10/26/2012 9:02:52 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I would like to hear people's point of view on this. Do you believe in either? Are the two the same? Have you been in love or had a soulmate?
I found this in the urban dictionary. ( I would not recomend that site to anyone though lol) This article did catch my attention.
Noun; Verb; The first time you glimpse at each other you are immediately drawn to each other, extremely different than ever recognizing anyone you have ever met before. You already know them, feel who they are. Then you speak and realize this is the most amazing person you have ever met and you feel unnaturally comfortable with them. Instead of wanting to know the "basics" about them it is like meeting an old friend you haven't seen in ages and it is time to catch up. This is the person you have been searching for. In that moment the longing stops but you don't realize until you are forced to be apart. This person completes you on a spiritual level and anything could happen, good or bad, one look in their eyes brings a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Suddenly everything you have worked for in your life becomes clear and the path you were unsure of following is now being lit for the both of you to follow. All your fears vanish and you no longer question your purpose in life because together the purpose evolves on its own. You find their insecurities as parts of their soul you need to heal. Mutual understanding and respect. Days filled with laughter. Even if you are sitting next to each other, touching each other, it still feels like they are miles away because that person could never be close enough yet at the same time it feels like you are melting together and your spirits are dancing.
Our eyes met for the first time and I was filled with an enormous amount of energy. I was unbelievably happy yet confused. Without looking away we both smiled and then began to laugh as if we finally understood the joke. We both started walking through the crowded room as if in a dream and then we met. "Hello my name is Kirsten" /smile "Hello my name is Juan"... the rest was a blur. This is what happens when you meet your soulmate.
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10/26/2012 9:06:38 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |


Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
yep and yep
10/26/2012 9:07:41 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
10/26/2012 9:36:31 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
10/26/2012 9:47:53 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |


