2/29/2012 8:17:40 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Seymour, IN
72, joined Feb. 2012
I have lived in many states and can tell you that Indiana was already below national average for pay scale.
And why are you union haters never willing to say the whole law. It is "THE RIGHT TO WORK FOR LESS" there six words to the law not three. It means right to work for less than a Union shops wage standard.
Try to comprehend this because without a union you are at the mercy of your employer for benefits and wages and have no power as a single individual to ask for better treatment. Just like a protest if you do not have any power as an individual then you do have power to challenge as a group.
Now if you all want to go back to the days where "YOU OWED YOUR SOUL TO THE COMPANY STORE" then go for it. You all probably have not learned about working conditions, even in the America that used to be perfect in our grandparents days according to some, then you have no idea how abusive working conditions were for the average working person in the first 50 years of the 1900s. Until you do then you have nothing important enough to say to me about this subject. My grandparents were born in the 1880s so I am sure they knew what they were talking about.
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2/29/2012 8:35:40 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Fundamentally it is simple. Like the job, take it. Don't like it then don't. Somebody tell my why the government needs to be involved in any way. Why? Thinnk about it...if the company or boss was soooo baaaad...who would work there anyway? The business would fail and we can go on. Unions just prostitute people in another direction. Both sides are lame. There are no guarantees in life. Want one? Make your own business. At least then you know what you got and even more importantly, you are free.
2/29/2012 8:41:03 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Seymour, IN
72, joined Feb. 2012
This is such a bullsh&t arguement because you not everyone is capible of starting or maintaining their own business. That does not mean that they have to be treated worse than slaves. I say worse because you want your slave to be healthy to work for you but with workers you can just hire someone else that is starving will do anything to survive.
2/29/2012 9:13:50 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
This is such a bullsh&t arguement because you not everyone is capible of starting or maintaining their own business. That does not mean that they have to be treated worse than slaves. I say worse because you want your slave to be healthy to work for you but with workers you can just hire someone else that is starving will do anything to survive.
If they are not capable, sucks to be them. That's life. There are no slaves but those that choose to be. Not healthy, well if you can afford a doc good, if you can't sucks to be you. Your silly ideas about how someone owes you something for being born was lost when your parents did a lousy job preparing you for life. It is about personal responsibility and real work. Not your value as a "person" or whatever silly right you think others owe you. It's just business and business is survival. Don't like what is available, create your own little world rather than asking others to sustain you. People are responsible for themselves or dependent on charity. Charity has no rules. If it isn't there for you, well, sucks to be you again! Maybe you need to change? Maybe figure out a way to be productive and make your own way?
3/22/2012 9:06:06 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Chicago, IL
33, joined Mar. 2012
1st of all.....fck da welfare..2nd I got a babymoms in MO. She's on probation&foodstamp&is on crystal meth.. I called her prob officer he didn't do a fukn thing he brushed me he basically brushed me off. She Doesn't cook clean or work. Then today I got an order of protection while I'm in IL...acussing me of shit that I havnt done. But she wants me to pay child support.. .oh and by the way the f**ked up part is her stepdad is a Dr he smokes meth....with my babymoms and my babymoms mom. The system is so fukd up...and all of them are clinically depressed. THIS SYSTEM IS FUKD up!!!!! 
3/22/2012 9:14:48 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
1st of all.....fck da welfare..2nd I got a babymoms in MO. She's on probation&foodstamp&is on crystal meth.. I called her prob officer he didn't do a fukn thing he brushed me he basically brushed me off. She Doesn't cook clean or work. Then today I got an order of protection while I'm in IL...acussing me of shit that I havnt done. But she wants me to pay child support..  .oh and by the way the f**ked up part is her stepdad is a Dr he smokes meth....with my babymoms and my babymoms mom. The system is so fukd up...and all of them are clinically depressed. THIS SYSTEM IS FUKD up!!!!!  
Yeap. Get use to bending over my son.
3/29/2012 3:27:49 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
wasa, back in the days that Ford did not take government money I bought some stock at $2.35. If your poor would have bought just ten shares that would have been $23.50. Not a gread deal of money even for a poor person. Today that stock is now going for $12.50. That 23 dollar investment would now have brought them $125.00.
I bought Tata Motor stock for $6.00 per. today trading for $26.37 per.
3/29/2012 5:44:45 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
1st of all.....fck da welfare..2nd I got a babymoms in MO. She's on probation&foodstamp&is on crystal meth.. I called her prob officer he didn't do a fukn thing he brushed me he basically brushed me off. She Doesn't cook clean or work. Then today I got an order of protection while I'm in IL...acussing me of shit that I havnt done. But she wants me to pay child support..  .oh and by the way the f**ked up part is her stepdad is a Dr he smokes meth....with my babymoms and my babymoms mom. The system is so fukd up...and all of them are clinically depressed. THIS SYSTEM IS FUKD up!!!!!  
