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3/6/2008 6:52:39 AM |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
“Belief systems”, prejudice, hatred and War…..
NOTE: I welcome all viewpoints, ideas, criticism and comments on the following thoughts.
If you were born:
1. In Palestine to a Palestinian family, you would have been “raised” a Muslim. Your religion would be Islam, you would speak Arabic and you would be taught to hate the Jews.
2. In Israel, to a Jewish family, you would have been “raised” in the faith of Judaism, you would be “raised” to speak Yiddish, and you would be taught to distrust or hate the Palestinians.
3. In Tibet to a Buddhist family, you would have been “raised” a Buddhist, you would be “raised” to speak Pali or Sanskrit and not “believe” in any deity.
4. In Italy to an Italian family, you most likely would have been “raised” Catholic and you would speak Italian.
5. In Spain to a Spaniard family, you most likely would have been “raised” Catholic and you would most probably speak Portuguese.
6. In France to a French family, you would be “raised” to speak French, but could be “raised” Protestant of Catholic, most likely.
7. In Poland to a Polish Family, you would “raised” to speak Polish and most likely be “raised” to be Catholic.
8. In Russia to a Russian family, you would be “raised” to speak Russian and most likely be “raised” Orthodox.
9. In Brazil to a native Brazilian family, you would be “raised” to speak Portuguese and most likely be “raised” Catholic.
10. In China to a Chinese family, you would be “raised” to speak on or any number of multiple Chinese dialects, and most likely be raised in one of a multitude of “belief systems”: Daoism, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Xiantianism, Dongbaism, Confucianism, and so forth.
11. In Iraq to a Sunni family, you would “raised” to speak Arabic, be “raised” in the Sunni sect faith of Islam, and be “raised” to hate the Shiites.
12. To a Shiite family in Iraq, you would be “raised” to speak Arabic, be “raised” in the Shiite sect faith of Islam, and be “raised” to hate or mistrust the Sunni’s.
13. In America to a Southern Baptist family, you would be “raised” to speak English, and be “raised” in the Baptists sect of the Christian belief system.
14. In America to a family who has been for generations, “raised” in the traditions and culture of the KKK, you would most likely be “raised” to hate the Negro human being, and “raised” to “believe” that whites are superior to blacks.
15. In Germany in 1920 to a non-Jewish German family, you could be “raised” Catholic, Lutheran or Protestant, be “raised” to speak German or French, and be “raised” to hate the Jews and even help the Nazis to exterminate them.
To get the flavor of the idea I am expressing here, replace the word “raised” above, with the word “indoctrinated”.
From Webster’s Online Dictionary
1 : to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments : teach 2 : to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle.
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Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology. It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned.
Noam Chomsky remarks, "For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there can be no more urgent task than to come to understand the mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of 'brainwashing under freedom' to which we are subjected and which all too often we serve as willing or unwitting instruments."[2]
Regardless of its genetic or geographic heritage, one phenomenal wonder of Life is the fact that the Human Spirit is born INNOCENT and FREE of prejudice, free of the ideas of any belief system.
BUT…… each most precious, unique human Spirit is not born FREE to choose.
99.999% of all Human Spirits become the particular “Believers” they are by virtue of the facts of where they were born, and the parents and culture they were born into.
A human being does not become a “believer” by way of the exercise of Free Will.
If left alone and completely free to explore and comprehend the world it is born into, the Human Spirit would use it’s mind and senses to discover the true nature of the Universe.
These facts offer true insight into how the world has become and continues to be a place of war, hatred, prejudice and alienation of human Spirits.
In my own personal life, I eventually broke free of such indoctrinations. Thus, my mind and Spirit are truly free of prejudice and all “belief systems.” In so doing, I am open to all ideas and possibilities, free to embrace every human Spirit, and can never become an unwitting victim of “belief system” deceivers like:
Benny Hinn,
Jimmy Swaggart,
Jim Jones,
Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye
Marshall Applewhite’s HEAVEN GATE,'s_Gate_(cult)
etc., etc., etc.
[Edited 3/6/2008 6:53:05 AM]
3/6/2008 7:14:40 AM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
That is an extremely good point, I am so glad that you brought it up. I agree with you whole heartedly. I have told those close to me for quite a while that I do not 'believe' anything. As a matter of fact, here lately I have been watching my vocabulary very closely to ensure that the word is eradicated from my speech. I choose instead to use the word feel. I was 'raised' to be Catholic, but I am fortunately one of the .001% who was born questioning everything that was told to me. Some of my first sentences were along the lines of 'why is buddha different than god', etc. Ironically enough I have wondered for years why people did not want to know more truths instead of just one definitive Truth (of course there is no such thing). It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized that people were truly that brainwashed. That they truly 'believed' the things that were repeated time and time again in their young lives. I had never created an ultimate Judge in my own life, so I was not constantly questioning myself. Nor comparing myself in terms of standards to those around me.
I personally do not care what a person 'believes', the only thing I am concerned with is whether or not those 'beliefs' brings happiness or heartache into their lives. As well as into the lives of those around them.
Thank you for bringing up such a valid and important point. I am grateful to you for saying what you said, sincerely, it was well thought out and presented. All to often people tend to forget (if they have ever considered) the point of view discussed here.
3/6/2008 9:58:55 PM |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Shaman that is the exact point I am at that I do not believe anything. I do not want to even read any of these books anymore by these people that think they know something and their job to teach the rest of us.