Salem, MO
60, joined Nov. 2011
That is beautiful!!!!!!
Though I have never had it yet I do believe in true Love and Soulmates. Some are Blessed and
recognize it, and some are not. And I believe it's possible for one person to recognize it and the other not. I do not have control over my destiny.. the Good Lord does..I hope I never give up on believing it will happen for
10/26/2012 9:57:06 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
10/26/2012 10:00:15 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Jonesboro, AR
66, joined Sep. 2012
i believe in roommates and maby love but what is love
10/26/2012 10:09:46 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
How Do You Know If Someone Is Your Soulmate?
By Doug Brinlee
Have you ever met someone that you had an instant connection with? They were easy to be with and you felt like you could share anything with them. Maybe you felt like you had met before. If you have ever encountered anyone like that, chances were they were a soulmate. Some people spend their entire lives looking for one. The fortunate find theirs and spend the rest of their lives together. Finding your soulmate can be an exhilarating experience while losing them can be devastating. But how do you know if someone is your soulmate? You are likely to meet numerous people in your life that feel an attraction to. Does that mean that they are a soulmate or is it just a normal infatuation? Before you decide, you need to know what a soulmate is.
Find Your SoulMate at Perfect Match – 2 Month Free Special Offer
What Is A Soulmate?
A soulmate is the twin to your soul. It is your perfect partner, one whom you feel a deeper connection to than anyone else. You can also call it true love. Some people have different beliefs about a soulmate. Some people believe that a soulmate is a lover from a previous life. Others think that a soulmate is a piece of your soul that was palced within another person. That is why you spend your life looking for the other half. Whatever you happen to believe, a soulmate is more than just simple physical attraction. It goes deep and can make you more complete than any crush or infatuation.
Do You Just Have One Soulmate?
Chances are there is more than one soulmate out there for you. You are attracted to different people for different reasons and the odds are there is going to be several people who share the same traits as you. These people you will feel closer to. So don’t worry that you have never found (or even lost) your one soulmate. There are many people that might fit the bill.
How Can You Tell If Someone Is Your Soulmate?
Is that person you met last night your soulmate? You both connected so well and you feel comfortable with them so they could be, right? But how do you know? Well, that is the real trick. You don’t know. It could take years before you find out if someone is your soulmate or not. This is why so many people who are obsessed with finding their soulmate miss out on opportunities. They think there will be a lightning bolt that comes down to point their true love out to them. If they don’t get that jolt of instant love that is so popular in movies and romance novels, then they keep looking. By doing this, they could actually miss out on a meaningful relationship. They might even miss their soulmate. So you can never really tell.
Do You Like The Same Things?
Even though there is not a flashing neon sign pointing out your soulmate, there are some clues and indicators that the person you are interested in may be the one you are looking for. One good indicator is whether you like the same things. Similar interests are good clues that a person is your soulmate. This doesn’t mean that if you both like pizza then you are soulmates. Almost everyone likes pizza. But if both of you like the same odd things, such as broccoli and anchovies pizza (hey, its just an example) then that is a big indicator that you are both compatible.
How Comfortable Are You With Them?
Many times when you first meet someone you are interested in, you may feel nervous and have trouble acting like yourself when they are around. If you are with your soulmate, you may not feel nervous at all. It may feel very comfortable or almost familiar. You may find that you don’t have to act a certain way to impress them. Many people who claim they have found their soulmate say that they never once felt nervous or awkward in the other’s presence. It was as if they had been together for a lot longer.
Do You Feel You Could Tell Them Your Deepest Secrets?
Trust is always an issue in any relationship. You may love someone but you might not be able to trust them with everything. You might feel that you have to keep secrets from them. If you should ever be so lucky as to find a soulmate, you will find that you feel as if you can tell them anything. All of your hopes, dreams, and even your deepest secrets should find a safe haven with a soulmate. If you can have complete trust of the person that you are with, then they are a good candidate for your true love.
Finding Your Soulmate?
How do you find your soulmate? It can be like the hunt for the holy grail. You can keep searching and searching and never find it. But have you ever heard the expression that when you are actively looking for love you never find it but when you are not looking for love, that is when it finds you. Sometimes finding your soulmate is like that. Sure, you can go out to the clubs and social events and go through candidates like a line at the buffet. But you can’t force it to happen. Yet at the same time, you can’t be a shut-in who is waiting for fate to do all the work. If you never go out to meet people, you will never meet your true love. Don’t sit around being lonely and waiting to be rescued by your true love. To find your soulmate, you need to be happy on your own. If you are desparate, then it is too easy to mistake infatuation for true love. So you have to get out there and meet people but don’t scrutinize each and every person trying to find that perfect match. It is better to just relax, have fun, and take joy from the people that you do meet. Sooner or later, your soulmate may come along.
10/26/2012 10:15:59 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Beulah, MI
65, joined Aug. 2011
I believe there are a very small number of people who can stir your heart in that way and make normal, mundane life seem so wonderful and special - and, if you meet someone like that, and they feel similarly about you - you should certainly investigate how deep it runs because the opportunities like that are awfully rare - especially, it seems - as we get older. I don't think it's anything that can be figured out or planned for or formulized or made "book" on - it's probably peculiar and curious - like some crazy bird that flew in through your window. And you still always need to work at it and treat it delicately and not be careless - because this world can be terribly hard on lovers. I think...
10/26/2012 10:17:00 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |


Salem, MO
60, joined Nov. 2011
Personally I do not believe you can "hunt" for your soulmate. I believe that if/when
your soulmate is brought to you, you just know.. they are a great and wonderful friend, and the relationship just continues to grow, so the secret is to recognize it, both at or around the same time... My two cents worth..
10/26/2012 10:24:05 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |


