7/24/2011 7:09:50 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
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7/24/2011 7:29:46 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
exelent points being made here. reminds me of debating with my sister-in-law(extreme catholic)
7/24/2011 7:37:39 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
exelent points being made here. reminds me of debating with my sister-in-law(extreme catholic)
Did you notice "His Grace" sarcastic look? Pajero.
7/24/2011 8:58:02 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
Did you notice "His Grace" sarcastic look? Pajero.
yes and the "what can I say to get out" look also
7/24/2011 9:02:46 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
yes and the "what can I say to get out" look also 
I loved the part about AIDS in Rwanda and the use of condoms being worst than the disease.
7/24/2011 9:07:41 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
I wish I could have seen the whole thing I do love a debate
7/24/2011 9:21:45 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
 I wish I could have seen the whole thing I do love a debate
That was the whole thing for that day.
7/24/2011 9:28:45 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
I meant I would like to see the entire debate.Was this televised? Streamed? where can I find more?
7/24/2011 9:37:32 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I meant I would like to see the entire debate.Was this televised? Streamed? where can I find more?
Google his name...that's how I do it.
7/24/2011 9:39:50 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
makes sense thank you
7/25/2011 4:55:44 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
You will love his rant against the idiotic Mother Theresa.
7/26/2011 8:39:22 AM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
You will love his rant against the idiotic Mother Theresa.
quite right . loved it
7/26/2011 10:21:46 AM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
quite right . loved it
as soon as i get the video I will post it here.
7/28/2011 1:51:06 PM |
Cristopher Hichens best rant ever on the Catholic Church - |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Atanu Dey on India’s Development
Hell’s Angel
My distaste for poverty is only exceeded by my utter contempt for those who nurture that awful monster of poverty that chews up living human beings and spits them out like so much garbage. True evil to me is that impulse that disregards human suffering, and more often than not, that evil force emanates from ideology and dogma. Communism is one such evil; the other horror is organized religious dogma mostly represented by the monotheistic religions. The richer the organized religion, the more powerful it is, and has the will and the means to wreak havoc and cause misery. The Catholic Church is exhibit A. It has a shining history of centuries of wholesale murder and it has not deviated one bit from that unholy crusade to this day. Its most celebrated foot-soldier — nay, general — in its war against decency and humanity was Mother Teresa. Christopher Hitchens called her (among other things) the Ghoul of Calcutta. I call her Teresa, the Merciless.
Here’s Hitchens (from one of his live debates):
What’s motherly about her? Hideous virgin and fraud, and fanatic and fundamentalist, shriveled old bat. [She was] as far from the nature of motherhood as a woman could decently get. . . We have to have the fortitude to say… to those who are afflicted, to those who are poor, to those who really are suffering, we should say honestly that those who offer them false consolation are not there friends. Who doesn’t know by now that the cure for poverty is not charity in Calcutta. Who doesn’t know that? Why did we decide to forget what we learnt over the generations that charity is an insult to the poor and a way of prolonging poverty; that Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor, she was a friend of poverty. That there is only one cure for poverty, and that is, by the way, the liberation of women. And which works every time and against which all religions have set its face every time. And against which Mother Teresa has spent a lifetime campaigning, to ensure that misery and poverty and dirt and disease and ignorance would be continued so that there would be ever more people to testify to the Catholic faith.
Hitchens is accurate in his description of Teresa being a fraud. It has recently been revealed that she did not believe in the tripe she was peddling pretty much all her life. She did not have faith in her god. This did not come as a surprise to me because I had concluded that she was a supremely shrewed, cunning, and intelligent person. The way she manipulated the press, the way she used the high-ranking politicians (and the way she allowed herself to be used by them in turn), the way she rubbed shoulders with convicted frauds as long as they enriched her order, the way she handed out indulgences to mass murderers — it all indicated that she was nobody’s fool and she could not have possibly believed in the simple-minded nonsense that the Catholic church expects its flock to believe.
But apparently she wanted to believe in that vile nonsense. And being unable to believe, she was a tortured soul. Perhaps there is some justice in the world after all: at least she suffered a bit. Not a whole lot compared to the suffering that she inflicted by her evil machinations but still suffered. There is no hell but perhaps she did inhabit a bit of hell on earth. Unfortunately though, it is possible that if she had not been so tortured by her lack of faith, perhaps she would have been a little less merciless in her actions. A good person does not even unintentionally harm innocent humans. The evil she represents is absolute because she knowingly increased suffering and pain.
If she had toiled in obscurity whatever her motivation, if she was just another misguided monkey trying to save fish, if she had been just one more missionary hell-bent on converting the heathens — I would not waste my breath on her. But she was celebrated by the powers of the Western world, and celebrated by the morons in the Indian press, awarded all kinds of honors by the stupid Indian government, and finally given a state funeral. The louder these powers speak about her holiness, the more the general population gets brainwashed into believing a falsehood. So I consider it my duty to expose the evil she embodied. I am laying out the evidence and voicing my opinion. To this end, the best spokesman I have found is Christopher Hitchens. May his tribe increase.