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Haven't been in here since April!!!
by driver406 at 11/24/2011 12:42:50 AM

I wonder if anyone missed me? I wonder if anyone even noticed? Probably not so I can say whatever I want. Ever notice how the purple banana stops to rest sometime while the yellow one just shows it's moves 24/7? Now what's up with that?
Got a run to Grand Portage a week or so ago and then almost hit a deer south of town. I had to deliver 1/2 from the Canadian border and the guy I delivered to was waiting for me in Ryden's Border Store. EVERYONE knows Rydens up there.
Today I got a run to Fargo. Nice run, but it didn't pay as much as Grand Portage, but still one mustn't complain.
When you don't post all summer and fall it's hard to catch up, but everyone knows what I think by reading the forums. So do they see me as an old crumudgeon or some know it all nutcase who thinks he's Dr Laura and Dr Phil combined and paid like my nephew, the intern, at the History Theater. Hmmmm, I think I'm about the same age as Dr Laura. I take Citracal like Dr Laura..... hmmmm. So how come I don't make money like Dr Laura? Guess you gotta get the breaks.
So you want to know when I'm going to find the downspout on the side of the house, right? I noticed it last spring. Some ice dam screwed everything up. So isn't it about time I fixed it? It's only been 9 months but tomorrow promises to be a nice day and nearly a record high so TOMORROW is THE day! I suppose I should put the lawn mower away too and get the snow blower out. And then I'll have dinner with my father in the home and then I'll do my thing (The hardest thing to do).
Guess that ought to be enough for right now. If anyone happens to read this say high, uh hi, or send me a smiley or something so I know I'm not talking to myself, k? They say if you must talk to yourself just don't argue. That purple banana is resting right now!! What's the deal with it, huh?
Til next time............................ I'm going to bed.