Salem, MO
60, joined Nov. 2011
Which brings me to the question, have you ever met someone that you BELIEVED to be/could be your Soulmate??
[Edited 10/26/2012 10:24:35 AM ]
10/26/2012 10:28:39 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
10/26/2012 10:30:20 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Jonesboro, AR
66, joined Sep. 2012
what does the word soul mean first understand what a soul is then you can figure out the rest you will be superised when you find out then love what is it you ask what is hate and you will see just stop and think
10/26/2012 10:40:03 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
 i believe in roommates and maby love but what is love
Love to me is a word that tries to get someone to understand a feeling that is in our heart. It is impossible to explain feelings so we attempt to put words to do so. There are different kinds of (love). The feelings that you have for your children are one kind. The feelings you have for your parents another. The feelings you have for friends. Then their is the feeling you have for that special someone. We label them all under one word. LOVE It is no wonder people are confused about love. Then with all these different kinds of love is love something that goes away? Or does it change? Can you love someone but not like them? Take for example your ex's.....did you love them? If so how deep did you love them? Now that they are ex's do you not love them anymore? Or do you but a different kind of love? Then we have what people call Soulmate. This is just another word to explain a type of love. In a perfect world one would beable to open up to anther and share their feelings not with words but with feelings. This is not a perfect world so we rely on words. So is love there yes but you are the only one that knows what love is to you. I can tell you what love is to me. I can tell you what a soulmate is to me with words but you can't feel what I feel and that is very fustrating to a lot of people. I have a extra sence that lets me feel peoples feeling to a point but not everyone's. It can be very fustrating to me when I want someone to understand my feelings but only have words to explain them. For me when I love I will always love that person. I do believe that love changes. I do not love my ex the way I did before but I still love him. I have people that I have meet in my lifetime that I love. I do not talk to them and probably never will again but I still love them. Then comes Hate how closely is hate related to love? Some people say they go side by side. To me they do not! The best I can do to explain Hate is it is like a cancer. It will kill you. It will take over the ablility to love to feel anything but hate. If you can see what is happening early on you can stop it. If you don't it will consume your heart. The other person can not feel your hate so the only person you are really truly hurting is yourself.
10/26/2012 10:44:37 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Jonesboro, AR
66, joined Sep. 2012
true they cant feel your hate but they and see and hear your hate love is the same they cant feel your love but they can see and hear your love and a soul is not living is it or not you have to answer that
10/26/2012 10:46:52 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Which brings me to the question, have you ever met someone that you BELIEVED to be/could be your Soulmate??
Yes I have! Do I believe there is another soulmate out there for me yes I do. To me a soulmate is a word to describe a deep deep feeling of love. The deepest form of love possible. So with that being said can I love another like that absolutly.
10/26/2012 10:52:46 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Salem, OR
63, joined Aug. 2012
I found my soulmate, but she was already married,(to a real putz)
10/26/2012 10:54:09 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Garland, TX
59, joined Sep. 2008
Sorry to hear that....
I am still looking for my soul mate.
10/26/2012 10:58:44 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
true they cant feel your hate but they and see and hear your hate love is the same they cant feel your love but they can see and hear your love and a soul is not living is it or not you have to answer that
I know what you are saying Soul=a person or anmial or the life that a person or animal enjoys. Some use it as the part of one that survives after death.
Again we are humans without the ablity to share feelings so we try to find words to explain things to others.
Take a word that people used 2000 years ago. It ment one thing to them and at that time in place most understood that meaning. Now 2000 years later we may still use the same word but it has a total different meaning.
So yes it would be important to make sure who you are trying to explain your feelings to that the words you use have the same meaning to them.
10/26/2012 11:04:11 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I think I foun' my sole mate...

10/26/2012 11:04:59 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I found my soulmate, but she was already married,(to a real putz) 
I know what you are feeling wade. My biggest ? was why let me find out what this kind of love is if I am not to have it. Still do not have the answer. Best I can understand it is so that I will beable to love someone else like that. I did not know that kind of love was inside me. Now that I do i almost feel sorry for the next man I love he will recieve a love that is so deep that their are no words to explain it.
10/26/2012 11:07:54 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Little Rock, IA
71, joined Mar. 2011
i do believe in soulmate,love. don.
10/26/2012 11:31:06 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I found my soulmate, but she was already married,(to a real putz) 
10/26/2012 11:31:34 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
10/26/2012 11:35:25 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |


Salem, MO
60, joined Nov. 2011
Yes I have! Do I believe there is another soulmate out there for me yes I do. To me a soulmate is a word to describe a deep deep feeling of love. The deepest form of love possible. So with that being said can I love another like that absolutly.
Personally, I do not think there is any deeper love than the one I feel for my Momma and my Children.. but I believe that Soulmate love would be equal to that but different.
I have only run across one person in my life that has actually been a Wow, I wonder if it's you...
10/26/2012 11:44:42 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Personally, I do not think there is any deeper love than the one I feel for my Momma and my Children.. but I believe that Soulmate love would be equal to that but different.
I have only run across one person in my life that has actually been a  Wow, I wonder if it's you...
The love you feel for your children and your mom are a different kind of love not the same as one for your mate. Kind of like that saying about comparing apples and oranges. The heart is a endless well that can hold more love then a person knows they have to give. It is hard to love and lose. I'm sorry! 
10/26/2012 11:48:34 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Someone posted this here and I can relate to the song. I like it but do not like listening to it often because of the feelings that it brings to the surface.
10/26/2012 11:51:28 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |


Salem, MO
60, joined Nov. 2011
I could not agree more... 
and I love everyone... hate NO one, I actually do not even use the word hate...
And the one that I said I wonder....
is not a loss.. even if it is not, or a never to be
I still have the love..  
10/26/2012 11:51:59 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Guntersville, AL
57, joined Nov. 2011
Kinda Like this song!
Yes, I Have been with my Soul~mate
And Yes it was All about Love
10/26/2012 11:56:04 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Beulah, MI
65, joined Aug. 2011
I think it's like gradually accumulating all of these little bits and pieces of things that are endearing to you - and you gather each one and store them all in a warm, moist, dark room - and one day, when you've come back to store another one - you find that they have all germinated and sprouted and grown and blossomed - and, they have completely taken over your storage room - even pushing out into the hallway when you opened the door - with fast-crawling vines and tentacles encircling and tightening on your legs and torso and neck - and, you scream, "HELP!! I'M BEING INVADED!!!" - but, it's TOO LATE - no one can hear you and no one can help you, now... anyway.  
10/26/2012 11:56:53 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Yes. Yes.
10/26/2012 12:02:29 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Yes crash just like that song. 
10/26/2012 12:05:59 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
WOW! That is a very excelent way to desribe love! I have never put it into words like that but have felt it like that! Thank you! 
10/26/2012 12:15:16 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Dream what do you mean by that?
I have to go out for awhile. I will be back later. I want to thank all of you for sharing! I can't wait to get back to hear more! 
10/26/2012 12:19:09 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Salem, OR
63, joined Aug. 2012
I hope to find another some day. (maybe,) Or is there only one?
10/26/2012 12:30:00 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I hope to find another some day. (maybe,) Or is there only one? 
I came back to link a song that someone shared with me today.
I do not believe there is just one. With knowing that kind of love in your heart do you believe that you wouldn't beable to let your heart soar and feel that again? Love is for giving not for sealing away and not sharing. There will be another one for you! Sometimes we know it right away others it is like Art described. I really do believe once you know that love there is no stopping one from having it again.
Here is the song I came back to link!
10/26/2012 1:10:23 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

New Market, AL
60, joined Sep. 2012
Soulmate?,we all should have been blessed with 1 by this time in our life,I know I have To know or think that I will experience that emotion again?IDK,like life,I won't ever give up on the thought!
Izabo,great thread
10/26/2012 1:31:20 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

