3/18/2013 6:42:22 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Actually Im making my shopping list, just waiting for stores to open. hahaha
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3/18/2013 7:01:18 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Easton, PA
75, joined Apr. 2010
I'm waiting for the snow to start,
3/18/2013 7:02:42 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Johnstown, PA
60, joined Oct. 2007
Listening to School cancellations & delays on the radio
3/18/2013 10:47:56 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
just got home from work and in the process of changing the sheets on my bed. thought Id sit a while and take a break. got all my clean clothes hung up.....finally
3/18/2013 12:56:37 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Wow, What snow are we supposed to get??  
Now Im planning to meet a few friends on Friday to celebrate my birthday~~~         
3/18/2013 3:34:26 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
Back again and answering emails. Waiting for the landlord to stop and get his rent check. I paid it on the 5th and he lost it and it hasnt cleared thru the bank yet so back to square one
3/18/2013 3:56:41 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Halifax, PA
72, joined Sep. 2008
Napping, watching the snow fall.. ..doing some reloading...having ...just trying to be the pain in the butt..LOL
3/18/2013 4:33:53 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Just saw a truck do a 180 with this dumb slick snow, missed my Jeep , but got my mailbox. Guy brought my mail in for me.  
3/19/2013 2:51:22 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |
Scranton, PA
58, joined Mar. 2013
Sitting at work staying warm & being bored. LOL
3/19/2013 3:14:29 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Easton, PA
75, joined Apr. 2010
The weather's playing hell with my back, so I'm waiting for some meds to kick in. 
3/19/2013 8:23:25 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
frying hamburger for work and making breakfast. got my to do list ready and hope the momentum keeps up
3/19/2013 9:06:36 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Easton, PA
75, joined Apr. 2010
Just got finished shoveling the slop off the sidewalk, relaxing now.
3/19/2013 10:32:49 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
made work calls and doing my best to get menus figured out for the rest of this month and into next month. I need to take a recount of what supplies we have left to work with
3/19/2013 1:01:00 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
guess I need to get off my hiney and away from the black box and run over to work and get city chickens out to thaw for tomorrow and stop at my daughters on the way home and pick up some money she owes me and my delivery cart I use. Its a dolly with a clothes basket bungee corded to it.
3/19/2013 6:24:34 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Halifax, PA
72, joined Sep. 2008
Not a dern thing as I don't feel like it...having a cup of
3/19/2013 7:04:10 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Just got dinner dishes finished and made a lunch to take to work tomorrow. Meatloaf sandwiches . YUmmy.........
3/20/2013 1:28:54 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Easton, PA
75, joined Apr. 2010
Right now, I waiting for the meds to kick in, so I can get some sleep.
3/20/2013 5:36:43 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Up and getting ready for work.  
3/20/2013 12:15:06 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
bracing myself for this afternoon. got chauffer and baby sitting duty for a few hours.
3/20/2013 5:49:58 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
I am having a salad and getting ready to put on the NHL network! GO PENS!!!!!!!
3/20/2013 7:11:13 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Waiting on a call from the hospital!!
3/20/2013 11:14:32 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Smithfield, PA
53, joined Dec. 2009
getting ready for bed...got my car back once again from the shop..praying it stays fixed now..And saying prayers for Alan to feel better..went through a few messages on here..what a crock..lol
3/21/2013 2:43:53 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Easton, PA
75, joined Apr. 2010
I'm just hanging out here, can't sleep.
3/21/2013 6:06:20 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Hi ho, Hi ho, its off to work I go. 
No call from the hospital!!
3/21/2013 7:18:25 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
grating a few of those long french breads to make bread crumbs for work. We get them for free so why not make good use of them.
3/21/2013 4:33:46 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
making chicken noodle soup from scratch, doing laundry, searching the web for some info, writing to friends, cleaning house, and just relaxing. sorry i am a multi tasker my friend in here. got everyone guessing who that is now dont i?  have a good day 
3/21/2013 7:29:54 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Well, Im getting ready for bed. ..................woohoo ............YEP, wondering who your friend is, BBQ. Nice to see you here!!
