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2/10/2013 5:32:34 AM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Shamanism is humanity's oldest religion and healing art, dating back to the Paleolithic era. Originally, the word shaman referred specifically to healers of the Tungus people of Siberia. In recent times, that name has been given to healers in many traditional cultures around the globe who use consciousness altering techniques in their healing work.
Historically, shamanism has been confused with schizophrenia by anthropologists because shamans often speak of altered state experiences in the spirit world as if they were "real" experiences. While the shaman and the person in a psychotic episode both have unusual access to spiritual and altered state experiences, shamans are trained to work in the spirit world, while the psychotic person is simply lost in it.
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2/10/2013 11:11:34 AM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
A friend just shared this with me the other day, I really liked it because these past few years have been crazy for me lol...
I'm just trying to tap out this whole freedom of religion thing we have. It's sad how many still don't have a clue about life when we are free to learn from so many cultures.
2/10/2013 12:03:17 PM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
We gotta re-invent the wheel essentially.
I feel many of us who posses the ancient teachings need to be more open with them, reword them, reshape our modern knowledge and world by the ancient teachings.
It's not about quoting the right source after a while, eventually you get to where the perspective is all that matters, being above the knowledge itself. From here you can shape almost any experience into practical spiritual knowledge.
It reminds me of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, he had no traditional style, he taught every student to work with what they had.
Which is why I have taken this form in my profile pic, it's just a tool to communicate with my own generation efficiently.
2/10/2013 12:25:24 PM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
There is a huge gap between stereotypes and the truth of each culture. People just affiliate anything non-Christian with being satanic, which is pathetic since they preach patience and understanding.
We've lost so much... After I began my own studies, I feel like public education taught me next to nothing. In fact worse than that, they teach false knowledge just to enslave people.
They don't apply any of the knowledge about human growth and development to our childrens lives, they just keep running us through the system like they're pumping out the old flat black model T ford.
They know how the brain develops, but they put us into this system that disrupts brain development and leaves most people completely dysfunctional on a personal level.
2/10/2013 12:47:51 PM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Star wars spoke a few volumes to me, I never realized there was this whole other dimension to the stories relating to our modern society...
I've been trying to think of things to do to shake people's minds. It's kinda like the opposite of "project mayhem" on fight club, I restore order to show people we don't have to be controlled to care about the earth and our fellow man.
One of my favorite pastimes is wearing this very beanie and picking up trash, like a green peace hippie alive and well.
It's ok to arrest people and force them to do it, but when they see someone openly admitting to being a pothead and picking up trash it kinda makes their laws and fears look stupid. Like maybe if it were legal hippies would be everywhere cleaning up this earth and smoking down.
2/15/2013 4:15:02 AM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
I was "insulted" by someone questioning shape-shifting into animals, a known ability of shamans.
Well I had a simple explanation for that. They were refering to a spiritual transformation, not a physical transformation.
They worked in the spirit world, it's where they roamed.
Typical people had a single spirit animal, shamans were beyond the animal spirits, they were guides.
2/19/2013 6:24:24 PM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Milford, NJFreiland
38, joined Aug. 2010
shamanism...not sure but.i understand it to mean [old world] healers who have the ability to leave their bodies..spiritually....and have fought with evil beings while having the obe..because this is the only way they can...and.they become healers because they were 'chosen' by the higher powers and learned of their 'calling'...so it is more natural to them as opposed to getting formally schooled....where they don't have to learn because they already know....
Now schizophrenia....to the psychiatrists has to do with a person's inability to cope to their environment...therefore rendering them mentally ill....however, alot of the crap they rx prescribe causes the bi-polar mania activity as seen in the paranoid schizos....who now have that reason to not trust anyone..even their doctors....
I bet alot of the schizophrenics need structure, can't focus and may be autistic to some extent.....and the battleing they do has to do with evil people that hag them all day....
2/19/2013 11:22:02 PM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |
Dalhart, TX
37, joined Feb. 2013
This is a very interesting path to study. I would love to read more about it. Do you have any more info? Websites or books? Spiritual paths and religions are a favorite topic of mine.
2/20/2013 8:27:02 AM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
This is a very interesting path to study. I would love to read more about it. Do you have any more info? Websites or books? Spiritual paths and religions are a favorite topic of mine. 
In this day and age I suggest having a large variety of wisdom at your disposal, this way you can pick and choose which form will be best suited to the "task" you are working on.
A good "shape shifter" calls upon various teachings, from culture, friends, family, their own life, and even plants, animals & mother nature herself.
This has been a decent selection of sources I've come across on Facebook:
Buddha Bless You
Blue Buddha quotes
The sacred journey of the soul
Psychedelic adventure
One love one heart one vision
Inner circle cosmic love
Breaking down the illusion of separation
Cosmic consciousness
Unconditional love
LightWorker's world
Native American Indian wisdom
Be apart of the shift 2012
For the most part, spiritual knowledge has become an obsession of mine. Throughout most of my threads you will find quotes from many sources, cultures, and my own life experiences as well.
Here lately I've seen it as being like Bruce Lee's fighting style, Jeet Kune Do. I use anime, music, movies, and even quotes from country legends now. Because we are all in this together, we must go to the next level in human nature.
Here are some interesting links to consider:
The way we think and act can be "imprinted" in the minds of others. Music and tv can shape the way we think if we let it dominate our lives...

