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8/14/2011 1:34:45 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Indianapolis, IN
35, joined May. 2011
1. yes |
2. no |
3. maybe |
4. I don't know what to believe anymore |
If you are open-minded... read down below, this "article" is quite interesting and it is how I always been feeling about the subject plus is how I really think about it... not to mention I just never found a "right" way to talk about it without making me look like a fool...
I divided this on two posts cause is a long post...
“Chariots of the Gods”, Erich Von Daniken couldn’t have said it more clearly. I have always been a hard core realist: if there is no proof, if you can’t measure it or there is no mathematical formula; it just doesn’t exist. That has always been my opinion about FLYING SAUCERS and GOD.
Then, Erich Von Daniken opened A WHOLE NEW REALITY, something I could accept, that made sense, and the proof was in the scriptures. The strange thing about it was that as I studied flying saucers, I realized that I had already had three sightings as a child, but did not know what I was looking at then. If God is driving a flying saucer, there has to be a reason why they gave us religion.
I have studied all religions for the past 30 years, and it has led me to more than one enormous conclusion. Man was not smart enough to write any of the religions, and I mean the Eastern Spiritualism (the-self), Western Religions (God, -which I always have referred to as the “Extraterrestrial”) or American Creationism (Nature itself, including man). One of the oldest religious text “The Egyptian Book of the Dead” (1*) dates back more than 3000 BC. When writing was invented and the scribes and artists first wrote down what the priests had used in their prayers and litanies, they were very perplexed and hardly understood the text. What I am getting at is that all religions were not composed by humans at the time they were created. And even the Bible is very specific in that: 2 Tim. 3:16 “ALL scripture is inspired by God…,” the key word here is ’inspired’, irrespective of who wrote it down. SO WHO INSPIRED THE PROPHETS?
That brings me to the next question. If there is a God, why would there not be just ONE book, ONE religion, and ONE clear answer to all human questions? Just look at the Bible; it is written in such a way that it can be interpreted a dozen different ways, and if you do not know how to THINK, you read the Bible literally: Mt 13:13-15 “This is why I speak to them in parables, because - - -”. I have the impression that it was purposely written in this manner to create as much division as possible among humans. And with great success; how many wars has the world seen, how many people have died?; all in the name of God or religion.
So with all the different religions and every religion with hidden meanings and parables to confuse anybody, I asked myself, “is it all hocus-pocus; -what if there is no God; - then, who would be the God that inspired the scriptures? How would Aliens fit into the picture, and why? After all, there is vivid description of flying spaceships in the Bible; just read the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament (See accompanying excerpt). YES, spaceships have been around for thousands of years.
I have a few mottoes to go by: ’There is a reason for everything in this world”, -“How I phrase the question is very important”, - and, “Don’t ever lie to yourself’. Before I tell you some of my ideas about Aliens, you better understand my concept about them (the Aliens) and remember, I have no proof that my ideas are right. These are not facts, it is not fiction either, it is an OPINION based on all the UFO reports and MY interpretation of all the religions.
Civilizations from other worlds have visited our world for thousand of years. They are mentioned in mythology and scriptures from EVERY Continent.
They are all friendly Aliens; if they wanted to take over this world, they would have done so before humans invented weapons.
I suspect there are a multitude of Alien civilizations visiting this Earth based on the variety of space vehicles being reported.
The Aliens could have experimented with apes and changed their genes some million years back and produced the Human Race. Take heed you creationist and evolutionist, there is a third possibility, you could both be right. And it is quite obvious that the Aliens are still experimenting with the human race because of all the abduction reports.
The Aliens transverse the heavens in huge, self-contained mother ships, ships big enough to recycle liquid, gas (air), food, and enough power to run for centuries, or at least be able to mine the fuel from asteroids or other worlds. The mother ship is so huge that they are unable to park it on a planet and shut-down the antigravity; it will collapse under its own weight. For them to shut down the power they have to park the ship in an orbit to keep it weightless. Of course, with the mother ship come all sort of scout, work- and exploratory vehicles, which are the ones we usually see flying around our landscape. The crew of the mother ship has to be fairly large and I can imagine them to sign on for most of their life. Even traveling at the speed of light, to explore space within 25 light-years of your own world will take a long time.
These Aliens would truly be God’s to us humans. Their civilizations could be millions of years old, they know exactly how this macrocosm works. They might have seen other worlds come and go, (destroy themselves). They know the evolutionary steps cognition has to go through, and that is the crucial point for the Aliens, they want to protect our beautiful Universe from harm. After all, when you have become God, you don’t want to see your world being destroyed. And that brings us to the crux of religion.
