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Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined
1/17/2011 9:11:19 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
Several weeks ago, someone in "Man Land" asked for the definitions for several abbreviations and terms he saw in the forums.
I felt it would be easier to find if it were reposted here in the "Help" forum, where confused readers of both sexes might easily find it.
These are presented in no particular order.
My tone is tongue-in-cheek, but I hope that it gets the point across in a spirit of fun.
Feel free to make your own additions, or to request explanations for new terms 
[Edited 1/17/2011 9:11:40 PM ]
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/17/2011 9:15:04 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO: Rolling On Floor Laughing My Arse Off
OP: Original Poster
OT: On-Topic or Original Topic (used to note that the following part of the reply is returning to the original subject after a thread has been high-jacked)
High-Jacked: Like a flight originally bound for Greece which has been diverted at gunpoint to Syria, a high-jacked thread is going in a new, unexpected, and probably unpleasant direction, thanks to the concerted efforts of a group of passengers with much different ideas about where the discussion should go than the original poster intended....
Forum: An area on a discussion board representing a general category of threads intended to be related by a specific theme or topic (for example, "religion", "introductions", "music", "Martian History")
Thread: A new post and all attached replies
Reply: a response in a Thread
Post: any single message in a forum, usually a reply
FWB: Friends With Benefits (a sexual relationship with no commitment)
NSA: No Strings Attached (euphemism for "one-night stand"
Nice Guy: Usually not a very nice guy, the Nice Guy is known to combine some of the more unsavory characteristics of a misogynist and a stalker into a socially-awkward candy-coated package; catchphrase: "I'm a nice guy, why do all the women I stalk prefer jerks?"
GC: Great Catch
Troll: an internet troublemaker who posts messages intended to provoke violent reactions and sow discord; in spite of the troublemaker's almost certain physical and social resemblance to an ugly, anti-social monster from European folklore, the word "troll" actually refers to trolling, a style of fishing that involves dragging a baited hook through water hoping for a fish to bite
Flame: an insult; Flame War: an exchange of Flames, often escalating in intensity and vulgarity; any Flame War, if allowed to go on long enough, will eventually result in an invocation of Godwin's Law (q.v.)
Godwin's Law: also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies, this is the sarcastic observation that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1" (theoretically, all discussions are about Nazis and Hitler)
PoF: "that other free dating site"
TTYL: Talk To You Later
BBL: Be Back Later
AFK: Away From Keyboard (the user is logged in, but not available to participate in conversations)
AFAIK: As Far As I Know...
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (you may get different results)
SHTF: Sh*t Hits The Fan (an apocalyptic event marked by lawlessness, disorder, martial law, chaos, panic, riots, and Nice Guys getting dates
Dustin: the DH site owner
Wiener Pic: a photograph of a man's genitalia, usually unsolicited and sent in an introduction e-mail, perhaps with a ruler included in the photograph for size comparison; it is uncertain whether the sender expects to get a positive response from the picture, or if this is the internet equivalent of a flasher who ever expects to see or hear from his victims again
Scammer: a confidence artist operating a Scam, a scheme intended to separate a victim from something valuable, usually (but not necessarily) money or property
Phishing Scam: a scam (q.v.) intended to trick a victim into providing login information, private identification information, credit card or bank account numbers, or other information, by impersonating a trusted institution or authority (often through a fake web page designed to look like an official login page or other form used by a real institution, such as a bank)
1/17/2011 10:30:36 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