Dude if you can prove all that shit you need to sue. Get ur kid out of that situation. Statistically you have a 50-50 chance of getting custody.
3/29/2012 5:45:43 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
wasa, back in the days that Ford did not take government money I bought some stock at $2.35. If your poor would have bought just ten shares that would have been $23.50. Not a gread deal of money even for a poor person. Today that stock is now going for $12.50. That 23 dollar investment would now have brought them $125.00.
I bought Tata Motor stock for $6.00 per. today trading for $26.37 per.
I made alot of money on ford stock.
3/29/2012 7:41:42 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
I made alot of money on ford stock.
Nice um? If people who pull their head out of there small box, there is money to be made. Now money is'nt everything but I have yet to see anyone turn it down.
3/29/2012 11:59:52 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
Nice um? If people who pull their head out of there small box, there is money to be made. Now money is'nt everything but I have yet to see anyone turn it down.
Honestly, I think it comes down to educating people of whats possible when they try. You have to think if all you know growing up is one thing you get tunnel vision. The reason I say this is I've been there. Growing up I grew up poor and around poor people. But I knew that I had some successful relatives. So I had an idea growing up that even if I didn't know exactly what the secret was that I was curious nonetheless. And eventually after my mom caught her breath after dad leaving and got off govt assistance and got a job again we moved. And I went to a better school around better informed people. And the harder I worked and better I did the more opportunities opened up to me. But with that being said the people at the low end of society like that I think are mischaracterized. I don't think theyre lazy, I just don't think they understand whats really out there.
For me getting rich means working hard and saving and investing wisely until I reach my goals. For people like that they understand hard work. But the rest of it they don't. Im dead serious. They do not understand. A better life is a lottery ticket away to them. Its something that happens to someone else. They have little self-worth or self-confidence.
This is why I support helping them. Even though I see and agree with you, and jbck. Im not blind. Im not blind that if you have no credit you can't get a job, bad credit you can't either....God help you if youve been in jail for anything. And even if you graduated highschool whats it matter?
If I didn't have a few people pulling for me growing up and access to some successful family members who guided me and taught me about the business I'm in It would take my family 2-3 generations to overcome being poor. Thats if I were starting from where other people start from. I guess I've always been pretty smart too. That could help some. But still there are some many things that a person starting from scratch have to overcome.
3/30/2012 7:24:32 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
Good story Drew. I did not grow up poor but blue collar with 5 other kids. In my day and at our level of income life was: to get high school under your belt, get a trade, get married, have a ton of kids. I did just that only joined the military. As life went on I got tired of my life and decided to go to college. Not incurraging us kids to see college as an opinion is the only thing I hold against my parents. My life changed for the better from there on. I made more money working for the same company. I became interested in politics and business.
I hold no ill will toward those who are down and out but attempt to help thenselves. I am happy to do what I can to help them secceed. With some on folks even on this site you have people who complain and complain about their personnel life and those they support(the poor). When ideas of help are thrown out, these very people treat you like some sort of an eliteis(?) only bragging.
True, seccess is in education but if one has no personnel interest, all the education in the world will not change them. Too many people who complain the most are closed minded to what is possible. They tend to find it more comfortable to just complain. To be the victim rather them the solution. How many of these victims even do free volinteer work at the local church, homeless sheilder, soup kitchen? Even the Red Cross, Salvation Army? I bet very few. I have talked about here, where I live a free food drive draws many more people then does a job fair. Have seen it first hand. I do have compassion for my fellow man, but not if he is the lazy man.
3/30/2012 5:04:04 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
This is where the social safety net we have in inadequate. We give some of these people section 8, a check and some food stamps and they barely get by. We don't do much to encourage, inspire, motivate these people to do better. So the system becomes a crutch. Anytime you give someone something to live on without giving them something to improve their lives it will become a prison. Self inflicted to some extent. But the govt is just as culperable. Not that helping them is bad. Its the helping them enough to get to the end of the month. Not helping them become what they could be in 5 years. or 10 years. Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, feed him for life. We give out lots of fish. But we never give the man a pole and some tackle and teach him to catch his own.
3/31/2012 11:09:42 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
They don't want to catch their own. That would mean changing the comfortable (for them) way of life they've become accustomed to.
