
Harrison, MI
63, joined Jun. 2010
In my home I have a sunroom,where I keep
a lot of plants,various types.(Crotons-Celosia)
to name a couple.
Anyways,last week it was way below zero here
and no heat in the room.I took a Kerosene Heater
I know I was Stupid for doing that.I'm not sure if
all my plants died or will I be able to bring them
back to life.I have moved the plants to my kitchen
where there is heat.
Do you think I can still save them or am I going
to have to replace them? Thank You for any help.
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Farmington, MI
28, joined Feb. 2013
Well they need good lighting and watering, they can bounce back, just prune any bad spots so it doesnt waste its energy on it. I once accidently sulfur bombed my plants but as long as there is good rooting all hope shouldnt be lost

Harrison, MI
63, joined Jun. 2010
Thank You and your from Michigan
Durham, NC
40, joined Mar. 2012
Well they need good lighting and watering, they can bounce back, just prune any bad spots so it doesnt waste its energy on it. I once accidently sulfur bombed my plants but as long as there is good rooting all hope shouldnt be lost


Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
OP ~~ Using kerosene heaters in the greenhouse will not harm the plants as long as the temperature stays around 40 degrees. Too much heat is what will harm the plants. And be sure you have added moisture in the greenhouse. Kerosene dries the air. Good luck with your plants.
Jamestown, IN
47, joined Mar. 2013
Hi, I'm Alan. I've been in the landscape industry for nearly 29 yrs.
As far as heating the area is fine at low steady pace but using a kerosine hearter has the capability of releasing fumes that the plants cant break down during its photosynthesis process... If the air becomes heavy with much heavier elements than nitrogen, oxygen, helium and other it can damage growth in roots as well as blooms.
If you have any questions feel free to ask..