New South Wales
97, joined Jan. 2010
Thanks chris cause I never knew what bloody OT was all about till now 
I would think of the animal called an Otter 
I can remember when all these LOL,& LMAO ect I seen for the very first time 
For ages I side stepped them cause I just didn't have a clue 
1/18/2011 12:25:58 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |
Detroit, MI
27, joined Jan. 2011
thank you i just asked a question about one too
1/18/2011 1:38:45 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
(Awesome, glad they are helpful I've got a couple more pages of them, but I can't add them all at once because the site thinks I'm "bumping" my thread. Feel free to ask about any you wonder about but do not see, or any you noticed I don't have and which you have a definition for, or any corrections.)
PAY: Person Above You, usually invoked as part of a game which grows like kudzu in forums; the PAY is the previous writer in the thread; (examples: "would you kiss the PAY?" "would u lick the feet of the PAY?" "would you stand on one foot and burp the national anthem while hopping up and down as the PAY eats raw chicken?")
AW: Attention Wh*re; someone whose many forum posts (frequently in the form of thread high-jacks (q.v.)) are calculated to generate as much praise or sympathy as possible, often through exaggerated or completely false stories; similar to a Troll (q.v.), except the Attention Wh*re aims for a sympathetic reaction, while the Troll tends to aim for a hostile reaction; (examples: Poster1: "I slipped on a banana peel on the way to my mailbox this morning, and got a black eye!" AW: "Me, too, only I slipped on three banana peels, blacked both eyes, lost my nose in a gruesome abrasion, and cut off both my hands so I can't type; the nation's top surgeons say I might not survive, and at least six of those top surgeons are in the forums stalking me!" Everyone else: "AW!")
MILF: Mother I would Like to F*ck: an attractive woman with children; generally considered an impolite term; GMILF is similar but has grandchildren
Cougar: a lady who actively pursues much younger, inexperienced men ("cubs"), perhaps in an almost predatory fashion; similar to a "Dirty Old Man", but often without the negative connotations
To Perv (v): to stare at a profile like a creepy pervert (the term is usually used in a playful manner: "hello, cutie. I caught you perving my profile - why don't you say 'hi'?")
Text Jive: a derogatory term for a combination of hip-hop slang and abbreviated text commonly found in cell-phone text-messages; (example: playa69: "yo i wnt 2 cu n my profl i fkn gogo n Maury ima gumma babydaddy ringy 4 ho u" elmerfudd42: "Say what? I don't speak text-jive, turkey!")
pwn (v): "You got thoroughly defeated and humiliated!" (It rhymes with "owned": "p'owned".) Supposedly from an internet in-joke that seems to have started when some random internet guy got beaten in an argument pretty badly by another internet guy with really bad typing skills, who decided that defeating his opponent wasn't enough, so he rubbed it in by trying to say "you got owned!" It came out as "you got pwned!" Somehow, it caught on as internet and gamer slang.
HWP: Height/Weight Proportional; theoretically, it means "I weigh more than an under-fed waif bikini model, but I'm certainly not overweight: my weight is normal and healthy for my height." HWP Curves seems like a way of saying "I'm a bit bigger than a slender or athletic woman my height, but that's because I've got curves in all the right places." For many guys, this should sound good on paper, but the reality of that may or may not fit the general use of the term "a few extra pounds (q.v.)": if a woman's weight is a deal-breaker for a guy, he might want to check out a full-body photograph before reaching any decisions.
A Few Extra Pounds: Theoretically, just slightly overweight but not obese. An online dating cliche that is so over-used and abused by both men and women that it's almost meaningless: in practice, "a few extra pounds" can be a weight ranging anywhere from "dangerously anorexic and losing more weight soon" to "well, maybe one or two hundred extra pounds...."; fairly or not, the term is generally understood as a euphemism for "grossly obese"
JK or J/K: Just Kidding; generally appears to point out a joke that might not translate over the internet too easily, but often is also used as the battle-cry of bullies everywhere who have been called on their aggressive behavior; (examples: "hi and welcome, newbie! your profile is HOT - expect me to show up at your house nude tonight! (j/k about showing up at your house)"; indignantdad_86: "troll_42, two of my kids are challenged and very special, so I take offense to you calling everyone you disagree with 'retarded monkeys' - I demand an apology!" troll_42: "j/k - can't you take a joke? ETA: sorry your kids are retarded monkeys.")
JS or J/S: Just Saying; "it was important enough for me to say, but not important enough for anyone effected by my words to complain about"; usually appears when someone says something offensive and wants to get away without the victim trying to "shoot the messenger"; (example: "Hi, britneee69! Your profile picture makes you look like a pissed-off Michael Jackson in drag. J/S.")
HHOK: Ha-Ha, Only Kidding
HHOS: Ha-Ha, Only Serious
Internet Bully: any internet user who says something you disagree with or dislike, especially if it was said without "candy coating"; occasionally used to refer to a troll (q.v.)
