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10/7/2012 12:45:19 PM |
How christian are you? |
Memphis, TN
32, joined Sep. 2012
Are your most inner most thoughts the same christ would have or the pharisees?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/7/2012 3:10:57 PM |
How christian are you? |

Cedarville, NJ
51, joined May. 2011
Considering this is the "other religions" forum
I think its safe to say that most people would like to vomit on your topic and spray christians with explosive diarrhea
10/7/2012 3:23:21 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/7/2012 3:56:11 PM |
How christian are you? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
Looks like someone went a spamming this morning. She hit ever group it seems, with several posts of that flashy thing. Breast cancer awareness is important, but spam is awful no matter what.
As to the original question, yes, perhaps not appropriate for this forum; however, even though I am not a Christian, I do value the teachings and wisdom of Yeshua and I have my own beliefs about who and what he was (I'm not looking to convert anybody, so no need to go into details.) I love him deeply, and I do strive to live as he lived (spiritually speaking) and how he taught us to live and avoid the Pharisee trap.
10/7/2012 7:52:03 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Considering this is the "other religions" forum
I think its safe to say that most people would like to vomit on your topic and spray christians with explosive diarrhea
Premature explosion 
10/8/2012 8:11:59 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/9/2012 11:29:05 AM |
How christian are you? |

Perryville, MO
36, joined Dec. 2011
Are your most inner most thoughts the same christ would have or the pharisees?
No never for I will 1 day rule this rotten fruit you call earth from atop a throne built from the bones of your clergymen and surrounded by banners peeled from the meat of you sorry pathetic zealots.in defiance of your false god and his corpse son.
10/9/2012 7:41:22 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
No never for I will 1 day rule this rotten fruit you call earth from atop a throne built from the bones of your clergymen and surrounded by banners peeled from the meat of you sorry pathetic zealots.in defiance of your false god and his corpse son. 
You are a shinning example of intelligence at its worst .
10/10/2012 9:01:53 AM |
How christian are you? |

Perryville, MO
36, joined Dec. 2011
You are a shinning example of intelligence at its worst . 
Thank you.
10/10/2012 12:04:44 PM |
How christian are you? |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
Not very, in regards to orthodox institutions who call themselves Christians???
I resemble that description very little 
[Edited 10/10/2012 12:06:05 PM ]
10/10/2012 3:06:24 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

10/11/2012 2:58:41 PM |
How christian are you? |

Mansfield, AR
66, joined Dec. 2011
Not christian at all.
I don't know if christ or the pharisees think like I do you might ask them next time you see them.
But then again I am first and foremost a heathen ,savage Osage and I bow down in submission to no man or gods.
10/11/2012 3:51:48 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

10/11/2012 4:03:56 PM |
How christian are you? |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
Me either, and one of the main reasons Christians don't like me!! 
10/12/2012 12:59:57 AM |
How christian are you? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
Me either, and one of the main reasons Christians don't like me!!  
Some Christians like me fine. I get along with most, though we disagree about the whole human sacrifice of Yeshua business. His teachings about love, forgiving one another, taking care of one another, community and humble selflessness are pretty universal, and good wisdom from any source. I don't have to believe in the modern incarnation of Christianity in order to love Yeshua and the wisdom he shared. In fact, I don't even have to believe he existed, though I do, as many of my atheist friends have expressed belief in the principles he teaches, they just see him as a fictional character. Most of his story is made up, mixed up with other stories. Much of it was manipulated to control people and keep them subservient. However, that is not the core of what he taught.
Yeshua is one among many sources from which I draw wisdom. I teach in a nation which is heavily influenced by modern Christian teachings, and I was a Christian for a while before I woke up to the path I'm supposed to be on. I have always sought a diverse understanding of the Divine and spirituality both for my sake, and for the sake of being able to discuss spirituality with people of diverse beliefs. I study Hinduism, the teachings of various Native American cultures, Islam, Siberian Shamanism, Australian beliefs, and many other cultures. In my path, I am called a shaman (diverse tradition shaman.) However, I see no conflict with my more "pagan" outlook on spirituality and my love of Yeshua's wisdom. In fact, I see Judaism's pagan roots, and I see the Eastern thought influences on Yeshua's teachings as well as the pagan influences on the myth story built around him.
As for bowing, as one mentioned, I have no problem bowing before the Divine in many aspects. I see it as proper respect. They do not dictate my life, they guide it and our goals are similar and complimentary so we assist one another. I see Divine beings as beings who have spiritually evolved far beyond us, and who earn a certain respect. Most of the time, I stand before them, but there are times when it is appropriate (to my view) to bow and pay honor to them. At the same time, I respect that some cultures (such as the Norse) believe it dishonoring to the self to bow to anyone, god or otherwise. To one who sees it as dishonoring to the self, it is dishonoring to the self, to one who sees it as appropriate respect, it is appropriate respect and not dishonoring to the self. Each must do as each is lead. I also do not feel it is wrong for those who are always bowing and scraping fearfully before the gods; it's just not the relationship I have with them.
In a way, I saw the OP here as saying Christianity should return to Yeshua's teachings of love and community, and stop with the judgment and legalism. It's a good message, even if this is the wrong forum to reach most Christians with that message.
10/12/2012 3:19:45 AM |
How christian are you? |

