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12/4/2012 9:08:37 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I want to thank everybody for the push . I've asked myself why I dont have an interest in meditation , and I've realized something new .
Meditation is an "introduction" to the unity of mind , body , and spirit . It's lesson is'nt to have rules or paramiters , it's NOT to have them , to understand that "every act" and "every thought" can be a form of meditation .
Yoga has meditation for all the facets of "human character" , so could we also use the same meditation for every human act ? Maybe the goal is to achieve "constant" meditation ?
Could'nt mindfulness also be considered a form of meditation ?
I've learned many techniques in the past , but once learned , I've always lost the interest to continue . I think that once I learned them , I did'nt need to relearn them , because they became a part of me . It became a process that I could utilize whenever I wanted to .
I developed an interest in "non mind" that taught me that physical response could be as automatic as our own heartbeat . Later I developed an interest in zen koans that taught me that the mind is active , even when we think it's turned off .
I've been avoiding my reflection , to discover the life that surrounds me . Now that I've returned to my reflection , I'm beginning to discover that the path I thought was totally random , may not be so random after all .
[Edited 12/4/2012 9:11:23 PM ]
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12/17/2012 8:56:30 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
The mind is seemingly endless , so why ?
With our imagination and creativity we can take "everything" we know in every endless direction . Everything we know is open to understanding that will last for as long as we care to think about it . We can think about any "one" thing forever if we really wanted to , so imagine doing that with everything we know , or everything we "think" we know .
What if our subconscous is just a graveyard of all the knowledge we've accumulated , and stopped thinking about , because we "thought" we already "knew" it ?
12/18/2012 2:05:17 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
I want to thank everybody for the push . I've asked myself why I dont have an interest in meditation , and I've realized something new .
Meditation is an "introduction" to the unity of mind , body , and spirit . It's lesson is'nt to have rules or paramiters , it's NOT to have them , to understand that "every act" and "every thought" can be a form of meditation .
Yoga has meditation for all the facets of "human character" , so could we also use the same meditation for every human act ? Maybe the goal is to achieve "constant" meditation ?
That is the goal for many. To be aware without the constant chattering of the monkey mind.
Could'nt mindfulness also be considered a form of meditation ?
I'd say meditation is mindfulness practice.
I've learned many techniques in the past , but once learned , I've always lost the interest to continue . I think that once I learned them , I did'nt need to relearn them , because they became a part of me . It became a process that I could utilize whenever I wanted to .
Meditation can be done while walking or even washing the dishes.
I developed an interest in "non mind" that taught me that physical response could be as automatic as our own heartbeat . Later I developed an interest in zen koans that taught me that the mind is active , even when we think it's turned off .
I've been avoiding my reflection , to discover the life that surrounds me . Now that I've returned to my reflection , I'm beginning to discover that the path I thought was totally random , may not be so random after all .
[Edited 12/18/2012 2:05:58 PM ]
12/18/2012 4:22:19 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
"monkey mind" I like that , more than I should .
12/19/2012 4:43:40 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Castleton on Hudson, NY
55, joined Dec. 2012
Monkey mind is great. I instantly had a picture in my head from it. I saw myself as an organ grinder slowly turning the crank and so repetitively while the monkey performed his antics before a jolly crowd. Seems like so many of my meditations, what a fabulous analogy.
12/19/2012 12:54:11 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
lol... I wish I could take credit but it's an old Buddhist term.
12/19/2012 5:45:30 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
lol... I wish I could take credit but it's an old Buddhist term.
Everybody likes monkeys , its the clowns that scare people . 
12/20/2012 4:58:39 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Castleton on Hudson, NY
55, joined Dec. 2012
Bhuddism is very cool, and I can understand the monkey perfectly with that. As for clowns, I used to think they were fun, until I read Stephen King's "It", now they just creep me out completely.
12/20/2012 6:55:03 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
When I was just small I had a puzzle of a clown. One of those kid puzzles with the pegs on the pieces. I had a recurring nightmare that the clown was 50 feet tall and was waiting outside the window for me to put one piece in the wrong spot.
Clowns are creepy.
Monkeys throw feces but at least then I know where I stand.
But that's just me chattering.
12/20/2012 8:02:53 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Castleton on Hudson, NY
55, joined Dec. 2012
Hmm, seems we have effectively taken a very deep conversation about meditation to a whole new dimension. I'll bring it back on topic as best I can. I'll always remember to meditate under trees that are clear of feces tossing monkeys and well away from circus tents.
(Thanks for the giggle. It's always nice to begin meditation with a smile)
12/21/2012 2:53:50 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Clowns and monkeys cant harm me , without my permission . 
12/21/2012 6:48:09 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Castleton on Hudson, NY
55, joined Dec. 2012
So true, and gosh it is just like meditation, everything goes off on a tangent for a bit, but usually when it comes back, it is better appreciated.
12/24/2012 2:30:29 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Meditate on this
Whether u were a fan of "soap" or not, or if u never even heard of it.
