10/6/2011 1:02:20 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
What's most important to you in looking for a future relationship? Looks, Personality, or Character? Please explain (to the best of your ability).
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10/6/2011 1:32:17 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Erie, PA
45, joined Dec. 2010
It all starts with looks..if it doesn't please the eye what's the point...then I think personality and character add the cement to the physical attraction.
10/6/2011 4:46:30 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Fayetteville, NC
35, joined Jul. 2011
To me what's important first is character. A lot of people (females and males both) go straight on by looks first thinking this person's hot looking so they must be fun or stuck up or whatever have you. They look on the outside and not the inside. You can tell what kind of person you have by the way they talk and actions. I mean you can have a hot gf/bf but a chitty/shady character or crappy personality. And besides, if you were to go on looks what one person thinks is beautiful the next may think they may need glasses. So...did that answer the question?
10/6/2011 6:57:36 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Brook Park, MN
55, joined Sep. 2011
lupin13, great answer, the only thing being we are not fortunate enough to be able to see their inside before their outside...I would love to be able to walk up to a woman and see her entire inside beauty first, but it just is not that way only if you have the opportunity to have spent time with this person before you consider dating him/her, this would be the only way you could go for personality, behavior, conversation, etc., before looks...We as humans tend to be very visual in general, just like buying a car, most go for the right color and style before we consider the what the interior looks like, just like picking out (so to speak) a partner...So to answer the question, I have always had to have a visual attraction first, and now I have all the best in this very amazing beautiful girl I found on this site...OH! Just think about looking through his/her profiles, what is the first thing you see...Their picture and if it does not attract you, you move on to the next one, and don't say you don't people, we all do...But my attraction may not be the same as the next persons its an individual choice...Get It???
10/6/2011 11:23:25 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
Interesting answers, thanks.
Removing the time factor, however, which one is more important to a lasting relationship? After all, looks fade with all of us in time and then all we have left is personality and character. So which is REALLY most important to a long term relationship.
10/7/2011 12:23:41 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Greeley, CO
53, joined Aug. 2011
It all starts with looks..if it doesn't please the eye what's the point...then I think personality and character add the cement to the physical attraction.
10/9/2011 9:45:54 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Washington Court House, OH
50, joined Sep. 2011
What is most important to me is Personality and Character. I am not one who judges a book by it's cover. I like the inner beauty of people. And if they have inner beauty then it shines through. And if people go by looks let's face reality people we all change in looks as we get older. (sorry not trying to offend anyone). And that is what I look at in a person. 
10/9/2011 9:53:09 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
I would rather be with an ok looking good hearted caring woman, than a knock out drop dead gorgious Lieing cheating cold hearted b*tchy one.
10/9/2011 10:39:15 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Perry, NY
30, joined Jul. 2011
Personality and character are the biggest things for me, I like to know I can get along with a person for many years to come. Looks are not that important, because as the old saying goes you can't judge a book by it's cover. The most compatible person for you may not always be the best looking one. However the opposite can be true as well. No person is perfect and not everyone is going to have everything that you desire, so some sacrifices need to be made in the name of love.
10/10/2011 9:34:35 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Savannah, GA
30, joined May. 2010
All of the above.
10/10/2011 2:28:17 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Albuquerque, NM
55, joined Mar. 2009
Looks will initially grab my attention. Personality will entice me to learn more about them. Character will keep me coming back to be a part of their life.
10/10/2011 8:42:14 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Wetumpka, AL
71, joined May. 2011
Looks will initially grab my attention. Personality will entice me to learn more about them. Character will keep me coming back to be a part of their life.
I like the above answer for myself also. The only thing we see on here are pictures. You have to really get to know a person by being with them.
[Edited 10/10/2011 8:43:48 PM ]
10/11/2011 8:44:02 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Richmond, VA
74, joined Jul. 2008