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8/14/2011 1:36:10 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Indianapolis, IN
35, joined May. 2011
As an Alien, you don’t come to Earth very often but you like to keep track of the evolution on the planet when you fly by. That is especially true when you have a race (humanity) that show form of intelligence and have developed speech. And any evolving cognizance go through certain steps in their evolution, and at what point in their development is the human race. Is there some kind of barometer that will measure cognition? YES, what better way than to give them religion, and the more the better. With religion, you have intellectual concepts, abstract ideas which is totally emotional. And as long as we humans can’t see beyond our own nose, we will be in a perpetual battle on whose religion is the right one, or the best. “I worship the only true God”, - “my religion is better than yours”, -“I worship Creation itself”, -“the Self is the Way”. You fly by our Earth once; seeing all the different temples and all the killing and wars going on, any Alien realizes very fast how primitive humanity is. We (us humans) have no respect for life, ideas, other races and cultures, we are not masters of our emotions. Unable to govern ourselves, the Aliens have absolutely no wish to show themselves openly, we could emotionally not acknowledge another species.
And that brings me to my final point; with us humans pointing a cannon at anything different from ourselves, the Aliens will not allow us to transverse the Universe. We have an idea of how the atom works, and if we ever develop spaceships using antigravity, they do not want us to explore space pointing a cannon at everything alien to us, especially if we don’t master our emotions.
This article came about because of a story I read in UFO*BC (2*) in which three people were abducted. Tom, one of the humans abducted, asked the Aliens “ What is the true religion on earth?” to which the Alien answered, “There is no correct religion on earth”. So after all is said, what is the purpose of religions? As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, we have four major religions. One about God, another about Creation itself, one about Self, and one about the afterlife, covering more or less all aspects of the universe. If you want to be spiritual, why limit yourself to only a small part of religion. In order to become God, (in a spiritual term) you have to understand all the religions, no one is the correct one, you have to take them all on an equal term. Then, when you understand, when you become master of your self and your emotions, then you are at our next step in human evolution: Peace and Creativity, you become God, the Bible even says so.
Only then will the (God’s) - Aliens reveal themselves.
Footnote: Crop Formations; is that the Aliens newest form of barometer? It used to be plain Crop Circle, but the official scientific explanation was so fictional that it sometimes bordered on stupidity, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The Aliens were probably wondering how primitive the humans were, so they improved their design and gave us Alien Graffiti, crop formations that could not possibly be made in any natural way. Now the official voices have become quiet and at the same time try to tell us they are man made. The Aliens are trying to tell us they are here, but nobody has the guts to come out and say “Yes, we know you are here, talk to us”.
Since the Aliens are so well informed about our reaction to their sightings, I don’t think they are just flying by any more, they are probably here permanently.
Why look for intelligence in outer space, try to find it here on Earth.
1. THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD. 1967 E.A.Wallis Budge ISBN 0-486-21866-X. Dover Publication, Inc. 2. UFO*BC QUARTERLY. Volume 7, No 4. Fall 2002. Page 7, The Band Wagon Encounter.
8/14/2011 6:26:23 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
I think its more likely man invented it him self to control other tribesmen .
so they wouldn't steal his fresh caught meat & wife and kill him in his sleep.
but I can't count it out completly.
there are trillions of planets life is very possible somewhere besides earth.
we could just be living in a cosmic petri dish for all I know.
[Edited 8/14/2011 6:28:37 PM ]
8/14/2011 7:34:09 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
wouldn't it be weird if our universe is actually the inside of someone's clock..
it would explain our way of keeping time.LOL
of all the possible ways to explain how the universe got started, a god seems the least likely.imo
8/15/2011 10:11:38 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
haha late for work again
8/15/2011 12:24:06 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Grand Junction, CO
54, joined Aug. 2010
After reading Chariots and some other books, I think there were some vistors back then that might have interacted with us. It would explain a number of things.
Now, did ancient man take these teachings, if this happened, and corrupt it into a religon? Probably, but they would have done that anyway. Some people have a compulsion to tell others how to live and think.
8/15/2011 4:19:57 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Some people have a compulsion to tell others how to live and think.
Sure...and my ex MIL was one of them.
Seriously now...Those with a compulsion to tell others what to do are the ones we ignore. The difference here is that the ones who created all this bullshit about religion is the fact they were able to brainwash a large number of idiots and to keep it going for centuries.
8/15/2011 9:27:15 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Waxahachie, TX
34, joined Jul. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/1/2011 8:53:51 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Fredericktown, MO
30, joined Aug. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/2/2011 12:46:03 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/2/2011 5:45:31 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Fredericktown, MO
30, joined Aug. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/2/2011 10:28:57 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
JOE. i agree with ye 100%. but what pisses me off is when they act like i am the dumbass and they are sooo smart because they believe a virgin can have a baby,snakes can talk,zombies and all the other stuff in the bible. i'm sure not very smart but i got more sense than to believe in myths and magic.
Nothing more arrogant than ignorance.
9/3/2011 11:26:51 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
Nothing more arrogant than ignorance.
true! were us atheist don't "BELIEVE" a god exist, religion claims to know for a FACT that he does. you can't any more ignorant then claming something as FACT without evidence.
9/4/2011 7:04:54 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
true! were us atheist don't "BELIEVE" a god exist, religion claims to know for a FACT that he does. you can't any more ignorant then claming something as FACT without evidence.
The condescending way thwy look at us is hilarious.