3/31/2012 12:08:16 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
They don't want to catch their own. That would mean changing the comfortable (for them) way of life they've become accustomed to.
that may be true for some. but not for most. Ive been there I understand. And I could fix it. These people dont know how. And that is especially true for generational welfare. Kids brought up in an enviroment like that without good examples. Everyone has dreams of what they want to do. But some just do not know how to get there. And thats what we do as a society. We treat the symptoms. Whether it be in healthcare, monetary policy, immigration, etc....we never get to the root cause of the problem.
How would you feel if the only life skill you'd been taught was how to sign up on welfare? Would you be any more successful? I doubt it. That is govt's fault as well as the individuals. But assigning blame and leaving it at that will not fix the problem. I don't care whos to blame I just want to fix it. I mean do we vilify the cancer patient after he has cancer and is dying and needs help because he smoked. No we don't. Because at that point it is pointless. It's just pointing out the obvious and shaking a stick at it.
3/31/2012 5:41:21 PM |
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Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
But it is true for "most". Maybe not people you know, but it is true of most in the 9 states I have loved in. Sorry.
3/31/2012 11:00:16 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
Have you gotten to know these people? If everyone I had to deal with growing up had the views you have I would have never gotten anywhere. And to be honest I had to fake it until I made it.
I worked a job at a packaging plant as a teenage one summer. I recalled hearing the supervisor saying about another employee that if he had known he was homeless he would have never hired him. Its f**king rediculous. I don't know what your true opinion is but if your anything like that guy people in this world haven't got a chance. He was trying to change his situation. He wasn't asking for anyone to help him. And still he got that kind of treatment. And a week later they fired him for being 1 minute late from his lunch break. That is why people don't try and they get what they can and with a**holes in this world like that I don't blame them. Even though its the wrong way. It is very easy to look down your nose at someone and judge them for what you "think" they are. Now I know you have talked about the marshall islanders calling off work because they need their govt benefits. I detest things like that. But its not that simple. If it were that simple wouldn't communism work? No, communism don't work. Why? Because people have dreams and desires. They want more out of life. The fact that in that kind of system everyone gets paid the same no matter what and you never get upward mobility requardless of what you do....In your world view about people, wouldn't communism work? If they really had no other ambition in life than to suck off govts tit. Inspire and educate, use a little tough love and I bet we'd cut the people on govt programs in half and end generational welfare. I bet if we addressed the root causes we could damn near end the program. But depending on where you live, welfare may not exist anymore. It don't in Ohio for the most part. You get help if your a single mother or something. Other than that it don't exist anymore.
4/1/2012 1:08:54 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Seymour, IN
72, joined Feb. 2012
Have you gotten to know these people? If everyone I had to deal with growing up had the views you have I would have never gotten anywhere. And to be honest I had to fake it until I made it.
I worked a job at a packaging plant as a teenage one summer. I recalled hearing the supervisor saying about another employee that if he had known he was homeless he would have never hired him. Its f**king rediculous. I don't know what your true opinion is but if your anything like that guy people in this world haven't got a chance. He was trying to change his situation. He wasn't asking for anyone to help him. And still he got that kind of treatment. And a week later they fired him for being 1 minute late from his lunch break. That is why people don't try and they get what they can and with a**holes in this world like that I don't blame them. Even though its the wrong way. It is very easy to look down your nose at someone and judge them for what you "think" th I bet if we addressed the root causes we could damn near end the program. But depending on where you live, welfare may not exist anymore. It don't in Ohio for the most part. You get help if your a single mother or something. Other than that it don't exist anymore.
Just because I cannot act like an animal and want everyone to stay down below me so that I can be above them, I am accused by him of living off their paycheck. When people are getting a military retirement as well as a good job and yet accusing others of living on the dole, I do not think they have a right to put someone else down.
I get social security, which I am sure everyone on here will want to collect when they have paid in for 51 years, and I have said that enough times on here that only those who are blind would not be aware of that.
Since Ohio has a republican governor, same as Indiana, I am sure that even a single mother cannot live on welfare for her lifetime. Here they have to spend and prove it, that they have spent 20 hours a week looking for a job and without childcare while they look.
4/1/2012 3:11:22 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
Just because I cannot act like an animal and want everyone to stay down below me so that I can be above them, I am accused by him of living off their paycheck. When people are getting a military retirement as well as a good job and yet accusing others of living on the dole, I do not think they have a right to put someone else down.
I get social security, which I am sure everyone on here will want to collect when they have paid in for 51 years, and I have said that enough times on here that only those who are blind would not be aware of that.
Since Ohio has a republican governor, same as Indiana, I am sure that even a single mother cannot live on welfare for her lifetime. Here they have to spend and prove it, that they have spent 20 hours a week looking for a job and without childcare while they look.