New Market, AL
60, joined Sep. 2012
Can the word "soulmate" be an emotional feeling?
10/26/2012 2:33:48 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Bent Mountain, VA
66, joined Jul. 2012
Soulmate kinda connotates ideal/perfect in my estimation. Many women want an "ideal" partner, a soulmate. They also speak of their "Night in Shining Armor" and wait longingly for their "handsome Prince" to arrive.....all of the above fully expected to sweep said lady offn her feet and ride off into the sunset. Well, I ain't ideal, I ain't anywhere near perfect, I can't ride a horse(even if the thing is solid white), Those metal uniforms, I think they call 'em suits of armor....make my a** sweat and give me the hives....And I've never caught up with that handsome part....
But I DO believe in love and I DO believe a man and a woman can be compatible even if not perfect. A little tolerance and understanding could go a long way toward compatibility. Or just hold out for the perfect, ideal, shiny, handsome, soulmate type person. 
10/26/2012 3:51:30 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Beulah, MI
65, joined Aug. 2011
I think if you have that spiritual outlook of loving any and all of God's creations - it's not a huge leap to lavish some of that love in a more generous way on an individual who is a bit more "special" than most others. I think we do ourselves a real disservice when we think that our heart's desires are so exclusive and limited as to be for only one or two unique people - we shouldn't hinder our one sure chance at living and having a happy life on Earth by limiting our options with mental walls. But, the people who really set your heart on fire and make you feel so comfortable and complete and jazzed up and passionate don't seem to come along too often. Maybe I need to get out more. If you have something worthy to add to a relationship and are willing to contribute yourself to it's success - you should be able to succeed with someone special and like-minded whom you care about - but, there are apparently many who have other less stellar ambitions and can really poison the broth if your radar isn't working. These days, at our age - other aspects can enter in - I have financial issues and for the first time in my life, health issues. It can be very complicated and discouraging even trying to get started with somebody. That's all part of being truly compatible, I guess. It isn't just about what your heart feels. 
10/26/2012 5:30:32 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Wow! Going to start when I left. Emotional wonderful songs and I added them to my collection. Thank you! Our feelings can not be felt by words. As people it has become known that the word Soulmate is the deepest kind of love one that excedes love. Since we can not open up and let someone feel what we are feeling by using the word soulmate gives them a idea of what we are talking about. The problem that lies there is if someone has not had that kind of love. They have no way of knowing what we are feeling.
Laff, Ideal and Knight in Shining Armor fairy tales that we are told as children. In the books and in the movies have you noticed that those men are not perfect? I would hope that women and men have grown enough to relize that those childhood fairy tales are just that. No one is perfect. ALL relationships take work. I think the idea is that the person is the perfect one for YOU not that they are perfect. That includes all of their faults. The saying Knight in Shining Armor to me is not labeled as being just the male. To me it is both. Knight in Shining Armor is the one person who has come to resuce or sweep you away? So why does that have to be the male? Do not men have problems, heartaches, issues, troubles? Does the women that you bond with help you with all of that in different ways? Dealing with the issues, the troubles. Aren't you more at ease with her there? So why is it always refured to as the male who is the knight in shining armor? That Ideal person (faults and all) is there to help make life easier. So both of you are that to each other.
Art, You explained it very well. It would be a ideal world if we could always have our soulmate. Life is just that though life. Just because we have a soulmate does not mean we get to spend the rest of our lives with them. Like Wade he found his but she was married. Not sure why crash is not with his soulmate but the fact is he isn't. Mine is also married. There are a lot of us who are not with our soulmate.
Why are some of us blessed with that kind of deep love? Do I have the answer no I can guess though. We are shown this kind of love and given this gift so that we can share it again. This time we may not know it for what it is right off the bat like Art described. Or we may know it right away. This time though we will beable to appreciate it much more and cherish every second of everyday that we spend with that person. So never close your eyes or never stop looking, who knows your soulmate might be in your life already but because whe have been hurt or life is the way it is we may not even see them.
There are the ones who know right away that that is their soulmate and then there are the ones that take you by surprise and all of a sudden like how Art explained it earlier.............
uote from artcentre:
I think it's like gradually accumulating all of these little bits and pieces of things that are endearing to you - and you gather each one and store them all in a warm, moist, dark room - and one day, when you've come back to store another one - you find that they have all germinated and sprouted and grown and blossomed - and, they have completely taken over your storage room - even pushing out into the hallway when you opened the door - with fast-crawling vines and tentacles encircling and tightening on your legs and torso and neck - and, you scream, "HELP!! I'M BEING INVADED!!!" - but, it's TOO LATE - no one can hear you and no one can help you, now... anyway.
10/26/2012 5:33:45 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Bent Mountain, VA
66, joined Jul. 2012
I guess the reason I posted that is because I see it in women's profiles, but not men's?
10/26/2012 5:51:27 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I understand Laff as children we are tought and those ideas stay with some. It is a wise person who looks at life and see things different then what we are taught as children. So many times parents sugar coat things and we remember our childhood as carefree. How many times do we wish we could be back as a child if only for a moment to feel those carefree feelings? I personally know that my ideal man is not perfect and will have a lot of faults just as I do. I would also hope that I would be his Knight in Shining Armor as he is mine. WIN WIN Relationship! I would also hope that people know that all relationships are not without a strugle. I am also sure that when I tell my man that he is perfect I will have to also say "you are perfect FOR ME" 
10/26/2012 6:05:44 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
This song means a lot to me. It has it's place in this topic for me.
10/26/2012 7:39:15 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Athens, OH
57, joined Oct. 2012
wow...where to begin with this one? yes, i believe there is a soulmate out there for everyone. more than 1? well, yes due to the great # of ppl on this earth. how do u find them? i have no idea. usually when u meet someone for the first time you will see him/her at their best....the problem is how do you figure out for the longterm committment? thats the trick of compatability...and i do not believe opposites attract. everyone needs free space and couples also need things that they enjoy doing together. its a tough thing to try and figure out but i can tell u this.....it will happen when u least expect!!!
10/26/2012 8:34:00 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
again ..... Yes! and Yes!