9/26/2011 5:51:29 PM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Fairfield, CA
43, joined Jun. 2010
"Aliens did it" without physical evidence is just as absurd as "God did it" without physical evidence.
OP, you said "...Just look at the Bible; it is written in such a way that it can be interpreted a dozen different ways, and if you do not know how to THINK, you read the Bible literally...."
In reality, if the bible were consistent with observed facts, it WOULD be interpreted in only one way. The simple fact that it doesn't has FORCED interpretations and symbolism in order to rationalize away the inconsistencies. For example, genesis has light being created on the first day and god naming it "day" and "night," yet on the forth day he created the sun and the moon. Here, symbolism is forced. In order to accept the bible as inerrant, the church is forced to invent an explanation, i.e. that the light on the first day was good and evil, or clarity and confusion, etc..
You also use the bible as a validation of UFOs and aliens, yet in doing so, you invalidate the bibles accuracy and more importantly, it's usefulness as a reliable source of information. It is far more plausible to simply view the bible as fiction. There are plenty of reasons why stories of flying men and craft could have existed in ancient folklore...The mystery of bird flight, meteorites burning up in the atmosphere, comets, and more. When stories are passed down by word of mouth, they tend to change and become more fanciful throughout time. Normal migration of humans would have insured that many of these stories would ultimately have a world audience, subject to continued change and adaptation to the local culture and beliefs.
9/27/2011 6:18:10 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |
Elkhart, IN
36, joined Aug. 2011
Nothing more arrogant than ignorance.
of that type...
Generally speaking there is nothing arrogant about ignorance.
I like you Duchessa, but you've had twice as long as me to learn. I so wish upon a midsummer nights dream we could hang out and I could teach you things, and you could teach me things like how not to go f**king insane when I see certain things.
Or something like that which will never happen. 
9/27/2011 6:22:52 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |
Elkhart, IN
36, joined Aug. 2011
Sure...and my ex MIL was one of them.
Seriously now...Those with a compulsion to tell others what to do are the ones we ignore. The difference here is that the ones who created all this bullshit about religion is the fact they were able to brainwash a large number of idiots and to keep it going for centuries.
You're so lost in your ways.
The problem isn't people telling other people how to live. The problem is people telling people how to live, the wrong way.
The problem you're having as opposed to someone like me is lack of vision. I do what I do and pressure some theists for the future of humanity. Because religion is the biggest threat to scientific advancements, and I'm not sure if you realise this, but they are very much active in that endevor.
Also what you're saying is hypocritical almost, you shun those who shun people to prove that shunning people is wrong. It's the capital punishment argument reincarnate.
9/27/2011 9:21:03 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
of that type...
Generally speaking there is nothing arrogant about ignorance.
Experience tells me different.
9/27/2011 9:26:50 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
You're so lost in your ways.
The problem isn't people telling other people how to live. The problem is people telling people how to live, the wrong way.
Nope, right or wrong a person has the right to his/her decision; what's wrong for you may be right for somebody else. Circumstances, experiences, ideals, needs vs. wants, upbringing, traditions, feelings, likes and dislikes... impact people ways of doing things.
9/27/2011 9:32:19 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
The problem you're having as opposed to someone like me is lack of vision. I do what I do and pressure some theists for the future of humanity. Because religion is the biggest threat to scientific advancements, and I'm not sure if you realise this, but they are very much active in that endevor.
See, as a person quite interested in the benefits stem cells treatments could bring to mankind, I knew way before you were born about the negative impact of religion...not only on sciences but in all aspects of life as well.
One thing I can tell you: forced actions result in faster failures....and I learned it also before you were born.
9/27/2011 10:27:03 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
As far as stem cell research goes, there's no doubt in my mind
that as soon as the benefits come to fruition, religion will swoop
in and try to pretend that it was their idea all along.
History has already shown that one to be true.
All you have to do is look at the way they persicuted certain
disciplines of modern medicine in the past.
Sergeons were once hunted down and killed for being an
evil grave robbing cult that performed unspeakable horrors
on "our deceased loved ones".
Pharmacologists were burned at the stake for witchcraft.
Duchesssa, you were looking for ideas.
Maybe doing a video history of how yesterday's
"Agents of Evil" are now considered today's "Angels of Mercey"
by the same people who called them both.
9/27/2011 10:45:42 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Duchesssa, you were looking for ideas.
Maybe doing a video history of how yesterday's
"Agents of Evil" are now considered today's "Angels of Mercey"
by the same people who called them both.
muldoon...if I only knew how to make a vid...!!!!
9/27/2011 10:47:57 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
As far as stem cell research goes, there's no doubt in my mind
that as soon as the benefits come to fruition, religion will swoop
in and try to pretend that it was their idea all along.
I am sure they will try...but people now are not the ignorant of the Dark Age.
11/3/2011 11:39:48 AM |
Did "them" bring us religion? |

Modesto, CA
64, joined Sep. 2011
Maybe "they" could use stem cells to grow me a new religious lobe of my brain, since mine seems to be missing. 