Carrizozo, NM
32, joined Jan. 2011
holidays really make u sad when single and have no one to be happy with 
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Las Cruces, NM
38, joined Apr. 2011
dude, I'm really sorry, do you have any friends houses you can go hang at? I have found that the peeps who who have no family for the holidays have there own get together. If not, next year you can plan your own get together with, those in your area with knowhere to go.
[Edited 4/24/2011 1:31:02 PM ]
Truth or Consequences, NM
52, joined May. 2011
Sucks if you spend them being lonely. Spent Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with friends. Got to eat great food and take home lots of leftovers and they wouldn't let me help clean up. If I would of spent them with family I would of been the one cooking and cleaning for days and not got a chance to sit down and enjoy myself at all. Alone is better than family and friends are better than alone.