The way I see it is if you don't like what he has to say, either ignore him or make yourself better them him. All of us here have paid into the government. All of us at one time or another have or will depend on the government for help. How you handle it is up to you. Either let it get you down or make you better, but do something.
4/2/2012 3:48:06 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
Just because I cannot act like an animal and want everyone to stay down below me so that I can be above them, I am accused by him of living off their paycheck. When people are getting a military retirement as well as a good job and yet accusing others of living on the dole, I do not think they have a right to put someone else down.
I get social security, which I am sure everyone on here will want to collect when they have paid in for 51 years, and I have said that enough times on here that only those who are blind would not be aware of that.
Since Ohio has a republican governor, same as Indiana, I am sure that even a single mother cannot live on welfare for her lifetime. Here they have to spend and prove it, that they have spent 20 hours a week looking for a job and without childcare while they look.
What did I say have anything to do with social security? All I was saying is welfare barely exists anymore. Atleast in Ohio anyway. Its not much of an issue here. And I was also talking about the general attitudes that are held against poor people. In reality we have something called the working poor here in ohio. these people may or may not have some sort of govt help...But the question I would have for anyone in here is this: If someone is working hard isn't helping them improve their lives through education and training a net positive for society? And isn't having some common sense safety net probably a good idea for when some of these jobs get sent overseas and the worker has to spend the next two years training for a new job?
You can't have a free society without capitalism. However, capitalism is alot like nuclear energy. It's amazing in what it can create in the terms of wealth. But just like we have to treat nuclear energy in a very responsible manner, the same can be said about capitalism.
Adam Smith, the father of modern day capitalism even wrote in his book that there is a need for safety nets. And also wrote that when the gap between rich and poor becomes to great capitalism is at risk. Now who are we to argue with the man whose ideas are what we base our entire economic system on?
4/3/2012 7:49:08 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Have you gotten to know these people? If everyone I had to deal with growing up had the views you have I would have never gotten anywhere. And to be honest I had to fake it until I made it.
I worked a job at a packaging plant as a teenage one summer. I recalled hearing the supervisor saying about another employee that if he had known he was homeless he would have never hired him. Its f**king rediculous. I don't know what your true opinion is but if your anything like that guy people in this world haven't got a chance. He was trying to change his situation. He wasn't asking for anyone to help him. And still he got that kind of treatment. And a week later they fired him for being 1 minute late from his lunch break. That is why people don't try and they get what they can and with a**holes in this world like that I don't blame them. Even though its the wrong way. It is very easy to look down your nose at someone and judge them for what you "think" they are. Now I know you have talked about the marshall islanders calling off work because they need their govt benefits. I detest things like that. But its not that simple. If it were that simple wouldn't communism work? No, communism don't work. Why? Because people have dreams and desires. They want more out of life. The fact that in that kind of system everyone gets paid the same no matter what and you never get upward mobility requardless of what you do....In your world view about people, wouldn't communism work? If they really had no other ambition in life than to suck off govts tit. Inspire and educate, use a little tough love and I bet we'd cut the people on govt programs in half and end generational welfare. I bet if we addressed the root causes we could damn near end the program. But depending on where you live, welfare may not exist anymore. It don't in Ohio for the most part. You get help if your a single mother or something. Other than that it don't exist anymore.
You bet I have. I have some relatives that do it and I know them pretty well. I also have married employees that do because they are not "married" here, they are only married in their native country and that doesn't count in America as long as we pay benefits to unmarried women with children so easily.
Regarding your comments on communism, it is unrelated to the problem with misuse and theft of benefits here. It also has nothing to do with desire. Folks that abuse the programs are perfectly comfortable where they are and how they live. Basic human spirit dictates that if they really wanted something "better" there is plenty of opportunity to get it.
Regarding "homeless" there was "disappointing" study done by a prestigious liberal university in Calipornia regarding homeless there. I really wish I could remember the school and details so I could post it, but do remember clearly that they concluded that the majority of the "homeless" want to be. Those that fit the media and liberal ideal were actually a small minority. They found homeless people with thousands of dollars in the bank that lived the lifestyle because they wanted to.
My experience dictates I stand on the idea that human spirit is indominable and if anyone truely wants to exceed or better themselves, they can.
4/3/2012 8:11:56 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
Has anyone noticed there are no reality shows on TV about being poor? Like,
"Bachelor - Joe poor"? How about, "How I meet your Welfare moma"?
