6/14/2013 10:43:44 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
Almost every woman online in Colorado has a tattoo. I'm beginning to think that every woman in this state has a tattoo.
No matter how many times they say, "It's my body, my choice," or "I got them for sentimental reasons" or whatever, it doesn't help me understand the need for a tattoo. We have brains to remember things. We have brains to tell ourselves this or that. I have never needed some permanent reminder on or should I say, in my skin to remember anything, especially good things.
I think tattoos are like defacing the Mona Lisa, especially on a woman. Big, medium, small, women are works of art unto themselves. They don't need artificial additions.
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6/17/2013 8:41:26 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Pueblo, CO
28, joined May. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
6/17/2013 11:02:13 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Rifle, CO
31, joined Jun. 2013
Nothing more sexy than a tattooed girl. im a tattoo artist and i love tattooing girls
6/17/2013 6:43:33 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Denver, CO
39, joined Jun. 2013

6/18/2013 10:50:46 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Saint Petersburg, FL
28, joined Jun. 2013
OP, you are about the most idiotic piece of work out there. Tattoos are nothing like like defacing the Mona Lisa. It is more like Van Gogh or Picasso picking up their brush and staring at that blank canvas then deciding, "No, this plain white canvas is too beautiful to ruin with my artwork." Tattoos are an expression of the persons artistic side without having to pay $20 to see it every time. Take your bible-thumping 31 year old virgin a** somewhere else. 
I think i love you guy
6/21/2013 10:29:34 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Colorado Springs, CO
34, joined Apr. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
6/24/2013 7:30:59 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Arnold, MO
44, joined Sep. 2010
Ladies tat it up. Its sexy so long as it has a meaning behind it.
6/25/2013 2:36:02 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

98, joined Feb. 2013
I have a lot of tattoos, all of them were carefully placed on my body so that I am able to wear "normal" clothes and have them all covored, mostly for work purposes...
One of the biggest reasons I have my tattoos (besides all the "sentimental reasons" as you put it) is because it's my F**K YOU to people like you! If you are the type of person that would come to a conclusion abut a person based soley on a decision THEY mdae about THEIR body, then well, F**K YOU! YOU are not the type of person I would want anywhere near me or in my life. I mean shit look at your haircut!..lol...that's a decision YOU made about YOUR body, does everyone need to like it?..no...do you care if everyone likes it?..probably!...and that right there is your problem. Maybe you should look at yourself and what's wrong with you before you start pointing the finger elsewhere. 
Here let me translate what I'm trying to say into something you might be able to wrap your tiny head around...
"Judge not lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1
I'm getting a new one soon. Maybe it should say kiss my a** to people like him so I don't have to waste my breath saying it. There's sentimental for ya.
[Edited 6/25/2013 2:38:06 AM ]
6/30/2013 3:39:16 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Aztec, NM
50, joined Mar. 2011
I got mine when i was very young, you know, when we dont have a brain, they were homemade and looked ghetto. When i got a brain, i was embarased a did my best to always keep them covered. On my arms so it was hard. A few years ago, my oldest daughter paid for a coverup. It was so liberating and i was so happy to have the ugly one covered, a few months later i covered the other one. Now i have beautiful tattoos and it makes me happy. Op, sometimes they are a wonderful reminder to a troubled past
7/7/2013 10:52:12 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
34, joined Dec. 2011
 I'm getting a new one soon. Maybe it should say kiss my a** to people like him so I don't have to waste my breath saying it. There's sentimental for ya.
that's an awesome idea!! I think dude needs to go join a Mormon church or an omish community
7/10/2013 4:03:20 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

San Antonio, TX
23, joined May. 2013

7/18/2013 8:31:25 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
Well, I see. I'm a bigoted a-hole for having a preference. Just like so many women, refusing to date men who are shorter than them. There are actually a few white women, refusing to date black guys. Do I feel the need to call these women on their bigoted preferences?? No, because I'm a mature adult, who can respect other people for their outlook on life.
7/19/2013 1:12:07 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

