4/8/2008 4:36:24 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
39, joined Mar. 2008
I have been here roughly three weeks and I don't see much action in the Alberta Chat. Maybe we should all dedicate a little bit more time into our own group here ?
Well Anyways, Please to meet all of you 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/8/2008 8:41:53 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
We agree with you about getting more of 'our own' on here. forestrose & I have been trying but it almost seems Albertans shy away from chat. (Would love to see them make a liar out of me! ) Can you think of a way to wake them up?
4/11/2008 10:28:45 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
39, joined Mar. 2008
Um... been thinking on it for a couple days now. I haven't really been able to come up with anything.
4/11/2008 4:23:13 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Sure hope you keep thinking & I will too. Just don't desert us.
4/14/2008 9:42:30 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
39, joined Mar. 2008
oh I definetly wasn't leaving just had no net for a couple days, I think they were working on it in my area 
[Edited 4/14/2008 9:42:47 PM ]
4/17/2008 9:21:31 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Off topic, so Shoot! No net for a few days - call your provider for a credit for those days.
4/20/2008 4:05:28 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Hi I'm New. Would like to get to know people in my area, & this seems like a good way to get to know people better. I'm North of Edm though & most of you seem to be in Calgary. Hope to get to know you all better.
4/20/2008 4:17:04 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hi, Wisediva. I go to Edmonton couple times a year, and 2bluiz and I
would like to try to have a get together sometime when it warms up....
which at this rate will be one week in July! No wait, we had snow one
year first week of July! But perhaps we could plan a day somewhere
in between if enough people respond. There are a few from Red Deer
as well. One nice lady in Lethbride, a few others southerly.
Hopefully you will meet some from Edmonton in the meantime!
You can always befriend people via email as well. It isn't the same as
in person, but it is still a valid friendship, just a different venue.
5/2/2008 9:03:47 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
52, joined Apr. 2008
Hi! Well, u have another Albertan on the chat forum here. I am from Edmonton. I've been reading the Alberta chat for a while. Never really thought about posting on it. But, with the comments I did just read about needing more people to chat, I did just that.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. A warm one maybe?
5/2/2008 11:01:46 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hi, wishful, yes, we are due for a warm one! Glad to have you active, some of us will try to keep up the effort!
I know 2bluiz is very vigilant, keeper of the group almost!
5/2/2008 4:22:34 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
What? Who me? Rose beating me at welcoming you, Wishfulone, just shows how vigilant I am. In general, tho', it is just Rose's thread that I've been intruding on (with her gracious approval, of course. ) You don't mind anyway, do you yarn?
In any case, I'm glad you decided to post, Wishful! A big, hearty welcome to you!
5/5/2008 5:17:34 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
52, joined Apr. 2008
Thanks for the welcome! I will admit, I did read a lot of the posts....before I finally put one in myself... I know...my bad!.
Hope everyone had a terrific weekend! Just think...camping season...SOON!
Have a good one all
5/9/2008 7:51:25 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Invermere, BC
72, joined Mar. 2008
You may try to include S E BC [East Kootenays]in your chat rooms as we are more closly effected by AB than the rest of BC . We are also closer to major centers in AB . Just a thought   
5/10/2008 3:55:21 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Grande Prairie, AB
44, joined Mar. 2008
I think your right, there should be more forum rooms or chat rooms how ever you wanna call them. but without participation from the site staff it well never be as good as it could be. I've been trying to think how one would do this, and I've come up with 2 ways.
I figure sections could be set by say average distance people are willing to search for, so like say 250 km or what ever it maybe. The other option I guess would be to either also do or as just an other option woulkd be to split each province into 2 and joining the halfs together from each province. So say West Alberta meets East BC. I know that would also mean some places wouldn't always have an other half, sorta why we are here too 
But then again one could keep expanding and say use the closest state too. I know theres people from different places that wouldn't mind mixing a little and also some who would think better results from probably not mixing.
Personely I think it be best to have a site that does all 3 seperate, then everyone could do as they please.
6/10/2008 12:07:32 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
St Albert, AB
69, joined Mar. 2008
Hi everyone, i am from alberta beach about forty five minutes to the west of edmonton, i have lived out here for three years i am fifty nine years young and would love to meet some new people byeeeeeeee for now 
6/10/2008 9:55:09 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
65, joined Mar. 2008
Hi all,
I've been on the site for a couple of months now. Thought I would support the cause.
New friends are always great to acquire.
6/11/2008 12:27:20 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Welcome, jazzyjinx! I, for one, are sure happy to see you've decided to "support the cause" & I know that forestrose will be, too. (Others will be, too, but I'd better not speak for them. ) As you said, 'new friends are always great to acquire'. I haven't found that special man on here (yet) but I have met 2 great friends in forestrose & happyhorsegirl so I'm indebted to Alberta Chat. Hope you'll stick around! 
6/14/2008 11:52:20 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
55, joined Apr. 2008
 Nice to see you Jazzy!!
