8/9/2013 12:56:54 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Savannah, GA
25, joined Aug. 2013
My indoor/outdoor cat has fleas. They have invaded my home! Any remedies?
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8/9/2013 2:16:42 PM |
Flea infeatation |

Burlington Flats, NY
58, joined Jun. 2011
Flea dip your cat every week with Hartz green. I mean shampoo.
Wear rubber gloves for dishes and long thick sleaves in the bathtub close the door or have cat professionally dipped
Use front line between front shoulder blades flea collars don't work at all. Bomb the house and shampoo carpets with flea shampoo. In 14 days repeat bombings and shampooing carpets
Shampoo cat every week but watch for cat acting different for this is poisonous even to you wash all towels immediately for most of the fleas won't be dead just sick. Wash all bedding where cat sleeps
If your yard has a lot of sand have a yard sprayer come out
This is a bad year for fleas
8/10/2013 9:00:32 AM |
Flea infeatation |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
NEVER DIP A CAT!Here fronline and other fibronyl based spot on's are nolonger working.I would suggest you call your vet and ask him or his tech to suggest something.Make certain you treat the cat's environment.Flea busters is priceless for in the house if you have carpet.Google them.
8/10/2013 10:22:10 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Savannah, GA
25, joined Aug. 2013
thanks guys
Fleas are bad this year
8/11/2013 12:51:48 AM |
Flea infeatation |
Eveleth, MN
42, joined Aug. 2013
Get frontline plus or some other flea product FROM THE VET. The over the counter flea preventatives are not safe, and they don't work. You will need about 4 doses. U might want to flea bomb the house as well....it'll help get rid if them quicker. Do you just have one pet??
8/11/2013 2:35:24 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Savannah, GA
25, joined Aug. 2013
Yes just one cat
9/13/2013 4:04:07 AM |
Flea infeatation |

Harrison, MI
62, joined Jul. 2013
1)Throw all of the pet bedding in the washing machine. This includes anything that the pets like to regularly lie or sleep on which isn't always intended to serve as pet bedding. If the bedding can go in the dryer, 15 or 20 minutes in a hot dryer will kill adults, larvae and eggs.
2)Vacuum everywhere. You should especially do this in areas that don't get much exposure to sunlight (fleas like humid and cool spots), anywhere that you find dried blood and feces (flea debris), and upholstered furniture. Before vacuuming the carpets, sprinkle salt, Borax or baking soda throughout. Work it into the base of the carpet with a broom. Let it sit for a few hours; all of these powders will cause the flea eggs that are tucked deep into the carpet to dry out.Don't let your pets walk on the carpet during this time, since they might get some stuff on their paws and lick it off, causing them to get sick. If there's a chance the pet will walk on the carpet, use baking soda and be thorough when working it into the base of the carpet so it doesn't sit on the surface and get on your pet's paws.
When the vacuum bag is full, seal it in a plastic trash bag and put it in a covered trash container, preferably outside. Otherwise, the little buggers can crawl out and make themselves cozy again.
3)Get one or two dehumidifier(s) depending on the size of your room. A 4x4m room needs a 10L/Day dehumidifier (it removes 10L of water in the air per day). Apparently, fleas require 50% or higher relative humidity to live. Keep the humidity in your room under 50% for 2 days will kill adult fleas and larva, and stop flea eggs from hatching. You just need to vacuum the flea jerky and their eggs.
4)Clean any outdoor areas where your pet might hang out. Trim lawns and weeds and expose any cool, moist dark spots (which fleas love) to sunlight, or keep your pet away from those spots.
5)Good Luck
11/4/2013 12:29:33 AM |
Flea infeatation |

Miami, FL
97, joined Jun. 2013
Throw banana peals on the floor all over your house the flees are drawn to the sweetness of the peal they eat away at it and it kills the fleas. Look it up online
11/4/2013 5:32:40 AM |
Flea infeatation |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Flea collars are in effective and you never dip a cat....see your vet for a monthly flea pill,bomb your house and treat your yard.
11/4/2013 1:38:05 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Biddeford, ME
32, joined Oct. 2013
ive heard you could use borax the powdered soap get the animals out sprinkle it around the house let it sit for an hour and then vaccum up dont know if it works or not havnt tried it
11/9/2013 3:46:15 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Miami, FL
37, joined Aug. 2013
Throw banana peals on the floor 
12/7/2013 12:52:38 AM |
Flea infeatation |

Miami, FL
97, joined Jun. 2013
Throw banana peals on the floor all over your house the flees are drawn to the sweetness of the peal they eat away at it and it kills the fleas. Look it up online
I tried this and it did not work. I had to just spray the place and the yard and that worked.
12/8/2013 2:49:40 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Chicago, IL
40, joined Sep. 2013
Fleas run from the smell of peppermint and it is pet friendly u can get liquid peppermint and u can add it to the pets shampoo fleas wont get on the pet anymore and as for the house add peppermint based air freshners and spray liquid peppermint in small spaces where fleas may hide and live .However u gotta get rid of all the pets bedding and stuff that might be infested or wash it and then spray it with peppermint it will keep the fleas away and ur house will smell like a candy cane for the holidays 
12/10/2013 8:14:41 PM |
Flea infeatation |


Woodlyn, PA
62, joined Dec. 2010
sounds like a great idea.
12/11/2013 10:30:43 PM |
Flea infeatation |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
2/8/2014 7:22:17 PM |
Flea infeatation |


