Johnson City, NY
68, joined Jan. 2012
Hello, This company is going to share 50% of their profits with their members. How can they do that you may ask, by the advertising that will be on their homepage and their brand new search engine. All you have to do is advertise for them, but we have a limited amount of time, the last day to advertise is April 9,2012.
I just found about this once in a lifetime opportunity last week as I was scouting for an online job. Every country in this world can sign up for free, there is no money involved, no selling, buying, downloading. All you have to do is advertise with your referral link you can tell your friends or advertise online or advertise in your newspaper.
We will become members by signing up and advertising because we will be getting paid by each month, how much, that depends on how many people are going to signup on your website where your referral link is located. They sky is the limit here, we the members can become financially free. The more that sign up the more money each person will make.
This is truly a global community.
The other search engines with their homepages making billions and dont share their profits but this one will. ANYONE INTERESTED NOW just email me at my inbox here and give me your email address, u dont have to expose your email address here online.
Do you want to live on EASY STREET, then email me, thank you for reading.
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

Johnson City, NY
68, joined Jan. 2012
Hello again, I was not sure that I could type this out, but I see that I can, ok this is what you do, click on to my referral link, read the website and there is a form for you to fill out, put in your real name with a legitimate email address, then pick a password for this website, do not use your email address password. Click when done filling it out. Later from the office you will receive a letter, follow the instructions it will take you to your very own website and you will follow the instructions so that you will find out what your referral link will be. Advertise so that people can sign up to your referral link. The more people that signup the more you will make.
You will be financially paid for the rest of your life. all countries free to join and live the good life.
Lincoln, NE
39, joined Feb. 2012
