10/10/2012 8:40:25 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
...and the forces that cause the adaptations that effects our lifestyles .
Everything that needs to think in order to survive will naturally seek comfort and convenience . It reduces the stress that shortens its lifespan .
I'm very independent and self sufficient , but it did'nt come voluntarily . It was a forced habit , due to lack of income . I've proven to myself time and time again , that when income is available , I'm just as frivoluos as anyone else . There is self control , but self control causes alot of emotional stress that can be debilitating to mind and body .
The beliefs I had growing up taught me that everything is granted , in abundance , to all those who behave and act rightous . I now know this (and hopefully everyone else) to be completely false . I've learned , by force , that everything is "limited" reguardless of how I act and behave .
Our emotions along with self sustainability are the answer to our problems , but they are only "half" of the solution . We need the forces of nature to "force" us , and we need self sustainable "thoughts" , and beliefs that are truthful .
[Edited 10/10/2012 8:43:32 PM ]
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10/14/2012 6:26:40 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |
Memphis, TN
41, joined Oct. 2012
Not many people can respect or see the truth you speak. In this aeon one has to understand that we must recreate ourselves constantly according to the flux that permeates our universe
10/15/2012 12:40:45 AM |
The flaws of intelligence , |
Portland, OR
37, joined Feb. 2011
Well said
10/15/2012 1:14:02 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
There is nothing wrong with our thoughts and emotions , its how we use them that causes our imbalances .
Our thoughts , emotions , creativity , imagination all have a purpose . They are self-serving , their purpose is to control the self , not everything and everyone around us .
Everything has a purpose of its own , and that purpose is'nt to serve us . Its our claim on everything that keeps us from seeing the true essense of all the life that surrounds us .
10/15/2012 7:56:15 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Our so-called "evolution of intelligence" has produced a "monster" that only exists within the realm of the mind .
What is thought ? Its a tiny electrical impulse in the brain that produces movement , or action within the body .
Science has discovered that the brains of serial killers have a pronounced physical deformity that is passed on through genes , and as long as their minds are not exposed to extreme violence , they still have the "ability" to function as normal human beings .
What if these abnormalities , that occur within the thought portion of the brain , have been a physical response created by our own thoughts ?
[Edited 10/15/2012 7:57:53 PM ]
10/30/2012 11:02:05 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |
Lakeside, OR
43, joined Sep. 2012
This was very well said and beautifully written.
10/31/2012 10:24:35 AM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
not all of us have a problem with frivolity when we have incomes. just sayin'. 
10/31/2012 10:05:57 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
This was very well said and beautifully written.
10/31/2012 10:47:46 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
not all of us have a problem with frivolity when we have incomes. just sayin'. 
I meant "extra" income . I'm not a deadbeat . 
You "never" splurge , not at all ?
10/31/2012 11:45:01 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
sure i splurge. just not frivolously. 
11/2/2012 8:23:20 AM |
The flaws of intelligence , |

Saint Marys, PA
40, joined Oct. 2012
You are so right nonstandard. we have become a seperated spicies that wages war n kills each other. We can split an atom but don't have the sense to not use this on our planet. whenever I see a pic like that in your pic. I looked, not gay you seem to speak from me to wgen you posted that. I do think the current monatary system is not good. we have grown our selves in and land locked everything. must find a way to make everyone look one way. ill yell u this ppl see two suns21 December ppl will wished they had changed. if all the top thinkers undivided by borders and orders, were to get together and move up. I thonk we should hav to focus our energy on mars or a second home because we trashed this one.Wake up ppl!"" Bro u get me going gotta see the chicks opinions peace brother.
11/2/2012 7:42:25 PM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
You are so right nonstandard. we have become a seperated spicies that wages war n kills each other. We can split an atom but don't have the sense to not use this on our planet. whenever I see a pic like that in your pic. I looked, not gay you seem to speak from me to wgen you posted that. I do think the current monatary system is not good. we have grown our selves in and land locked everything. must find a way to make everyone look one way. ill yell u this ppl see two suns21 December ppl will wished they had changed. if all the top thinkers undivided by borders and orders, were to get together and move up. I thonk we should hav to focus our energy on mars or a second home because we trashed this one.Wake up ppl!"" Bro u get me going gotta see the chicks opinions peace brother.
Nope , not gay .
I think 12/12 will be the end of the industrial era , and the beginning of the quantum era . We can never run out of elec , it "should and can" be free . We're decades behind the times , because our industry and gov refuses to give up oil . All our pollution and economy problems , relating to oil , could have been averted a loooong time ago .   
[Edited 11/2/2012 7:43:25 PM ]
11/6/2012 7:27:44 AM |
The flaws of intelligence , |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Anyone who has the deepest respect and admiration for life , will "automatically" have the same for ALL life , no religion or belief is necessary . It is the human mind that is responsible for all the contortions of life .
The mind will hate life , it will hate things and objects in life , but it wont hate itself . This should show just how twisted the mind really is .
Life is perfect just the way it is , instead of changing life , we should be changing the mind .
"When you realize how perfect everything is , you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky" - Buddha