Lexington, KY
52, joined Dec. 2013
a light Garlic wipe down-just make a garlic powder-water mix-enough kitchen garlic to color the gallon water-take a rag-and wet it ring it out-then rub cats hair backwards-to get to lower part of hair.but have to treat out side yard also-but 7-dust is good-kills ticks and does not harm plants.and other yard bug sprays-and treat inside also.
2/11/2014 11:12:19 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Moscow, ID
37, joined Feb. 2013
Capstar is THE best product for fast results. It will kill fleas for 24 hours.
2/12/2014 8:59:48 AM |
Flea infeatation |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Capstar is listed to work for only 24 hrs but Ive had it continue to work up to 3 days.
Guage looks like a million bucks with his full coat of hair,staph free skin and weight on his bones thanks to Comfortis.It only takes 1 flea bite to change his status...he's THAT allergic.
4/2/2014 11:05:44 AM |
Flea infeatation |
Norfolk, VA
45, joined Feb. 2014
There's medication called "Comfortis" that you can only get from the vet. Works wonders!! 
5/16/2014 4:20:25 PM |
Flea infeatation |


Henderson, TX
50, joined Mar. 2011
For your home...bomb it(be sure cat isn't inside) then when u go to bed set out pie plates with liquid dish detergent & water so its slippery to touch...then set a votive candle in the middle of it and set in middle of each room & let it burn all nite. Unplug your nightlights, turn off tv...let that be the ONLY source of light. The fleas & every just about every other bug will go for the light...then they get trapped in the soapy water and die. Look at the body count the next morning..you'll be amazed.
Repeat until you get nothing in the soapy water.
5/16/2014 5:14:19 PM |
Flea infeatation |
Jackson, OH
53, joined Apr. 2014
There's medication called "Comfortis" that you can only get from the vet. Works wonders!! 
It is the same as Capstar, only time released. But as with any medication, be careful and watch your pet closely for signs of toxicity. My yorkies can not take it.
5/20/2014 7:46:42 PM |
Flea infeatation |

Clarksburg, WV
60, joined Jan. 2013
you can put a soapy dish down and the flees willjump right in thing its summer i guess lol they go for a dip lol if you can give your animals a both do so with the better flea tick shampoo I had to boom my house twice last yr second time i put 2 cans to a rm and kept my cats in a closet with a window cracked open a little bit and a towel pushed under the door ... but their littler box in there to and food and drink worked using two in each rm ...
5/29/2014 2:40:11 PM |
Flea infeatation |

Boca Raton, FL
44, joined Apr. 2013
Flea collars are in effective and you never dip a cat....see your vet for a monthly flea pill,bomb your house and treat your yard.
This, and stop feeding the birds they carry fleas into your yard.
6/4/2014 4:12:28 AM |
Flea infeatation |

Miami, FL
97, joined Jun. 2013
If you have a big problem and want to end the problem fast you have to spray your yard and house. I hate it but it has to be done just leave for about 8 hours when done
6/4/2014 5:10:27 AM |
Flea infeatation |


Santa Clara, CA
55, joined Apr. 2011
For your home...bomb it(be sure cat isn't inside) then when u go to bed set out pie plates with liquid dish detergent & water so its slippery to touch...then set a votive candle in the middle of it and set in middle of each room & let it burn all nite. Unplug your nightlights, turn off tv...let that be the ONLY source of light. The fleas & every just about every other bug will go for the light...then they get trapped in the soapy water and die. Look at the body count the next morning..you'll be amazed.
Repeat until you get nothing in the soapy water.
Also, you can go to home depot and buy flea traps that plug in and light up. The base has a sticky trap the fleas are attracted to. Works the same as above without using candles and soapy water where pets may get too close too. Either way both methods work very well and you will be amazed at all the fleas you get.
6/4/2014 8:12:38 PM |
Flea infeatation |


Henderson, TX
50, joined Mar. 2011
I didn't know home depot had that. No worries on pets getting near the dish tho...they don't like the smell of the soapy water & avoid it. I still do it every so often but I'm not catching anything now unless its just a lil random bug...but no fleas at all.
6/15/2014 12:23:59 AM |
Flea infeatation |

Janesville, WI
56, joined Nov. 2013
You need to kill the fleas living in the house and yard and then on the cat.
First the yard. Granular insect killer. Spread it all of the yard, especially around and behind bushes. Water it in. This should be done each year beginning of June.
Now on to the house.
If your house is carpeted this is what you will need.
Go to Walmart or some store that rents carpet steamers.
Buy a liquid bug killers that says it will kill fleas and ticks.
Shampoo the carpet like it says to. But with this difference, add a cup of the liquid insect killer to where you put in the cleaning solution. You shampoo the carpet as usual. When you go to empty the dirty water you will see hundreds of fleas dead. Repeat one more time for the entire area.
Now the cat
Dust the cat with Flea and Tick powder. Do this outside. Then wash the cat witha flea and tick shampoo. Get the cat a flea collar.
6/15/2014 9:10:44 AM |
Flea infeatation |

Ninilchik, AK
67, joined Mar. 2014
Advantage is the best-we have a lady here that sell the ones for largest dogs with a measure and instructions to break it down to individual cat doses. They all cost the same so you get 6 or 8 for the price of one that way I even trap the feral cats and put it on them to keep them down in the neighborhood.