98, joined Feb. 2013
You asked a question, we answered. What did you expect everyone to agree with you???? If you don't like our answers don't make threads. Just like you are entitled to your preferences, so are we. Good day to you sunshine. 
7/19/2013 1:31:33 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
34, joined Dec. 2011
Well, I see. I'm a bigoted a-hole for having a preference. Just like so many women, refusing to date men who are shorter than them. There are actually a few white women, refusing to date black guys. Do I feel the need to call these women on their bigoted preferences?? No, because I'm a mature adult, who can respect other people for their outlook on life.
dude, you did call them out on their preferences! You didn't only make a comment, you started an entire thread about the subject!! People like tattoos now a days. You need to learn to not judge people by it. Get to know someone before you just dismiss them because of something as petty as a tattoo. Talk to them about why they got the tattoo. You may just hear some pretty cool stories or some pretty stupid ones. Either way you are going to be entertained.
tattoos have been around longer than recorded history. They are a part of the human race! You talk about them like they are some new fad that has popped up recently.
7/20/2013 2:58:33 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
If you don't like them, put it in your profile OP! Remember less is good, so if they have one where you can't see it then It's all good! You must love the women who get High and Do Meth then. JS!  
7/20/2013 2:59:49 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
dude, you did call them out on their preferences! You didn't only make a comment, you started an entire thread about the subject!! People like tattoos now a days. You need to learn to not judge people by it. Get to know someone before you just dismiss them because of something as petty as a tattoo. Talk to them about why they got the tattoo. You may just hear some pretty cool stories or some pretty stupid ones. Either way you are going to be entertained.
tattoos have been around longer than recorded history. They are a part of the human race! You talk about them like they are some new fad that has popped up recently.
Your awesome..
7/20/2013 3:00:52 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
Almost every woman online in Colorado has a tattoo. I'm beginning to think that every woman in this state has a tattoo.
No matter how many times they say, "It's my body, my choice," or "I got them for sentimental reasons" or whatever, it doesn't help me understand the need for a tattoo. We have brains to remember things. We have brains to tell ourselves this or that. I have never needed some permanent reminder on or should I say, in my skin to remember anything, especially good things.
I think tattoos are like defacing the Mona Lisa, especially on a woman. Big, medium, small, women are works of art unto themselves. They don't need artificial additions.
Judgmental much? 
7/20/2013 3:05:29 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
that's an awesome idea!! I think dude needs to go join a Mormon church or an omish community
7/20/2013 4:44:58 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
Nope. I prefer to think I respect a woman's own natural beauty, more than they do. And, I'm kind of disgusted by someone who can't be proud of that natural beauty, enough to leave it alone, maybe even take care of it.
Do you want to know the truth about tattoos?
It's filth. The ink is literally filth, embedded under your skin. It has to be this certain kind of filth, in order for it not to be absorbed by the body and stay in one place. Which is kind of disgusting, don't you think??
BUT, because people today are so self-absorbed and so self-serving, they can't actually find pride in themselves, enough to take care of their body... and keep filth like that out.
I quit smoking and feel great because of it. I learned to have more pride in the way I look and feel. I didn't do it to attract the opposite sex. I did it for me.
I'm not only disgusted by how repulsive the tattoos look, mostly because we're not talking about a pure white canvas here. Mixed with skin tones, tattoos really look awful. I'm disgusted by peoples' willingness to keep this filth embedded under their skin.
I mean, I think modern people can't think of any consequence or take any responsibility. Tattoos are like a big warning light that this person is very childish and immature, that they only care about pleasing themselves. They have the shortest attention span possible.
Who the hell would want to be in a relationship with that? Where she doesn't care about pleasing me, but she demands that I please her? A one-sided relationship? God, that sounds GREAT. lo
7/20/2013 5:25:32 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Aurora, CO
39, joined Mar. 2011
7/20/2013 5:29:54 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
Nope. I'm not budging. You might look at it as talking to a brick wall. You can call me stubborn or even ignorant. I don't give a damn.
The way I look at it, I'm just very passionate about this subject and many other subjects. I know who I am, how I think, why I think it, and I'm proud of being me. I'm confident in who I am and what I am. I'm not just gonna go with the flow, looking for some quick, cheap thrills, like everyone else in this fast-food culture.
