5/16/2013 12:55:27 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Anger -- Rage -- Feelings of inadequacies -- many reasons -- all psychological.
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5/27/2013 10:48:11 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Dardanelle, AR
42, joined Nov. 2012
i recently rescued a male pitt that was thrown from a truck by the owner. My fellow pet owners until laws are passed and people are held accountaible 4 what they do mean cruel and i wil quote chevy chase stupid d*ckless hopeless worthless bugeyed sacks of monkey shit people wil kep doin it cus deep down they hate themself and are ashamed of how weak they are.
5/28/2013 8:06:04 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Farmington, ME
37, joined Dec. 2012
Pets get better treatment than humans in this country.
5/30/2013 11:04:11 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Las Vegas, NV
34, joined Apr. 2013
People suck
and they are the ones who are the animals
sad world we live in
5/31/2013 8:00:24 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Ossining, NY
40, joined Jan. 2010
all people huh? 
6/7/2013 11:17:55 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Nashville, TN
59, joined Jun. 2013
Because they are vicious, evil, cruel psychopaths who deserve to burn in hell. And that's an easy punishment.
6/12/2013 5:40:51 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


United Kingdom
44, joined Jun. 2013
More to the point, why is it against the law to beat people who beat animals?
Man beats Alsation with heavy chromed chain leash, gets no punishment.
I strike Alsation owner with same leash, get fined, community service & criminal record.
How is that fair?

I'd do exactly the same again.
6/27/2013 5:48:02 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Jamaica, NY
28, joined Jun. 2013
The world is filled with dumb a** evil people! They jealous of beautiful animals! Dogs And Cats Etc 
6/27/2013 11:21:13 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
hurting things are defenseless is a severe mental disorder
7/24/2013 12:34:14 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


Berlin, MD
66, joined Aug. 2012
Lets put All abusers: child, elderly, animal, spouse & whatever else on a friggin island somewhere, away from civilized society. Maybe they all will become so frustrated they'll start abusing each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/7/2013 8:56:39 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Stoughton, MA
68, joined May. 2011
People hurt animals cuz they have no feelings them selves.   
11/25/2013 9:19:12 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Charleston, SC
44, joined Oct. 2013
nasty hateful and cruel people do this.

12/8/2013 5:19:03 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Chicago, IL
41, joined Sep. 2013
If I ever see someone hurt an animal ill  
12/28/2013 3:07:00 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Tulsa, OK
59, joined Oct. 2013
I don't know but I absolutely hate ppl who hurt animals. 
12/29/2013 1:15:19 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
...a sick sense of power over a small, defenseless creature because they are too weak to go one-on-one with a human...
1/4/2014 6:40:37 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Chicago, IL
41, joined Sep. 2013
Dont hurt animals or men for that matter however I do protect my country !!!!!!!
1/5/2014 11:33:45 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

1/11/2014 8:17:30 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Moreno Valley, CA
38, joined Aug. 2010
Do you really want to know the truth. Well here in California. 90% of people are just dumb as shit. I once saw a car at a fast food restaurant with two dog's locked inside. It was about 80 outside so I called the cops got his plates and waited for him to come out. Oh you don't know how mad I was when this a** came wwalking out. Oh I let him have it and run off but I know the cop's got him
1/14/2014 9:01:12 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


Cleveland, OH
59, joined Oct. 2011
Because those people are just sick disgusting psycho's!! And it makes them feel "big" by hurting sweet innocent loving helpless animals & children. The "punishment should fit the crime", but it never does!
1/18/2014 9:34:54 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
Sadly the people who start out killing animals when young tend to become
serial killers later down the road. they completly lack empathy or remorse.
1/21/2014 2:38:47 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


Los Angeles, CA
26, joined Nov. 2010
I hate poeple who abuse animals and hurt animals
1/24/2014 9:05:11 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


Cleveland, OH
59, joined Oct. 2011
No it is NOT!! What IS fun is loving them & being loved back by them. NOT hurting them in ANY way shape or form!!!! 
3/21/2014 4:13:24 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Hartford, CT
41, joined Oct. 2013
What about people that kill animals for food?
ask any ecologist and they will tell you that our planet is at great risk of over population. The modern understandings about health and animal advocacy pale in comparison to the supply to feed everyone. A very sad and expensive truth.
3/21/2014 4:17:01 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Hartford, CT
41, joined Oct. 2013
It doesnt matter what a persons reasoning is...it is sociopathic behavior. And this is scary because the tendancies will in some way leakinto their interaction with people...not necissarily by physical abuse but other forms of harm and betrayal.
3/22/2014 7:05:06 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
If you " like to hurt animals " ....
( specially DOGS..!! )
" Click "
this link
it's where YOU belong..!!
Animal Abuser ---> <--- Digital Dog
Now can you
Digital Dog And ALL my friends....
3/25/2014 5:13:37 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Rosman, NC
52, joined May. 2013
Because people are cowards, they know that animals (most) are defensless so they feel empowered by hurting something that can't hurt them back, instead of just walking up to the biggest guy on the street and just jawing the shyt out of them, they pick a little animal due to the fact they themselves are harmless little souls and scared to get hurt.... if that makes any sense.
you hit the nail on the head, good for you
3/25/2014 5:16:28 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |
Rosman, NC
52, joined May. 2013
Because there are a lot of sick people in the world. And anyone that hurts animals shouldn't be left around children either.
very good point.
3/27/2014 8:13:01 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
There needs to be a better system for ownership of animals. If the animal needs to be licensed so should the owner.
3/27/2014 7:23:31 PM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Middleburg, FL
50, joined Feb. 2013
Because there cowards
3/30/2014 12:04:56 AM |
Why do people hurt animals? | Page 2 |

Roanoke, VA
29, joined Feb. 2014
Cuz there a worthless POS and anyone that hurts an animal should have there Ass Beat really Bad no tolerance for that or people that Hurt kids!