I have decided that for the rest of my life I am gonna live unafraid of anything, even a hateful, hypocritical god. I have been shown that all I have to accomplish in my life, is to live it. I am at peace.
3/7/2008 3:19:36 AM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
I wont stay in here long, it sounds lonely and desperate in here. I am not being religious either, nor do I listen to tv preachers, this is what i believe religion is; it is man tryng to achieve grace by works or trying to reach God on his own.. The bible says it was God did it all on a cross 2000 years ago a spotless lamb to take away the sins of the world, that is the gospel, not send me your money and you will be blessed,God will judge them not me, nor you, and that is no reason to reject Gods offer.. you have but this one life , so you better be sure what you believe.. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins as well as yours, and that my friend ,is what i will build upon, my for 99.9999% or what ever you said, why would any one throw numbers out like that? As for indoctrination, well let me just say this; for the last 50 years or so schools in America have been teaching evalution, that God and the bible are just ferry tales, yet for all there efforts God and churches are still around and believers in the gospel of christ are still spreading the if you believe in evelution by your own stanards you where indoctrinated.. as for what religion we where brought up in, I guess i broke that mold, because I was brought up in a none believing house..there is lots of religions, but only one says that God became a man and laid down his life for YOU! he did it all! saved by grace, that no man shall bost.. Good luck to you all for whatever you are hoping to find.. I have chois whom I will believe, and i thank God P.s. the bible says that we are all born sinners and in need of a savior, all i have to do is look back at my own children, they were rebelious from birth and so was every child born, they were all born with the sin nature, through one man sin interd (Adam) and through one man sin was forgiven inherited sin just like you would inherit trates from your mother or father..And yes every spirit is free to choose!
3/7/2008 6:11:39 PM |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
You are in the wrong forums. The bible thumpers have their own forums. Please have the same respect of us that have of you and keep your word and stay out. Thank you.
3/8/2008 12:35:11 PM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Humans are the only species that pay for their mistakes more than once. My parents and their parents have paid for theirs for long enough. I will not be held accountable for them. I think that this is the most ridiculus aspect that a major religion has come up with yet. If Jesus truly did die for our sins than it is no longer my responsibility.
If we are going to go by the indoctrination that the Christians lay in front of us, then why do they forget so readily that Jesus said 'You are capable of what I do...and more'
if you believe in god
and that god is everywhere
why do you not greet
everything you meet
with admiration
and love
for is it not
god's own reflection
that you are seeing
3/8/2008 12:36:55 PM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
if the soul is what allows us life
why bury it deep within
the recesses of your being
while you frantically search
for the answer to life
through a series of judgments
regarding the rest of existence
3/8/2008 9:57:15 PM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
I would reply but it sounds like I am not welcome here by some of you, and I would be the last one to enter, where I am not welcome..
3/9/2008 9:27:36 AM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Fisher, as far as I am concerned you are definitely welcome, but enter at your own risk. If you are going to come into this forum then you need to be prepared to have the entire foundation of your belief system called into question. If there was anything I said that made you feel unwelcome, I am sorry that you feel that way. All I did was present simple points to rebuff the comments that you made to us. As well as present some points to back up the fact that we question what we do. Of course I cannot speak for everyone that posts on these threads, but do not say you are obviously not welcome by a few people in here when there is only one I know of that has stated that. This is the 'other religions' section so don't expect to come in here presenting your beleifs and not have people comment on what you said from their own point of view. If you get offended by it, I dislike putting it so bluntly, but that is your own problem.
[Edited 3/9/2008 9:28:36 AM]
3/9/2008 2:04:16 PM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
was not offended at all.. so let me ask you something, what is that yot believe? you know whom I believe, the bible and Gods word, what is it that you have set your trust and eternity on?
3/9/2008 3:24:41 PM |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
Did you once "believe":
1. in the Tooth Fairy?
2. an Easter Bunny, who laid eggs?
3. Santa Clause?
If so, why?
Do you still "believe" in any one or all of the above?
If so, which ones and why?
If not, which ones and why not?
[Edited 3/9/2008 3:31:41 PM]
3/10/2008 4:42:52 AM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
I suppose I believed in all of them at one time, when I was a child.. but when I was a child I thought like a child and know that I am a man I think like a man.. none of the above had a historicle text written about them, nor did they claim to be God..
3/10/2008 5:36:09 AM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
1, 2, and 3- Yes I once believed in these things. The reason I did is because I was decieved into doing so by my parents.
1, 2-No, I learned that they did not really exist
3- No, I came to find out that Santa Clause as well as Christmas were actually a Coca-Cola advertisement
3/10/2008 5:47:09 AM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Fisher you asked me what I believe in as well as 'what is it that you have set your trust and eternity on'
I believe in life and doing everything I do to the best of my ability.
As for eternity, I know that it has no beginning and no end, so it has already begun, not after death. As a result I have set my trust in myself, and my ability to do things well and with kindness.
3/10/2008 7:27:15 AM |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 58
The older I get, the more I realize the less I truly do not know much at all. I don't always do the best that I am capable of doing. Sometimes I do get angry at others and I act with prejudice towards others, judge them. I have always been a pacifist, against war, for only the victor is the so called hero, seen by his own standards, often warped vision. War only hurts everyone and I wish we could settle our conflictions peacefully. I wish we could practice passive resistance as Ghandi taught, instead. Alas, I think we have a long ways still to go and until we can even treat all life, such as the animals, with respect and honor, we shall continue in our confusion and primitive solutions. Sometimes, I just cry for us all.