6/24/2013 5:49:17 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
I have only dated white men for the past ten years. I even have a biracial son. It's not that I'm against other races. I'm just attracted to tall Caucasian men( lol the more country they are, the better) However, I rarely get approached by them. I don't know if its because they don't care for black women, or if they are intimated Someone please explain
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6/24/2013 6:25:49 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Granite City, IL
38, joined Feb. 2013
I have only dated white men for the past ten years. I even have a biracial son. It's not that I'm against other races. I'm just attracted to tall Caucasian men( lol the more country they are, the better)  However, I rarely get approached by them. I don't know if its because they don't care for black women, or if they are intimated  Someone please explain  this white man is certainly attracted to you!
6/24/2013 6:43:02 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Saint Peters, MO
37, joined Jun. 2013
You know theres a stereotype that most people believe cuz of just plain not knowing. That black women are mean, over dramatic, and controlling. Sorry. Heard it my whole life from black and white guys , and in the media.
6/24/2013 7:33:04 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
Well Kebo, how does that work out for you. In knowing that you rely of the options of others? I could never live like that in telling myself "if it's in the media then it must be true". Even though I'm at the bottom of the race totem pole(I'm reminded by ppl like you often). I still smile, laugh, glow, and work hard daily. It's not me that you should be apologizing towards. It's your children or future children who you should be apologizing to. For passing on your views. Well, I suppose that they aren't your views. Just views that you adopted from other ppl 
6/24/2013 7:45:44 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Saint Peters, MO
37, joined Jun. 2013
I only meant that to offer a viewpoint. Not really my opinion,lol.
6/24/2013 8:35:08 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Sparta, MO
31, joined Jan. 2008
and hence played into the stereotype that you mentioned lol
6/24/2013 8:48:26 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
You are beautiful that's probably why. If I see a beautiful woman I usually assume they have a boyfriend. I would definitely wanna date you
6/24/2013 9:01:20 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Belleville, IL
29, joined May. 2013
I know exactly how you feel, girl. I've always been attracted to white men and that won't change anytime soon. But most of them seem like they'd rather believe the stereotype and judge me based on color and don't even try to get to know me. It actually hurts me a lot.
6/24/2013 9:51:45 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
East Saint Louis, IL
39, joined Sep. 2012
OP you're a cuttie. You shouldn't any problem pulling a white guy. They go for specific types of black women. You are their type.
6/24/2013 10:48:48 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Pacific, MO
28, joined Jun. 2013
I think black women are overall more attractive that the other races.
6/25/2013 12:47:43 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |


Eldon, MO
50, joined Oct. 2011
Not quite sure how to respond to the original question. I cannot speak for all white men, just as OP cannot speak for all black women. The truth is, we all have our preferences in hair color, eye color, height, shape, etc. Skin tone seems only natural for someone to have a preference one way or the other. If a white man prefers white women, it doesn't make him a racist any more than if a dark haired man prefers brunettes.
Now, speaking for myself, I like to think I'm open minded. I attended two HBCUs (Prairie View and Lincoln) and was exposed to a lot of culture I would not have experienced otherwise. And while living on campus at Prairie View, I came to realize that beauty comes in a wide palate of shades and colors.
6/25/2013 12:52:59 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Joplin, MO
50, joined Oct. 2009
Hello. I am attracted to black women as much as any other race. It just depends on the woman herself. If she is attractive and we have things in common, why not date? Also if you truly love that person, who cares what other people think? Just shows how ignorant they really are.
6/25/2013 9:56:22 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
I understand what you are attempting to say. However race/culture are completely different from hair color. I can change the color or texture of my hair whenever I'd like. I cannot change my race or anyone else's 
6/25/2013 10:06:24 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
I understand what you mean. As a teen it used to hurt my feelings a lot. Now I really don't get bothered by it much. The only thing that annoys me. Is that whenever I'm dating a white man. How some of them just want to be with me due to some social experiment or to satisfy some fetich It's easy to pick that "type" out. Because the will never bring you around their friends of family. Just be patient. You will find one that embraces your skin tone and culture. Also someone who could care less about what their family and friends have to say 
6/25/2013 11:08:37 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |


Eldon, MO
50, joined Oct. 2011
I understand what you are attempting to say. However race/culture are completely different from hair color. I can change the color or texture of my hair whenever I'd like. I cannot change my race or anyone else's 
That is true. But I wouldn't expect someone I'm interested in to change on account of me, just as I'm not willing to change just to be with somebody.
I suppose a more "elegant" way of saying what I meant is to say, while I may prefer redheads, I'm not opposed to dating a blonde.
That being said, you mentioned culture. Some day, I may want to get married again. But the woman I marry is going to have to enjoy the farm/hillbilly lifestyle. To be honest, there's not a whole lot of Black, Hispanic or Asian women in my area, so chances are high that I'll end up with a Caucasian wife. Is it possible to find a Black woman that likes fishin', tractor pulls and the County Fair? Can she 2-step? Well, I did read your profile, so yes, it is possible. Am I going to go out of my way to find such a woman? Prob'ly not.
Now let's turn things around a bit. Let's say you're out at the park or whatever and some White guy approaches you. He's wearing a button-up shirt with no sleeves, wrangler jeans and a John Deere ball cap. Is your first reaction to think he is genuinely interested? Or do you think maybe he's just trying to cross off something from the bucket list?
6/25/2013 11:30:56 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
I honestly can't determine that unless he opens his mouth and speaks. On a personal note. My family looks like the United Nations. So different cultures to me does not mean "bad". It simply means different. I enjoy learning about different backgrounds. That's what helps me grow as a woman. 
6/25/2013 2:15:42 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Fenton, MO
41, joined Jun. 2013
I think most white guys are intimidated. And think most black women are not in to white guys
6/26/2013 8:17:47 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
East Saint Louis, IL
39, joined Sep. 2012
I agree Rock and I think also the stereotypes about black women.
6/26/2013 10:39:28 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
Well if ppl are ignorant to believe the stereotype. then I wouldn't want those kind of ppl in my space regardless. Maybe it's because I was raised not to jump head first into stereotypes.
6/26/2013 11:21:44 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Saint Louis, MO
43, joined Jun. 2012
I think they are it just depends on the person. Just like not every black girl likes white guys and not every white guy finds black girls attractive.I think the reason for this especially in st.louis is because its not accepted socially depending on where u live. I myself find all races attractive. Is this not true
6/26/2013 11:50:19 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Florissant, MO
33, joined May. 2013
i am attracted to black women.. but they always shoot me down cause im a bigger guy...
6/26/2013 4:33:26 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Ann, MO
41, joined Jun. 2013
Umm yes , i see sexy a** black women all the time
6/26/2013 7:32:40 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
East Saint Louis, IL
39, joined Sep. 2012
I think they are it just depends on the person. Just like not every black girl likes white guys and not every white guy finds black girls attractive.I think the reason for this especially in st.louis is because its not accepted socially depending on where u live. I myself find all races attractive. Is this not true
I agree. Missouri is a very racist state. I've ran into so many closet racist that I'm glad a white guy don't want me. THANK GOD!
6/26/2013 10:23:08 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Florissant, MO
32, joined Feb. 2013
Me personally get more white guys approaching me than blacks. Which is really weird but I like it 
6/26/2013 10:41:18 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
49, joined May. 2013
Damn, if a guy won't come say hi to a woman he's attracted to, I will!! Step aside junior...
6/27/2013 4:01:10 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Lamar, MO
55, joined Jun. 2013
I think color of the skin is way over rated ya need to look deeper . If youre just lookn skin deep well thats pretty shallow . But yes I am attracted to black women. And you are very attractive.
6/27/2013 2:08:54 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
East Saint Louis, IL
39, joined Sep. 2012
Me personally get more white guys approaching me than blacks. Which is really weird but I like it 
Of course you live around them. And white men like specific types of black women. They don't want a hood nigga. 
6/27/2013 6:21:32 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |


Crane, MO
65, joined Jul. 2012
Of course you live around them. And white men like specific types of black women. They don't want a hood nigga. 
LOL watch it in another 27 years someone will come back on you like they did Paula Dean for using that last word. 
I'm enjoying the discussion ladies and gentlemen!
6/28/2013 11:32:49 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Jonesburg, MO
37, joined Apr. 2013
I can't speak for anyone but myself and I look at a women's personality by body language not the color of their skin or culture. And why does the man have to approach you I have always loved it when a women is outspoken and flirty, go talk to him or get his attention. That's just other stereotype.lol
7/1/2013 1:24:20 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Springfield, MO
30, joined Jun. 2013
I love black women
7/1/2013 6:33:42 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Independence, MO
43, joined Jun. 2013
There ain't nothing sexier than a black wom an.
7/7/2013 9:15:04 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
East Saint Louis, IL
39, joined Sep. 2012
LOL watch it in another 27 years someone will come back on you like they did Paula Dean for using that last word.
I'm enjoying the discussion ladies and gentlemen! 
I know right?
7/7/2013 5:13:17 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Litchfield, IL
50, joined Dec. 2012
I like all woman however black men seem offended seeing a white man with a woman not of the same race.Why do you only date white guys?
7/8/2013 9:34:20 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
East Saint Louis, IL
39, joined Sep. 2012
Just like some black women get offended when they see a black dude with a white chick. It don't bother me any.
[Edited 7/8/2013 9:34:43 AM ]
7/8/2013 7:28:59 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Valley Park, MO
40, joined Jul. 2013
I'm more attracted to black women than white women
7/10/2013 2:18:36 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Columbia, MO
33, joined Jan. 2013
I've dated black women before and I tell you they are very attractive to me. They are also wonderful in a relationship and seem more down to earth I guess you can say then white women are. If anything I find them less intimating then white women.
7/10/2013 7:16:18 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
35, joined Jun. 2013
I like all woman however black men seem offended seeing a white man with a woman not of the same race.Why do you only date white guys?
It's simply my preference. They say that 80% of black women refuse to date outside of their race. Because it makes them feel somewhat disloyal. I myself am good and loyal to those who are good and loyal to me. Which unfortunately has never been a man of color I like what I like. No apologies and no regrets
7/10/2013 8:19:51 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
41, joined Sep. 2012

