in god. I was forced to go to catholic school until I was 11. I would never force religion on a child. If my kids are ever curious I'm not opposed to them learning about religion but they are their own person and that is their choice.
I gave my son a briefing on a few of the major religions when he got curious and his favorite was Buddhism, he liked the idea of reincarnation. ") But he was only 6 at the time and hasn't mentioned it again since.
7/19/2011 4:16:13 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
my children were taught morals without any help from church and they are less hipocritical than most churchies
morality is not tied to gawd its social
gawd don't have the pattent on correct social behavoure
7/19/2011 9:06:54 PM |
Do children need religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
well,,,i don't see anything wrong with teaching them religion if you teach them
atheism too. and let them make their own decision.
7/20/2011 9:51:08 AM |
Do children need religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
well,,,i don't see anything wrong with teaching them religion if you teach them
atheism too. and let them make their own decision.
You surprise me. Why to waste time teaching a lie to the kids...? Of course....it could be done as a tool to recognize hypocrisy in a blink of an eye.
7/20/2011 12:03:49 PM |
Do children need religion? |

Grand Junction, CO
54, joined Aug. 2010
I was on a date once and the woman asked me what religion I was "raised with."
When I replied "none," she asked "what was it like growing up with no morals?"
Yes, organized religion has the exclusive on morality 
Gee, my parents never taught me that it wasn't okay to kill people.
Date: over.
My response to those types of people is something along the lines of "I don't need the fear of a supernatural boogieman to be a good person"