Our hearts guide us effortlessly when our minds are detached from the material world, or when our thoughts are centered upon love, unconditional love.

I hesitated posting this, it's from a "friend" of mine. It's fairly advanced and not for the faint of heart.

Explains the benifits, longer life and less stress.

This shows how much effect our energy really has on the universe. For now science is lying to us, because this truth unlocks the secrets to free energy. However we are still too primitive a people to be trusted with limitless power.
Let me re-state this, the science behind this electric cosmos is the fundamental foundation for the study of energy fields, which is essential to the understanding of Nikola Tesla's wireless free energy discovery. They had to conceal this to prevent primitive man from ruining the earth.
Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto:
Water stores energy, this is critical, and you'll see why very soon.
This guy is well known, made a name for himself in the spiritual community. I was looking for a clip where he mentions each species of animal has a "frequency" or "field of thought" that all the living beings within it can tap into and learn from. It's what I was trying to illustrate with the first image, the field of thought generated by humans radiating through the earth. The more each of us advances, the more others will begin to mirror our thoughts.
Living Crystals of Light-Activated Colloidal Surfers:
Video I came across from a new friend on here. They told me about "spirit science" on Facebook, which spoke of this. To me we are highly evolved organic crystals, sometimes we need a few solid crystals to help re-align our auras to balance out our energy.
I made a thread on alternative healing, for a new group suggestion, and one on pure crystal healing. As a kid I had epileptic seizures, wish I had known of this way back then.
I distinctly remember standing at the bus stop as a child and holding some quartz in my hand, and I knew in my heart and soul it had this energy flowing through it, but I shook it off as make believe as is the cultural norm these days.
I have many crystals now, I move some into the light each day in hopes of "recharging" them some more. We are light emitting beings, so there is some give and take when we have them with us.
Here they speak of fractal energy fields, where on a large scale things resemble what's happening on a small scale.
Because a fractal signifies infinite compression, it is what spans the gap between the symmetries of the very small and the very large. Fractals exhibit self-similarity, meaning their inner structure has the same pattern as their outer structure - like a pine cone or a fern tree.
I've spent a long time meditating, thinking about merging science and spirit, technology and nature, into a balanced, intentional creation. The Hopi had a dark and bleak outlook on our future, I've noticed something recently that's left me in awe and wonder.

I use to meditate by a small ancient lake in the wilderness just before these two rivers converge.

Positive vibrations create periodic, constructive wave patterns that build with all the other living wave patterns. With focused intent, the vibrations can carry on forever along with our thoughts.

This is a piece of quadruple helix DNA.

We are universal beings.
2/20/2013 10:53:43 PM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |
Dalhart, TX
37, joined Feb. 2013
Thanks for the pages! I had a few of them but added the rest to the page. I love to have lots of sources and find wisdom in the oddest of places. I guess that is just part of being a free spirit...
2/21/2013 5:59:26 AM |
Shamanism ~ Humanity's Oldest Religion |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
shamanism...not sure but.i understand it to mean [old world] healers who have the ability to leave their bodies..spiritually....and have fought with evil beings while having the obe..because this is the only way they can...and.they become healers because they were 'chosen' by the higher powers and learned of their 'calling'...so it is more natural to them as opposed to getting formally schooled....where they don't have to learn because they already know....
Now schizophrenia....to the psychiatrists has to do with a person's inability to cope to their environment...therefore rendering them mentally ill....however, alot of the crap they rx prescribe causes the bi-polar mania activity as seen in the paranoid schizos....who now have that reason to not trust anyone..even their doctors....
I bet alot of the schizophrenics need structure, can't focus and may be autistic to some extent.....and the battleing they do has to do with evil people that hag them all day....
Some people just need to be free every minute of their life... We've only been living like this, by schedules, for the past hundred years or so. The more complex our lives are becoming, the more "illnesses" they will continue to find, because we are living beings having natural reactions to an unnatural world...
There are crystals to help with schizophrenia, just like with epileptics.
The term elestial means “Crystal of the Angels” and not surprisingly, elestials have a strong connection to the Angelic realm. Elestials contain the spirit of angels and beings in other dimensions and bring us their messages, information and love.
Elestials contain a gentle flowing energy and frequency that is tuned into both the pureness of the angelic domain and the vibrations of the Earth. Since smokey quartz is a natural grounding stone, smokey elestials are an excellent choice for grounding the higher vibrations here on Earth. Smokey quartz also has the added benefit of providing us protection from negativity.
Elestials are considered the master healing crystal of the mineral kingdom. The energy of elestials is extremely powerful and many shamans, healers and metaphysical folks enjoy working with and gaining knowledge from them.