4/3/2012 4:08:59 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
It's like Gallaher said about the poor and starving, "These f**king people live in a desert and food doon't grow here. Don't feed these people, give the U-Hauls so they can move to where the food is".
We already give them 12 years of education free and feed them every day along the way. All they have to do is make something of it and move the hell away from where they are and go where the opportunity is. It's not because they can't. They don't because they won't.
4/4/2012 4:14:33 PM |
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Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
GaH!!!!!!! Don't go to the grocery store on food stamp day!!! nightmare! "I'ss done got ma goavment chick and ma obamba bucks"......Now jbck, that group of people makes me crazy. Its hard working people who don't make enough to get by let alone get ahead. Some people can't afford a car to move away. And really....what in the hell does highschool really teach you anyway? You don't really learn a trade. unless you have a techincal school (we do) but its not like that everywhere. Some of these people don't even know how to open a checking acct let alone balance a check book. They lack the essential life skills you need. Thats what I'm saying.
Look at Germany. When you graduate highschool you already know a trade and you can go to work, or if you want you can go on to college. The fact that we spend 12.5 percent of GDP on things like medicaid and foodstamps says alot about our system and the condition of our people.
Now I'm not saying that govt assistance is indefinant. And I'm not against having the people pay it back. Heres how it would go if I were in charge:
Sign up for assistance
Take a skills and assessment test.
Enter into a ged program if you havent completed highschool
Enter into a training program
sign promissory notes
Get assistance for living and child care
Enter into an internship program.
Complete training program and life skills program
Get an additional 6 months to find a job, with job placement.....Coast to Coast
Exit program.
If you notice, under my welfare plan people have to pay everything back. And since pell grants and loans have become the new welfare, we operate in that new reality to take control from the schools and the indivuals that are abusing that system. Today a person can get a two year degree and have a job almost immediately. Where as someone today can get into a 4 year college and milk the system for all you can for 4-6 years. Both the school and individual are to blame for this, as well as the govt and the public at large.
This is how I'd fix this. You'd make people either be productive or live off someone else or die. And the tax payer would get paid back instead of if just being an expense each year it would become an investment. And It would be less expensive. but since liberals dont want to preach personal responsibility and conservatives are to stupid to spend money on something useful nothing will change. As usual.
4/5/2012 8:47:36 AM |
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Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
In this case it doesn't matter what HS teaches. Everybody fundamentally gets the same HS stuff (save some going to excellent private schools - a small minority). It is true that a college degree is less important than ever before and trade schools are probably a better option.
Regardless, these resources are available to everyone and in fact more available to "minoritites" than others. The problem remains that government policies have created this group depenedent upon a "welfare state". Once a way of life is learned it is difficult to change.
I fear it is a sad state when we are having about as much success changing the welfare culture as we are in redeucating and civilizing people in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. The problem is that once a culture is established and intrenched it is impossible to change. The sad part is that we continue to try.
Giving people crutches when they have never tried to walk in the first place is futile. Eliminate crutches altogether and they will find a way to walk on their own. People are innovative and will find a way to survive and even become successful and prosper only when they need to survive on their onw and want to succeed.
[Edited 4/5/2012 8:49:24 AM ]
4/5/2012 3:52:48 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
Ive been thinking about something I wrote the other day. I said pell grants have became the new welfare. I want to expand on that. Now I know that it seems that schools and higher education seem to be off limits for critizism. That needs to change. I got to thinking about how many hoops I had to jump through (atleast in undergrad) to graduate. And how it seemed that half of the people I went to school with wouldn't be there if they hadn't had some govt help. Now I'm not knocking the idea of pell grants and loans. I qualified for them for awhile and I used them. But I had a purpose, and I was very upset when all of a sudden I had more classes I had to take that wasn't related to my major. Thus creating more debt.
The reason I bring this up is I ran into a girl I went to school with....in 2001 that is still in college. Still getting loans and grants etc... And she don't have a degree and I asked her if she's been in the entire last 10 years. She said yes. She said she was part-time for the last 5 years.......Wtf!!!! No wonder this program is going broke. Not only are some of the people who use this program to blame. So are the schools. But hell the schools don't care. They just keep making tons and tons of money. While turning out students....if they graduate that are worthless....I mean I know a girl who has a major in basket weaving....Basket weaving.....Another wtf major!!! Damnit man, I'm all about providing opportunity. But really....basket weaving. I mean whose going to employer her? The easter bunny? 
