2/22/2008 2:40:47 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Chapter by chapter, and in some cases verse by verse.
I think this is an excellent arena to have an Open Discussion of the Thelemic text.
For those of you who have not read The Book of the Law, I will be posting the complete text over the course of the discussion.
This is an Interfaith Discussion. Under no circumstances will any negative or flaming posts be allowed. I will not hesitate to ban you from this discussion. Be warned.
I had an intense few days. In many ways I live by this book and was struggling with one of its basic teachings:
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. There is no law beyond DO what thou wilt."
When Love destroys will then love has become a weapon and should be, itself, destroyed.
The Book of the Law contains some controversial viewpoints. If you can look past what you think you know and understand what is truly being said, then you will see it is one of the most beautiful spiritual texts of our time.
I will be posting some of the book later.
My third eye is exhausted. My body is exhausted. Sekhmet (and I am not talking about me, I am talking about The One Before Whom Evil Trembles - She of the Desert Sun) is taking care of me right now. I couldn't be more proud to be her votaress than I am now.
Liber Al Vel Legis : Love is the Law, Love Under Will
2/22/2008 3:15:33 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

age: 62
Hello Sekh I read all Crowleys books many years ago and will be very interested to read what you have learnt from the “Book of law” and still have most, including the “book of law”. I only recently re-read parts of “Magick”. Have you studied Crowley, how he approached his life, it's extremely interesting as is his underlying philosophy and lifestyle, which very few people are aware of as he only talks about it a couple of times to give clues to those whose eyes are open. A good theme for a thread.
2/22/2008 4:44:30 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Awesome as always!!! 
2/22/2008 6:20:38 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
I will start posting from the book tomorrow, most likely. I had a wicked week and I am still recovering. Honestly, it is all good. I feel alive.
2/23/2008 4:25:31 AM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
This sounds like it will be very interesting.
2/23/2008 5:08:07 AM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 58
Sek, I look forward to your writing more from Crowley's book too. I have not completely read any of his books, but have always thought he had jewels of wisdom to share for those who could see. Thank you for taking on the task of writing this for us. I hope you get the rest you need after your hectic week. I believe the way of Love is the only true path to clear wisdom. And one cannot pollute or use it for selfish purposes, love, or it will backfire big time to the sender, law of the universe. How wonderful that you have Sekhmet to take care of you too.
2/23/2008 3:30:21 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Boise, ID
age: 68
A very worthy dison. If I am not wron Crowley was in some way connected with Gerald Gardener who started the Wicca movement. I blive that Crowley was also connected with he Order of The Golden Dawn. I will b vry intrested in this discussion
2/23/2008 5:52:42 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
The Book
1. This book was dictated in Cairo between noon and 1 p.m. on three successive days, April 8th, 9th and 10th in the year 1904.
The author called himself Aiwass, and claimed to be the "minister of Hoor-paar-kraat"; that is, a messenger from the forces ruling this earth at present, as will be explained later on.
How could he prove that he was in fact a being of a kind superior to any of the human race, an so entitled to speak with authority? Evidently he must show KNOWLEDGE and POWER such as no man has ever been known to possess.
2. He showed his KNOWLEDGE chiefly by the use of cipher or cryptogram in certain passages to set forth recondite facts, including some events which had yet to take place, such that no human could possibly be aware of them; thus, the proof of his claim exists in the manuscript itself. It is independent of any human witness.
The study of the these passages necessarily demands supreme human scholarship to interpret - it needs years of intense application. A great deal has still to be worked out. But enough has been discovered to justify his claim; the most sceptical (sic) intelligence is compelled to admit its truth.
This matter is best studied under the Master Therion, whose years of arduous research have led him to enlightenment.
On the other hand, the language of most of the Book is admirably simple, clear and vigorous. No one can read it without being stricken in the very core of his being.
3. The more than human POWER of Aiwass is shewn by the influence of his Master, and of the Book, upon actual events: and history fully supports the claim made by him. These facts are appreciable by every one; but are better understood with the help of the Master Therion.
