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6/5/2013 3:03:53 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Morganton, NC
31, joined Mar. 2013
I've tried just about everything to get rid of my dogs and cat's flees. Baths, medication, been cleaning up and down the house still those DAMN FLEES.
My dog Shiva I'm especially worried about because she is allergic, causes her to break out in horrible hives.
Any other suggestions that will work????
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6/5/2013 3:51:53 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Morganton, NC
31, joined Mar. 2013
I'll try that thanks
6/6/2013 1:11:43 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


27, joined Oct. 2011
I use triflexis on my puppy. It's about $20 a month but so worth it
Kills all fleas within 4 hours and keeps them off
Also good for heartworm protection
6/6/2013 3:16:09 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Morganton, NC
31, joined Mar. 2013
I've tried the pills and the drops on them. Even tried garlic which kinda works except it messes their stomach up
6/6/2013 6:52:59 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
I use a mix of tea tree oil and water. I mix it in a 16 oz spray bottle I put enough tea tree oil to cover the bottom of the bottle, but sometimes will use more if necessary and add warm water. Shake well and spritz the dog with it. It seems to keep the fleas and ticks away. You can use the spray on yourself to keep mosquitoes away as well.
Reese?How often and heavily are u spritzing the fur kids?Cats too?Im making orange oil,geranium oil and cedar oil.Gonna give those a try.Am fighting a battle royale here.
Op?My german male shepherd,Guage is also flea allergic.Your vet may need to prescribe prednisone but try your best to errradicate the fleas because you REALLY DON"T want to give or take that drug long or often...it results in Cushings disease,which my little Flipper will die with.It costs $70. per month here to treat it and that's just managing symptoms.
6/7/2013 7:27:37 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
I've tried the pills and the drops on them. Even tried garlic which kinda works except it messes their stomach up
You will kill the dog if you give it garlic. 
6/7/2013 9:35:45 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
How much is that lyme?I have a lot of ground to cover here and that's a lot better for my grass and pets than the chemical granules.
Poor Carlee is too young for flea spray and the lil pests,I can't keep them off the poor baby.
6/8/2013 8:21:58 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Im buying some TODAY!I gave Carlee another bath last night and there were so many fleas the poor babe has two sores that they made on her.She's gonna end up anemic if I don't get this problem handled, and anything in the yard comes in on our clothes.Ive gotta figure out what do do inside the house.I have no carpet so flea busters is out,but these lil beasts are a plague!
6/8/2013 9:29:12 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
6/8/2013 11:18:09 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
54, joined Oct. 2011
Well, the best way is to keep them off places infested with fleas. If your dog has long fur, shave it short for now until you get the fleas under control.
I only use revolution on Angus. The only thing that works for fleas now. I've tried using frontline, advantage, etc. but fleas developed immunity to permetrin or pyrethrin.
I used to bring him to doggie park. I quit doing it as Fleas in Florida are all over everywhere esp. at doggie parks.
They have this oral med called comfortis, it kills the fleas in a few minutes after medication.
If you have a yard with grass, sand and soil, and there are fleas in it. You may have to douse the area with flea pesticide. a concentrated concoction will do it. Spray everyday until you notice nothing is hatching anymore or crawling. I had to do it to my yard a few times, the neighbor has been harboring stray cats and bring in fleas to my yard. I had the pest control people coming in once a month to spray the lawn, but the chemical mix is way too diluted, it didn't even kill the fleas. According the them, EPA will not allow anything more than the required dilution ratio. But it is not good as the fleas are getting immune to the chemicals.
6/8/2013 11:51:25 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Norman, OK
48, joined Sep. 2010
Ug! I hate flees! I have this one friend that the last to times I've been to his place I've come home covered in bites. The first time, I chalked it up to masqutoes because it had been raining a lot recently. Last weekend, however, there was not a cloud to be found anywhere in the sky and I still came home with flee bites. I texted him to let him know that he needed to treat his cats before I came over again. He didn't reply and I forgot to mention it next time we spoke voice to voice. Now I am worried my dogs will get them because of his ignorance on the matter.
6/8/2013 9:26:19 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
54, joined Oct. 2011
They can be a nuisance if it is out of control. They Love carpets and área rugs.
They hate sunshine, and would buey underneath any organic matter such as leaves, wood. Etc. The larva eat decaying organic stuff. So without food and lots of sunshine, larva will die. They can't tolerate low temperature , and I think high temp too.
Studying their life cycle really helps.
6/8/2013 10:20:49 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Morganton, NC
31, joined Mar. 2013
Well I tired the tea tree oil I did see a few flees straight up die and jumping of their fur, but the next day they were back. I took them to my mother's to see if it will help in a different area while i fog my place.
6/9/2013 7:36:45 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
I have been buying that Pet arour ,a generic Frontline...and seen that it doesn't seem to work as well or last as long.
I do vacuum daily as sweeping dog hair on linolium basically just sends it everywhere,and we have a lot of dog hair to contend with.Im considering putting everyone outside along with my fish and bombing.Im having major spider issues too.Aggressive spiders that have put abcesses on a couple of kittens.Im even buying geraniums to grow and make oil.Walmart has them onsale for a $1. a peice.