San Diego, CA
38, joined Oct. 2012
I would like to say intuitively from my spiritual heart that i feel that being a christian is about loving one another unconditiomally even if others arent christians or believe the same.universal truths of loving and having charity and christlike love with respect and dignity for each other uncondotinally is universally taught everywhere.the golden rule treating others good the way you would want to be treated is a universal teaching in every ideology pjilosophy theologoval religion and ethics of phillosophy.to me i hope wih humility and humbleness i hope i can be loving to all inspite of my weaknesses of the flesh.to me being a christian is about love in the new testament.to me. personally i can love and fellowship and dialogue with everyone regardless of ones preferances of theology or ethics or pholosophy i dont believe being a christian means you have to be a fanatic or be sectarian exclusiively judging like the pharisees and saduccees of old amcoently.being exvlusive divisive sectarian and judgememtal of others theological and political ideologies to me is not very christian in the sense as far as love and respect and learming from one another our differances and similiarities of comon ground i think each of the persons here expressing their opinions of this topic are all interesting.i dont judge any of you at all for uour opinions its evetyones right of freedom of speech amendment one and four.you all have free agency to express your differances of opinion.this forum is very good
10/14/2012 8:25:45 AM |
How christian are you? |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
To me it's all about the love.  
10/14/2012 1:19:52 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
How Christian are you when you develop breast cancer and have been told there is no hope for your survival?

10/14/2012 3:27:07 PM |
How christian are you? |

Salt Lake City, UT
36, joined Sep. 2010
I'd like to think I try to be very Christ like. Non judgmental... tends to stick in my mind as one of the most offended of his teachings by those who claim to follow it. I don't know if they understand that by calling out others for wrongs (everybody has done it) or beliefs of wrongs when it is taught that loving sinners and hating sin is supreme, then to accept and love our brothers and sisters. This brings a deep dislike to the religion... others hearing what heratics they are doesn't exactly make people want to explore the Christian realm, thus defeating the purpose of what he taught and intended to do. Some even believe that the religion itself hijacked the message and called Him (Jesus/Joshua) "God" Himself. This would fall deep into contreversy and wouldn't be a popular discussion, but a healthy one to explore. Jesus was never a "Christian" and never tried to start a religion... this would have actually gone against what he taught about degrees of separation. The message was unity with the only prejudice being against the sin of man, not the man himself. Sons of "God", Sons of Man, and One Being. Again, I like to think I try to be Christ like.
10/14/2012 6:51:05 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Many people 'claim' to be Christ-like ... but their actions defy their claim.

10/15/2012 10:41:57 AM |
How christian are you? |

Salt Lake City, UT
36, joined Sep. 2010
Many people 'claim' to be Christ-like ... but their actions defy their claim.

Agreed! Doesn't this seem like an obvious landmine to avoid from the teachings? No one is perfect, but some people are very well aware of their judgments and do nothing to change it or even care to, regardless of the teachings.
10/15/2012 8:50:14 PM |
How christian are you? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Are your most inner most thoughts the same christ would have or the pharisees?
10/16/2012 1:47:14 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

10/16/2012 8:47:03 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Levity is exactly what humanity needs . When we herald one or the other , we FEED our CONTEMPT for others , and we FEED the CONTEMPT of everyone we associate with .
UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTING , that they are TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN , that is EQUALLY PRESENT in each and every one of us , is the ONLY thing that WEAKENS our CONTEMPT for others .
[Edited 10/16/2012 8:50:00 PM ]
10/16/2012 9:14:09 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Both love and hate are a mask of denial , that keeps us from understanding the love AND the hate that resides within us all .
10/17/2012 11:18:13 AM |
How christian are you? |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
I'd like to think I try to be very Christ like. Non judgmental... tends to stick in my mind as one of the most offended of his teachings by those who claim to follow it. I don't know if they understand that by calling out others for wrongs (everybody has done it) or beliefs of wrongs when it is taught that loving sinners and hating sin is supreme, then to accept and love our brothers and sisters. This brings a deep dislike to the religion... others hearing what heratics they are doesn't exactly make people want to explore the Christian realm, thus defeating the purpose of what he taught and intended to do. Some even believe that the religion itself hijacked the message and called Him (Jesus/Joshua) "God" Himself. This would fall deep into contreversy and wouldn't be a popular discussion, but a healthy one to explore. Jesus was never a "Christian" and never tried to start a religion... this would have actually gone against what he taught about degrees of separation. The message was unity with the only prejudice being against the sin of man, not the man himself. Sons of "God", Sons of Man, and One Being. Again, I like to think I try to be Christ like.
Yes, from what I've observed, it is much better to be like him than the crazy dogma and doctrine that was built around him,many times ignoring the message of Love!! 
10/17/2012 4:15:21 PM |
How christian are you? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
10/18/2012 9:34:00 AM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

