The eleven characters displayed in red in the above examples is the actual name of the video file. Notice that the File Name is the same in all three examples.
Highlight this code and copy/paste it into 'Notepad'; save it as 'VidCodeConv.txt'. You can now use this as a template.
How to post a video:
Notice I didn't include the "height" parameter in the template; it is not necessary because the video file contains the "aspect ratio" information; your browser will calculate the height.
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Here is the "short URL for the video:
tag between paragraphs. This makes it so much easier to read. The < and > symbols are part of the tag.
Until DH lets us use the "iframe" code, it is the only way we can post Youtube videos.
Merry Christmas
I didn't say it was going to be easy.
Because they can and they gave me something to do.
No need to feel cornfused …
Send me a friend request so we can chat and I can walk you through this stuff.
Here is your video:
Re-read the instructions (I made a few changes) and try again.
Only special people and dogs that can type are allowed to " post videos in the new iFrame format ".. Please send me money and -XoXoXoX- Digital Dog And ALL my friends.... Members with minimal computer skills and wishing to post videos on DH go THERE.. ( it is a safe place ) -XoXoXoX- Digital Dog And ALL my friends....