6/10/2013 10:20:26 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |
Englewood, TN
61, joined Dec. 2012
Believe it or not, I have used GARLIC POWDER before and had great success. Just sprinkle a little on their food every day and it will keep fleas and ticks both off of them. It creates an order that repels them. If your dogs starts stinking, it's time to ease up on the garlic a little bit. lol This works good for people also for fleas, ticks and mosquitoes
6/11/2013 6:24:12 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Anderson, CA
33, joined Jan. 2013
Dawn dish soap works great for fleas and is safe for dogs and cats.
6/11/2013 8:39:45 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
Garlic Toxicity and Pets
A Small Amount Can Be Toxic
Many people consider garlic to be a holistic remedy in the prevention of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even certain types of cancer.
These potential medicinal benefits, however, are not effective for our pets. In fact, garlic is extremely toxic to dogs and cats and the consumption of even a small amount can lead to severe poisoning and, if not treated in time, death.
Why is Garlic Toxic to Pets?
Garlic is classified as a species of the Allium family. Other species in the Allium family include onions, shallots, leeks, chives and rakkyo (otherwise known as the Chinese onion).
Unfortunately, dogs and cats cannot digest these particular plants as we can. The ingestion of Allium species in dogs and cats causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by the bursting of red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body.
Ingestion can also lead to gastroenteritis, also known as an inflammation of the stomach and intestines, causing stomach pain.
How Much Garlic is Toxic to Pets?
“In general, garlic can be more concentrated than an onion,” says Dr. Justine Lee, the associate director of Veterinary Services at Pet Poison Helpline and a veterinary emergency critical care specialist. “It’s actually considered to be about 5X as potent as an onion.”
Consider the rule of thumb when it comes to onion toxicity: Consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions in cats or 15 to 30 g/kg in dogs has resulted in clinically important hematologic changes. According to scientific studies, onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time.*
Since garlic is significantly more concentrated than an onion, an even smaller ingested amount will likely lead to toxicosis—as little as one clove of garlic can lead to toxicity in dogs and cats.
Please note that a pet’s weight, type of breed and prior health history can vary the toxicity level of ingested garlic. If you suspect your dog or cat has ingested garlic, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
Symptoms of Garlic Toxicity in Dogs and Cats
It’s important to note that it may take up to two to four days after your pet eats garlic for symptoms to appear.
According to Lee, symptoms of garlic toxicity include breathlessness, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, pale gums, an elevated heart rate, an increased respiratory rate, weakness, exercise intolerance, and collapse.
Your pet also could lose interest in food as a result of this type of poisoning.
Preventing Garlic Toxicity in Pets
While mass consumption of garlic puts pets at high risk, your pet can also become poisoned after chronic ingestion of small amounts of garlic over a period of time.
So, what about pet food products that may contain garlic? Lee instructs pet owners to use a practical approach. “Remember, ingredients are listed in order of concentration in the product’s nutrition panel. If garlic appears within the first ten ingredients, we would worry.”
Pet owners who believe garlic helps prevent fleas should heed caution.
“Using garlic as a homeopathic treatment for flea prevention has been debunked as not effective,” says Lee. “I would never recommend adding any garlic powder to your pet’s meal; you could potentially injure your pet over time.”
For pet owners using garlic as a holistic remedy for their own cardiovascular issues, make sure you take steps to protect curious pets. Lee recalls treating two kittens that ingested garlic pills left within their reach. Both were treated for severe anemia.
“Pet owners often have good intentions in promoting the wellbeing of their pets,” Lee says. “Sometimes this can lead to more problems than they anticipate.”
The best advice when concerned about introducing new food or a homeopathic treatment for your pet is to always consult your family veterinarian first.
*"Allium Species Poisoning in Dogs and Cats," R.B. Cope, BSc. BVSc, PhD
6/13/2013 5:10:41 PM |
Damn FLEES!!! |
Englewood, TN
61, joined Dec. 2012
Don't know about the poison part. I just know I've used it for years and it's never hurt any of mine. I will check into this further though.
6/14/2013 7:15:20 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
I've smoked for years, and I haven't dropped dead yet... that doesn't mean it's not killing me.
6/20/2013 1:09:59 AM |
Damn FLEES!!! |

Elkhart, IN
54, joined Jun. 2013
Hello and thanks to everyone who posted...I learned something.I had wondered for years were there a natural flea killer or repeller.As for the garlic thing,yes,garlic will hurt your pet...but only fresh garlic...not powdered garlic,that is why the guy who puts powdered garlic in his dogs food for years is having no problems with his dogs.I recently Googled Double Life Dog Diet,and saw the video.If what they are saying is true,the dog food we are feeding are dogs is slowly killing them.The site says it's best to make your own dog food and it's possible for a dog to live to be at least 26.I'd like others opinions on what the site is saying.I sense they are telling the truth. A long good life to everyone& their pets.