10/26/2012 8:58:35 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
One posting per day only for breast cancer on this thread! Thank you!  
10/26/2012 9:01:19 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Athens, OH
57, joined Oct. 2012
man, i can write for hours on this topic. when u meet someone its visual.....its your penis and her vagina saying hello. sorry to put it that way but hey, we are all adults here. there needs to be that immediate attraction. if there is attraction there needs to be honest conversation. if i ask you if ya like rock climbing dont say yes just to impress or move forward. we are all different,we like different stuff. i like a woman that likes different stuff than i do...we have more to talk about!!!maybe i can learn something that she likes, maybe she can learn something that i like!!!!its all about communicating intellectually that is just so sexy. i may be a republican however i respect a democrat if they have a passion in their belief. on the other hand i wont give you the time of day if you start talking politics and you dont vote.
what i meant to say in my previous post regarding opposites attract was that i dont want someone the same as me........i enjoy a healthy debate.i do have a question about the soulmate issue: do ppl look for their soulmate at a time when he/she is most volnurable/depressed/in need of a companion/lonely? i dont know.....just a question to ponder. i still think that what ever will happen, will do so when your not looking for it....it will blindside you.
10/26/2012 9:11:39 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Hartford, WI
60, joined Nov. 2011
I'm waiting to be blindsighted...By love that is...
10/26/2012 9:31:22 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I do not think that one goes out to search for your soulmate. It is something that just happens like you say when least expected or when not looking (blindsided). It could be someone that you first meet and just know or it could be someone that you already know but don't realize it.
As for the part of initially meeting someone and dating all of that is true.
10/26/2012 9:41:57 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Huntersville, NC
63, joined Mar. 2012
I think it's a single moment when you are forever consumed or think maybe you're consumed or could be and it never works. Older age is a huge deterent because many have experienced so many bad things over their lifetime with a partner(s), the skeptical takes over and won't let them "feel" soulmatie or believe they can really fall in love.
I still believe that someone is going to kiss me for the last first time and we will melt into a single orgasmic organism forever. I just don't think it's gonna happen in the 50's room.
10/26/2012 9:42:38 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Hartford, WI
60, joined Nov. 2011
Your right...(blindsided) was thinking blind as in eye sight... It's been a long day...
10/26/2012 9:48:48 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Huntersville, NC
63, joined Mar. 2012
Your right...(blindsided)  was thinking blind as in eye sight...  It's been a long day...
Dang, did someone say long? I hate that word!