4/6/2012 10:37:10 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Ive been thinking about something I wrote the other day. I said pell grants have became the new welfare. I want to expand on that. Now I know that it seems that schools and higher education seem to be off limits for critizism. That needs to change. I got to thinking about how many hoops I had to jump through (atleast in undergrad) to graduate. And how it seemed that half of the people I went to school with wouldn't be there if they hadn't had some govt help. Now I'm not knocking the idea of pell grants and loans. I qualified for them for awhile and I used them. But I had a purpose, and I was very upset when all of a sudden I had more classes I had to take that wasn't related to my major. Thus creating more debt.
The reason I bring this up is I ran into a girl I went to school with....in 2001 that is still in college. Still getting loans and grants etc... And she don't have a degree and I asked her if she's been in the entire last 10 years. She said yes. She said she was part-time for the last 5 years.......Wtf!!!! No wonder this program is going broke. Not only are some of the people who use this program to blame. So are the schools. But hell the schools don't care. They just keep making tons and tons of money. While turning out students....if they graduate that are worthless....I mean I know a girl who has a major in basket weaving....Basket weaving.....Another wtf major!!! Damnit man, I'm all about providing opportunity. But really....basket weaving. I mean whose going to employer her? The easter bunny? 
My brother and his son are in a program that swaps education for relief. Instead of paying him and his kid to eat, they pay 10X it to let them go to school....online mostly. The question becomes can they get a job with it? Who knows? Guess we'll see. Regardless, I see it as a way to support the educational system more than the people that would hopefully benefit from it.
4/8/2012 2:09:20 PM |
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Camden Wyoming, DE
27, joined Jan. 2012
I love this I couldn't have said this better myself
4/9/2012 9:10:43 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Today on a smoke break I discovered that my secretary has already spent her $7000+ return on less than $1000 pay in and because of the great wealth she felt she also maxed out her credit cards. Now she laments the fact that she has to pay for it regardless of her government "bonus".
She felt so "rich" for a time and she forgot it or ignored the fact that it has to last. She would be an idiot if she won the last big lettery, too! Sustainability was not in her thoughts. She is simply confused by the economics. That is sooooo freaking sad!
What a senseless trap the government hs put these poor souls into! Vote for Demoncraps that will guarantee you free stuff or fiscally responsible people that will let you make your own way. Lay free money on the table and they cannot resist it's lure. Make them work for it and that is another thing all together!
Damn this stupid liberal government! Theyt are subjugating people to their will. That is so blatantly and fundamentally contradictory to the constituion that it boggles the mind that any free person would embrace it for even a second. We will soon be nothing more than communists if this is allowed to prevail.

[Edited 4/9/2012 9:12:27 PM ]
4/9/2012 9:55:47 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
Whats the difference between extreme liberalism and feudalism? Not much. In europe a long time ago the peasantry had to depend on a king or noble for their safety, and in return for their safety they worked the land, never to acquire wealth not status. Extreme Liberalism is no different. Except instead of giving your entire crop to your noble to sell you give all your money in taxes to the govt today.
I'm really tired so I'm going to bed. In the next few days I'm going to start a thread about this topic. I could actually write a book. And I may lol.
4/10/2012 1:22:56 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Columbus, GA
39, joined Jun. 2011
I pay sales tax income tax inflated insurance cost so the powers that b can allow illegal labor practices over payed politicians and under qualified officers of the law to violate the civil liberties my family fought and died for???? F**k them we lead by example so I'm gonna take what I can get
4/11/2012 6:36:24 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Not sure which side you're coming from but what does it matter if people in the lower 49% of taxpayers paying no income tax are paying sales taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes and fees as long as they are paying them with other people's money? Short answer? None. It just means that the people that EARNED the money not only pay income tax, they are also paying your taxes! Geeze.....some people......

4/11/2012 9:24:45 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
Not sure which side you're coming from but what does it matter if people in the lower 49% of taxpayers paying no income tax are paying sales taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes and fees as long as they are paying them with other people's money? Short answer? None. It just means that the people that EARNED the money not only pay income tax, they are also paying your taxes! Geeze.....some people......

everybody pays taxes. and income taxes are just one tax. Its a shame we have so many but we do. And unless you have kids, reguardless of how much you make you pay income taxes, on top of payroll taxes. So unless 49% of the population are unmarried couples on welfare with lots of kids, theyre paying taxes with their own money.
But you should be pissed. I'm pissed but you should be pissed at the entire system. From what I can tell you seem to be a middle class or upper middle class individual....You are the highest taxed group of people. People who make less than you pay less, because they can't afford more to be honest, and people who make more than you pay less as a percentage than you do. because thats just how our tax code is. Most of the people you hate and are targeting are hard working people trying to get by. Just like yourself. But there are people out there that are worthless that our system also supports and it shouldn't.
You need to change youre radio station at lunch time.