7/20/2013 7:16:14 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
34, joined Dec. 2011
Yeah you're passionate alright. Passionate about being superficial. Put on some boots because the crap piling up. You just went from trying to tell people something you don't like to all out insulting them. So now not only are you passionate and superficial, you're also an a**hole. Congrats!
7/20/2013 7:48:35 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Brandon, MS
34, joined Jun. 2013
We found the human Stewie!!
Get over yourself dude, tattoos are like a**holes, everyone has one anymore and you must live in a damn bubble. I know we're entitled to our own opinions and whatnot but no reason to be a peckerwood about it! I as do many other MEN don't mind women with TASTEFUL tattoos. Hope this was entertaining and insightful!  
7/20/2013 8:23:06 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
I'm NOT superficial. People who put permanently crap in their bodies, and define themselves with those tattoos, they're superficial. And they behave like a**holes, when someone objects to their choice to screw up their bodies.
If they can't see it as screwing up their bodies, then, they're screwed up in the head. And, why I want to be with that??
I wouldn't want my children to be raised by someone who treats their bodies like a blank canvas for crap art.
7/20/2013 9:04:51 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
Hugs Tony..you rock
7/20/2013 9:48:59 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
34, joined Dec. 2011
I'm NOT superficial. People who put permanently crap in their bodies, and define themselves with those tattoos, they're superficial. And they behave like a**holes, when someone objects to their choice to screw up their bodies.
If they can't see it as screwing up their bodies, then, they're screwed up in the head. And, why I want to be with that??
I wouldn't want my children to be raised by someone who treats their bodies like a blank canvas for crap art.
now you're generalizing. You can't say that all people that have tattoos are the same. That's like saying all people of one race think the same way. It just doesn't work. Get out of your ignorance bubble because its going to suffocate you. Learn about a person before you insult them just because they have a tattoo
7/20/2013 11:35:10 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Brandon, MS
34, joined Jun. 2013
You do realize IF you ever have kids I can guarantee they will be covered head to toe in tats. Most of the first ones they get will be completely lame. Better prepare yourself.
Probably be barbed wire around the arm or tramp stamps! lol  
7/21/2013 12:00:43 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
Lol Tony
7/21/2013 1:22:21 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Brandon, MS
34, joined Jun. 2013
that's just how I roll...
7/21/2013 2:02:21 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Colorado Springs, CO
46, joined May. 2013
Hmmm... I recently retired from the military & still work in a military environment. I'll be sure to tell all my "superficial" friends that their tatoos, some of which are the names of close friends who were KIA, are meaningless filth. I'll also tell all the lovely, brillian women I know who have tatoos that's they're shallow and selfish ... which is pretty much what you said, right? I might not be a detective, but it's hard not to detect a hint of chauvanism with regards to your comments about women. What do you care? Don't go out with a girl who has a tatoo. It's that simple. I suspect you most likely DON'T go out with women who have tatoos, so I can't fathom what your issue is unless a) you're frustrated & need an outlet or b) you have another agenda (admittedly, you post reads like something from the Westboro Baptist Church) or c) both. I don't have any tatoos myself (at least not yet) but I respect any indiciduals right to express themselves in anyway they see fit as long as it doesn't involve explosives, if you know what I'm saying. In the meantime, I might not RESPECT your opinion, but I'll TOLERATE it. I'm not trying to be snide or mean here but there re far bigger fish to fry than worrying about someone else's artistic expression or lifestyle or whatever... I suggest you go to a local soup kitchen or run a 5k for cancer get involved in your community. Along with making the world a better place...you just might meet the woman of your dreams...without a tatoo, of course. Cheers.
7/21/2013 2:11:25 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Colorado Springs, CO
46, joined May. 2013
Oh, and one more thing Luke... You don't have to "understand" why so many women have tatoos. They don't have to justify their decision to anyone - including you. I know, it's funny how that works, right? The same goes for women's health care too...unless your living in Texas. I might not understand the Tea Party or creationists or why some people attach a fake scrotum to the trailer hitch of their pickup, but I've found life to be a lot more peaceful when you "let the mystery be..."
7/21/2013 2:12:06 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Aurora, CO
40, joined Jul. 2013
WOW I can't believe this thread this guy posted. Everyone has a preference , but sounds like someone has issues..
If you were born blind or had an accident that left you blind I don't think that would change the superficial creep you are.