6/15/2008 10:39:39 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hi, all! 2bluiz, is it time to plan that gettogether yet?
Or just another great coffee date at TH?
I am already feeling like that was a long time ago, and it was so
much fun, meeting HappyHorseGirl!
6/16/2008 1:00:12 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
52, joined Apr. 2008
It would be awesome if there was a meet and greet. I'd be willing to go to Red Deer, and bring along a few from Edmonton. I'd say I'd go to Calgary, but the road systems scare me...lol (just kidding).
6/16/2008 6:50:27 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Wishful, 2bluiz and I know the city inside out, and could direct you the easiest way to anywhere!
And we don't have those silly traffic circles you do - I plan my way around Edmonton just so I
can avoid that traffic circle on 99 (?) str. 
6/16/2008 11:33:00 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edmonton, AB
52, joined Apr. 2008
Traffic circles are easy...you have that fly around (i think that is what it's called). You do however have the best wing place I've ever been to, so if we were to meet there, I'm sure I'd find my way...heh! Ed's Wing house...great place. And we should do something before the snow flies again!
6/17/2008 9:02:59 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Some of our off ramps are really poorly designed. Getting on and off, cars sometimes have
to switch over a lane or two, in the space of a few car lengths, going 50-70k. Southland onto
Deerfoot, have to get over 3 lanes in the space of a city block, and everyone is going minimum
100k. Never heard of Ed's wings - can't believe it! I go occasionally to one of the pubs close
to home on Mon-Wed when they are .10 to .20/each.
Snow can fly in July as those of you who have lived here long enough know! So soon would
be good!
Miss 2bluiz, super organizer, where are you?
6/17/2008 9:05:04 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Sherwood Park, AB
47, joined Jan. 2008
hello all iam in sherwood park and trying to get out more have a great day and have fun be safe
6/17/2008 12:54:09 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hello, Beau. Summer is a good time to get out around your home as well.
Take a book to a park, walk a bit, you may find someone just sitting, who
would like to spend some time in conversation.
6/20/2008 11:52:10 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Edmonton, AB
68, joined Apr. 2008
Hi Guys,
I am 58 and I am from Edmonton and sure would love to meet
some more people if you ever make a trip to calgary or
anywhere outside the city limits would love to hear from
you,originally from newfoundland so if you guys know any one
from there please let me know.
P.S. Nice to meet you all 
6/22/2008 1:09:48 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Edson, AB
60, joined Apr. 2008
Hi Everyone, 
Sorry I haven't had time to be on here. Hope your all having a good time.
We are short at work, summers are busy. I really hope you people can get together
and meet, and have a great time! 
(Still getting lot's of people looking at my place, no offers as of yet) I have alot of competition) I Still have my condo waiting (down payment on it)
6/24/2008 6:01:33 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Howdy, Everyone!!! Like Sweetone, I haven't been on in a little while. I was happy to see that 'Rose did real well at keeping things going. For the new one's who've posted ..Great to meet you 
6/24/2008 9:14:55 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
55, joined Apr. 2008
Been a while since I've been on here. Just dropped by to say hi to everyone! 2bluiz & Forestrose, coffee again soon? Was such fun!!
6/24/2008 11:37:38 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Overdue for a coffee date, Happyhorsegirl - we did have fun!
Other than friday or saturday nite, I'm pretty flexible most evenings.
Even Sunday afternoon. Maybe we can post our plans here, and
someone new might join us. But then, do we have to say 'Girl's Night'?
Oh, it always gets soooo complicated when I try to plan - not my thing at all!!
Just tell me when and where, and I'll be there!
7/18/2008 11:20:18 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Maybe we could have a girls night out or a get together of some kind in the Edmonton area... I would love to attend.. Would love a trip to Calgary, but in my situation it's just to far at this time...
7/19/2008 12:27:32 AM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
There were a few up Edmonton way who sounded interested in meeting others. I'm not sure if it was this thread or the 'Hello From Calgary' one. It'd be great if you could get a couple (or more) of the gals up there for 'Girls' Night Out' on a regular basis. In Calgary I have met up with a couple of great women, forestrose & happyhorsegirl . We just go for coffee occasionally & have loads of laughs. It's wonderful to have real 'live' friends rather than just posting or sending msgs back & forth online.
Hopefully someone will read your post & it's something they would like as well & contact you. Sure hope so!
7/25/2008 11:55:06 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
55, joined Apr. 2008
Just thought I'd drop in and say hi to forestrose and 2bluiz. I havent' been on here for a bit, just been keeping busy with summer stuff. Hope everyone is doing well and welcome to the newcomers.
Enjoy your summer!!
7/26/2008 11:12:10 PM |
Would be great to get more people from the Area on ! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hey everyone from Calgary & area... open invite to anyone wanting to come.... we're meeting for coffee on Thurs night at 7pm at Marlborough Mall. See you there?