4/12/2012 10:12:31 AM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
The IRS publishes income tax collection statistics each year going back many years. I published the link to the IRS web site on a forum here a while back. According to them 49% of people subject to income tax effectively paid no income tax for calendar year 2011.
Many of those people paid something in for sure. However, those 49% got refunds equal to or greater than the amount they paid in. A commonly not understood phenomenon is that in many of these cases it involves single parents with several children where the credits they receive are more than the tax they owe.
Hence, in the worst cases (two of which are personally known to me) a single mother with 2-4 kids can work at temporary jobs, earning just under the limits where they would lose their social assistance programs (e.g. welfare, food stamps, FINS or Families in Need of Services in Arkansas, etc.) pay maybe nothing or a few hundred into income tax on their own that does not include the employer match which is also only a few hundred, yet get a refund from IRS exceeding $7,000. That means that they were given as much as $6,000 more than they and their employer paid in together.
I personally know two single mothers who did this this year. One has two kids, one disabled with "behavioral disorders". She has a full time job where I work and makes about $15 an hour. The other is the neice of a co-worker. He reported that she has 4 healthy illegitimate children and only works occasionally for temp agencies carefully watching her income so as not to lose government benefits. Both of these ladies got refunds in excess of $7000.
Since the money they got back has to come from somewhere who do you think paid it? The answer is the 51% of people that got back less than they sent in. Even I got a small refund, a few hundered back, but it was much less than the nearly $17,000 I paid in in state and federal income tax. That means that I like 51% of other taxpayers effectively paid these two to get free money from the government. At 49% there are millions of them out there.
Though I am not nearly in the top 1% or even 10% I am firmly part of the 51% that is paying for pretty much everything the government does. The other 49% pay almost nothing in any kind of taxes because many of those taxes, like sales tax, etc., are being paid for with money the got from other people when they got the federal income tax refund. In effect, most of the taxes they pay in any form are being paid with other people's money. That is the money the government collected from the 51% that acutally paid something in.
4/12/2012 1:49:35 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |
Middletown, OH
34, joined Oct. 2011
The IRS publishes income tax collection statistics each year going back many years. I published the link to the IRS web site on a forum here a while back. According to them 49% of people subject to income tax effectively paid no income tax for calendar year 2011.
Many of those people paid something in for sure. However, those 49% got refunds equal to or greater than the amount they paid in. A commonly not understood phenomenon is that in many of these cases it involves single parents with several children where the credits they receive are more than the tax they owe.
Hence, in the worst cases (two of which are personally known to me) a single mother with 2-4 kids can work at temporary jobs, earning just under the limits where they would lose their social assistance programs (e.g. welfare, food stamps, FINS or Families in Need of Services in Arkansas, etc.) pay maybe nothing or a few hundred into income tax on their own that does not include the employer match which is also only a few hundred, yet get a refund from IRS exceeding $7,000. That means that they were given as much as $6,000 more than they and their employer paid in together.
I personally know two single mothers who did this this year. One has two kids, one disabled with "behavioral disorders". She has a full time job where I work and makes about $15 an hour. The other is the neice of a co-worker. He reported that she has 4 healthy illegitimate children and only works occasionally for temp agencies carefully watching her income so as not to lose government benefits. Both of these ladies got refunds in excess of $7000.
Since the money they got back has to come from somewhere who do you think paid it? The answer is the 51% of people that got back less than they sent in. Even I got a small refund, a few hundered back, but it was much less than the nearly $17,000 I paid in in state and federal income tax. That means that I like 51% of other taxpayers effectively paid these two to get free money from the government. At 49% there are millions of them out there.
Though I am not nearly in the top 1% or even 10% I am firmly part of the 51% that is paying for pretty much everything the government does. The other 49% pay almost nothing in any kind of taxes because many of those taxes, like sales tax, etc., are being paid for with money the got from other people when they got the federal income tax refund. In effect, most of the taxes they pay in any form are being paid with other people's money. That is the money the government collected from the 51% that acutally paid something in.
If 49% of this countries tax payers are indeed like this, this country is f**ked. I mean we have a work force of roughly 150-160 million people. thats like saying we have 75 million men or women with multiple kids that dont work that much and are on the system at the same time. 75 million people.....thats a number hard for me to process. Its just really hard to believe. But if thats indeed the truth that needs to end now. Like I said in other posts, I don't mind low paid individuals getting back what they paid in. But not more. I don't see how income re-distribution really helps anyone.