4. The full detailed account of the events leading up to the dictation of this Book, with facsimile reproduction of the Manuscript and an essay by the Master Therion, is published in The Equinox of the Gods.
Liber Al Vel Legis: Love is the Law, Love Under Will.
2/23/2008 5:54:58 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
"A very worthy dison. If I am not wron Crowley was in some way connected with Gerald Gardener who started the Wicca movement. I blive that Crowley was also connected with he Order of The Golden Dawn. I will b vry intrested in this discussion"
Yes...it is said that Crowley is an influence in the Gardenerian movement of Wicca. Crowley was also involved with the OTO.
The Wiccan Rede comes from the Book of the Law, however it was corrupted.
2/23/2008 6:17:55 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
This Book explains the Universe.
The elements are Nuit-Space-that is, the total possibilities of every kind-and Hadit, any point which has experience of these possibilities. (This idea is for literary convenience symbolized by the Egyptian Goddess Nuit, a woman bending over like the Arch of the Night Sky. Hadit is symbolized as a Winged Globe at the heart of Nuit.)
Every event is a uniting of some one monad with one of the experiences possible to it.
"Ever man and every woman is a star," that is, an aggregate of such experiences, constantly changing with each fresh even, which affects him or her either consciously or subconsciously.
Each one of us has thus an universe of his own, but it is the same universe for each one as soon as it includes all possible experiences. This implies the extension of consciousness to include all other consciousness.
In our present stage, the object that you see is never the same as the one I see; we infer that is the same because your experience tallies with mine on so many points that the actual differences in our observation are negligible. For instance, if a friend is walking between us, you see only his left side, I his right; but we agree that it is the same man, although we may differ not only as to what we may see of his body but as to what we know of his qualities. This conviction of identity grows stronger as we see him more often and get to know him better. Yet all the time neither of us can know anything of him at all beyond the total impression made on our respective minds.
The above is an extremely crude attempt to explain a system which reconciles all existing schools of philosophy.
Liber Al Vel Legis: Love is the Law, Love Under Will.
2/23/2008 6:21:33 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Now as far as the passage about the Universe is concerned, I would like to say a few things:
"Every man and every woman is a star." I think this is a good meditative tool to focus on here. Every one of us is a star. A unique being in the Universe.
"...the extension of consciousness to include all other consciousness." This idea may seem foreign to many of you - but it is a profound way to live life. I picture it as being connected to everyone else by the finest of silver strings. Whether I know you or not - we are connected. This is the essence behind psychic links, too. This is also the essence behind the theory of the Akashic Library.
If any of you do not know the parable (non-canonical) of the Blind Men and the Elephant, I will post it here, because I think it would aid in the understanding of the Universe.
I will give everyone time to digest the previous two passages before I jump headlong into the next parts of the book, specifically the next section which is the Law of Thelema. Thelema is the Greek word for Will.
[Edited 2/23/2008 6:23:07 PM]
2/23/2008 9:40:43 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I was aware of the all conscious things being connected. In my vision we and all living things were spiritually "God's" body. I say god for lack of a better word. Sort of like IT threw itself up against a wall, like dice, and It's body breaking up to form the universe. I am not saying this is right, but it is the way the spirit showed it to me, while explaining what it meant. I just figured IT was putting it in terms I could understand. Does this sound real to anyone else?
I don't know what kind of conscious plants have, but I do know that they respond to touch, sound of music and talking to them, and I can feel that when I touch them.
2/23/2008 10:46:35 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
That is a way of looking at it that I can deal with very easily. I have always felt that the Universe is a physical manifestation of the Divine. And because we are part of the Universe - we are also a physical manifestation of the Divine.
But, of course, that is just my opinion. 
2/23/2008 10:54:14 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
This was an idea that had never been in any of my thinking before the vision. You say it so casual Sek and for me it is amazing every time I find someone else has been shown this too. Maybe I was not crazy after all.
2/23/2008 10:59:27 PM |
The Book of the Law - an open discussion. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
But it is casual.
No fear. Never be afraid of speaking what you feel. That is the essence of Will.