Personality is the first thing that catches my attention; I love a man with an intelligent wit who can make me laugh. After that I'm watching for signs of character.. if that meets my criteria then the physicality is a factor. For me that's more about health, hygine and body language (like the way he presents himself) than his specific looks. Get it?  
10/11/2011 8:56:40 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Fort Thomas, KY
44, joined Sep. 2011
I believe the importance is in the opposte of what attracts us to people: looks, personality, then character. The most important is character, which creates their personality, and if you are lucky, they look good! But seriously, people are attracted to attractive people, then they get to know each other. I hope that makes sense.
BTW anyone else confused about dating after 17 years of not dating? 
10/11/2011 10:01:06 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Richmond, VA
74, joined Jul. 2008
Part of my post was left off. I said; "It's synergistic, the whole being bigger than the sum of the parts, that equals CHEMISTRY!!
10/11/2011 11:24:28 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
I think character is the most important, at least for me.
For 30 years I lived with a man whom I thought was one type of man but he ended up being another type of man altogether: untrustworthy, liar, thief, belligerant, verbally abusive, greedy, etc etc etc. I am not sure even now when he started to descend into that pit or if he was always there but just hid it well.
In any case I can't love a man I do not respect. Period.
If you doubt that character is the most important of all then read through threads on here like "what was the last straw with your ex". Probably every single soured relationship people describe on that thread started off as a relationship built on their interest in the other person for the first two items I've mentioned in this thread: looks and personality. At the beginning of these relationships they probably didn't once think about the character of the person they were dating. YET IT ENDED UP BEING THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR AS TO WHY THEIR RELATIONSHIPS BROKE UP: lack of character that shone through once the more superficial qualities like looks and personality no longer could hold the relationship together.
10/12/2011 4:36:17 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Enid, OK
58, joined Feb. 2010
Most will say that personality is the most important, however in reality looks are what attract first. You can deny it all you want, but if they do not meet your idea of pleasant looking, they do not stand a chance.
So therefore the old saying stands " Look get you in the door, personality keeps you there."
10/12/2011 8:35:52 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
I don't think personality will keep you there. They might have a great personality on the surface but have a rotten character on the inside. That will soon show through and the relationship will become rocky.
I think good character is the foundation for any relationship to succeed, and both people have to have it; if one decides to surrender his/her good character for lust or money the relationship is doomed.
10/13/2011 4:34:30 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
Very well put. Also people on this site and other dating sites tend to have inflated expectations of what they will get by joining. Most of the time what ends up happening is brief pen pal relationships and then ... nothing.
10/18/2011 2:51:49 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Victorville, CA
45, joined Jun. 2011
I say Personality and character. You want somebody you get along with on a deeper level then just looks. I want to be able to just open up and be able to be intimate on an emotional level. If you get a pretty boy they will be too busy admiring themselves in the mirror and so self-absorbed with their looks. Going on looks your relationship will be in my opinion a shallow one...I know there has to be a physical attraction on a level, but underneath you want somebody who honors his word, that will not cheat. You do not want a guy who will be with somebody else and think "What she does not know will not hurt her". For me Personality and Character (personal integrity are #1)
10/18/2011 9:35:13 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
What is that old saying? "Bad morals corrupt good character". If you have a good character (or personal integrity, as you put it so nicely) but you feel lured to start dating someone without a good foundation to their character they will end up bringing YOU down. It's not worth it.
10/18/2011 10:24:52 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Essex Fells, NJ
40, joined Sep. 2011
I say Personality and character. You want somebody you get along with on a deeper level then just looks. I want to be able to just open up and be able to be intimate on an emotional level. If you get a pretty boy they will be too busy admiring themselves in the mirror and so self-absorbed with their looks. Going on looks your relationship will be in my opinion a shallow one...I know there has to be a physical attraction on a level, but underneath you want somebody who honors his word, that will not cheat. You do not want a guy who will be with somebody else and think "What she does not know will not hurt her". For me Personality and Character (personal integrity are #1)
10/20/2011 12:05:19 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |


Republic, MO
37, joined Dec. 2010
Lust, Like, Love is how I have been told it goes.
But personally I prefer to Like, Lust, and then Love... eventually! lol
10/20/2011 12:08:49 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Fort Campbell, KY
45, joined Jul. 2011
IMHO, looks change with age, personality can change over time, but character has to be the most important. If a person cannot be respectable and be beyond reproach themselves, then what make you think that he (or she) will do that for others?
10/20/2011 9:48:18 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010

10/22/2011 2:08:00 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
North Olmsted, OH
56, joined Aug. 2011
I recently dated a guy that wasn't very good looking but his value system, character, and integrity turned me on. 
10/22/2011 6:26:43 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Philadelphia, PA
34, joined Oct. 2011
looks are the initial attraction.
i am not going to even attempt hooking up with someone that i feel is grotesque or not attractive to me in some kind of way, but also if she's not attracted to me i won't allow myself to be attracted to her though i may feel she's pretty.
then personality comes right after, personality is very important and vital because if we can't relate we can't date.
and then for serious long term relationships then comes character.
10/22/2011 7:31:07 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Okmulgee, OK
63, joined Sep. 2008
I deal with a lot of people on a one on one basis everyday.
Therefore I have to be relaxed and confident in my decision making for each individual and their situation. I also have learned that I fly right past the looks dept unless they are nasty looking, as in unkept. I don't like the rude loud know it all kind either. If they had all the answer's they wouldn't be coming to be anyway. RIGHT.
So I suppose personality is top on my list. How they present themselves and how they act in a public place and how much respect they have for everyone. (or is that character)
Of course I don't look as everyone as a potential date either. I work with them in a professional manner in a relaxed environment and after the ice is broken I learn quite a bit about them.
Then after I know too much, they become a good returning customer and a friend. could be more, but don't date the customer's...
10/22/2011 8:45:16 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
looks are the initial attraction.
i am not going to even attempt hooking up with someone that i feel is grotesque or not attractive to me in some kind of way, but also if she's not attracted to me i won't allow myself to be attracted to her though i may feel she's pretty.
then personality comes right after, personality is very important and vital because if we can't relate we can't date.
and then for serious long term relationships then comes character.
The first two qualities will not be enough to hold a relationship together. It will be a very superficial relationship and end in divorce.
Character is the foundation of any good relationship and both people have to have it -- and prize it.
10/22/2011 8:15:04 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Terre Haute, IN
59, joined Oct. 2011
Ufortunatly you can't go by looks. they don't show you the true person. you have to put personality &character first and above allto find the real beauty in a person
10/22/2011 9:19:40 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Philadelphia, PA
34, joined Oct. 2011
to inform you taichi girl i agree with you. now maybe im a superficial person yes i am somewhat, but for any serious relationship character is more important than any other factor. But not everyone is looking for a serious relationship such as myself.
Does that make sense?
10/23/2011 1:52:17 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
10/23/2011 7:16:47 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Clifton, NJ
40, joined Nov. 2010
Ufortunatly you can't go by looks. they don't show you the true person. you have to put personality &character first and above allto find the real beauty in  a person
10/25/2011 11:11:35 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
The thing about character is that sometimes it takes time to discover the true nature of the other person's. It should be something obvious right off the bat, but sometimes if the person is shy or quiet you don't know what to think. It's only when you see them in action in real life and for quite a while before you know their true character.
10/26/2011 2:00:41 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Oxnard, CA
42, joined Oct. 2011
Personality!! That pretty much is a gate way to the other two. But seeing as I didn't marry for looks, they would be nice to have to. Be cool to get the whole package!!
10/27/2011 4:37:20 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
A fun personality definitely helps. A person who laughs a lot is very attractive to me.
11/11/2011 8:11:17 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Essex Fells, NJ
40, joined Sep. 2011
Ufortunatly you can't go by looks. they don't show you the true person. you have to put personality &character first and above allto find the real beauty in  a person
11/12/2011 7:00:07 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Chalfont, PA
52, joined Feb. 2011
1. Character.
2. Personality.
3. Looks.
4. Big boobs.
5. Nice ass.
11/13/2011 12:12:37 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
Wouldn't 4 and 5 be included in 3? 
11/13/2011 3:29:36 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Enid, OK
58, joined Feb. 2010
Well character and personality might be what keeps a woman but looks are what attract her first.
You can have all the upstanding characteristics a woman says she wants, however if you lack a outgoing personality, and decent looks you will never get the to look your way, JMO.
11/13/2011 1:04:17 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Chalfont, PA
52, joined Feb. 2011
Wouldn't 4 and 5 be included in 3? 
Not necessarily, there are many good looking flat-chested women with flat asses.
11/14/2011 10:20:21 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Albion, IN
67, joined Oct. 2011
I just came out of a relationship which won my heart he had looks, he had personality hr had everything or so I thought but he did not tell me the truth from the very start so I believe character is something I shall put top in my list ...
11/15/2011 4:01:58 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Enid, OK
58, joined Feb. 2010
^^^ As you said his looks and personality got your attention FIRST. It was not till later that you found out his character.
So without the first two a man dose not stand a chance of women learning the third thing.
11/15/2011 4:33:04 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
Silly women; but it sounds like taterprincess has made a wise resolution that takes her out of that category. 
11/15/2011 3:22:07 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Keller, TX
60, joined Jun. 2009
Personality is much more important than looks, looks fade but personality has staying power
11/16/2011 1:43:44 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Essex Fells, NJ
40, joined Sep. 2011