7/21/2013 2:22:11 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Colorado Springs, CO
46, joined May. 2013
I agree... There's not much hope for anyone so superficial that they would limit their their relationship w/anyone based on a tatoo. Although...Luke might be pleasantly surprised if he were to concentrate on the things he has in common with people instead of drawing lines in the sand over petty differences.
7/21/2013 12:51:50 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
rbwn811, your awesome!!!
7/21/2013 2:48:42 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
34, joined Dec. 2011
Luke its people like you that make me loose faith in the human race. A tattoo is not a good enough justification to date or not date someone. As i have said i think 4 times now in this thread get to know a person before you start judging and insulting them just because they have a tattoo.
You are of course entitled to your opinion. That's the cool thing about free speech. But when free speech turns into insults that are completely baseless and lacking of facts, then you are in the wrong.
7/21/2013 4:33:00 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012

7/21/2013 5:51:00 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Colorado Springs, CO
46, joined May. 2013
thanks. I have my moments but don't tell anyone - they might expect more from. If Luke were complaining about global starvation or something similar, I wouldn't have issues. Then again, I suppose that's what forums are for.
7/21/2013 6:00:44 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Ontario, OR
37, joined Aug. 2012
7/21/2013 8:28:37 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Pueblo, CO
36, joined Feb. 2013
Seriously dude. Open your mind, expand your life. Women with tattoos are incredibly sexy. Tattoos in general are beautiful forms of self expression. Hell I have five myself and plans for at least a dozen more
7/21/2013 9:16:43 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Center Line, MI
47, joined Nov. 2010
If you don't want to look at women with tattoos, then stick your head up your own ass. Perhaps you will enjoy that view a little better. 
7/21/2013 9:23:11 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |


Brandon, MS
34, joined Jun. 2013
If you don't want to look at women with tattoos, then stick your head up your own ass. Perhaps you will enjoy that view a little better. 
Maybe THATS the problem, maybe he needs to fart, and get his head out of his a** and take a look around... 
7/31/2013 3:36:10 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

