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*I AM _________ !* (say something nice about yourself)
...more violent than WOODY WOODPECKER (if that is possible).
k_tothe_c 7/3/2017 8:04:21 PM
40's Chat
* CHICAGO gets TRIGGER HAPPY on 4th of July weekend, AGAIN *
Quote from condor_0000:
Having my children swallowed up by a crocodile at Disney World is my retirement plan.

That is the only entertain...
k_tothe_c 7/3/2017 8:02:29 PM
Current Events & Politics
* CHICAGO gets TRIGGER HAPPY on 4th of July weekend, AGAIN *
That GIANT GHETTO must be very proud of that tradition!!!!
k_tothe_c 7/3/2017 9:35:44 AM
Current Events & Politics
* CHICAGO gets TRIGGER HAPPY on 4th of July weekend, AGAIN *
At least 44 people have been shot across Chicago, four of them fatally, as the city heads into Sunday night of the Fourth of July weekend. Last year’s Independence Day weekend ended with 66 people sho...
k_tothe_c 7/3/2017 9:34:30 AM
Current Events & Politics
*I AM _________ !* (say something nice about yourself) sweet to be sour & to nice to be MEAN.
k_tothe_c 7/2/2017 8:06:47 PM
40's Chat
** What was the WORSE movie you ever watched? **
SCHOOL OF ROCK was also retarded.
k_tothe_c 7/2/2017 8:05:13 PM
*I AM _________ !* (say something nice about yourself)
...a better cook than ANYONE you have ever met !!!
k_tothe_c 6/29/2017 12:37:22 AM
40's Chat
** What was the WORSE movie you ever watched? **
(no preview available, click to read)
k_tothe_c 6/29/2017 12:28:31 AM
** What was the WORSE movie you ever watched? **
"THE USUAL SUSPECTS" was WAAAAY over-rated and LITERALLY put me to sleep.
k_tothe_c 6/27/2017 9:26:01 AM
*I AM _________ !* (say something nice about yourself)
...I am the KEY-MASTER !!!!
k_tothe_c 6/27/2017 8:45:06 AM
40's Chat
*Cop's lure dog from his fenced yard to KILL HIM.*
k_tothe_c 6/26/2017 1:12:53 PM
Current Events & Politics
*Cop's lure dog from his fenced yard to KILL HIM.*

Like I said you are a key board Rambo

You would not stand a chance in real life. if you words make you feel like a big man then type away it is ...
k_tothe_c 6/26/2017 12:28:01 AM
Current Events & Politics
*Cop's lure dog from his fenced yard to KILL HIM.*
THIS JUST IN: if you can't even stay on the topic you will be temporarily deleted.
k_tothe_c 6/26/2017 12:22:48 AM
Current Events & Politics
*Cop's lure dog from his fenced yard to KILL HIM.*
(no preview available, click to read)
k_tothe_c 6/26/2017 12:13:07 AM
Current Events & Politics
*I AM _________ !* (say something nice about yourself)
ARROGANT. (that's nice, right?)
k_tothe_c 6/25/2017 11:44:00 PM
40's Chat

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