3/21/2013 7:50:34 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
just got done cooking and peeling 3 dozen eggs for work tomorrow. egg salad
3/22/2013 7:07:38 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Hey 71, I have a sheet if you need one!! 
Today its the bank first , then go see mom , then a bit of shopping then small Party .
CYA laters to tonight.
3/22/2013 8:04:22 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Johnstown, PA
60, joined Oct. 2007
Getting ready to take the grandkids to the mall to ride the train & see The Easter Bunny 
3/22/2013 8:44:13 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Catasauqua, PA
77, joined Nov. 2008
Happy Birthday Sugar !
3/22/2013 9:27:06 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Easton, PA
75, joined Apr. 2010
I'm sorting through my pantry and trying to rearrange the freezer to make some room in it. Other than that taking it easy. I heard more snow might be on the way. 
3/23/2013 1:06:00 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Smithfield, PA
53, joined Dec. 2009
more laundry...I stripped the bed & took down the curtains...now washing them..gearing up to clean the windows
3/23/2013 6:20:24 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
Worrying about a friend and trying to make a list of things I need for 2 Easter dinners. No cook on Wednesday so I have to rearrange the menus at work and am cooking dinner on Easter sunday at home
3/23/2013 7:56:04 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
waiting for it to start snowing again aint it spring time yet?
3/23/2013 8:01:48 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Erie, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
touching myself,,,
3/23/2013 8:08:19 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Erie, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
i dont wanna share my sauce with the guys at work !! maybe the ladies in the office...
3/23/2013 8:19:21 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Erie, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
woman screw there way to the top all the time,,
3/23/2013 9:46:24 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
waiting for a phone call
3/23/2013 9:53:02 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
woman screw there way to the top all the time,,
is that why men are always on the bottom 
3/23/2013 11:10:07 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
playing pool on here
3/23/2013 11:25:49 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
hot sauce sounds good. love a good hot sauce. mmmmmmm
3/25/2013 10:27:23 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
did the dishes, doing laundry and finally brought the sleeping bag up off the line and rolled it to put away. Its only been hanging there since September. Got tired of walking around it to get to other things.
3/25/2013 1:07:06 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Halifax, PA
72, joined Sep. 2008
Watching the snow fall and just resting...
3/25/2013 4:18:43 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
just doing housework n some cooking. Now watching a new batch of snow fall. 
Ok, who is hiding Spring? 
3/25/2013 6:31:54 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
was working on laundry and checking bins in the basement for yarn enough to make at least 3 floor doilies. lost my electric for a while so I went over and took care of business at work. Good thing....I forgot about the milk delivery being today.
3/25/2013 7:09:34 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
relaxing for once
3/26/2013 9:41:07 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
about time 
I finished the laundry, cooked 40 eggs and peeled them. just taking a break on here to get off my feet for a few minutes
[Edited 3/26/2013 9:42:36 AM ]
3/26/2013 11:34:03 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Halifax, PA
72, joined Sep. 2008
Just waiting for a delivery and reading
3/26/2013 4:04:03 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Erie, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
eewww,, egg farts !!!
3/26/2013 5:37:51 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Inky, didnt need that detailed description, hahahaha.........
Right now Im watching a bit of tv. 
3/26/2013 10:16:50 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Clinton, PA
46, joined Oct. 2012
I was doing some paperwork, now playing laser toy with kitties. 
3/26/2013 11:09:19 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
was trying to run cables to my computer area. gave it up for the night and now cleaning and making room.
3/27/2013 12:08:00 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |
Etters, PA
30, joined Mar. 2013
Watching Ted laughing my a** off
3/27/2013 4:45:45 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Smithfield, PA
53, joined Dec. 2009
contemplating going back to sleep 
3/27/2013 5:20:47 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
getting ready for work
3/27/2013 5:29:34 AM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Milton, PA
53, joined Feb. 2013
Today is laundry and cleaning day....
3/27/2013 7:16:19 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Pottsville, PA
66, joined Oct. 2009
Watching Survivor!!! 
3/27/2013 7:48:22 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |

Erie, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
touching myself,,, again
3/27/2013 8:00:51 PM |
Besides being on DH, What else are you doing right now? |


Springdale, PA
70, joined Jun. 2009
you need to hire somebody to do that for you.