98, joined Feb. 2013
Nope. I prefer to think I respect a woman's own natural beauty, more than they do. And, I'm kind of disgusted by someone who can't be proud of that natural beauty, enough to leave it alone, maybe even take care of it.
Do you want to know the truth about tattoos?
It's filth. The ink is literally filth, embedded under your skin. It has to be this certain kind of filth, in order for it not to be absorbed by the body and stay in one place. Which is kind of disgusting, don't you think??
BUT, because people today are so self-absorbed and so self-serving, they can't actually find pride in themselves, enough to take care of their body... and keep filth like that out.
I quit smoking and feel great because of it. I learned to have more pride in the way I look and feel. I didn't do it to attract the opposite sex. I did it for me.
I'm not only disgusted by how repulsive the tattoos look, mostly because we're not talking about a pure white canvas here. Mixed with skin tones, tattoos really look awful. I'm disgusted by peoples' willingness to keep this filth embedded under their skin.
I mean, I think modern people can't think of any consequence or take any responsibility. Tattoos are like a big warning light that this person is very childish and immature, that they only care about pleasing themselves. They have the shortest attention span possible.
Who the hell would want to be in a relationship with that? Where she doesn't care about pleasing me, but she demands that I please her? A one-sided relationship? God, that sounds GREAT. lo 
And I'm disgusted at how judgmental and idiotic you sound. It's one thing to have preferences but you are just downright simpleminded and asstastic. Who in the hell would want to be in a relationship with that. And I take it you believe what you are spouting is mature. You take pride in how you look? Well you are definitely not a looker on the outside and your personality just makes it worst. I'm "disgusted". 
8/1/2013 12:55:46 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Denver, CO
40, joined Jul. 2013
Lol sounds like the ladies here told u. Funny! Its a subculture u do not understand, untill u get 1u will never know. N if u have one n being hypocritical, then u should ask yourself? If that female u seek is no more then a sub servent slave. Cuz that might be what ur looking for. But then again there are women out there without tat2s, who are hot n kick a** sweet. 
8/1/2013 1:00:09 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Denver, CO
40, joined Jul. 2013
I don't know if you know this, but the Mona lisa is a dude, dude. So what your saying is, drag queens shouldn't have tat2's either.lol im sure u can find a stupid bimboo at a frat party. Well, this rest my case on the othe half of America's population. Lol stupid fools.
8/10/2013 12:34:24 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Delta, CO
48, joined Jul. 2013
I have a lot of tattoos, all of them were carefully placed on my body so that I am able to wear "normal" clothes and have them all covored, mostly for work purposes...
One of the biggest reasons I have my tattoos (besides all the "sentimental reasons" as you put it) is because it's my F**K YOU to people like you! If you are the type of person that would come to a conclusion abut a person based soley on a decision THEY mdae about THEIR body, then well, F**K YOU! YOU are not the type of person I would want anywhere near me or in my life. I mean shit look at your haircut!..lol...that's a decision YOU made about YOUR body, does everyone need to like it?..no...do you care if everyone likes it?..probably!...and that right there is your problem. Maybe you should look at yourself and what's wrong with you before you start pointing the finger elsewhere. 
Here let me translate what I'm trying to say into something you might be able to wrap your tiny head around...
"Judge not lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1
Here Here!!  You go girl!!
12/2/2013 1:02:56 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
Wow. I touched a nerve with you oversensitive children.
I have a right to have a preference, you psychopaths.
I bet all of you would look at a newborn baby, with its unadorned, beautiful nature skin, and say, "Goddamn, that baby looks boring. We need to get tattoos on him / her right away."
OK. Tell me, why aren't you people allowing your children to get tattoos??
Because it isn't a decision that a child can make?? Yeah, that child automatically has the ability to choose better for themselves as soon as they turn 18, right? LOL
I can't believe how petty and immature you people got over one criticism of a stupid fycking fad, like tattoos.
I don't hate people. I hate the tattoos. I hate the fact that this once beautiful art looks AWFUL on human skin and I hate the fact that this awful art takes away from the beauty of the woman wearing it.
If you don't take a little criticism, you need to GROW UP.
12/3/2013 6:50:36 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
44, joined Nov. 2013
That's too bad you're so shallow, i guess we found one of your dating red flags.
12/3/2013 6:52:32 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
44, joined Nov. 2013
The more the better if you ask me.
12/4/2013 11:29:23 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |
Littleton, CO
52, joined Jul. 2013
I think ladies with tattoo's are sexy
12/4/2013 7:29:38 PM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
48, joined Sep. 2013
You may not like the answer but it is the most truthful answer it is their body their choice and your opinion doesn't matter and they are not Mona Lisa's they are grown up women and they like it. There are plenty women without tattoos by the way change your appitete in women and you will find a whole array of women without tattoos
12/6/2013 4:11:52 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Denver, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
To get this angry and sensitive about my criticisms says a lot about you people.
You all made a choice and I think you're all secretly regretting it now. So, you're projecting all of those emotions onto anyone that disapproves of your choices. That's what I think.
Just as some tattooed freak as the right to wear a sleazy, naked girl tattoo in front of a bunch of children... expressing himself... I have every right to voice my "ugly," "hateful" opinions about the ugly Rorschach tests you've embedded into your skin.
12/15/2013 8:07:54 AM |
Why so many tattooed ladies? |

Colorado Springs, CO
42, joined Oct. 2013
Probably be barbed wire around the arm
on the girls
or tramp stamps! lol   on the boys