It's really unfair to 1. Hard working single people without kids. 2.Hard working families that have kids but make a little to much to get the child tax credits. And 3.It encourages people who shouldn't not be having kids to have kids. Unless we have a population that is shrinking at a rapid pace we should not be promoting population growth. Folks who can afford kids should have them if they want them.
4/12/2012 9:14:07 PM |
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Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
I wish it were so, and perhaps the government lies? It does about almost everything else under the current administration. However, personal experience cannot be discounted. If the two women I know can do it so easily it seems that millions of others can, and are, too!
4/18/2012 12:42:56 AM |
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Seymour, IN
72, joined Feb. 2012
I wish it were so, and perhaps the government lies? It does about almost everything else under the current administration. However, personal experience cannot be discounted. If the two women I know can do it so easily it seems that millions of others can, and are, too!
And of course Bush never lied to us about Iraq.
5/19/2012 9:23:25 PM |
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Manakin Sabot, VA
46, joined Jul. 2011
Welfare wouldn't be an issue if well some issues not ignored -- take this point, 13yr old girl pregnant -boyfriend beats her up and takes the welfare away from her and baby for his own partying he's 27 yrs old and I'm sorry not prosecuted for statutory rape, not paying child support and when she can't provide for that child she gets it from the state child taken away and money and she gets beaten and rapped again to have another baby for more money - now the police don't go after the father and the social worker doesn't go after the father and the family doesn't do a thing. .......................
Yes, and every one screams at that girl and tell her get her tubs tied how I know at 16 yrs old I faced off that girls abusive baby daddy cause he was choking her . got a broken nose and yes she was pregnant at the time ..........called the cops the police yelled at the girl for giving him money and the social worker told here she was being kicked out of the apartment for misappropriation of welfare .............
It's not all scamers but in the end that girl & kids got killed and the father walks still free today I drive by him as he sleeps under an overpass I'm sorry to say this but I smile when the temperature drops or the weather misery for him. Some times the very system creates victims too! - just saying it's a double edged sword!
The truth it's a matter who is managing it!
5/19/2012 10:05:54 PM |
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Bronx, NY
35, joined Dec. 2011
Well... After 30-40 something years of welfare programs... We now have in nyc.. 3 generations of people from the same families that have never ever worked and are sustained entirely by welfare.. This is why the system is broken.. Its ment to be a mechanism to help those who are unfortunate survive and get out of poverty.. Not provide a means of sustanance for Generation after generation
5/19/2012 10:52:58 PM |
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Kansas City, KS
63, joined Feb. 2012
And of course Bush never lied to us about Iraq.
A hundred years from now, are you still going to be blaming Bush? Bush has been a blessing for the dems and liberals. Great cover for the current fool.
[Edited 5/19/2012 10:54:20 PM ]
5/19/2012 11:49:43 PM |
Thoughts on Welfare | Page 2 |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Welfare wouldn't be an issue if well some issues not ignored -- take this point, 13yr old girl pregnant -boyfriend beats her up and takes the welfare away from her and baby for his own partying he's 27 yrs old and I'm sorry not prosecuted for statutory rape, not paying child support and when she can't provide for that child she gets it from the state child taken away and money and she gets beaten and rapped again to have another baby for more money - now the police don't go after the father and the social worker doesn't go after the father and the family doesn't do a thing. .......................
Yes, and every one screams at that girl and tell her get her tubs tied how I know at 16 yrs old I faced off that girls abusive baby daddy cause he was choking her . got a broken nose and yes she was pregnant at the time ..........called the cops the police yelled at the girl for giving him money and the social worker told here she was being kicked out of the apartment for misappropriation of welfare .............
It's not all scamers but in the end that girl & kids got killed and the father walks still free today I drive by him as he sleeps under an overpass I'm sorry to say this but I smile when the temperature drops or the weather misery for him. Some times the very system creates victims too! - just saying it's a double edged sword!
The truth it's a matter who is managing it!
Who failed? Society? Her? Her parents? Who? It's all about personal responsibility and if she doesn't have that it just sucks to be her.
I learned as a child that I was responsible for myself. The error was that she let herself get into it in the first place. She is responsible, no one else. Sucks to be her.
She should have made better decisions. Pretty hard to do when you don't know who your daddy is, so why do these stupid women keep getting sucked in by useless fools? Simple, they are fools too.
Well, it just sucks to be you! I made better decisions about what I did and who I interacted with. Because I made more reasonable decisions and got off my a** and did other things doesn't mandate that I am responsible for her shortcomings. Again, sucks to be her. She should have had a little more sense about things.
No sympathy here. She made her ed and can lay in it. She got what she decided. Nobody but her is responsible for her decisions.
Sorry. Sometimes stupid just has to take care of itself.
