4/12/2008 2:13:18 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
If you could change just one thing about your life, what would it be? ( I'm still thinking)
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4/12/2008 5:34:58 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Lethbridge, AB
60, joined Apr. 2008
i would change that fact that i am over weight.
4/13/2008 11:33:08 AM |
Just 1 thing |
Airdrie, AB
63, joined Mar. 2008
I'd have spent more time with my Grandparents !
4/14/2008 12:16:43 AM |
Just 1 thing |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
There were several booboos in my life to chose from but the 1 thing would have to be:
Not to have put a man ahead of my son.
4/14/2008 8:57:52 AM |
Just 1 thing |
Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
I would open up a Tim Horton's before it got big, I see that people in Alberta are so indicted to their stuff it's not even funny. lol
4/14/2008 1:44:13 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hey gman ... SOME of us are addicted to Timmy's. Personally I don't even like their coffee. Must admit the donuts are so much better than Krispy Creme, tho'.
Sorry, All, to be off topic.
4/14/2008 2:57:28 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
Well I moved here from Ontario and I have never seen anything like it till I got out to Alberta, yes they were busy in Ontario but out here it is like a tradition that you must go there, I gave it up because I got tired of standing in line for 30 minutes plus. I see people here holding a Timmie's cip everywhere I go like a body part. I did hear that they put MSG in their coffee and that would explain why people go to Timmie's all the time here, and we all know that customer service doesn't exist out this way so the slow staff at Timmie's doen't help matters.
4/14/2008 3:19:33 PM |
Just 1 thing |

Red Deer, AB
52, joined Jan. 2008
I hear ya gman,it is a sickness and does make me wonder what they are putting in their coffee to make people want it so bad.
Oh yea the one thing i would change is ummmm.....lets see.I can't think of anything i would change,guess i have no regets.
4/14/2008 4:13:40 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
Homesteder, how about winning a lottery? That would be a nice change wouldn't it?
4/17/2008 7:26:27 AM |
Just 1 thing |

Red Deer, AB
52, joined Jan. 2008
yea gman that would be a nice change but i would have to buy a ticket first and i dont do that.Maybe thats what i need to change,buy more lotto tickets.
4/17/2008 9:17:42 AM |
Just 1 thing |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Would have left my marriage sooner, while I could still have salvaged my job, health, and finances.
4/20/2008 9:26:08 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Calgary, AB
55, joined Mar. 2008
I would change the fact that I'm single.
4/20/2008 10:46:57 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Red Deer, AB
45, joined Dec. 2007
Just one thing!!This is going to be tough. I'll get back to you.
4/21/2008 12:32:15 AM |
Just 1 thing |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
I'd have bought that microsoft shares back in the 70's....Who'ld a thunk it...We didn't then. Smacks head on desk...
5/5/2008 5:25:07 AM |
Just 1 thing |
Edmonton, AB
52, joined Apr. 2008
Absolutely nothing. I would not be where I am and who I am today. And I sorta really like where and who I am.
5/5/2008 1:42:40 PM |
Just 1 thing |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
WONDERFUL! Wishful. So great to hear someone say that thay are happy with their life & have no regrets! 
5/10/2008 4:29:27 PM |
Just 1 thing |

Grande Prairie, AB
44, joined Mar. 2008
WONDERFUL! Wishful. So great to hear someone say that thay are happy with their life & have no regrets! 
Quote from before this quote : " I sorta really like where and who I am "
The key word I think is " sorta "
Change can be good or bad, but for the most part change is always both. In order for something good to usually happen something bad must also happen. Universal Balance, picking something to change is hard specially if one doesn't get to see what the REAL results would be.
I to am SORTA really happy with who I am, even if that means accepting the bad I do have. Sure some days for some different reasons I'd love to change somethings, yet on the other hand I know I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now if I change something. Doh ! !!
So really I guess now that I have walked my thoughts a little more, theres no way I could change just one thing because I know it would also change other things, which means I'd have to change more then one thing in order to loose what I'd wanna loose and yet some how try to keep what I'd wanna keep. Again without seeing the possible results be it future or past I can't pin point one thing or an other.
But I do know by looking at others in many ways I have been lucky even though I also havn't 
I guess there is really only 1 possible answer though and its probably the same answer for most people. Its never to late to change, change well always make a change So in conculsion I guess for me and possibly many others I guess the best way anyone could answer this is by looking at what they are trying to change at the present moment.
Thats right we are all here trying to make a change and its sorta the same change for everyone, something to do with a possible other Half When to make this change ?
Well I probably would of never made the same choice I'd make till now, so really is that a change ? 
Maybe the real change that would need to happen in order to change many other things would be of coarse the closest to our first breath. Some where near the beginning we've all done something that caused most of what happend in our lives to follow threw from that moment. Maybe there isn't even a better choice 
6/9/2008 5:50:02 AM |
Just 1 thing |
Edmonton, AB
52, joined Apr. 2008
I will say "sorta" is was the wrong word to use. I do like who I am, where I am, and what I am. I still have dreams I am chasing, do not want to change them. There is one thing I would change if I could, but it is impossible to change the one thing. Nothing I could ever do in this lifetime will allow me to change it.