11/16/2011 6:13:59 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Albion, IN
67, joined Oct. 2011
Cavie it was the personality that got my attention not his looks .... I do not go by looks............
I was won by his personality... I said looks because , people on here thought that. I know it would not have mattered, what he looked like when I met him (he had no bottom teeth) still I thought him handsome , I thought he hung the moon........but his personality was one that pulled you in .... I think he really ment what he said and he did tell his wife he loved me( maybe lol) but he never gave me the choice to say hey I don't want involved in this.......... I wonder if he would have just dissapeared and let me think it was something I had done........ yes I have learned alot ...the hard way lol
11/16/2011 6:33:52 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Grayson, KY
38, joined Sep. 2011
At this stage in my life I would have to say all of the above. Allow me to explain.
Looks: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that being said you HAVE to find your partner physically atractive, even if you are the only one that thinks so.
Personality: Well there is no comprimise on this one. Its better to have loved and lost that to live with a psycho the rest of your life.
Character: Well if the two of you dont share common morals, goals, and intrests....after the hot sex wears off, what the hell else are you two going to do together?
[Edited 11/16/2011 6:34:28 PM ]
11/16/2011 7:45:07 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
Most men would probably say "Is there anything else?"

11/18/2011 10:31:04 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Detroit, MI
37, joined Nov. 2011
For me Character is number 1. If a man doesn't have good character and does unscrupulous things to each and everybody, he will hurt you. Personality is 2, really I rather have it at 1. Personality is important to me because I want my man to be fun, have plenty of conversation. Looks is third....long as he don't look like the wolf man, has three extra toes, then he cool with me.
11/19/2011 8:50:14 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
Kooky, good for you! 
Just realize that your decision to put Character number 1 is going to weed out a LOT of men and you will need to be patient in searching for that man of Character. He is a needle in a haystack. 
11/19/2011 3:33:57 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Council Bluffs, IA
29, joined Nov. 2011
i would have to go with neither becuase what truely counts in life is whats on the inside of a person
11/19/2011 5:17:08 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |


Cedar Grove, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Hmmmm, after reading these posts, it seems that the women are blaming the man, for most everything, well what are you women bringing to the table, besides criticism, are you good looking, have a great personality, and flawless character, pleasant to be around. HMMMMMMM, i dunno. it takes two to tango, and each must know the steps, to contribute to the dance.
11/19/2011 9:25:51 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Melbourne, FL
59, joined Sep. 2010
i would have to go with neither becuase what truely counts in life is whats on the inside of a person
What is in the inside of a person is their character, or lack of one.
I think people of past generations had the right idea: LONG courtships, to get to know the person and their character before you tie the knot.
11/21/2011 4:24:27 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Long Island City, NY
39, joined Nov. 2011

12/3/2011 3:09:57 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Mercedes, TX
43, joined Nov. 2011
Character. The other two can be improved, with some effort
12/4/2011 8:45:32 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Commerce City, CO
38, joined Nov. 2011
12/5/2011 11:51:40 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |

Flagstaff, AZ
44, joined Aug. 2011
Definately personality.
12/5/2011 5:07:11 PM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |
Victorville, CA
45, joined Jun. 2011
Personality #1 shared morals and values tied for #1
Character #2
Most guys have to agree for them those are NOT enough. They somehow will ask so what else can you offer? Well I can offer all the above. That should be enough. But as most would say there are alot of shallow peeps roaming around and I am glad I will avoid those LOSERS. I am not looking right now I am looking for employment that is my priority #1.
12/20/2011 5:48:05 AM |
What's most important: looks or personality or character? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
it's not about what's most important. it's about the whole package.