8/25/2013 11:16:38 AM |
Stinging Insects! |
Chandler, IN
52, joined May. 2013
Just thought I would ask and see if someone out there has ever dealt with ground Hornets? I have been stung several times now pushing my mower, I killed some when I found the holes but I still seem to be unable to contain them. The last time was really bad Hurt sent me to the Hospital
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8/26/2013 6:10:31 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
Those are probably yellow jackets & they are vicious. Lowe's sells a spray that shoots like 10 feet & it's cheap. Or you could spend more money & get a bag of granular insecticide that will kill everything, but that is not environmentally correct
8/27/2013 10:28:06 AM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I was stung by a hornet this morning.........OUCH!!!!!!!
8/28/2013 12:15:55 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
OP, I do housecalls
8/28/2013 1:16:43 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Frank ~~~ Do you remove hives?
8/29/2013 7:52:42 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Lynchburg, VA
52, joined Sep. 2012
Use a cupfull of 7 dust on the end of a long stick. Just dump it on the hole. Highly toxic to bees.
8/30/2013 7:43:28 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Harrison, MI
63, joined Jul. 2013
Just last week I was stung by 100's of
them.Felt like I was on fire.It's the vibrations
from mower that stirs them up.
Not sure if you ever watched the show
Billy the Exterminator (http://planetthrive.com/2010/08/billy-the-exterminator/ )
they show n tell you how to get rid of most bugs n bee's
it really works.Silica Gel is good-Pyrethriws made fro
Chrysanthemums,that works the best.
8/30/2013 10:12:22 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
You were stung by 100s of bees and didn't seek medical attention? I am surprised you are still alive! ..... 
[One does not have to be allergic to bee stings to suffer severe medical reactions when they have had repeated stings in a short period of time. Seek medical treatment immediately. Your life may depend on it.]
8/31/2013 7:40:46 AM |
Stinging Insects! |

Harrison, MI
63, joined Jul. 2013
 You were stung by 100s of bees and didn't seek medical attention? I am surprised you are still alive! .....
[One does not have to be allergic to bee stings to suffer severe medical reactions when they have had repeated stings in a short period of time. Seek medical treatment immediately. Your life may depend on it.] 
I don't have allergies to Bee Stings,Thank God.
Put a mixture of baking soda n water to make a paste
covered my legs,Benadryl helped also.It did scare me,
not to the point to seek medical attention.
8/31/2013 10:18:05 AM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
you lucked out then, Isreal ------ 100s of bee stings at one time affects the heart immediately.
Glad you are okay.
9/1/2013 5:08:19 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
This summer I have been bitten by wasps twice & more recently yellow jackets; the latter were more severe. The main symptom besides swelling is itching, 3 days latter & I am still itching. I dislike benadryl, so a cold compress relieves the itching temporarily
9/1/2013 11:53:13 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Wasps don't bite, do they?
9/2/2013 11:24:52 AM |
Stinging Insects! |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
Yellow jackets are wasps that nest in the group. Other wasps nest in vegetation. All female wasps have stingers
9/2/2013 9:51:26 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
I bet the OP has a stinger
9/29/2013 7:46:42 PM |
Stinging Insects! |
Chandler, IN
52, joined May. 2013
Yes they where yellow jackets needless to say I am real terrified to mow the yard now
9/29/2013 8:40:34 PM |
Stinging Insects! |
Oakland City, IN
58, joined Oct. 2012
When I find a nest of bees in the ground I just fill the tank on the mower and park it over the nest and walk away leaving it running. It does the extermination for me.
10/5/2013 3:17:05 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Evansville, IN
55, joined Mar. 2007
Next time you get stong, tape a copper penny(pre 1982, the rest are zinc) onto the sting. That oughta do the trick...
10/7/2013 5:16:55 AM |
Stinging Insects! |


Douglasville, GA
55, joined Jun. 2010
I've gotten into yellow jackets a few times myself I usually mix up some insect killer in a pump sprayer and wait till they are calmed down from being stirred up then soak the nest down until the bottle is empty I spray all around the hole in the ground then empty the rest right into the hole usually wipes them out.
[Edited 10/7/2013 5:17:24 AM ]
10/8/2013 4:59:21 AM |
Stinging Insects! |