7/10/2013 9:00:04 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Saint Louis, MO
31, joined Feb. 2013
I have dated a ton of black women and they treated me better then the the white women. The stereotype is bullshit. A woman is a woman period.
7/10/2013 10:22:48 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Excelsior Springs, MO
41, joined Jun. 2013
Deffinately alot of white men r attracted to black women! I think its jst the fear of not having things in common or how family may act or treat the other person etc. tht scares off guys from asking out girls of other colors! My 1st True Love was mixed,& I still MiSs her! But it was Tragic tht she died from the same disease I have the very night b4 we were to meet at camp so her memory still sticks w/ me! O
7/30/2013 2:27:48 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Algonquin, IL
44, joined Jul. 2013
There only one black female in here 
8/2/2013 7:43:21 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
Creed im cool with
8/2/2013 7:08:04 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Kansas City, MO
42, joined Aug. 2013
Yes, I am very attracted to black woman! Have had a blast with black woman,and they are fire in bed!! Goodtime's!!
8/3/2013 3:40:00 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

38, joined Jul. 2013
I agree!
8/3/2013 3:41:38 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

38, joined Jul. 2013
Well Hello!
8/3/2013 10:37:25 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
8/3/2013 10:40:13 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
8/3/2013 10:41:55 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
How are you doing thank you for the gift
8/3/2013 10:44:22 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
I like candle light dinners
8/3/2013 10:52:14 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
So what dose it really matter to you
8/3/2013 11:09:28 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
Dating a black woman aint no diffrent then dating a white woman
8/3/2013 11:14:20 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Bowling Green, MO
47, joined Jun. 2013
You dont have to chage any thing
8/5/2013 12:00:16 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |


Liberty, MO
35, joined Jul. 2012

8/6/2013 7:16:14 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Algonquin, IL
44, joined Jul. 2013
I love my black women my opinion I think black women r way better looking then white women everybody has there different views                              
8/14/2013 10:20:18 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint Louis, MO
24, joined Jul. 2013
You know your right. Stereotyping isn't good. You'll never know what's out there. Me personally I don't care to much of the background long as tthere's a connection.     
[Edited 8/14/2013 10:23:24 AM ]
8/19/2013 1:54:31 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Knob Noster, MO
62, joined Jul. 2013
I'd be attracted to an _Attractive_ black woman.....
...but won't explain....beyond that....
8/21/2013 12:17:44 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Kansas City, MO
72, joined Nov. 2008
However, I rarely get approached by them. I don't know if its because they don't care for black women, or if they are intimated  Someone please explain 
Maybe "YOU" could bypass some of your confusion by "YOU" starting the introductions and/or initial conversation..
Just saying "Hi (hello)" to a fellow will tell you quite a bit about them and what you are wanting to know..
8/22/2013 7:19:31 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |
Saint James, MO
38, joined Aug. 2013
Girl,first,a pretty girl is intimidating no matter the race.Second,hope this don't come of bad,but i find a person/s of a different ahh race(no such thing)usually have different styles.A white person tends to be more introvert,a black person more passionate,a brown person more aggressive,a yellow person more intelectual.That said,i thought according to science we all came from Africa.If you believe in a location...Keep the faith sweetness
8/23/2013 4:10:17 AM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Sunrise Beach, MO
40, joined Jul. 2007
This white boy is.
9/4/2013 10:54:42 PM |
Are white men attracted to black women at all?? |

Saint Charles, MO
39, joined Sep. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)