This is still the funniest sketch ever to be aired on tv.
12/24/2012 2:58:50 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
Meditate on this
Whether u were a fan of "soap" or not, or if u never even heard of it.
This is still the funniest sketch ever to be aired on tv.
12/24/2012 6:40:42 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
He's good
12/25/2012 9:30:25 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
falling into the gap.
12/25/2012 12:24:17 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
falling into the gap.
I would have to say that its , abandoning the "false hopes" of human superiority and , re-connecting with the "true power" of nature . 
12/25/2012 8:10:14 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Now I'm concerned...I'm starting to "get you" and even agree...
...if we define "the true power of nature" as the Power that holds all things together!
I say that in the kindest, most loving way possible...
I would have to say that its , abandoning the "false hopes" of human superiority and , re-connecting with the "true power" of nature . 
Thanx Jazzy most do'nt "want" to understand , they think I'm just being mean . Humanity has been using its beliefs to get out from under nature's thumb for centuries , and here I am , telling everybody to get back under nature's thumb . 
[Edited 12/25/2012 8:10:54 PM ]
1/17/2013 9:10:50 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
There are countless ways to meditate , but they all rely on the subjects ability to still the mind . When this occures , the facade of human nature drops away . Its my opinion that human nature is a barrior , its the only thing that prevents us from experiencing life to the fullest depths that are possible .
All animals have their own nature , they use their mind to control their behavior in a way that is the most beneficial to the survival of its species . Intelligence creates a stronger tougher facade that creates alienation from lifes total experience . Animals will experience life at a much more profound depth , because they dont possess the intelligence to make its animal nature into an impenetrable barrior .
Another way that intelligence corrupts things are errors . In the course of its life an animal will make far less mistakes . It cant afford to , their mistakes will greatly effect their chances of survival . Humans can make innumerous mistakes , because they possess the intelligence to overcome and rapidly bounce back from their mistakes . This can also make mistakes meaningless , easier to deny , easier to forgive , and easier to completely ignore .
2/2/2013 11:20:00 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
Hey, non!
Meditative states can be achieved with disciplined martial arts, music playing, dance, or focussed activity. The key is that the mind's attention is so focussed on the task that it ceases it's usual aimless wandering, planning, and sensory reacting that there is a space for incomming "signals". normally the mind is a radio that is so used to sending and reacting and running all the time that there isn't a space left to Listen.
It is common for those who practice martial arts to become acutely aware of an attacers moves even before they are exicuted. an to be precognative of not only attacks but mildly clairvoyant.
That's why many meditation techniques use a set of words, mantra, prayer in repitition, or A physical activity or even a visual focus(tantra)as a disciplining tool. We can then withdraw our attention from the relentless grip of mind activity to get to a point where we spiritually "recieve" instead of "broadcast". There are multiple streams of energy that can be tapped and experienced.
Christian Mysticism uses a focussed prayer repitition to induce a state of hightened or transcendant awareness.
Sufi's use a dance
martial artists use a Kata Ki (chi) techniques
Mystics focus at the bodies chakras
It isn't about acceptance of a new idea or belief, it's about shutting down the radio so that we can listen to spirit's song instead of our own for a while. and that experience isn't just a novelty. It can be life changing.
2/5/2013 8:45:07 PM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
It isn't about acceptance of a new idea or belief, it's about shutting down the radio so that we can listen to spirit's song instead of our own for a while. and that experience isn't just a novelty. It can be life changing.
We're born with powerful receptors that are far beyond the scope of the mind . The mind is fantastic at breaking it all down to bite size peices for practical survival skills , but that is the extent of its ability . The mind has to be pacified to recieve the full experience that life has to offer .
Nature will show that everything is utilized and nothing gets wasted . To use the mind to sever our connection to life is an "unnatural" waste of life . The modern mind has become so full of itself , it would rather imprison itself , than to experience the awareness of the miracle that surrounds it .
I think people are getting tired of captivity . Heres to inevitable change asanb . 
2/9/2013 4:29:33 AM |
What Is Meditation ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
A few thoughts upon reading this thread for the first time today:
What it is can be defined.
All that it can bring to its practitioners can never be fully known.
Animals and nature are good examples of perfect order, but as I read the posts in this thread where it is proposed that the human mind is corrupt and basically diseased, something kept tugging at my Monkey Mind:
We humans are animals, and our human minds are a part of the natural order of things. Right?
I agree that plants, animals, and ecosystems operate on what can only be observed to be a perfect order. Humans do not. Our intelligence is the determining difference.
However, I do believe that my human experience, intelligent mind and all, is ultimately more profound than that of a squirrel.
But then again, there we need to consider the element of perspective... relativity. And that is a whole new topic of discussion.
Finally, for the record, I am and never have been, scared of clowns.

The mind "needs" to be both good and bad in order to survive . We need to kill , and we need to protect , at the same time . Human intellect makes the good and bad , much more pronounced (profound ) , than the animals good and bad .