Busted: "You have been caught", like a "drug bust" (equivalent to "you've been nicked"); may appear after someone has been proven to have been lying or breaking the rules; (example: internet_detective_99: "hey, when I block this troll, chris_90352 is blocked automatically added to my block list, and the troll looks, acts, and sounds just like chris!" everyone else: "BUSTED!")
ETA: Edited To Add (typically followed by a correction, and an automatically-generated time stamp for when the edited text was submitted)
[Edited 1/18/2011 1:42:13 AM ]
1/18/2011 1:48:48 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
LTR: Long-Term Relationship; theoretically, a serious, stable, lasting relationship, possibly marriage
BBW: Big Beautiful Woman; a term generally used by women who are trying to take some pride in their traditionally unpopularly large weight, and by men who find them attractive; some BBW's can be considered to be beautiful, but, as in anything as subjective as beauty, your mileage may vary (term suggested by mudd_76)
DH: Date Hookup - this website
FoC: Friends-Only Chat, a private forum where only friends can see each others' threads
BDSM: Bondage Domination Submission Masochism (or other variations on a similar theme); might also appear as S&M (Sadism & Masochism); in either case, the terms refer to a relationship based on popular fetishes involving an exchange of power and/or discomfort and pain
GBLT: Gay Bisexual Lesbian Trans-gender; refers to relationships with alternative gender relationships and roles
SWF, SBM, etc.: Single White Female, Single Black Male, and so on; indicates the writer's relationship status, race, and gender, or those preferences in a partner; (example: "SWF seeking SWM for LTR")
LDR: Long-Distance Relationship; can be thought of as "pen-pals with benefits"; participants in the romantic relationship are a great distance apart from each other, possibly in different countries, and may never actually see each other in person
NSW: Not Safe for Work; used to indicate that content online contains nudity, adult themes, and other content that will probably leave you with a lot of explaining to do if your boss catches you looking at it on the computers at work
FNG: F*cking New Guy; in the military, the FNG is the new kid on the battlefield who a couple months ago was probably home comfortably dating your wife while you were at war, and is now standing on the battlefield next to you like a sore thumb, drawing enemy fire while telling you how to do your job, and requiring a good, hard, fast dose of cold reality or a hand-grenade in his sleeping bag to sort him out; the FNG performs a similar role in online dating forums
newbie: a new, inexperienced user; newbies are unfamiliar with the jargon, the rules, the interface, the answers to frequently asked questions, and so on; we all spend a good deal of our lives as newbies at something
FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions; a list of frequently asked questions and their answers posted in a convenient place to (hopefully) keep newbies from slowing things down by asking questions that have been answered "a thousand" times; where is the DateHookup FAQ, anyway?
RTFM: Read The F*ckin' Manual; a common response to a question with an answer that would seem obvious to anyone who actually read the documentation, owner's manual, or frequently asked questions
player or playa: a guy who says or does whatever it takes to get the desired response from a woman, expertly "playing" her like a finely-tuned musical instrument; for most players, love is a means to the end of sex, and sex is a game that is won by being the first player to reach the finish line or by racking up as many points as possible
hookup: a very short-term relationship, perhaps lasting less than an hour, for the purpose of having no-strings-attached sex
booty call: similar to a hookup (q.v.), a booty call is a quick hookup for casual sex, perhaps with a regular partner, answered almost entirely at the demand and convenience of the partner making the call
Captain Save-A-Hoe: a "superhero" who swoops in to rescue the irresponsible and amoral from herself (or himself); from a rap song by E-40 about a guy who drops into the ghettos to give away money to help disadvantaged "hoes", who use it to get their nails done and support other men's children; see rescuer (q.v.)
rescuer: a man or woman who takes in and supports "strays" and "fixer-uppers" in the futile hope of turning them into fine, upstanding, hard-working, constructive, respectable members of society; a significant number of "Nice Guys/Girls" (q.v.) are made up of disillusioned rescuers unconsciously looking for the next project
misogynist: Greek for "he who hates women"; a misogynist is a man (or, more rarely, a woman) with an extreme dislike, discomfort, or disgust for women in their natural state, and can be loosely divided into two camps: those who wish to purify women of all their "sloppy imperfections" and transform them into a perfected human statue on a pedestal, and those who who have concluded that women are beyond any hope of being anything other than "man-hating, gold-digging, illogical, filthy, stinking b*tches looking for an excuse to let themselves go and enslave me by having a kid and claiming it's mine"; misogynists tend to be slightly more vocal and elaborate in their opinions than their female counterparts, misandronists ("those who hate men"); "Nice Guys" (q.v.) secretly fill much of the ranks of the Misogynist Army in the war against women
gold-digger: a woman (usually) whose interest in a relationship is supposedly driven entirely by a desire for getting money and property from her partner by deception and manipulation
1/18/2011 1:49:50 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