Bean Station, TN
48, joined May. 2012
Whats up with all the yellow jackets this year?
I'm 44,and haven't seen them like this since i was 12.
I'm seeking the best way to penetrate nests,and totally wipe them out.
Gasoline will kill any insect,but on this one nest,i don't seem to be getting enough penetration.
11/21/2013 1:33:11 AM |
Stinging Insects! |
Chandler, IN
52, joined May. 2013
That's what the Doctor told me! to many stings close together can cause a worse reaction
11/28/2013 8:24:55 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

Too many stings in a short period of time can cause organ shutdown, or even death --- whether one has an allergy to the insect, or not.
1/1/2014 6:07:18 PM |
Stinging Insects! |
Evansville, IN
59, joined Apr. 2010
Best thing to do here is wait untill it's dark and their not very active. Just walk up with a cup or 2 of gasoline and pour it into the hole. Strike a match and burn it. It will kill what's there and others won't return. Of course you need to make sure you don't let it get out if control. It won't burn long. I've done this several times and it's worked every time. Plus I never got stung.
1/11/2014 2:58:18 AM |
Stinging Insects! |
Tulsa, OK
51, joined Oct. 2013
Best thing to do here is wait untill it's dark and their not very active. Just walk up with a cup or 2 of gasoline and pour it into the hole. Strike a match and burn it. It will kill what's there and others won't return. Of course you need to make sure you don't let it get out if control. It won't burn long. I've done this several times and it's worked every time. Plus I never got stung.
When i was a kid we poured a bunch of gasoline into a red ant hill. The kid that lit the match came really close to getting burned severely, the rest of us were basically deaf and shotgun blasted with sand and big pissed off ants. ...good times...
[Edited 1/11/2014 2:59:22 AM ]
1/18/2014 12:26:31 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
They will be be coming back out of hibernation soon................ooooooooooooooooooooo
1/18/2014 12:51:09 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
Hey OP I have a special stinger that will inject a certain venom that doesn't burn,
unless some of it gets into your eyes.  
1/18/2014 1:29:58 PM |
Stinging Insects! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
bee balm and safety glasses
2/2/2014 8:13:39 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Chelan, WA
73, joined Nov. 2008
Wasps don't bite, do they? 
They do NOT BITE..... But they do sting, injecting a poison with their stinger.
Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets, Bumble Bees and even Honey Bees sting.
A few Honey Bee sting can be very good for reliving arthritis suffers pain and actually can revers the arthritic condition for most people.
That is, if the stings are controlled and put on the arthritic joints where needed.
2/2/2014 8:27:05 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Chelan, WA
73, joined Nov. 2008
bee balm and safety glasses 
NO !!!
Wearing a brimmed hat and wearing a professional bee vial over your hat / head and closed securely at the neck / collar area and then wearing long sleeved leather gloves.
Wear a heavy shirt of TWO SHIRTS for protection. Then tie your shirt sleeve cuffs and pant cuffs closed tightly with string or strong elastic.
Then your ready to go mowing your lawns of fields that have ground wasp or what ever is stinging you.
I used to keep Honey Bees, I had all the necessary bee keeper clothing.
2/6/2014 1:17:51 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Cedar Grove, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
find the hole, nest in the ground; wait till after dark, because that is when they will all be in the nest, pour about 1 cup of gasoline in the hole, kills them all instantly, but be sure to wait till after dark, when they are all home, lol.
2/9/2014 1:46:53 PM |
Stinging Insects! |


Lexington, KY
52, joined Dec. 2013
Ground Hornets-hard to get rid of.Gas in hole is one way but we do not always see them-or find location-a good idea for flying insects-is the fly ribbon-and get many for a few dollars-at the dollar stores.It is sticky-so will nee clearance room when ya hang it up and pin good to ceiling.so it will not fall down.do not want to put one in a walking area-very sticky mess but does the trick catching flying bugs.You could even make your own wooden frame system for out side near areas you know ground hornets are.and prone to fly around.