10/18/2012 8:02:29 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Yes, from what I've observed, it is much better to be like him than the crazy dogma and doctrine that was built around him,many times ignoring the message of Love!!  
I dont know about his faries but as far as his emotions...
He loved everyone , including the earth , and its beasts . He also hated , he hated beliefs , he hated the thoughts of an iconic god that exist nowhere , but in the minds of humanity .
He was trying to save "everything", by introducing a God that was "physically present everywhere" , he was trying to save the people from a wrath imposed and created by their own minds , and the minds of others .
He was teaching people how to keep their own minds "free" , free from the influence and corruption of all other human minds .
Of course , this is my own opinion . The things that most Christians refuse to accept , is that christianity was created long after his death . The new and improved christianity brings back the iconic god , and the minds wrath , that he died trying to save everyone from .
The books containing his own actual "thoughts" were all rejected . A few of his words were included , very powerful words , but they are smothered by "love for the mind" , and contept for everyone , and everything , outside of the mind .
10/18/2012 8:15:56 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Everything in life has a purpose , including hate , we just have to find its purpose .
There are many things to love about the mind , but there are just as , many things to hate about it too .
10/18/2012 10:57:07 PM |
How christian are you? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
Everything in life has a purpose , including hate , we just have to find its purpose .
There are many things to love about the mind , but there are just as , many things to hate about it too .
When people say they focus on Love, they do not mean that there are not things which they hate; at least, not those with whom I've spoken, and certainly there are things I hate. Focusing on Love means we focus on building community, helping one another without judgment, for me and many others it also includes living more in harmony with nature. We get angry, sometimes even furious, and there are times when it is appropriate.
I get furious at the idea of child slavery, or human slavery in general. I get irate over the idea that we're supposedly such a religious AND prosperous nation, yet there are so many people starving, homeless, and otherwise down and out. I am livid about environmental destruction, child abuse, denying of equal rights, and many other issues. So, hate has its place, for sure, and there is a reason it is a part of us.
Focusing on Love and living life based on love does not mean one gives up on hating things; rather, it instead focuses one hate towards things worth hating, and drives one to make changes in their world.
10/18/2012 11:40:29 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Why do you ask? Do you know my true heart?
10/19/2012 6:55:47 AM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
When people say they focus on Love, they do not mean that there are not things which they hate; at least, not those with whom I've spoken, and certainly there are things I hate. Focusing on Love means we focus on building community, helping one another without judgment, for me and many others it also includes living more in harmony with nature. We get angry, sometimes even furious, and there are times when it is appropriate.
I get furious at the idea of child slavery, or human slavery in general. I get irate over the idea that we're supposedly such a religious AND prosperous nation, yet there are so many people starving, homeless, and otherwise down and out. I am livid about environmental destruction, child abuse, denying of equal rights, and many other issues. So, hate has its place, for sure, and there is a reason it is a part of us.
Focusing on Love and living life based on love does not mean one gives up on hating things; rather, it instead focuses one hate towards things worth hating, and drives one to make changes in their world.
If you're saying we should hate the people that commit the acts , and not the mind that conceives them , then I would have to disagree . Love wont fix a corrupt mind , corrupt minds are loving their power .
10/20/2012 11:11:47 AM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
OP ~~ How Christian are you?
10/20/2012 1:03:36 PM |
How christian are you? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
10/20/2012 1:49:07 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
If you're saying we should hate the people that commit the acts , and not the mind that conceives them , then I would have to disagree . Love wont fix a corrupt mind , corrupt minds are loving their power .
If we can love the mind when its good , then why can't we hate the mind when its bad ?
Good and bad are essential for survival . Sometimes we need to be bad by using , harming , or killing other forms of life for food and shelter . When we are warm and dry , and our bellies full , we can be good by leaving other forms of life be .
We can try to make better choices , and practice better behavior , but we can't fix a mind that is'nt broken . The mind is "hard-wired" to be both .
[Edited 10/20/2012 1:52:26 PM ]
10/20/2012 2:42:05 PM |
How christian are you? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I like your tastes . My mind is already corrupted , so I see no harm in enjoying its entertainment value .
10/21/2012 12:51:17 PM |
How christian are you? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