New South Wales
97, joined Jan. 2010
Hey Chris Ive had that just sayin as they spell it said to me 
I would scratch my head and say to myself well you just posted that so I know your saying it 
You've added heaps more that I never knew what they stood for 
Chris when I edit something I never do the eta thing cause why should I have to explain why I bloody edited something? 
You have NSW I live in NSW 
How do you know all this stuff? 
[Edited 1/18/2011 1:53:43 AM ]
1/18/2011 1:53:25 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

Greensburg, IN
44, joined Dec. 2010
Was 'SMU' or 'HMU' covered?
I think I saw those somewhere.
1/18/2011 2:28:42 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
(I'm not familiar with SMU, dancing, I'll have to learn more! HMU I do know, and I've meant to add that to my glossary several times but keep forgetting to; it will be the first one I add on this page. mercedes, I'm a nerd for definitions - if I see something I don't know, I can't just let it go, I worry about it until I know the answers. It's one of my most annoying qualities I can usually find the answer by trying to figure out how it's used, if that doesn't work, I run a web search for a definition, and if that doesn't work, I sometimes break down and ask. Some obscure ones were defined in a very early thread.)
HMU: Hit Me Up; "contact me"
WTF: "What The F*ck?": an exclamation of surprise and disbelief
BTW: By The Way
ATM: At The Moment
BOB: Battery-Operated Boyfriend; a vibrator
LHM: Lord Help Me
LHU: Lord Help Us
PITA: Pain in the Arse
PM: Private Message; called "Email" on this site
BFF: Best Friend Forever
BF: Boyfriend
GF: Girlfriend
IRL: In Real Life; offline, away from the Internet
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
Shadow: a profile with no photograph or, more rarely, a profile with a very dark, featureless photograph in silhouette; shadows often do not include any useful details in the profile and frequently send strange, disgusting, or threatening messages, leaving the impression of a cloaked, faceless, ominous being whispering sinister things from the darkness
QFT: Quoted For Truth; used while quoting something the writer feels is especially true
bumping: some people 'bump' their own threads to the coveted easy-to-see position of the top of the page by constantly posting in them; a tactic popular with Attention Wh*res (q.v.)
etc.: Latin et cetera "and the rest"; used to indicate there are more examples that have not been listed
i.e.: Latin Id Est "that is"; used before rephrasing something that might not be clear
e.g.: Latin Exempli Gratia "for an example"; used before providing an illustrative example
q.v.: Latin Quod Vide "which you can see [elsewhere]"; used to indicate that the term or phrase is explained elsewhere in a document
p.s.: Latin Post Scriptum, "after the writing", formerly used to refer to some additional writing added to the end of a formal pen-and-ink letter after the closing and signature, but now generally refers to any additional, often unrelated comment or thought included at the end of a message; (Example: "p.s.: I can't think of many more of these definitions, but you can feel free to add your own or request a definition in a reply to this message!")
TY: Thank You
1/18/2011 2:40:55 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010


Wiener Pic
1/18/2011 2:45:00 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

Tacoma, WA
47, joined Nov. 2010
Nice Chris lol! 
SMU must mean "Sex Me Up". I'll have to remember this one, you never know.
1/18/2011 3:04:33 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

Greensburg, IN
44, joined Dec. 2010
That might be it, Oscar.
I saw it in Introductions as the OP's introduction.
1/18/2011 7:39:49 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

Atlanta, GA
47, joined Mar. 2010
Never knew the definition for pwned, that's interesting that a typo caught on...
Great idea, Chris! I'm sure everyone could benefit from reading this. 
1/18/2011 11:00:47 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
Never knew the definition for pwned, that's interesting that a typo caught on...
Great idea, Chris! I'm sure everyone could benefit from reading this. 
Thank you 
I take it "pwned" caught on in the general spirit of "all your base are belong to us" (a line from a badly-translated Japanese video game.)
Nice Chris lol!
SMU must mean "Sex Me Up". I'll have to remember this one, you never know.
Thank you, Oscar! I wouldn't have figured that one out on my own, and I couldn't find it in anyone's message last night for some reason.
I kept thinking "HMU is 'hit me up', maybe SMU is 'slap me up'? I wonder if it's OK to want to KHU or PHU ('kick him up' and 'punch him up')?"

