Rockland, ME
36, joined Jun. 2011
me and my ex were together for 5 years. well in the last year and half one of my friends had puppies and she talked me into getting it. she made a promise to pay half the vet bills since she never paid for anything and i really couldnt afford to pay the vet bills. but i gave in a got him. well i work 50 hours a week and she had him most of the time since i worked. but she never kept her promise and when it came time to go to the vets she said she didnt have the money so i ended up paying 100% of everything. In the end i found out she was cheating and lying. So i broke up with her and 2 weeks after we broke up she got engaged to her new boyfriend. At the same time she thinks she owns 50% of my dog and keeps texting me and calling me saying i need to give her my dog so she can take him camping with her and her new boyfriend. i pretty much said no way. well now shes telling everyone im an a**hole and i stole her dog. she says im the crazy one and im f*cked in the head because i wont let her have him. am i wrong?
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Southwest Harbor, ME
36, joined Mar. 2011
WOw, first off I would like to say I'm sorry you had to undergo such a shitty situation. I unerstand how you feel about the dog being under your ownership if you were one that finicially took care of him. On the other hand though, It brings me to an interesting shaded area, which one you had the better relationship with the dog? I mean if you set aside the fact that you put forth the money, if you are working 50 plus hours a week, what sort of life is your dog getting. I say this with only compassion for the animal invovled. I can understand how you feel bitter, especially if she has already entered into a serious relationship. I guess my concern is, do you want the dog becuase you love the dog and have a relationship with this dog or is it more of the idea that it's a possesion that she wants and you cleary have ownership of. As far as you being an a**hole or stealing her dog, that is all just a way of making herself the victim in the situation and disguise the fact that she was the one who did wrong to begin with. Good luck to you.

Rockland, ME
36, joined Jun. 2011
oh hes defiantly mine he always runs to me when he is scared and all she ever did was bxtch about him. i think she wants him because i love him and she loves to see me suffer.
Southwest Harbor, ME
36, joined Mar. 2011
I read your profile after I replied, but anyways, you have the dog physically, and you have afforded him financially so I would tell her to get bent and maybe her new fiance will get her a new dog that she won't have the responsibillity of taking care of it.

Rockland, ME
36, joined Jun. 2011
hahaha yea i said that to her. she said she dont want a new dog she wants my dog lol. Fxck her i'll never let her see my dog again
Southwest Harbor, ME
36, joined Mar. 2011
haha....pretty much....she sounds like a piece of work anyways. Give your dog and extra squeeze for me, and keep your chin up, not everyone is a cheater or a crazy dog stealer.......lol....