10/26/2012 9:49:14 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I'm waiting to see if it may ever happen ? But not giving up hope. 
Before I had a vague idea of what a soulmate kind of love was. Now that I know I think it is more likely for me to find it again.
Like giveing something to the one you love it makes you feel good when you see that it makes them happy. So are you going to stop there just doing that one thing? Or are you going to give more? More because it makes both of you happy. Same with love and soulmate love. Again words fail me in trying to express myself.
10/26/2012 9:54:16 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Salem, OR
63, joined Aug. 2012
Before I had a vague idea of what a soulmate kind of love was. Now that I know I think it is more likely for me to find it again.
Like giveing something to the one you love it makes you feel good when you see that it makes them happy. So are you going to stop there just doing that one thing? Or are you going to give more? More because it makes both of you happy. Same with love and soulmate love. Again words fail me in trying to express myself.
I know what u mean   
10/26/2012 9:58:21 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Huntersville, NC
63, joined Mar. 2012
You have to give everyday, and of course you have to recipricate by taking an equal amount so your partner feels they're doing special things also.
Look, if you melt when you see, touch, hear, or imagine your partner in your life every moment....
ding, ding, ding...SOULMATE and lover.
*Of course, opening the door in clear wrapping when he gets home is also a deal sealer*

10/26/2012 10:16:38 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I think it's a single moment when you are forever consumed or think maybe you're consumed or could be and it never works. Older age is a huge deterent because many have experienced so many bad things over their lifetime with a partner(s), the skeptical takes over and won't let them "feel" soulmatie or believe they can really fall in love.
I still believe that someone is going to kiss me for the last first time and we will melt into a single orgasmic organism forever. I just don't think it's gonna happen in the 50's room.
I know that you are right about some not beable to get past things that have happen to them. The desire to not be hurt is almost instinctional. When one gets hurt the first thing you do is protect yourself put a wall up around your heart. Your mind goes into self defence. I have been there.
I need to give you a example and nothing comes to mind but this......
I had 6 living births. After the first few I remembered that it hurt but couldn't remember the feeling of the pain. By the time I had the last two ohhh I remembered and I remembered the pain very vividly. I also knew the joy the exatacy of holding that baby in my arms to my breast watching them grow becoming adults. So the pleasure far out weighed the pain.
The pleasure of love and even the deeper love as we call a soulmate is so worth the pain that we might have to go through if it doesn't work out with the one we love. Then not having that love. I think those that do not risk opening their heart are those that can't remember the pleasure from love.
10/26/2012 10:21:53 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |
Athens, OH
57, joined Oct. 2012
izabo your on the right track. dont settle for less.
its been nice talking/debating with everyone on this site however im gonna be deleting my account soon. im finding myself on it too often when i could/should be doing other things. if anyone wishes to keep in touch shoot me a message and i would be happy to give you my email addy or perhaps cell#.....good luck to all
10/26/2012 10:43:54 PM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Thank you wade but I knew you would understand. You are a man of few words but yet you can say with those few words what takes me many words to say. I have great respect for that and wish I could be the same. I can't and so I talk to much 
Savemyself, I like the way you explained the giving and taking in a relationship. Oh and the last sentence you did mean you where going to be waiting at the door for her wraped in clear wrap. Isn't that the way everyone else read it heheehehhe 
Always, Now that I know what a soulmate/love is the man I learn to love will have that soulmate/love from me. I no longer know how to just love they will receave that deep love from me. I do understand that one has to do what is right for them. You are going to be missed I have loved discusing things with you! I wish you the best of luck in finding the kind of relationship you want. Just maybe when your not looking you will find your soulmate. I hope life shines down on you with nothing but pleasure! 
10/27/2012 9:04:58 AM |
Do you believe in Soulmate? Do you believe in Love? |

Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Good Morning!
I found this today on the web. What do you think about it.