HMU - 'Hit Me Up': probably not this sort of hitting
[Edited 1/18/2011 11:05:57 AM ]
1/18/2011 11:17:48 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

New Orleans, LA
54, joined Sep. 2008
I think you missed...
STFU = Shut The F**k Up
One of my fav's 
1/18/2011 4:53:39 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
I think you missed...
STFU = Shut The F**k Up
One of my fav's 
I think someone's trying to tell me something 
(I can't believe I forgot that one!)
1/18/2011 5:05:49 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

New South Wales
97, joined Jan. 2010
I thought that STFU mean't stuff you 
1/18/2011 7:51:25 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
Actually, I guess it would work equally well either way, mercedes 

[Edited 1/18/2011 7:51:50 PM ]
1/18/2011 10:04:52 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

New Orleans, LA
54, joined Sep. 2008
I think someone's trying to tell me something
(I can't believe I forgot that one!)
Noooooooooo!!!!! Not at all!!! But it was glaringly obvious that you missed it!! 
1/18/2011 10:13:50 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
I figured so, binderdundat, I was just teasing; I definitely missed it 
1/19/2011 11:07:18 AM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |

Stone Harbor, NJ
58, joined Jan. 2008
Great job Chris - thanks for taking the time to post these!
1/21/2011 6:50:09 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
Thank you, beachin 
SMH - Shaking My Head
[Edited 1/21/2011 6:50:46 PM ]
1/29/2011 12:45:51 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Lexington, KY
28, joined Dec. 2010
Some people say HMU when meaning they want you to call or text them if you want something. I see this often via facebook status updates.
1/29/2011 12:47:45 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Lexington, KY
28, joined Dec. 2010
I think you missed...
STFU = Shut The F**k Up
One of my fav's 
And to go with that one we have:
GTFO = Get The F**k Out
2/7/2011 12:42:45 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010
Awesome, crimson 
TL: DR: Too Long, Didn't Read; you've just written something that was too long to be read, because of your epic wordiness, a reader's short attention span, and/or the limitations of reading anything long over a palm-top device
420 Friendly: pot head
Smokes Occasionally: could smoke tobacco occasionally, but probably a pot head
Open-Minded: probably either a pot-head or a pervert; open-minded rarely means "tolerant"
Baggage: often refers to children, other family members, and/or responsibility
Drama: from a form of fiction involving conflict or contrast of character, any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional and conflicting, or striking interest or results; the phrase "no drama" is the battle-cry of every dramatic star of his/her own drama when threatened with competition
History or Past: generally a euphemism for well-known prison records, legal trouble, bad reputations, treatment for mental problems, treatment for venereal diseases, and/or bad habits and addictions
Bi-Curious: a female bisexual; a form of Attention Wh*re (q.v.) that wishes to attract attention from heterosexuals by pretending to be bisexual; a heterosexual participating in a dramatic emo fad; a lesbian in denial; a heterosexual woman who is being pressured into group sex with another woman by a boyfriend
Tranny: a transvestite or transsexual; the Bogey Man of sexually insecure men, who believe that the population of dating sites consists almost entirely of straight men, a handful of "toothless old crazy fat women", and a vast army of sexually aggressive homosexual transvestites who conspire to trick straight men into turning into instant homosexuals by having sex with them
Chris Hansen: a television personality best known for his work on To Catch a Predator, a show which centers around sting operations to catch internet pedophiles; the name is usually invoked as a bogeyman when an internet sex predator is suspected ("oh, you're one of them: Chris Hansen is gonna get you!")
[Edited 2/7/2011 12:43:03 PM ]
7/2/2011 9:55:13 PM |
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined |


Sykesville, MD
43, joined Sep. 2010

(Illustration: Chris Hansen is watching you.)
FTW - "For The Win" - used to emphasize the opinion that the subject is the best (for example, "who is the most annoying forum poster? chris_90352 FTW!")
Forums: Help:
Abbreviations and Terminology - Defined